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Search and Retrieve a Record from Access Database and VB.NET.

1. Create an access file with the table and entities like the image below.
2. Name your access database as StudentDB.
3. Create a Windows Form Application in VB. by following steps
4. Design your form as shown:
5. Named btnAdd and labeled it as "Add". This will add and save the inputted texts in all our textboxes.
6. Insert 4 textbox named txtSearch for the searching of student number as this is the primary key, txtName for Student Name,
txtCourse for Student course, and txtSection for student section. You must design your interface like this:

4. Create a module in your project and named it, modConnection.

Import Imports System.Data.OleDb library. This library package is for ms access database.
In your module connection, initialize the following variables.
1. Module modConnection
3. Public cn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
4. Public cm As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
5. Public dr As OleDbDataReader
Now, create a method named connection to have the connection string.
This will locate the StudentDB access database created earlier.
1. Public Sub connection()
2. cn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection
3. With cn
4. 'Provider must be Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0, find the access file, and test the connection
5. .ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Application.StartupPath
& "\sample.mdb"
6. .Open()
7. End With
8. End Sub

5. Back to our form, put this code for the form_load. We will call the connetion() method that we have created in our module. Because
we all know that module is access throughout the entire program.
1. Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles MyBase.Load
2. Call connection()
3. End Sub
6. For the btnAdd as adding and saving records to database button, put this code below.
We will first create a try and catch method to have the exception handling. Here, we will use the OleDbCommand with the method of
connection, CommandType.Text, and CommandText, with the OleDbDataReader to execute the CommandText. Note: The sql syntax
"INSERT INTO tblStudent (Snum,Sname,Scourse,Ssection) VALUES (@Snum,@Sname,@Scourse,@Ssection)" is for adding and
saving of records to the database. Snum,Sname,Scourse, and Ssection are our entities and @Snum,@Sname,@Scourse,@Ssection
are our parameters.
1. Try
3. cm = New OleDb.OleDbCommand
4. With cm
5. .Connection = cn
6. .CommandType = CommandType.Text
7. .CommandText = "INSERT INTO tblStudent (Snum,Sname,Scourse,Ssection) VALUES
To run the command of our parameters put this code below.
1. cm.Parameters("@Snum").Value = Me.txtSearch.Text
2. cm.Parameters("@Sname").Value = Me.txtName.Text
3. cm.Parameters("@Scourse").Value = Me.txtCourse.Text
4. cm.Parameters("@Ssection").Value = Me.txtSection.Text

Execute the non query and have a message of "Record Saved" after execution.
Clear all the textboxes after saving the records. And don't forget the Exit Sub command at the end of your Try method.
This will terminate the sub process of trying to add again another record.
1. Me.txtCourse.Text = ""
2. Me.txtName.Text = ""
3. Me.txtSearch.Text = ""
4. Me.txtSection.Text = ""
5. Exit Sub

Then to catch the error, put this in your catch method.

1. Catch ex As Exception
2. MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
3. End Try

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