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POSITIONING As you probably already know, a standing position is usually used for performance. For practice, a sitting position i less fatiguing, but if you only practice ina sitting position you will get comfortable playing in that position only. When you try to play standing up, it won’t feel right because the angle of your arms and hands to the guitar is different. The lower you wear the guitar when you stand, the ‘more different it will fel. Therefore, when you're starting out it'sa good idea to practice atleast half of the time standing up. Both positions should be equally comfortable. Practice at least halt the time standing up. Electric guitar requires the opposite approach from that of acoustic guitar. On an acoustic guitar, the strings don't make noise unless they are caused toring. With a loud, heavily-distorted electric guitar ‘on the other hand, the strings will tend to “take off” on their own and make noise unless something is done to prevent this. (See “feedback,” page 46.) Therefore, the resting position—when you aren't playing—is with your right and left hands lightly touching all six strings, to hold them quiet. Make it a habit to hold the strings mute with both hands when you aren't playing. ‘An important part of metal guitar technique is learning to always hold every string mute that is not intended to ring out, so that you don’t have unwanted string noise interfering with the notes that you are playing, The position above is the first step—there will be more on this throughout the book.

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