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Dimension Accomplished Proficient Developing Beginning

Assessed 4 3 2 1
(Inquire) Clearly, Identifies most Identifies some Most or all of
accurately, and or all key issue/s key issue/s and/or key issues/
Identify and appropriately and/or problem/s. May and/or problem/s
define key identifies key problem/s. have some are not identified
issue/s and/or issue/s and/or Some minor inaccuracies, or defined, or are
problem/s problem/s inaccuracies or omissions or identified or
omissions may errors present that defined
be present, but interfere with inaccurately.
do not interfere meaning Meaning is
with meaning. unclear.
(Analyze) Presents Presents Presents some Does not present
appropriate, sufficient and appropriate relevant and
Present and sufficient and appropriate data/information. appropriate
Analyze Data/ credible data/information. May miss or data/information.
Information data/information. Generally, ignore relevant Fails to analyze,
Clearly analyzes analyzes data/information. or uses
information for data/information Analysis is inaccurate or
accuracy, for accuracy, limited or inappropriate
relevance, and relevance and somewhat analysis of
validity. validity. Minor inappropriate. data/information.
Information inaccuracies or May contain Copies
clearly relates to omissions do not inaccuracies or information
meaning interfere with omissions that without analysis.
analysis or interfere with
meaning. analysis and/or
(Evaluate) Clearly applies a Acknowledges Somewhat Student’s
multi- multiple simplified position is
Apply a dimensional approaches. position with grounded in a
Multi- approach. Some synthesis some sense of singular, often
Dimensional Synthesizes of perspectives. multiple personal
approach/ various May not fully approaches. perspective.
Consider perspectives. acknowledge Minor or vague Position may be
context Acknowledges limits of position synthesis of simplistic and
limits of position or context, but is perspectives. obvious.
or context. aware of limits Some Little or no
or context acknowledgement awareness that
position may position may
have limits. May have limits or
not acknowledge context.
(Solve) Reasoning is Reasoning is Reasoning Reasoning is
logical and mostly logical, contains elements illogical,
Demonstrate creative, complete, and of logic and/or simplistic,
Sound consistent, consistent. creative insight, inconsistent or
Reasoning complete and Demonstrates but not fully absent.
and often unique. some unique or resolved. May Conclusion is
Conclusions Conclusion is creative insight. have minor simplistic and
complex and/or Conclusion is inconsistencies or stated as an
detailed, well generally omissions. absolute, or
supported, complete, Conclusion is inconsistent with
creative, supported, and relevant but evidence or
complete, and mostly abbreviated or reasoning. Lack
relevant consistent and simplified, not of coherent or
relevant fully supported, clear conclusion.
and/or contains

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