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Counting our blessings

LAST year, Pangasinan has been largely spared from major calamities while other
towns and cities in regions had to suffer extensive damages and destruction to their

Pangasinan’s farmers enjoyed bumper harvests of rice, onions, mangoes in 2019.

Sure, we had our share of minor inconveniences from intermittent heavy rainfall but
nothing more serious. We were blessed.

However, it is during these comfortable times when our local governments should be
reminded not to become complacent, to be lax in protecting our surroundings and
environment and instead take time to imbibe and learn how to mitigate difficult
situations from the experiences of other provinces.

While we cannot predict nor control when natural calamities can occur in the
province, the worst can happen is to see our situation aggravated by our
communities’ indifference and abuses when we were comfortable.

Every Pangasinense must take it upon himself/herself to police the protection of our
surroundings and environment, never leaving it to others to protect and preserve
our communities’ gains for a safe and comfortable life.

If we don’t act collectively and consistently, and instead continue to keep our “puede
na, saka na, hindi muna” mindset, “sa huli ang pagsisisi” will inevitably happen to us,
with or without calamities.

Taal’s wake up call

IT is sad enough that movement aka life itself has practically stood still in at least 12
towns and cities of Batangas as a result of the devastating Taal Volcano eruption on
January 12. But sadder still is the fact that there was not enough update from
volcano officials that might have warned hapless residents of the impending
explosion that left a wide swatch of destruction. Already, there are more than
50,000 persons evacuated from some 15,000 families hit by the calamity. With
officials declaring a 14-kilometer danger zone, easily affected are 500,000-plus
persons. Alas, there are only 198 evacuation centers available. A huge wake-up call.

Reacting swiftly to this shocking reality, President Duterte ordered the immediate
construction of a massive evacuation complex on top of his financial, food and
clothing support to the victims. Heartwarming help and response amid adversity
and virtual helplessness. Inspiring.

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