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A rule in grammar is a generalization. It is a formula that one makes to account for how a
given grammatical construction usually behaves. A rule is not necessarily true in every
instance. It is generally true. Don’t be concerned if you see or hear something that does not
coincide with a rule in this book.
In this guide:

Parentheses ( ) indicate optional usage when used in a rule.

Braces [ ] indicate either one choice or the other.

= cither has or has


The best method of improving your use of English grammar with this guide is to study
the formulas and sample sentence. Then do the practice exercise at the end of each section.
After each group of the lessons, there is an exercise using grammatical points from the
preceding explanations. If you still make errors, the practice test answer keys and the index
give you the page number of the explanation to study again.


Subject Verb Complement Modifier

John and I Ate A pizza Last night

We studied “present perfect” last week

The subject is the agent of the sentence in the active voice; it is the person or thing that
performs or is responsible for the action of the sentence, and it normally precedes the verb.
NOTE: every sentence in English must have a subject. ( in the cash of commands, the subject
[you] is understood.) The subject may be a single noun.

Coffee is delicious.
Milk contains calcium.
The subject may be a noun phrase. A noun phrase is group of words ending with a noun. (It
CANNOT begin with a preposition.)
The book is on the table.
That new red car is john’s.
Examples of subjects.

We girls are not going to that movie.
Marry, john, George, and I went to a restaurant last night.
The chemistry professor canceled class today.

It can act as a pronoun for a noun or can be the subject of an impersonal verb. As the subject of
an impersonal verb, the pronoun is not actually used in place of a noun, but is part of an
idiomatic expression.

It rains quite often here in the summer.

It is hard to believe that he is dead.
In some sentences, the true subject does not in normal subject position. There can act as a
pseudo-subject and is treated like a subject when changing word order question. However, the
true subject appears after the verb, and the number of the true subject controls the verb.

There was a fire in that building last month.

Verb (singular) subject (singular)
Was there a fire in that building last month?
Verb subject
There were many students in the room.
Verb (plural) subject (plural)
Were there many students in the room?
Verb subject


The verb follows the subject in a declarative sentence; it generally shows the action of
the sentence. NOTE: Every sentence must have a verb. The verb may be a single word.
John drives too fast.
The verb may be a verb phrase. A verb phrase consists of one or more auxiliaries and one
main verb. The auxiliaries always precede the main verb.
Jane has been reading that book.
(Auxiliaries-has, been; main verb-reading)
Examples of verbs and verb phrases:
She will go to Boston next week...
She must have gone to the bank.
Joe has gone home.
It was raining at six o’clock last night.


A complement completes the verb. It is similar to the subject because it is usually a

noun or phrase; however, it generally follows the verb when the sentence is in the active

voice. NOTE: every sentence does not require a complement. The complement CANNOT
begin with a preposition. A complement answers the question what? Or whom?

Examples of complements:

John bought a cake yesterday.(what did John buy?)

He wants to drink some water. (what does he want to drink?)
She saw John at the movies (whom did she see at the movies?)
Last night
They called Marry yesterday. (whom did they call yesterday?)


A modifier tells the time, place, or manner of the action. Very often it is a prepositional
phrase. A prepositional phrase is a group of word that begins with a preposition and ends with
a noun. NOTE : A modifier of time usually comes last if more than one modifier is present.
Examples of prepositional phrases :

In the morning, at the university, on the table

A modifier can also be an adverb or an adverbial phrase.
Last night, hurriedly, next year, outdoors, yesterday
NOTE : Every sentence does not require a modifier. A modifier answers the question when?
Where? Or how?
Examples of modifier :
John bought a book At the bookstore. (where did john a book?)
Modifier of place
Jill was swimming in the pool (where was Jill swimming?)
Modifier of place
He was driving very fast (how was he driving?)
Modifier of manner
The milk is in the refrigerator (where is the milk?)
We ate dinner At seven o’clock (when did we eat dinner?)
Modifier of time
NOTE: the modifier normally follows the complement, but not always. However, the
modifier, especially when it is a prepositional phrase, usually cannot separate the verb and the

Incorrect : She drove on the street the car

Verb complement
Correct : She drove the car on the street.
Verb complement

Exercise 1: Subject, Verb, Complement, and Modifier

Identify the subject, verb, complement, and modifier in each of the following
sentences. Remember that not every sentence has a complement or modifier. Examples :

Jill / is buying / a new hat / in the store.

Subject verb phrase complement modifier of place
Betty / is shopping / downtown.
Subject verb phrase modifier of place
1. George is cooking dinner tonight.
2. Henry and Marcia have visited the president.
3. We can eat lunch in this restaurant today.
4. Pat should have bought gasoline yesterday.
5. Trees grow
6. It was raining at seven o’clock this morning.
7. She opened a checking account at the bank last week.
8. Harry is washing dishes right now.
9. She opened her book.
10. Paul, William, and Marry were watching television a few minutes ago.


The noun phrase is a group of words that ends with a noun. It can contain determiner
(the, a, this, etc.), adjectives, adverbs, and nouns. It CANNOT begin with a preposition.
Remember that both subjects and complements are generally noun phrases.


A count noun is one that can be counted.

Book-one book, two books, three books, ………………

Student-one student, two student, three student, ………………….
Person –one person, two people, three people, …………….
A non-count noun is one that cannot be counted.
Milk-you cannot say : one milk, two milks,……………….
It is possible, however, to count nouns, while others can be used wit either. Memorize the
words in the following chart.


A(n), the, some, any - - The, some, any
This, that, these, those This, that - -
None, one, two, three…. None
Many Much(usually in negatives or questions)
A lot of A lot of
A number of
A large amount of
(a) few
Fewer . . . .than (a)little
More. . . .than Less. . .than
More. . . than
It is very important to know if a noun is count or non-count. Be sure that you know the
plurals of irregular count nouns. The following list contains some irregular count nouns that
you should know.

Person-people Child-children Tooth-teeth

Foot-feet Mouse-mice Man-men

The following list contains some non-count nouns that you should know

Sand Soap Physics Mathematics

News Mumps Air Politics
Measles Information Meat Homework
Foe Economics Advertising Money

*NOTE : Although advertising is a non-count noun, advertisement is a count noun. If you

wish to speak of one particular advertisement, you must use this word.

There are too many advertisements during television show

There too much advertising during television shows.
Some non-count, such as food, meat, money, and sand, may be used as count nouns in order
to indicate different types.

This is one of the foods that my doctor has forbidden me to eat.

(indicate a particular type of food)
He studies meats (for example, beef, pork, lamb, etc.)

The word time can be either countable or non-countable depending on the context.
When it means an occasion, it is countable. When it means a number of hours, days, years,
etc, it is non-countable.

We have spent too much time on this homework. (Non-count)

She has been late for class six times this semester. (Count)

To decide if a noun that you are not sure of is countable or non-countable, decide if you can
say : one--------------or a-------------for example, you can say “one book” , so it is a count
noun. You cannot say “one money ”, so it is not a count noun. Also, of course, by the very
nature of non-count nouns, a non-count noun can never be plural. Remember that, while some
of the nouns in the list of non-count nouns appear to be plural because they end in –s, they are
actually not plural.

Exercise 2: Count and Non-Count Nouns

Identify the following nouns as count nouns or non-count nouns according to their
usual meaning.
Television Atmosphere Foot Cup
Car Personal Tooth Money
News Water Soap Hydrogen
Geography Pencil Soup Minute

Exercise 3: Determiners

Choose the correct determiners in the following sentence.

1. He doesn’t have (many/much) money.

2. I would like (a few/a little), salt on my vegetables
3. She bought (that/those) cards last night
4. There are (less/fewer) students in this room than in the next room
5. There is (too much/ too many) bad news on television tonight
6. I do not want (these/ this) water.
7. This is (too many/too much) information to learn.
8. A (few/little) people left early.
9. Would you like (less/fewer) coffee than this?
10. This jacket costs (too much/too many)


A or an can precede only singular count nouns; they mean one. They can be used in a general
statement or to introduce a subject which has not been previously mentioned.
A baseball is round. (general-means all baseballs)
I saw a boy in the street. (we don’t know which boy)

An is used before words that begin with a vowel sound. A is used before words that begin with a
consonant sound.

a book an apple
Some word can be confusing because the spelling does not indicate the pronunciation.
A house (begins with a consonant sound)
An hour (begins with a vowel sound)
A university (begins with a consonant sound)
An umbrella (begins with a vowel sound)
The following words begin with a consonant sound and thus must always be preceded by a.

European Eulogy Euphemism Eucalyptus

House Home Heavy Half
Uniform University Universal Union

The following words begin with a vowel sound and thus must always be preceded by

Hour Heir Herbal Honor

Uncle Umbrella Unnatural Understanding

Initial sound of the word that immediately follow the indefinite article will determine whether
it should be a or an.
An umbrella a white umbrella
An hour a whole hour


The is used to indicate something that we already know about or something that is common
The boy in the corner is my (the speaker and the listener
Friend know which boy)
The earth is round. There is only one earth)

With non-count nouns, one uses the article the if speaking specific terms, but uses no article if
speaking in general.
Sugar is sweet (general-all sugar)
The sugar on the table is from
Cuba (specific-the sugar that is on the table)
normally, plural count nouns, when they mean everything within a certain class, are not
preceded by the.
Oranges are green until they ripen. (all oranges)
Athletes should follow a well-balanced diet (all athletes)

Normally a proper noun is not precede by an article unless there are several or things with the
same name and the speaker is specifying one of them.

There are three Susan Parkers in the telephone directory.
The Susan Parkers that now lives on First Avenue.

Normally words such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, school, church, home, college, and work do
not use any article unless to restrict the meaning.

We ate breakfast at eight o’clock this morning.

We went to school yesterday.

Use the following generalizations as a guide for the use of the article the.


Oceans, rivers, gulfs, plural Singular lakes

Lakes Lakes Geneva, lake Eric
The Red Sea, the Atlantic
Ocean, the Persian Gulf, the
Great Lakes
Mountains Mounts
The Rocky Mountains, the Mount Vesuvius, Mount
Andes McKinley
Earth, moon Planets, constellations
The earth, the moon Venus, Mars, Orion

Schools, colleges, universities when School, colleges, universities when The

The phrase begins with school, etc. phrase begins with a proper noun
The University of Florida, the College Santa Fe Community College, Cooper’s
Of Arts and Sciences Art School, Stetson University
Ordinal numbers before nouns Cardinal numbers after nouns
The First World war, the third chapter World War One, chapter three

Wars (except world wars)

The Crimean War, the Korean War

Certain countries of groups of Countries preceded by New or an adjective

Countries with more than one word such as a direction
(except Great Britain) the United New Zealand, South Africa, North Korea
States, the United Countries with only one word

King Jon, the Central African Republic. France, Sweden, Venezuela

Historical documents Europe, Africa, South America States
The Constitution, the Magna Charta Florida. Ohio, California
Ethnic groups Sports
The Indians, the Aztecs Baseball, basketball
Abstract nouns
Freedom. Happiness
General arecas of subject matter
Mathematic. Sociology
Christmas, Thanksgiving

Exercise 4: Articles
In the following sentence supply the articles (a, an, or the) if they are necessary If no articles
is necessary, leave the space blank.

1. Jason’s father bought him_________bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday.
2. _______ States of Liberty was a gift of friendship from_______France to______United
3. Rita is studying_______English and______math this semester.
4. _______judge asked_______witness to tell_______truth
5. Please give me ______ cup of ______ coffee with _____cream and _______ sugar.
6. _______ big books on ______ table are for my history class
7. No one in _______ Spanish class knew _______ correct answer to _______ Mrs. Perez’s
8. My_________ car is four years old, and still runs well.
9. When you go to ______ store. Please buy _____ bottle of _______ chocolate milk and
_____ dozen oranges
10. There are only ______ few seats left for ___ tonight’s musical at ______ university
11. John and Marcy end to ____ school yesterday and then studied in ______ library before
returning home
12. ______ Lake Erie one of ____ five Great Lakes in _____ North America
13. On our trip to ______ Spain, we crossed _______Atlantic Ocean
14. _____ Mount Rushmore is the site of ______ magnificent tribute to ______ four great
American presidents
15. What did you eat for _____ breakfast this morning?
16. Louie played_____ basketball and ____ baseball at ____ boy’s Club this year.
17. Rita plays ____ violin and her sister plays _____ guitar.
18. While we were in ______ Alaska, we saw ______ Eskimo village
19. Phil can’t go to _______ movies tonight because he has to write ______ essay.
20. David attended _______ Princeton University
21. Harry has been admitted to _________ school of medicine at _______ Midwestern
22. Mel’s grandmother is in ________ hospital, so we went to visit her _____ last night.
23. _______ political science class is taking _____ trip to United Arab Emirates in ______

24. _______ Queen Elizabeth II is _______ monarch of ______ Great Britain
25. ________Declaration of independence was drawn up in 1776.
26. Scientists sent ______ expedition to ________ Mars during ______ 1990s.
27. Last night there was ______ bird singing outside my house.
28. ______ chair that you are sitting in is broken.
29. _______Civil War was fought in _________ United States between 1861 and 1865.
30. _______ Florida States University is smaller than _______ university of Florida.


The use of the word other is often a course of confusion for foreign students.
Study the following formulas.


An + other + singular noun(one more)

Another pencil=one more pencil
The other + singular noun (last of the
The other pencil= the last pencil
Other + plural noun (more of the set) Other + non – count nouns (more of the
Other pencils=plural noun(the rest of set)
the set) Other water= some more water
The other pencils=all remaining
pencils The other + non –count noun (all the rest)
The other water =the reaming water

NOTE : Another and other are nonspecific while the other is specific. If the subject is understood, one
can omit the noun and keep the determiner and other so that other functions as a pronoun. . If it is a
plural count noun that is omitted, other becomes others. The word other can NEVER be plural if it
is followed by a noun..
I don’t want this book. .Please give me another
(another = any other book-not specific)
I don’t want this book.. please give me the other
The other = the other book-specific)
This chemical is poisonous. Other are poisonous too.
(other=other chemicals-not specific)
This chemical is poisonous. Others are poisonous too.
(other = other chemical-not specific)
NOTE : Another way of substituting for the noun is to use other + one or ones.

I don’t want this book. Please give me another one.

I don’t want this book, please give me the other one.
This chemical is poisonous. Other ones are poisonous too.
I don’t want these books. Please give me the other ones.

Exercise 5: Other

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of other.

1. This pen isn’t working. Please give me ____________ (singular)

2. If you’re still thirsty, I’ll make __________ pot of coffee
3. This dictionary has a page missing. Please give me _______ (the last one)
4. He does not need those books. He needs ________ (all the remaining)

5. There are thirty people in the room. Twenty are from Latin America and
_______ are from __________ countries.
6. Six people were in the store. Two were buying meat. _________ was looking at
magazines. _________ was eating a candy bar. ________ were walking around looking
for more food. (notice the verbs)
7. This glass of milk is sour _________ glass of milk is sour too.
8. The army was practicing its drills. One group was doing artillery practice. _________
was marching _________ was at attention ; and _________ was practicing combat tactics
9. There are seven students from Japan five students are from I ran, and ________ are from
10. We looked at four cars today. The first two were far too expensive, but _______ ones
were reasonably priced.
NOTE : It is also possible to use the demonstrative articles this, that, these, and those as
pronouns. It is correct to say this one and that one : however, it is not correct to say these ones
or those ones. Simply use these or those as pronouns without adding ones.

This elevator is broken. That one is also broken. (that one = that elevator)
These glasses are dirty. Those are dirty also. (those = those glasses)


As mentioned in item 3, the verb phrase consist of the main verb and any auxiliaries.


 Simple present – He walks to school every day.

 Simple past – He walked to school yesterday.

 Present progressive (continuous) – He is walking to school now.
 Past progressive (continuous) – He was walking to school now.
 Present perfect - he has walked to school several times.
 Past perfect – He had walked to school before he hurt his foot.

Given here is a list of some of the common irregular verbs in English. It is very important
that you know whether a verb is regular or irregular. You will notice that regular verb are the
same in the past tense and past participle; however, irregular verbs are very often different in
these forms.
You should also know that there is no change in the following verbs to indicate the different
This tense is usually not used to indicate present time. However, it is used to indicate
present time ( now ) with the following statue verbs.

Know Believe Hear See Smell Wish Think Possess

Understand Hate Love Leek Want Sound Exist Proffer
Have Need Appear Seem Taste Own Belong

NOTE : The verbs listed above are almost never used in the present past progressive
(continuous), although it is possible in some cases.

Simple present is used to indicate a regular or habitual action.

John walks to school every day.
Examples of simple present tense :

They understand the problem now. ( stative verb )

Henry always swims in the evening. ( habitual action )
We want to leave now. ( stative verb )
The coffee tastes delicious. ( stative verb )
Mark usually walks to school. ( habitual action )
Your cough sounds bad. ( stative verb )


Use the following rule to from the present progressive.

Subject + is + [ verb + ing ] . . . . .


The present progressive is used to indicate present time ( now ) with all but the stative verbs
listed previously.
John is eating dinner now.
It is also used to indicate future time.
We are leaving for the theater at seven o’clock.

Examples of present progressive :

The committee members are examining the material now. (present time)
George is leaving for France tomorrow. (future time)
The president is trying to contact his advisors now. (present time)
We are flying to Venezuela next month. (future time)

Exercise 6 : Simple Present and Present Progressive

Choose either the simple present or present progressive in the following sentences.
1. Something __________ (smell) very good.
2. We are ___________ (eat) dinner at seven o’clock tonight.
3. He ______________ (practice) the piano every day.
4. They ________________ (drive) to school tomorrow.
5. I ____________ (believe) you.
6. Maria ______________ (have) a cold.
7. Jorge ________________ (swim) right now.
8. John _______________ (hate) smoke.
9. Jill always ________________ (get) up at 6.00 A.M
10. Jerry _________________ (mow) the lawn now.


The simple past is used for a complete action that happened at one specific time in the past.
The italicized word in the previous sentence are important because they show that simple
past is not the same as past progressive or present perfect.

John went to Spain last year.

Bob bought a new bicycle yesterday.
Mark washed the dishes after dinner.
We drove to the grocery store this afternoon.
George cooked dinner for his family Saturday night.


Use the following rule to from the past progressive.

Subject + + [verb + ing ] …….. ..

The past progressive is used to indicate :

 An action which was occurring in the past and was interrupted by another action. In the this
case, the general rule is:

When + subject + simple past tense + subject + past progressive……………..

Subject, + past progressive + when + subject + simple past tense…………….

When Mark came home, Martha was watching television.

Martha was watching television when Mard came home.

 Two actions occurring at the same time in the past, in this case, the following rules usually

Subject + past progressive + while + subject + past progressive ……………..


While + subject + past progressive + subject + past progressive ……………..

Martha was watching television while John was reading a book.

While John was reading a book, Martha was watching television.

NOTE : The following construction is also possible, but it is not as common as the preceding

While + subject + past progressive + subject + simple past…..

While Martha was watching television, John read a book.

 An action which was occurring at some specific time in the past.

Martha was watching television at seven o’clock last night.

What were you doing at one o’clock this afternoon ?

Examples of past progressive:

John was walking to class when he lost his pen.
The student was reading while the professor was speaking.
George was watching television
Henry was eating a snack at midnight last night.

Exercise 7 : Simple Tense and Past Progressive

Use either the simple past tense or the past progressive in the following sentence as

1. Gene ____________ (eat) dinner when his friend called.

2. While Maria was cleaning the apartment, her husband ___________ (sleep)
3. At three o’clock this morning, Eleanor _________ (study)
4. When Mard arrived, the Johnson’s ________ (have) dinner, but they stopped in order to
talk to him.
5. John ____________ (go) to France last year.
6. When the teacher __________ (enter) the room, the students were talking.
7. While Joan was writing the report, Henry __________ (look) for more information.
8. We __________(see) this movie last night.
9. At one time, Mr. Roberts ___________ (own) this building.
10. Jose ___________ (write) a letter to his family when his pencil _________ (break)


Use the following rule to form the present perfect.

Subject + + [verb in past particle] .

The present perfect is used to indicate :

 An action that happened at an indefinite time in the past.
John has traveled around the world. (We don’t know when)
 An action that happened more then once in the past.
George has seen this movie three times.
 An action that began in the past and is still occurring in the present.
John has lived in the sane house for twenty years. (He still lives there)
John has lived in the same hose since 1975. (He still lives there)

Use for + duration of time: for five hours, for thirty years, for ten minutes. Use since +
beginning time: since 1975, since five o’clock, since January.


The adverbs yet and already are used to indicate that something has happened (or
hasn’t happened) at an unspecified time in the past. These adverbs are often used with the
present prefect.

Already – affirmative sentences

Yet – negative sentences and questions

NOTE: Already usually appears between the auxiliary and the main verb ; however, it can
appear at the beginning or end of the sentence. Yet appears at the end of the sentence.

Subject + + already + [verb in past participle]. . .

Subject + have + not + [verb in past participle] ………+ yet…….

Example of yet and already:

We have already written our reports.

We haven’t written our reports yet.
Gabriel has already read the entire book
The president hasn’t decided what to do yet.

NOTE: Another option with the use of yet is sometimes possible. In this case, the verb is
positive and the adverb yet does not appear at the end of the sentence.

Subject + + yet + [verb in infinitive] ……

John has yet to learn the material. = John hasn’t learned the material yet.
We have yet to decide what to do with the money = We haven’t decided what to do with the
money yet.

This use of yet should not be confused with the coordinating conjunction yet, which means
I don’t have the money, yet I really need the computer.
My neighbors never have the time, yet they always want to do something on Saturday nights.


For an action that began in the past and is still occurring in the present
(present perfect ruler, third item), it is also possible to use the present perfect progressive
(continuous). Use the following rule to form this aspect.

Subject + have + been + [verb + ing] ……

John has been living in the same house for twenty years. = John has lived in the same house
for twenty years.

Exercise 8: Present Perfect and Simple Past

Use either the present perfect or the simple past in the following sentences.

1. John __________________ (write) his report last night.

2. Bob____________________ (see) this movie before.
3. Jorge ________________ (read) the newspaper already.
4. Mr. Johnson _____________ (work) in the same place for thirty-five years, and he is
not planning to retire yet.
5. We _______________ (begin; negative) to study fir the test yet.
6. George _______________ (go) to the store at ten o’clock this morning.
7. Joan __________________ (travel) around the world.
8. Betty ___________________ (write) a letter last night.

9. Guillermo _______________ (call) his employer yesterday.
10. We _________________ (see; negative) this movie yet.


Use the following rule to form the past perfect.

Subject + had + [verb in past participle] …….

The past perfect is used to indicate:

 An action that happened before another action in the past; there usually are two actions is the
John had gone to the store before he went home.
1 st action 2 nd action

Exercise 9: Past Perfect and Simple Past

Supply the past perfect or simple past in the following past in the following sentences.

1. The policemen read the suspect his right after he ________ (arrest) him.
2. After John _________ (wash) his clothes, he began to study.
3. George ___________ (wait) for one hour before the bus came.
4. Maria __________ (enter) the university after she had graduated from the community
5. Jeannette __________ (wash) the pipettes after she had completed the experiment.
6. Jane sent a letter to her university after she ____________ (receive) her scholarship

7. After the stewardesses had served lunch to the passengers, they ________ (sit down).
8. The car ___________ (flip) ten times before it landed on its roof.
9. We corrected our papers after we ___________ (take) the quiz.
10. John _____________ (live) in Miami for one year when his parents come to visit.


Remember that the subject and verb in a sentence must agree in person

The elevator works very well. The elevators work very well.

Singular singular plural plural

When taking the TOEFL, you must always check the subject and verb to be sure they
agree. However, sometimes it is difficult to decide exactly what the subject is if the subject and
verb are separated.
The boys in the room are studying.
Plural plural
Very often, if the subject and verb are separated, the will be separated by a prepositional phrase.
The prepositional phrase has no effect on the verb.

Subject + [prepositional phrase] + verb

The study of languages is very interesting.

Singular subject singular verb
Several theories on this subject have been proposed.
Plural subject singular verb
The following expressions also have no effect on the verb.

Together with along with

Accompanied by as well as

The actress, along with her manager and some friends, is going to a party tonight.
Singular subject singular verb
Mr. Robbins, accompanied by his wife and children, is arriving tonight.
Singular subject singular verb

NOTE : if the conjunction and is used instead of one of these phrases, the verb would then be

The actress and her manager are going to a party tonight.

Plural subject plural verb

Exercise 10 : Subject – verb Agreement

Choose the correct form of the verb in parentheses in the following sentences.
1. john, along with twenty friends, (is/are) planning a party.
2. the picture of the soldiers (bring/brings) back many memories.
3. the quality of the recordings (is/are) not very good.

4. if the duties of these officers (isn’t/aren’t) reduced, there will not be enough time to finish
the project.
5. the effects if cigarette smoking (have/has) been proven to be extremely harmful.
6. the use of credit cards in place of cash (have/has) increased rapidly in recent years.
7. advertisements on television (is/are) becoming more competitive than ever before.
8. living expenses in this country, as well as in many others, (is/are) at an all-time high.
9. Mr. Jones, accompanied by several members of the committee, (have/has) proposed some
changes of the rules.
10. The levels of intoxication (vary/varies) from subject to subject.



Some words are often confused by students as being plural. The following words must be
following by singular verbs and pronouns in formal written English.

Any + no + some +
Singular noun singular noun singular noun
Anybody nobody somebody
Anyone no one some one
Anything nothing something

Every + singular noun each + singular noun

Everyone either*
Everything neither*

*Either and neither are singular if they are not used with or and nor.

Everybody who has not purchased a ticket should be in this line.

Something was under the house.
If either of you takes a vacation now, we will not be able to finish the work.
Anybody who has lost his ticket should report to the desk. (note the singular pronoun)
No problem is harder to solve than this one.
Nobody works harder than John does.


None can take either a singular or plural verb, depending on the noun which follows it.

None + of the + non-count noun + singular verb\

None of the counterfeit money has been found.

None + of the + plural count noun + plural verb

None of the students have finished the exam yet.

No can take either a singular or plural verb depending on the noun which follows it.
Singular noun
No + singular verb
Non-count noun

No example is relevant to this case.

No + plural noun + plural verb

No examples are relevant to this case.


When either and neither are followed by or and nor, the verb may be singular or plural,
depending on whether the noun following or and nor is singular or plural. If or nor appears
alone, the same rule applies. Study the following formulas.

Neither nor
+ noun + + plural noun + plural verb
Either or

Neither John nor his friends are going to the beach today.
Plural noun plural verb
Either John or his friends are going to the beach today.
Plural noun plural verb

Neither nor
+ noun + + singular noun + singular verb
Either or

Neither John nor Bill is going to the beach today.
Singular noun plural verb
Either John or Bill is going to the beach today.
Singular subject singular verb


If a sentence begins with [ verb + ing ] (gerund), the verb must also be singular.

Knowing her has made him what he is.

Not studying has caused him many problem.
Washing with a special cream is recommended for scalp infections.


Also many words indicating a number of people animals are singular. The following
nouns are usually singular. In some cases they are plural if the sentence indicates that the
individual members are acting separately.

Congress family group committee class

Organization team army club crowd
Government jury majority minority* public

Majority can be singular or plural. If it is alone it is usually singular; if it is followed by a plural

noun, it is usually plural.

The majority believes that we are in no danger

The majority of the students believe him to be innocent.
Examples of collective nouns:

The committee has met, and it has rejected the proposal.

The family was elated by the news.
The following nouns are used to indicate groups of certain animals. It is not necessary to learn the
nouns; however, they mean the same as group and thus are considered singular.

Flock of bird, sheep school of fish

Herd of cattle pride of lions
Pack of dogs

The flock of birds is circling overhead.

The herd of cattle is breaking away.
A school of fish is being attacked by sharks.

Collective nouns indicating time, money, and measurements used as a whole are singular.

Twenty-five dollars is too much to pay for that shirt.

Fifty minutes isn’t enough time to finish this test.
Twenty dollars is all I can afford to pay for that recorder.
Two miles is too much to run in one day.


A number of + plural noun + plural verb ……..

The number of + plural noun + singular verb ……..

A number of students are going to the class picnic. (a number of = many)

The number of days in a week is seven.
A number of the applicants have already been interviewed.
The number of residents who have been questioned on this matter is quite small.


The following nouns are always considered plural. They cannot be singular. In order
to speak of them as singular, one must say “a pair of __________.

Scissors shorts pants jeans tongs

Trousers eyeglasses pliers tweezers

The pants are in the drawer.

A pair of pants is in the drawer.


Remember that with sentence beginning with the existential there, the subject is
actually after verb.

There is
There was + singular subject ……… (or non-count)
There has been

There are
There were + plural subject ………
There have been

Exercise 11: Subject –Verb Agreement.

Choose the correct form of the verb in the following sentences.

1. neither bill nor Mary (is/are) going to the play tonight.

2. anything (is/are) better than going to another movie tonight.
3. skating (is/are) becoming more popular every day.
4. a number of reporters (was/were) at the conference yesterday.
5. everybody who (has/have) a fever must go home immediately.
6. your glasses (was/were) on the bureau last night.
7. there (was/were) some people at the meeting last night.
8. the committee (has/have) already reached a decision.
9. a pair of jeans (was/were) in the washing machine this morning.
10. each student (has/have) answered the first three questions.
11. either john or his wife (make/makes) breakfast each morning.
12. After she had perused the material, the secretary decided that everything (was/were) in
13. The crowd at the basketball game (was/were) wild with excitement.

14. A pack of wild dogs (has/have) frightened all ducks away.

15. The jury (is/are) trying to reach a decision.
16. The army (has/have) eliminated this section of the training test.
17. The number of students who have withdrawn from class this quarter (is/are) appalling.
18. There (has/have) been too many interruptions in this class.
19. Every elementary school teacher (has/have) to take this examination.
20. Neither Jill nor her parents (has/have) seen this movie before.

7. pronouns

There are five forms of pronouns in English: subject pronouns, complement pronouns
(object pronouns), possessive pronouns, possessive adjective, and reflexive pronouns.


Subject pronouns occur in the subject position of a sentence or after the verb be. Study
the following list of subject pronouns.

I we
NOTE: Also use the subject pronoun after than, as, and
He She

I am going to the store.

We have lived here for twenty years.
It was she who called you. (after the verb be)
George and I would like to leave now.
We students are going to have a party.
NOTE : We, you, and us can be followed directly by a noun. In the above sentence we students
makes it more clear exactly who we refers to.


Complement pronouns occur in complement position, whether they complement verb or

preposition. Study the following list.

Me us
You you
Her them

NOTE: You and it are the same for subject or complement position. The others are different.

They called us on the telephone.


John told her a story.
The policeman was looking for him
After preposition
To us it seems like a good bargain.
After preposition

After preposition
However remember that many prepositions can also functions as other parts of speech, like adverbs
or conjunctions. Therefore, you must determine the part of speech of the word from context and not
simply rely on your normal understanding of the word.

Janet will make her presentation after him.

Preposition complement pronoun
Janet make her presentation after he finished his speech.
Conjunction subject pronoun

(A clause contains a subject and a verb : In the clause above, he is the subject and finished is
the verb)


Possessive adjective are not the same as possessive pronouns. These simply modify,
rather than replace, nouns; possessive pronouns replace nouns. Possessive form indicate ownership.
Study the following adjective.

My our
Your His NOTE: Possessive adjective are used to refer to parts of a

Her their body.


John is eating his dinner.

The cat has injured its foot.
The boy broke his arm yesterday.
She forgot her homework this morning.

NOTE : its is not the same as it’s. It’s means it is or it has.


These pronouns cannot precede a noun. They are pronouns and thus replace the noun.
The noun is understood from the context and is not repeated. Study the following pronouns
NOTE : mine + my + noun; for example, my book
Yours + your + noun; for example, your pen
Hers + her + noun; for example, her dress

Mine ours
Yours His
NOTE: His and its are the same whether they precede a noun
Hers theirs
or not

Examples of possessive pronouns :

This is my book. This is mine.

Your teacher is the same as his teacher. Yours is the same as his.
Her dress is green and my dress is red. Hers is green and mine is red.
Our books are heavy. Ours are heavy.
Their coats are too small. Theirs are too small.


These pronouns usually follow the verb and indicate that the subject is both giving and
receiving the action. Study the following list.

Myself ourselves NOTE: In the plural, the self changes to selves.

Yourself yourselves NOTE: Most forms are made by adding the suffix to the

Himself possessive adjective; however, himself, itself, and

Herself themselves themselves are made adding the suffix to the complement

Itself form. The forms hisself and theirselves are ALWAYS


NOTE: John bought him a new car. (him = another person)

John bought himself a new car. (himself = John)

Examples of reflexive pronouns:

I washed myself.
She served herself in the cafeteria.

They were talking among themselves.

Reflexive pronouns can also be used for emphasis. This means that subject did the action alone. In
this case, it normally follows the subject.

I myself believe that the proposal is good.

He himself set out to break the long distance flying record.
The students themselves decorated the room.
You yourself must do this homework.

NOTE: By + reflexive pronoun can also mean alone.

John washed the dishes by himself = John washed the dishes alone.

Exercise 12: pronouns

Circle the correct form of the pronoun or possessive adjective in the following sentence.

1. I go to school with (he/him) every day.

2. I see (she/her/herself) at the Union every Friday.
3. She speaks to (we/us/ourselves) every morning.
4. Isn’t (she/her). A nice person?
5. (He/him) is going to New York on vacation.
6. (She/her) and John gave the money to the boy.
7. (Yours/your) record is scratched and (my/mine) is too.
8. I hurt (my/mine/the) leg.
9. John bought (himself/herself/hisself) a new coat.
10. (We/us) girls are going camping over the weekend.
11. Mr. Jones cut (hisself/himself) shaving.
12. We like (our/ours) new car very much.
13. The dog bit (she/her) on the leg.
14. John (he/himself) went to the meeting.
15.You’ll stick (you/your/yourself) with the pins if you are not careful.
16. Marry and (I/me) would rather go to the movies.
17.Everyone has to do (their/his) own research.
18.Just between you and (I/me), I don’t like this food.
19.Monday is a holiday for (we/us) teachers.
20.(Her/hers) car does not go as fast as (our/ours)


Some verbs can take another verb as the complement instead of a noun. Sometimes the
verb functioning as the complement must be in the infinitive (to + verb) and sometimes it must be
in he gerund (verb + ing ) form. The following verbs are always followed by the infinitive if the
complement is a verb.
Agree attempt claim decide demand
Desire expect fail forget hesitate
Hope intend learn need offer
Plan prepare pretend refuse seem
Strive tend want wish

John expects to begin studying law next semester.

Mary learned to swim when she was very young.

The budget committee decided to postpone this meeting.

The president will attempt to reduce inflation in the next four years.


Other verbs must always be followed by the gerund. These verbs include:

Admit appreciate avoid can’t help

Delay deny enjoy finish mind
Miss postpone practice quit recall
Report resent resist resume risk

John admitted stealing the jewels.

We enjoyed seeing them again after so many years.
You shouldn’t risk entering that building in its present condition.

NOTE: These sentences are made negative by adding the negative particle not before the
infinitive or gerund.

John decides not to buy the car.

We regretted not going to the party last night.
The following verbs can be followed by either the infinity or the gerund with no change in

Begin can’t continue dread

Hate like love prefer
Regret start try

He started to study after dinner. OR He started studying after dinner.
Joan hates to ride her bicycle to school. OR Joan hates riding her bicycle
To school.


If a verb + preposition, adjective + preposition, noun + preposition, or preposition

alone is followed directly by a verb, the will always be in the gerund form. The following list
consists of verbs + preposition.

Approve of be better of count on depend on

Give up insist on keep on put off
Rely on succeed in think about think of
Worry about

The following expressions contain the preposition to. The word to in these expressions must not
be confused with the to in the infinitive. These verb + preposition expressions must also be
followed by the gerund.

Object to look to confess to

John gave up smoking because of his doctor’s advice.

Mary insisted on taking the bus instead of the plane.
Fred confessed to stealing the jewels.
We are not looking forward to going back to school.



The following adjectives + preposition are also followed by the gerund.

Accustomed to afraid of capable of fond of

Intent on interested in successful in tired of

Mitch is afraid of getting married now.

We are accustomed to sleeping late on weekends.
Alvaro is intent on finishing school next year.


The following nouns + preposition are also followed by the gerund.
Choice of excuse for intention of method for
Possibility of reason for (method of)

George has no excuse for dropping out of school.

There is a possibility of acquiring this property at a good price.
There is no reason for leaving this early.
Connie has developed a method for evaluating this problem.

Any time a preposition is followed directly by a verb, the verb will be in the gerund form.
After leaving the party, Ali drove home.
He should have stayed in New York instead of moving to Maine.


The following adjectives are always followed by the infinitive form of the verb and never by the

Anxious boring dangerous hard

Eager easy good strange
Pleased prepared ready able*
Usual common difficult

Able means the same as capable in many instances, but the grammar is very different.
While ale is followed by the infinitive, capable is followed by of + [verb + ing].
These students are not yet able to handle such difficult problems.

Examples of adjectives followed by infinitives:

Mohammad is eager to see his family.
It is dangerous to leave now.

Some verbs can be followed by either the infinitive or the gerund, but the meaning changes.

Stop remember forget

John stopped studying. (John is not going to study anymore)

John stopped to study. (John stopped doing something in order to study)

Exercise 13: Verbs as Complements

Choose the correct form of the verb in parentheses in the following sentences.

1. The teacher decide (accepting/to accept) the paper.
2. They appreciate (to have/having) this information
3. His father doesn’t approve of his (going/to go) to Europe.

4. We found it very difficult (reaching/to reach) a decision.

5. Donna is interested in (to open/opening) a bar.
6. George has no intention of (to leave/leaving) the city now.
7. We are eager (to return/returning) to school in the fall.
8. You would be better off (to buy/buying) this car.
9. She refused (to accept/accepting) the gift.
10. Mary regrets (to be/being) the one to have to tell him.
11. George pretended (to be/being) sick yesterday.
12. Carlos hopes (to finish/finishing) his thesis this year.
13. They agreed (to leave/leaving) early.
14. Helen was anxious (to tell/telling) her family about her promotion.
15. We are not ready (to stop/stopping) this research at this time.
16. Henry shouldn’t risk (to drive/driving) so fast.
17. He demands (to know/knowing) what is going on.
18. She is looking forward to (return/returning) to her country.
19. There is no excuse for (to leave/leaving) the room in this condition.
20. Gerald returned to his home after (to leave/leaving) the game.


In cases where the infinitive is used as a complement, any noun or pronoun directly
preceding, it will be in the complement form. Some common verbs which are followed by the
infinitive and which often require an indirect object are listed here.

Allow ask beg expect instruct

Invite order permit prepare promise
Remind urge want

Subject + verb + complement form + [to + verb] . . .

Joe asked Mary to call him when she woke up.

We ordered him to appear in court.
They were trying to persuade him to change his mind.

However, before the gerund, a noun or pronoun must appear in the possessive form.

Possessive form of noun
Subject + verb + + [verb + ing] ….
Possessive adjective

We understand your not being able to stay longer.

He regrets her leaving.
We are looking forward to their coming next year.
We don’t approve of john’s buying this house.

Exercise 14: Pronouns with Verbs as Complements

Choose the correct form of the pronoun in each of the following sentence.

1. Richard is expecting (us/our) to go to class tomorrow.

2. You shouldn’t rely on (him/his) calling you in the morning.
3. They shouldn’t approve of (us/our) leaving early.
4. George asked (me/my) to call him last night.
5. We understand (him/his) having to leave early.
6. John resented (George/George’s) losing the paper.
7. We object to (the defense attorney)/the defense attorney’s) calling the extra witness.
8. We are expecting (Henry/Henry’s) to call us.
9. They are looking forward to (us/our) visiting them.
10. Susan regrets (John/John’s) being in trouble.


The verb need is followed by the infinitive only if an animate being is the subject.
If an inanimate object is the subject of this verb, the is followed by a gerund or the verb be
plus the past participle.

Animate being as subject + [verb in infinitive] …

John and his brother need to paint the house.

He will need to drive alone tonight.

Verb + ing
Inanimate object as subject + ……….
To be +[verb in past participle]
The grass needs cutting OR the grass needs to be cut.
The television needs repairing OR the television needs to be repaired.
The composition needs rewriting OR the composition needs to be rewritten.


It is also possible to use the expression in need of in some cases instead of using need
as a verb. Because need is not a verb in this case, it must be precede by the verb be. Study the
following rule.

Subject + be + in need of + noun …..

Jill is in need of money. (Jill needs money)

The roof is in need of repair. (The roof needs to be repaired)
The organization was in need of volunteers. (The organization needed volunteers)

Exercise 15: Need

Supply the correct form of the verb after need in each of the following sentences.

1. It’s too hot and my hair needs ________ (cut)

2. The flowers need to be __________ (water)
3. James needs ________ (see) a doctor soon.
4. Mary will need ________ (make) a new dress for the party.
5. His piano needs _______ (tune).
6. You will need _________ (be) here at eight.
7. The squeaky door needs to be _______ (oil)
8. I need ________ (go) shopping this afternoon.
9. They need ________ (study) harder for that test.
10. The house needs to be ________ (paint) soon.


Remember that, when forming a question. One must place the auxiliary or the verb is
before the subject. If there is no auxiliary or be, one must use the correct form of do,
does, or did. After do, do, or did, the simple form of the verb must be used. The tense
and person are shown only by this auxiliary, not by the main verb.


These are questions for which the answer is yes or no.

Be + subject + verb ….
Do, does, did

Is Mary going to school today?

Was Mary sick yesterday?
Have you seen this movie before?
Will the committee decide on the proposal today?
Do you want to use the telephone?
Does George like peanut butter?
Did you go to class yesterday?


These are questions for which the answer is more than yes or no; there must be some
Information in the answer. There are there different rules in this part:
 Who or what in subject questions: A subject question is one in which the subject is unknown.

+ verb + (complement) + (modifier)
Who opened the door? (Someone opened the door)
What happened last night? (Something happened last night)

NOTE: It is NOT CORRECT to say: who did open the door?

What did happen last night?
 Whom and what in complement questions: A complement question is one in which the
complement is unknown.

Whom auxiliary
+ + subject + verb + (modifier)
What do, does, did

NOTE: Although in speech, most people use who rather than whom in these questions, in correct
written English, you should use whom to indicate that the question word comes from the
complement position.

Whom does Ahmad know from Venezuela? (Ahmad knows some one from Venezuela)
What did George buy at the store? (George bought something at the store)
When, where, how, and why questions: These questions are formed he same as complement

+ be + subject + (verb) + (complement) + (modifier)...
do, does, did

When did John move to Jacksonville?

Where does Mohammad live?
Why did George leave so early?
How did Maria get to school today?
Where has Henry gone?
When will Bertha go back to Mexico?


An embedded question in one which is included in a sentence or another question. The word
order is not that of typical question, except for subject question. Study the following rule.

Subject + verb (phrase) + question word + subject + verb

NOTE: There must not be an auxiliary between the question word and the subject in an embedded

Question: Where will the meeting take place?

Embedded question: We haven’t ascertained where the meeting will take place.
Question: Why did the plane land at the wrong airport?
Embedded question: The authorities cannot figure out why the plane landed at the wrong airport.

The following rule applies if the embedded question is embedded in another question.

Auxiliary + subject + verb + question word + subject + verb

Do you know where he went?

Could you tell me what time it is?

NOTE: Question words can be single words or phrase. Phrase include: Whose + noun, how
many, how long, how often, what time, and what kind.

The professor didn’t know how many students would be in her afternoon class.
I have no idea how long the interview will take.
Do they know how often the bus runs at night?
Can you tell me how far the museum is from the college?

NOTE: There is no change in the order of subject position question because the question word is
functioning as the subject.

Who will paint that picture?

They can’t decide who will paint that picture?
Whose car is parked in the lot?
The police can’t determine whose car is parked in the lot.

Exercise 16: Embedded Questions

Complete the following sentences making embedded question from the questions given before
each one. Example: Where did he go? I know where he went.
1. Who will be elected president? I’m not sure ________________
2. Whose book is it? They haven’t discovered ________________
3. How much will it cost to repair the car? The mechanic told me ________________
4. How was the murder committed? The police are still trying to decide ________________
5. How tall is John? Do you know ________________?
6. How well does she play the guitar? You can’t imagine ________________
7. When will the next exam take place? Do you know ________________
8. Where did they spend their vacation? Angela told me ________________
9. Why are they buying a new house? I don’t know ________________
10. How long does the class last? The catalog doesn't say ________________


In a tag question, the speaker makes a statement, but is not completely certain of the truth, so
she or she uses a tag question to verify the previous statement. Sentences using tag questions
should have the main clause separated from the tag by a comma. The sentence will always end
with a question mark. Observe the following rules.

1. Use the same auxiliary verb as in the main clause. If there is no auxiliary,
use do, does, or did.
2. If the main clause is negative, the tag is affirmative, if the main clause is
affirmative, the tag is negative.
3. Don’t change the tense.
4. Use the same subject in the main clause and the tag. The tag must always

contain the subject firm of the pronoun.
5. Negative forms are usually contracted (not). (If they are not, they follow
the order auxiliary + subject + not: He saw this yesterday, did he not?)
6. These are, there are, and it is forms contain a pseudo- subject so the tag
will also contain there or it as if was a subject pronoun.
7. The verb have may be used as main verb (I have a new car) or it may be
used as an auxiliary (Hahn has gone to class already). When it functions
as a main verb in American English, the auxiliary forms do, does, or did
must be used in the tag.

There are only twenty- eight days in February, aren’t there?

It’s raining now, isn’t it? It isn’t raining now, is it?
You and I talked with the professor yesterday, didn’t we?
In British English, you would be correct to say:
You have two children, haven’t you?

On TOEFL, which tests standard American English, you must use a from of do if have is the main
verb in the sentence.
She has an exam tomorrow, doesn’t she?

Exercise 17: Tag Questions

Finish these sentences by adding a tag question with the correct from of the verb and the
subject pronoun.

1. You’re going to school tomorrow, ________________?

2. Gary signed the petition, ________________?
3. There’s an exam tomorrow, ________________?
4. Beverly will be attending the university in September, ________________?
5. She’s been studying English for two years, ________________?
6. It sure is sunny today, ________________?
7. He should stay in bed, ________________?
8. You can’t any peaches left, ________________?
9. There aren’t any peaches left, ________________?
10. We’ve seen that movie, ________________?


When indicating that one person or thing does something and then adding that another

The same use the word so or too. To avoid. Needless repetition of words from the affirmative
statement, use the conjunction and, followed by a simple statement using so or too. The order
of this statement will depend on whether so or too in used.

 When a from of the verb be is used in the main clause, the same tense of the verb be is used in
the simple statement that follows.

Subject + verb (be) + too

Affirmative statement (be) + and +
So + verb (be) + subject

I am happy, and you are too.

I am happy, and so are you.
 When a compound verb (auxiliary + verb), for example. Will go, should do, has done, have
written, must examine, etc, occurs in the main clause, the auxiliary of the main verb is used in
the simple statement, and the subject and verb must agree.

Subject + verb (be) + too

Affirmative statement + and + (compound verb)
So + verb (be) + subject

They will work in the lab tomorrow, and you will too.
They will work in the lab tomorrow, and so will you.

 When any verb except be appears without any auxiliaries in the main clause, the auxiliary do,
does, or did is used in the simple statement. The subject and verb must agree and the tense
must be the same.

Affirmative statement + and + subject + do, does, or did, + too

(single verb except be) so + do, does, or did + subject

Jane goes to that school, and my sister does too.

Additional examples:
John went to the mountains on his vacation. And we did too.
John went to the mountains on his vacation. And so did us.
I will be in New Mexico in August, and they will too.

Exercise 18: Affirmative Agreement

Supply the correct form of the verb for the simple statement in each of the following
1. Rose likes to fly and her brother ________________ too.
2. They will leave at noon, and I ________________ too.
3. He has an early appointment, and so ________________I
4. She has already written her composition, and so ________________her friends.
5. Their plane is arriving at nine o’clock and so ________________mine.
6. I should go grocery shopping this afternoon, and so ________________my neighbor.
7. We like to swim in the pool, and they ________________too.
8. Our Spanish teacher loves to travel, and so ________________we.
9. He has lived in Mexico for five years, and you ________________too.
10. I must write them a letter, and she ________________too.


Either and neither function in simple statements much like so and too in affirmative
Sentences. However, either and neither are used to indicate negative agreement. The same
rules for
Auxiliaries, be and do, does, or did apply.

Subject + negative auxiliary or be + either

Negative statement + and
Neither + positive auxiliary or be + subject

I didn’t see Mary this morning. John didn’t see Mary this morning.
I didn’t see Mary this morning, and John didn’t either.
I didn’t see Mary this morning, and neither did John.

She won’t be going to the conference. Her colleagues won’t be going to the conference.
She won’t be going to the conference, and her colleagues won’t either
She won’t be going to the conference, and neither will her colleagues.

Exercise19: Negative Agreement.

Fill the banks with the correct form of either or neither.

1. Fill the children shouldn’t take that medicine, and ________________ should she.
2. We don’t plan to attend the correct, and ________________ do them.
3. I don’t like tennis, and he doesn’t ________________
4. She didn’t see anyone she knew, and ________________ did Tim
5. The Yankees couldn’t play due to the bad weather, and ________________ could the

6. Mary can’t type well, and her sister can’t ________________
7. I’m not interested in reading that book, and ________________ is slue.
8. They won’t have to work on weekends, and we won’t ________________
9. I can’t stand listening to that music, and she can’t ________________
10. Michael doesn’t speak English, and his family doesn’t ________________

Exercise 20: Negative Agreement

In the following sentences, supply the correct form of the missing verb.
1. That scientist isn’t too happy with the project, and neither ________________ her
2. We can’t study in the library, and they ________________ either.
3. I haven’t worked there long, and neither ________________ you.
4. You didn’t pay the rent, and she ________________ either.
5. They didn’t want anything to drink, and neither ________________ we.
6. John shouldn’t run so fast, and neither ________________ you.
7. The student won’t accept the dean’s decision and the faculty ____________ either.
8. Your class hasn’t begun yet, and neither ________________ mine.
9. She couldn’t attend the lecture, and her sister ________________ either.
10. He didn’t know the answer, and neither ________________ I.

A negative command is formed by adding the word don’t before the verb.
Don’t close the door.
Please don’t turn off the light.
Don’t open the window.


Usually the verbs order, ask, tell, or say are used to indicate an indirect command.
They are followed by the infinitive [to + verb]
John told Mary to close the door.
Jack asked Jill to turn off the light.
The teacher told Christopher to open the window.
John ordered Bill to close his book.
The policeman ordered the suspect to be quiet.


To make an indirect command negative, add the particle not before the infinitive.

Subject + verb + complement + not + [verb in infinitive]

John told Mary not to close the door.
Jack asked Jill not to turn off the light.
The teacher not told Christopher to open the window.


Following is a mini – test containing questions on all the material up to this point in
Section II, item 3 through 14. This mini – test is similar to Section II, Part B, of the TOEFL.
You should review everything up to this point before attempting the main – test. After you
take the test, check your answers, and if you do not understand why a given answer is
incorrect, study that section again.


Each question on this mini-test consists of a sentence in which four words or phrase
are underlined word or phrase that would not be acceptable in standard written English. Circle
the letter of the underlined portion which is not correct.

The studies of these animals are truly fascinating, and many books have been written
about them.

In this sentence, the verbs are in answer B is incorrect because the subject is study, which is
singular. Thus B is the correct answer. Remember that if a prepositional phrase separates a
subject and verb, it has no effect on the verb.

The study [of these animals] … is…

Singular subject singular verb

1. Buying clothes are often a very time-consuming practice because those clothes
that a person likes are rarely the ones that fit him or her.
2. Because they had spent too many time considering the new contract, the students
lost the opportunity to lease the apartment.
3. These televisions are all too expensive for we to buy at this time, but perhaps we
will return later.
4. After she had bought himself a new automobile, she sold her bicycle.
5. The next important question we have to decide is when we have to submit the
proposal. A B C D

6. George has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn’t neither
7. John decided to buy in the morning a new car, but in the afternoon he changed his
mind. A B C D
8. Some of the plants in this store require very lithe care, but this one needs
Much more sunlight than the others ones.
9. After George had returned to his house, he was treading a book.
10. Many theories on conserving the purity of water has been proposed, but not one
has been As widely accepted as this one
11. The food that Mark is cooking in the kitchen smells delicious.
12. After John eaten dinner, he wrote several letters and went to bed.
13. The manager has finished working on the report last night, and now she will begin
to write the proposal

14. Because Sam and Michelle had done all of the work their selves, they were
unwilling to give the results to Joan`
15. Daniel said that if he had to do another homework tonight, he would not be able to
attend the concert.
16. After to take the medication, the patient became drowsy and more manageable.
17. We insist on you leaving the meeting before any further outbursts take place.
18. It has been a long time since we have talked to John, isn’t it.
19. Henry objects to our buying this house without the approval of our attorney and
John does so.
20. Rita enjoyed to be able to meet several members of Congress during her vacation.
21. After being indicted for his part in a bank robbery, the reputed mobster decided
fined another attorney

22. Harry’s advisor persuaded his taking several courses which did not involve
much know ledge of mathematics.
23. The only teachers who were required to attend the meeting were George, Betty Jill, and me.
24. The work performed by theses officers are not worth our paying them any longer.
25. The president went fishing after he has finished with the conferences.
26. Peter and Tom play tennis every afternoon with Mary and me.
27. There were a time that I used to swim five laps every day, but now I do not
have enough time.
28. He was drinking a cup of coffee when the telephone rang.
29. We called yesterday our friends in Boston to tell them about the reunion that we are
30. The children were playing last night outdoors when it began to rain very hard.

31. Those homework that your teacher assigned is due on Tuesday unless you have made
prior Arrangements to turn it in late.

32. Please give me a few coffees and some daunts if you have any left.
33. There are ten child’s playing in the yard near her house, but your child is not among them.
34. People respected George Washington because he was a honest man, and he turned out to
be one of our greatest military leaders.
35. He isn’t driving to the convention in March, and neither they are.
36. Catherine is studying law at the university, and so does John.
37. The company has so little money that it can’t hardly operate anymore.
38. My cousin attends a university in the Midwest which specializes in astronomy.
39. The students were interested in take a field trip to The National History Museum, buy
they were not able to raise enough money.
40. Because they have moved away, they hardly never go to the beach anymore.

41. We students would rather not attend night classes in the summer, but we often have to.
42. The policeman ordered the suspect to don’t remove his hands from the hood of the car.
43. It was him who came running into the classroom with the news.
44. My brother doesn’t care how much does the car cost because he is going to buy in
45. Mary and her sister studied biology last year, and so does Jean.
46. Pete had already saw that musical before he read the reviews about it
47. There’s a new Oriental restaurant in town, isn’t it?
48. The government has decided voting on the resolution now rather than next.
49. The professor is thinking to go to the conference on aerodynamics next month.
50. His father does not approve of him to go to the banquet without dressing formally.


The modal auxiliaries have a number of different meanings. They are generally used to
indicate something which is potential or uncertain. Remember that a modal is an auxiliary,
and thus is NEVER used with do, does, or did. The modals include.
Will Would
Can (used to)
May Could
Shall Might
Must (have to) Should (ought to) (had better)
(had to)
NOTE: Words in parentheses ( ) indicate semi-modals. These have similar meanings to
the modals, but are not grammatically the same.


To make a modal negative, add the particle not after the modal.
John would like to leave. John would not like to leave.
To make a question, place the modal at the beginning of the sentence.
Would John like to leaves?
NOTE: A modal is always directly followed by the simple from (verb word). This is the
infinitive without to.


To be Be
To go Go
To have Have

This means that after a modal there can NEVER be: [verb + ing], [verb + s], past tense, or

There are two ways that a modal can occur:

modal + simple from of the verb
would be could go will have
(1) modal + have + [verb in past participle]
would have been could have gone will have had

NOTE: The words have, of course, must always be in the simple from after a modal; it can
never be has or had.

Will indicate future certainty.
John will begin the job tomorrow.
Maria will leave in January.

The modals will, would can, and could often appear in conditional sentences.
Usually conditional sentences contain the word if. There are two types of conditionals: the
real (factual and habitual) and the unreal (contrary to fact or hypothetical). The real, or “future
possible” as it is sometimes called, is used when the speaker expresses an action or situation
which usually occurs, or will occur if the circumstances in the main clause are met.
Hypothetical situation: If I am not planning anything for this evening, when someone
asks me if I want to go to the movies, I say:

If have the time, I will go.

(I will go unless I don’t have time)
(If X is true, then Y is true)

If my headache disappears, we can play tennis

(I will play tennis unless I have a headache)
However, the unreal condition expresses a situation (past, present, or future) that
would take place or would have taken place if the circumstances expressed were or had been
different now or in the past.

Hypothetical situation: If I don’t have time to go to movies, but I actually want to go, I

If I had the time, I would go
(I know I don’t have time, and therefore, I can’t go to the movies)
This sentence is contrary fact because I cannot go.
If today were Saturday, we could go to the beach.
(Today is not Saturday, so we can’t go to the beach)

The if clause can come first or last in the sentence with no change in meaning. Notice that
when the if clause comes first, it is followed by a comms.

If we didn’t have to study, we could go out tonight.

We could go out tonight if we didn’t have to study.
(Both sentences mean: we can’t go out tonight because we have to study)
NOTE: The word if is generally not followed directly by the modal; the modal appears in the
other part of the sentence unless there are two modals in one sentences.

If + subject + conjugated verb …….. + modal ……….


Subject + modal ……… + if ……..+ conjugated verb ……..

NOTE: In the unreal condition, the past tense form of be is always were in a conditional
sentence, it can NEVER be was in correct English.

If I were ……… If we were……..

If you were…… If you were……..
If he were ……. If she were……
If they were……….
If it were……..

Unreal conditional sentence are difficult for foreign students to understand because it seems
that the truth value of a sentence is the opposite of the way the sentence appears. If a verb in
an unreal conditional sentencing is negative, the meaning is actually positive; if a verb is
positive, the meaning is actually negative.
If I were rich, I would travel around the world.
(I am not rich). (I’m not going to travel around the world)

If he were sick, he would stay home today.

(He’s not sick) (I’ m not going to travel around the world)

If I hadn’t been in a hurry, I wouldn’t have spilled the milk,
(I was in a hurry) (I spilled the milk)
If the firemen hadn’t arrived when they did, they couldn’t have saved the house.
(The firemen arrived in time) (They saved the house)

The following rules will guide you in deciding which tense to use in conditional sentence.

Past perfect = had + [verb in past participle]

Modal + perfect = modal + have + [verb in past participle]
Remember that the following rules can be reversed. The if clause can go either at the
beginning or the middle of the sentence.



If + subject + simple present tense…+ may + [verb is simple form]

If I have the money, I will buy a new car

We will have plenty of time to finish the project before dinner if it is only ten o’clock now.

If + subject + simple present tense……. + simple present

If the doctor has morning office hours, he visits his patients in the hospital in the afternoon.
(no modal)
John usually walks to school if he has enough time.

If + subject + simple present tense……+ command

*Remember that the command form consists of the simple form of the verb.

If you go to the Post Office, please mail this letter for me.
Please call me if you hear from Jane.



If + subject + simple past tense …… could + [verb in simple form]

If had the time, I would go to the beach with you this weekend.
(I don’t have the time) (I’m not going to the beach with you)
He would tell you about it if he were here.
(He won’t tell you about it) (He’s not here)
If he didn’t speak so quickly, you could understand him.

If + subject + past perfect … + could + have +[verb in past participle]

If we had known that you were there, we would have written you a latter.
(We didn’t know that you were there) (We didn’t write you a letter)
She would have sold the house if she had found the right buyer.
(She didn’t sell the house) (She didn’t find the right buyer)
NOTE: It is also possible to indicate a past unreal condition without using the word if. In this
case, the auxiliary had is placed before, rather than after, the subject. This clause will usually
come first in the sentence.

Had + subject + [verb in past participle]……….

Had we know that you were there, we would have written you a latter.
Had she found the right buyer, she would have sold the house.

The above rules indicate the most common methods of using tenses in conditional sentence.
However, if the two actions clearly happened at quite different times, the verbs should show
that difference.

Less common: If she had seen the movie, she would tell you.
Past future
More common: If see had seen the movie, she would have told you.


These conjunctions indicate something unreal or contrary to fact and thus are very
similar in form to conditional sentences. The verb which follows these conjunctions must be

in the past tense or past perfect. Remember that the past tense of be in a contrary to fact
statement must be were NEVER was.

As if
Subject + verb (present) + + subject + verb (past)…..
as though

The old lady dresses as if it were winter even in the summer.

(It is not winter)
Angelique walks as though she studied modeling.
(She didn’t study modeling)
He acts as though he were rich.
(He is not rich)

As if
Subject + verb (present) + + subject + verb (past perfect)
as though

Betty talked about the contest as if she had won the grand prize.
(She didn’t win the grand prize)
He looked as though he had run ten miles.
(He didn’t run ten miles.)

NOTE: The two preceding rules apply only when as if or as though indicate a contrary to fact
meaning. At times, they do not have that meaning and then would not be followed by these
He looks as if he has finished the test.
(Perhaps he has finished)
He looked as though he was leaving.
(Perhaps he was leaving)


These two verbs, while they are similar in meaning, are not at all the same
grammatically. The verb hope is used to indicate something that possibly happened or will
possibly happen. The verb wish is used to indicate something that definitely did not happen or
definitely will not happen. The verb hope can be followed by any tense. The verb wish must
NOT be followed by any present tense verb or present tense auxiliary. Be sure that you
understand the difference in the following sentence with wish and hope.

We hope that they will come. (We don’t know if they are coming)
We wish that they could come. (They are not coming)

We hope that they come yesterday. (We don’t know if they come)
We wish that they had come yesterday. (They didn’t come)

Remember that wish is very similar to a contrary to fact or unreal condition.

Present unreal condition: If were rich, I would be very happy.

Present wish: I wish I were rich.

Past unreal condition: If you had been here last night, we would have enjoyed it.
Past wish: We wish that you had been here last night.

NOTE: In the following rules, notice that the word that is optional.


Could + verb
Subject* + wish + (that) + subject* + Would + verb ………
Were + [verb + ing]

*Subject can be the same or different.

We wish that you could come to the party tonight. (You can’t come)
I wish that you would stop saying that. (You probably won’t stop)
She wishes that she were coming with us. (She is not coming with us)

Subject + wish + (that) + subject + simple past tense……..

I wish that I had enough time to finish my homework. (I don’t have enough time)
We wish that he were old enough to come with us. (He is not old enough)
They wish that they didn’t have to go to class today. (They have to go to class)

Past perfect
Subject + wish +(that) + subject +
could have + [ verb in past participle ]

I wish that I had washed the clothes yesterday. (I didn’t wash the clothes)
She wishes that the she could have been there. ( She couldn’t be there)
We wish that we had had more time last night. (We didn’t have more time)

Exercise 21 : Conditional Sentences

Supply the correct form of the verb in parentheses for each of the fool owing
sentences. Review the formulas if you have trouble.

1. Henry talks to his dog as if it ___________ (understand) him.
2. If they had left the house earlier, they ________ (be; negative) so late getting to the airport
that they could not check their baggage.
3. If I finish the dress before Saturday, I ______ (give) it to my sister for her birthday.
4. If I had seen the movie, I _____ (tell) you about it last night.
5. Had Bob not interfered in his sister’s marital problems, there ______ (be) peace between
6. He would give you the money if he _______ (have) it.
7. I wish they ________ (stop) making so much noise so that I could concentrate.
8. She would call you immediately if she _______ (need) help.
9. Had they arrived at the sale early, they _____ (find) a better selection.
10. We hope that you __________ (enjoy) the party last night.
11. If you have enough time, please ______ (paint) the chair before you leave.
12. We could go for a drive if today _______ (be) Saturday.
13. If she wins the prize, it will be because she ______ (write) very well.
14. Mike wished that the editors ________ (permit) him to copy some of their material.
15. Joel wished that he ______ (spend) his vacation on the Gulf Coast next year.
16. I ________ (accept) if they invite me to the party.
17. If your mother ________ (buy) that car for you, will you be happy?
18. If he __________ (decide) earlier, he could have left on the afternoon flight.
19. Had we known your address, we ________ (write) you a letter.
20. If the roofer doesn’t come soon, the rain ________ (leak) inside.
21. Because Rose did so poorly on the exam, she wishes that she ____________ (study)
harder last night.
22. My dog always wakes me up if he _________ (hear) strange noises.
23. If you _______ (see) Mary today, please ask her to call me.
24. If he _______ (get) the raise, it will be because he does a good job.
25. The teacher will not accept our work if we ______ (turn) it in late.
26. Mrs. Wood always talks to her tenth-grade students as thought they _______ (be) adults.
27. If he had left already, he _______ (call) us.
28. If they had known him, they ______ (talk) to him.
29. He would understand it if you ____________ (explain) it to him more slowly.
30. I could understand the French teacher if she ____________ (speak) more slowly.


Besides its use in conditional sentences, would can also mean a past time habit.
When David was young, he would swim once a day.

In this usage, the expression used to means the same as would. Used to is always in

this form; it can NEVER be use to. Also, there are two grammar rules for used to.
Notice the difference in meaning as well as in grammar.

Subject + used to + [ verb in simple form ] …….

When David was young, he used to swim once a day. (past time habit)

Subject + + used to + [verb + ing ] ……

John is used to swimming every day. (He is accustomed to swimming every day.
John got used to swimming every day. (He became accustomed to swimming every day).

NOTE: Be used to means to be accustomed to, and get used to means to became accustomed
The program director used to write his own letters. (past time habit)
George is used to eating at 7:00 pm (is accustomed to)
We got used to cooking our own food when we had to live alone.
(became accustomed to)
Mary was used to driving to school. (was accustomed to)
The government used to restrict these pills. (past time habit)

Exercise 22 : Used To

Supply the simple form or { verb + ing } as required in the following sentences.
1. I was used to ___________ (eat) at noon when I started school.
2. He used to ____________ (eat) dinner at five o’clock.
3. when I was young , I used to ________ (swim) every day.
4. He used to _________ (like) her, but he doesn’t anymore.
5. Don’t worry. Some day you will get used to ______ (speak) English.
6. Alvaro can’t get used to ____________ (study)
7. He used to __________ (dance) every night, but now he studies.
8. Adam is used to __________ (sleep) late on weekends.
9. Chieko is used to ___________ (eat) American food now.
10. She finally got used to ___________ (eat) our food.


Would rather means the same as prefer, except that the grammar is different.

Would rather must be followed by a verb, but prefer may or may not be followed by a verb.
John would rather drink Coca-Cola than orange juice.
John prefers drinking Coca-Cola to drinking orange juice.
John prefers Coca-Cola to orange juice.

NOTE : Would rather is followed by than when two things are mentioned, but prefer is followed
by to.
There are different rules for would rather depending on the number of subjects and the
meaning of the sentence.


Subject + would rather + [ verb in simple from]


Jim would rather go to class tomorrow than today.


Subject + would rather + have + [ verb in past participle ]

John would rather have gone to class yesterday than today.

Would rather that, when used with two subject in the present, can be followed by either the
simple form of the verb or the past tense. It will be followed by the simple form when it has a
subjunctive meaning (as explained in Grammar item 25). It will be followed by the past tense
when the meaning of the sentence is “ contrary to fact “ just as that rule affects conditional
sentences and the verb wish.


Subject + would rather that + subject + [ verb in simple form ]

I would rather that you call me tomorrow.

We would rather that he take this train.


Subject + would rather that + subject + [ verb in simple past tense ] …….

Henry would rather that his girlfriend worked in the same department as he does.
( His girlfriend does not work in the same department)

Jane would rather that it were winter now.

(It is not winter now)

The following rule applies to would rather when there are two subjects and the time is past. In
this case, the meaning must always be contrary to fact.


Subject + would rather that + subject + past

Jim would rather that Jill had gone to class yesterday.
(Jill did not go to class yesterday)

Notice how each of the following sentences becomes negative. When there is only one subject
and when you have a present subjunctive, simply place not before the verb.

John would rather not go to class tomorrow.

John would rather not have gone to class yesterday.
John would rather that you not call me tomorrow.

For the present and past contrary to fact sentences, use didn’t + [verb in simple form] and
hadn’t + [verb in past participle] respectively.

Henry would rather that his girlfriend didn’t work in the same department as he does.
(She does work in the same department)
John would rather that Jill had not gone to class yesterday.
(Jill went to class yesterday)

Example of would rather :

Jorge would rather stay home tonight.

We would rather that you call to night.
Mayra would rather drink coffee than Coke.
Ricardo would rather not be here.
Ritsuko would rather that we didn’t leave now, but we must go to work.
Roberto would rather that we hadn’t left yesterday.

Exercise 23 ; Would Rather

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in the following sentences.
1. We would rather ________ (stay) home tonight.

2. Mr. Jones would rather __________ (stay) home last night.

3. The policeman would rather _________ (work) on Saturday than on Sunday.
4. Maria would rather that we _____________ (study) more than we do.
5. George would rather ____________ (study; negative) tonight.
6. The photographer would rather _________ (have) more light.
7. The photographer would rather that we __________ (stand) closer together than we are
8. Carmen would rather _________ (cook; negative) for the entire family.
9. She would rather that you _________ (arrive; negative) last night.
10. John would rather ___________ (sleep) than worked last night.

This expression is often used in invitations; it can also mean want.
NOTE: It is NOT CORRECT to say: “Do you like ………?” to invite somebody to do

Subject + would like + [ to + verb ]


Would you like to dance with me?

I would like to visit Japan.
We would like to order now, please.


Although could is used in conditionals, it can also be used to mean possibility.

In this case, could, may, or might mean the same. The speaker is not sure of the statement
made when using these modals.
It might rain tomorrow. It will possibly rain tomorrow.
It could rain tomorrow. Maybe it will rain tomorrow.
NOTE: Maybe is a combination of may and be, but it is one word and is it an auxiliary.
It means the same as perhaps.

This modal is used to indicate:
A recommendation, advice, or obligation (see must for further explanation).
Henry should study tonight.
One should exercise daily
You should see a doctor about this problem.

Expectation; used to indicate something that the speaker expects to happen.
It should rain tomorrow. (I expect to rain tomorrow)
My check should arrive next week. (I expect it to arrive next week)
NOTE: The expressions had better, ought to, and be supposed to generally mean the same as
should in either of the two definitions.

had better
Subject + + [verb in simple form] …….
ought to
be supposed to

John should study tonight

John had better study tonight.
John ought to study tonight
John is supposed to study tonight
John was supposed to go to the post office this morning.
(He didn’t go)


This is NOT used to indicate a past obligation. Remember to use only had to, should +
perfective, or be supposed to indicate a past obligation. Must + perfective can only mean a
logical conclusion in the past.

The grass is wet, It must have rained last night.

(It probably rained last night.)
Tony’s lights are out. He must have gone to sleep
(He probably went to sleep)
Jane did very well on the exam. She must have studied.
(She probably studied)

Exercise 24: Must / Should / perfective

choose between must + perfective and should + perfective in the following sentences.
1. Henri was deported for having an expired visa. He ________ (have) his visa renewed.
2. Juliet was absent for the first time yesterday. She _______ (be) sick.
3. The photos are black.. The X-rays at the airport _________ (damage) them.
4. Blanca a got parking ticket. She _________ (park; negative) in a reserved spot, since she
had permit.

5. Carmencita did very will on the exam. She ______ (study) very hard.
6. Jeanette did very badly on the exam. She _________(study) harder.
7. German called us as soon as his wife had her baby. He _________ (be) very proud.
8. Eve had to pay $5.00 because she wrote a bad check. She _______ (deposit) her money
before she wrote a check.
9. John isn’t here yet. He _________ (forget) about our meeting.
10. Alexis failed the exam. He _________ (study; negative) enough.

Exercise 25: Modals + Perfective

Choose the correct answer in each of the following sentences according to meaning

and tense.
1. If I had a bicycle, (I would / I will) ride it every day.
2. George (would have gone/ would go) on a trip to Chicago if he had time.
3. Marcela didn’t come to class yesterday. She (will have had/ may have had) an accident.
4. John didn’t do his homework, so the teacher became very angry. John (must have
done/should have done) his homework.
5. Sharon was supposed to be here at nine o’clock. She (must forget/must have forgotten) about
our meeting.
6. Where do you think Juan is to day ? I have no idea. He (should have slept/may have slept) late
7. George missed class today. He (might have had/ might had had) an accident.
8. Robert arrived without his book. He (could have lost/ would have lost ) it.
9. Thomas received a warning for speeding. He (should have driven / shouldn’t have driven) so
10. Henry’s car stopped on the highway. It (may run / may have run) out of gas.



Adjective fall into two categories: descriptive and limiting. Descriptive adjectives are
those which describe the color, size, or quality of a person of thing (noun or pronoun).
Limiting adjectives place restrictions on the words they modify (quantity, distances,
possession, etc). NOTE: Only these and those are plural forms. All others remain the same
whether the noun is singular or plural.


beautiful Cardinal numbers (one, two)

large Ordinal numbers (first, second)
red Possessives (my, your, his)
interesting Demonstratives (this, that, these,
important those)

colorful Quantity (few, many, much)
Articles (a, an, the)

When descriptive adjectives modify a singular countable noun, they are usually preceded by
a, an, or the.

a pretty girl an interesting story the red dress

Adjectives normally precede the nouns they modify, or follow linking verbs,
Adjectives modify only nouns, pronouns, and linking verbs. (See next section for an
explanation of linking verbs) NOTE: An adjectives answers the question: What kind…..?


Adverb modify verbs (except linking verbs), adjective, or other adverbs. Many
descriptive adjectives can be changed to ad verbs by adding-ly to the adjective base.

bright brightly
careful carefully
quiet quietly

NOTE: The following words are also adverbs: so, very, almost, soon, often, fast, rather, well,
there, too. An adverb answer the question: How ……?

John is reading carefully. (How is John reading?)

Maria Elena speaks Spanish fluently. (How does she speak?)
Rita drank too much coffee. (How much coffee did she drink?)
I don’t play tennis very well. (How well do I play?)
She reviewed her notes carefully. (How did she review her notes?)

Exercise 26: Adjectives and Adverbs

Circle the correct from in parentheses.

1. Rita plays the violin (good/well).
2. That is an (intense/intensely) novel.
3. The sun is shining (bright/brightly).
4. The girls speak (fluent / fluently) French.
5. The boys speak Spanish (fluent/fluently).
6. The table has A (smooth/smoothly) surface.
7. We must figure our income tax returns (accurate/accurately)
8. We don’t like to drink (bitter/bitterly) tea.

9. The plane will arrive (soon/soonly)
10. He had an accident because he was driving too (fast/fastly)


A special category of verbs connects or links the subject with the subject complement
(predicate adjective). Unlike most verbs, these do not show action. They must be modified by
adjectives, not adverbs.

be appear feel
become seem look
remain sound smell
stay taste

Mary feels bad about her test grade.

Children become tired quite easily.
Lucy will look radiant in her new dress.
They were sorry to see use leave.
The flowers smell sweet.
Be, become, and remain can be followed by noun phrases as well as adjectives.
They remained bed even though I tired to cheer them up.
Doug remained chairman of the board despite the opposition.
Children often become bored at meetings.
Christine became class president after a long, hard campaign.
Noun phrase
Sally will be happy when she hears the good news.

Feel, look, smell, and taste may also be transitive verbs and take a direct object. When they
function in this way, they become active and are modified by adverbs. Notice the following
pairs of sentences. Those which take objects are active, and those which do not are linking.
The doctor felt the leg carefully to see if there were any broken bones.
Objects adverbs
Mike felt ecstatic after passing his law school exam.
Professor Ingalls looked at the exams happily.
Object adverb
The lady is smelling the flowers gingerly.
Object adverb

After being closed up for so long, the house smells musty.
The chef tasted the meat cautiously before presenting it to the king.
object adverb
Your chocolate cake tastes delicious.

Exercise 27: Linking (Copulative) Verbs

Circle the correct form in parentheses.

1. Your cold sounds (terrible/terribly)
2. The pianist plays very (good/well)
3. The food in the restaurant always tastes (good/well)
4. The campers remained (calm/calmly) despite the thunder storm
5. They became (sick/sickly) after eating the contaminated food
6. Professor Calandra looked (quick/diligently) at the students sketches
7. Paco was working (diligent/diligently) on the project
8. Paul protested (vehement, vehemently) about the new proposals

9. Our neighbors appeared (relaxed/relaxely) after their vacation

10. The music sounded too (noisy/noisily) to be classical


Comparisons indicate degrees of difference with adjectives and adverbs, and may be equal
or unequal.
An equal comparison indicates that the two entities are (or are not, if negative)
exactly the same. The following rule generally applies to this type of comparison.

adjective noun
Subject + verb + as + + as +
adverb pronoun

NOTE: Sometimes you may see so instead of as before the adjective or adverb in negative

He is not as tall as his father.

He is not so tall as his father.

NOTE: Remember that the subject from of the pronoun will always be used after as in correct
Peter is as tall as I. You are as old as she.
Examples of equal comparisons:

My book is as interesting as yours. (adjective)

His car runs as fast as a race car. (adverbs)
John sings as well as his sister. (adverb)
His job is not as difficult as mine. (adjective)

The same idea can also be conveyed in another way.

Subject + verb + the same + (noun) + as +

NOTE: As high as means the same height as.

My house is as high as his.
My house is the same height as his.

Be sure that you know the following adjectives and their corresponding nouns.

heavy, light Weight
wide, narrow Width
deep, shallow Depth
long, short Length
big, small Size

NOTE: Remember that the opposite of the same as is different from. NEVER use different
My nationality is different from hers.
My house is different from Canada’s.

Examples of the same as and different from.

These trees are the same as those.
He speaks the same language as she.
Her address is the same is Rita’s.


This type of comparative implies that the entities are comparable in a greater or lesser
degree. The following rules generally apply to this type of comparative.

1. Add-er to the adjective base of most one and two syllable adjectives.
(thick-thicker, cold-colder, quiet-quieter)
2. use the from more + adjective for most three-syllable adjectives.
(more beautiful, more important, more believable)
3. Use the from more + adjective for adjectives ending in the following
suffixes: -ed, -ful, -ing, and –ous. (more hated, more useful, more
boring, more stylish, more cautious)
4. Double the final consonant of one-syllable adjectives which end in a
single consonant (except w, x, and z) and are preceded by a single
vowel. (big-bigger, red-redder, hot-hotter)
5. when an adjective ends in a consonant + y, change the y to i and add-
er. (happy-happier, dry-drier)

She dances much more artistically than her predecessor.

He speaks English much more rapidly than he does Spanish.
His car is far better than yours.

Nouns can also be used in comparisons. Be sure to use the determiners correctly depending on
whether the adjectives are countable or non countable.

much noun
Subject + verb + as + + nouns + as +
little pronoun

more noun
Subject + verb + fewer + noun + than +
less pronoun

I have more books than she.

February has fewer days than March.
He earns as much money as his brother.
They have as few classes as we.

An illogical comparison is one in which unlike entities have been compared. Be sure
that the items being compared are the same. These forms can be divided into three categories:
possessives, that of, and those of.
Incorrect: His drawings are as perfect as his instructor.
(This sentences compares drawings with instructor)

Correct: His drawings are as perfect as his instructor’s.
(instructor’s = instructor’s drawing’s)
Incorrect: The salary of a professor is higher than a secretary.
(This sentence compares salary with secretary)
Correct: The salary of a professor is higher than that a secretary.
(that of = the salary of)


A few adjectives and verbs have irregular forms for the comparative and superlative.
Study them.


Far farther farthest
little further furthest
much less least
many more most
good better best
bad worse worst

I fell much better today than I did last week.

The university is farther than the mall.
He has less time now than he had before.
Marjorie has more books than Sue.
He acts worse now than ever before.

Exercise 28: Comparisons

Supply the correct form of the adjectives and adverbs in parentheses. Let as and than
be your clues. Add any other words that may be necessary.
1. John and his friends left ___________ (soon) as the professor had finished his lecture.
2. His job is ________ (important) than his friend’s.
3. He plays the guitar _________ (well) as Andres Segovia.
4. A new house is much ________ (expensive) than an older one.
5. Last week was ____________ (hot) as this week.
6. Martha is ___________ (talented) than her cousin.
7. Bill’s descriptions are _________ (colorful) than his wife’s
8. Nobody is ___________(happy) than Maria Elena.
9. The boys felt ________ (bad than the girls about losing the game.
10. A greyhound runs _____________ (fast) than a Chihuahua.

Exercise 29: Comparisons

Supply than, as, or from in each of the following sentences.

1. The Empire State building is taller _________ the Statue of Liberty.
2. California is farther from New York __________ Pennsylvania.
3. His assignment is different ___________ mine.
4. Louie reads more quickly ______________ his sister’s.
5. No animal is so big _____________ King Kong.
6. That report is less impressive ____________ the government’s.
7. Sam wears the same shirt __________ his teammates.
8. Dave paints much more realistically ___________ his professor.
9. The twins have less money at the end of the month ____________ they have at the
10. Her sports car is different _________ Nancy’s.


Number multiples can include: half, twice, three times, four times, etc. Study the
following rule.
much noun
Subject + verb + number multiple + as + + (noun) + as +
many pronoun

NOTE: It is in correct to say twice more than

This encyclopedia costs twice as much as the other one.
At the clambake last week. Fred ate three times as many oysters as Barney.
Jerome has half as many records now as I had last year.


These sentences begin with a comparative construction, and thus the second clause also begin with

The + comparative + subject + verb + the + comparative + subject + verb

 The hotter it is the more miserable I feel

 The bigger they are, the harder they fall
 The sooner you take your medicine, the better you will feel
 The sooner you leave, the earlier you will arrive at your destination

The more + subject + verb + the +comparative + subject + verb

 The more you study, the smarter you will become
 The more he rowed the boat, the farther away he got

 The more he slept, the more irritable he became

If the expression no sooner appears at the beginning of a sentence, the word than must introduce the
second clause. Note also that the auxiliary precedes the subject.

no sooner + auxiliary + subject + verb + than + subject + verb

 No sooner had we started out for California than it started to rain

 No sooner had she entered the building than she felt the presence of somebody else

NOTE: No longer means not anymore. NEVER use “no longer” in a sentence that has this meaning
 John no longer studies at the university
(John does not study at the university anymore)
 Cynthia may no longer use the library because her card has expired
(Cynthia may not use the library any more)

Most descriptive adjectives have three forms: the positive (happy), the comparative (happier), and the
superlative (happiest)


Hot Hotter Hottest

Interesting More interesting Most interesting
Sick Sicker Sickest
Colorful More colorful Most colorful

The positive shows no comparison. It describes only the simple quality of a person, thing or group.
 The house is big
 The flowers are fragrant

The comparative involves two entities and shows a greater or lesser degree of differences between
 My dog is smarter than yours
 Bob is more athletic than Richard

It is also possible to compare two entities without using “than”. In this case the expression of the two
will usually appear someplace in the sentence.

Subject +verb + the + comparative + of the two + (noun)


Of the two + (noun) + subject + verb + the + comparative

 Harvey is the smarter of the two boys
 Of the two shirts, this one is the prettier
 Please give me the smaller of the two pieces of cake

 Of the two landscapes that you have shown me, this one is the more picturesque

In the superlative degree, three or more entities are compared, one of which is superior or inferior to
the others. The following rule applies.

adjective + est. in + singular count noun

Subject + verb + the + Most + adjective
Least + adjective +of +plural count noun

 John is the tallest boy in the family

 Deana is the shortest of three sisters
 These shoes are the least expensive of all
 Of the three sisters, this one is the prettiest

NOTE : after the expression one of the + superlative, be sure that the noun is plural and the verb is
 One of the greatest tennis players in the world is Bjorn Borg.
 Kuwait is one of the biggest oil producers in the world

Adverbs usually are not followed by –er or –est. instead, they are compared by adding more or less
for the comparative degree, and by adding most or least to form the superlative.


Carefully More carefully Most carefully
Less carefully Least carefully
Cautiously More cautiously Most cautiously
Less cautiously Least cautiously
 Sal drove more cautiously than Bob (comparative)
 Joe dances more gracefully than his partner (comparative)
 That child behaves the most carelessly of all (superlative)

Exercise 30: Comparison

Select the correct form in parentheses in the following sentences
1. Of the four dresses, I like the red one (better/best)
2. Phil is the (happier/happiest) person we know
3. Pat’s car is (faster/fastest) than Dan’s
4. This is the (creamier/creamiest) ice cream I have had in a long time
5. Does Frees feel (Weller/better) than he did yesterday?
6. This vegetable soup tastes very (good/well)
7. While trying to balance the baskets on her head, the woman walked (awkwarder/more
8. Jane is the (less/least) athletic of all the women
9. My cat is the (prettier/prettiest) of the two
10. This summary is (the better/ the best) of the pair
11. Your heritage is different (from/than) mine
12. This painting is (less impressive/least impressive) than the one in the other gallery
13. The colder the weather gets, (sicker/the sicker) I feel
14. No sooner had he received the letter (when/than) he called Maria
15. A mink coat costs (twice more than/twice as much as) a sable coat
16. Jim has a (little/few) opportunities to play tennis as I
17. That recipe calls for (many/much) more sugar than mine does

18. The museum is the (farther/farthest) away of the three buildings
19. George Washington is (famous/more famous) than John Jay
20. Dony has ( fewer / less ) brothers than Katy


In English, many nouns can function as adjectives when they appear before other nouns (a wool
coat, a gold watch, a history teacher). The first noun of the combination functions as adjective,
describing the second one, which function as adjectives are always in the singular even though they
may modify a plural noun. Number-noun combinations always appear hyphenated.
We took a tour that lasted five weeks
(weeks functions as a noun in this sentence)
We took a five-week tour
Adjective noun
His subscription to that magazine is for two years
(years functions as a noun in this sentences)
He has a two – year subscription to that magazine
Adjective noun

That student wrote a report that was ten pages long

(page functions as a noun in this sentence)
That student wrote a ten-page report
Adjective noun

These shoes cost twenty dollars

(dollars functions as a noun in this sentences)
These are twenty – dollar shoes
Adjective noun

Exercise 31: Nouns functioning as adjectives

In each of the following sets, choose the appropriate form for the blank in the second sentence.
Example: Her call to California lasted ten minutes
She made a ten-minute call to California
1. Sam’s new apartment is in building a which has twelve stories
Sam’s new apartment is in __________building
2. We teach languages
We are __________teachers
3. My parents saw a play in three acts last night
My parents saw a __________ play last night
4. The manager said that the sale would last for two days
The manager said that it would be __________sale
5. Hal bought a tool set containing 79 pieces
Hal bought a __________ tool set
6. Margie has a bookcase with five shelves
Margie has a _________ bookcase
7. I need two cans of tomatoes that weigh 16 ounces each

I need two __________ cans of tomatoes
8. I’m looking for a pressure cooker that holds six quarts
I’m looking for a __________ pressure cooker
9. He is a specialist at building houses made of bricks
He is a specialist at building __________ houses
10. Mrs. Jansen just bought her daughter a bicycle with ten speeds
Mrs. Jansen just bought her daughter a __________ bicycle


Enough changes positions depending on whether it is modifying a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.
When modifying an adjective or an adverb, enough follows

Adjective + enough

Are those French fries crisp enough for you?


She speaks Spanish well enough to be an interpreter


When modifying a noun, enough precedes the noun

Enough + noun

Do you have enough sugar for the cake?


Jake bought enough red paint to finish the barn

Noun phrase

He does not have enough money to attend the concert


NOTE: The noun that is modified by enough may sometimes be deleted with no change in meaning.
I forgot my money. Do you have enough?
(we understand that the speaker means “enough money”)

Exercise 32: Enough

In the following sentences, choose the correct form in parentheses

1. There were not (enough people/people enough) to have the meeting
2. Allen has learned (enough French/French enough)
3. Do you have (enough time/time enough) to talk now?
4. She drove (enough fast/fast enough) to win the race
5. Mike will graduate from law school (enough soon/soon enough) to join his father’s firm
6. We arrived (enough early/early enough) to have some coffee before class began
7. It has rained (enough hard/hard enough) to flood low-lying areas
8. You should type (enough slowly/slowly enough) that you will not make an error
9. He has just (enough flour/flour enough) to bake that loaf of bread
10. There are (enough books/books enough) for each student to have one

This section demonstrates the usage of several grammatical devices which show cause.

Because (not followed by of) must always be followed by a clause. A clause standing alone is
a complete sentence. (There must be a subject and a verb) Because of is followed only by a noun or
noun phrase. (There must not be a conjugated verb).

Subject + verb
...........because +
there + verb + subject

.........because of + noun (phrase)

NOTE : Because of is often interchangeable with the expression due to.

Jan was worried because it had stared to rain.

subject verb
Jan was worried because of the rain.
noun phrase
The students arrived late because there was a traffic jam.
verb subject
The students arrived late because of the traffic jam.
noun phrase

verb subject
We have to cut down on our driving because of the oil shortage.
noun phrase

NOTE: It also possible for the cause to begin the sentence.

Because of the rain, we have cancelled the party.

Exercise 33: Because/because of

Supply either because or because of as appropriate.

1. It was difficult to deliver the letter the sender had written the wrong address
on the envelope.

2. We decided to leave early the party was boring.

3. Rescue attempts were temporarily halted the bad weather.

4. They visited their friends often they enjoyed their company.

5. Paul cannot go to the football game his grades.

6. Marcella was awarded a scholarship her superior scholastic ability.

7. Nobody ventured outdoors the hurricane warnings.

8. We plan to spend our vacation in the mountains the air is purer there.

9. We have to drive around the bay the bridge was destroyed in the storm.

10. The chickens have died the intense heat.

Clauses showing purpose are followed by the conjunction so that. After so that is a result
clause with both a subject and a verb. The time of the result clause must be future in relation to the
time of the purpose clause.

subject + verb +so that + subject + verb

NOTE: It is NOT correct in formal written English to eliminate that in these sentences, although it is
possible in spoken English.
He studied very hard so that he could pass the test.
She is sending the package early so that it will arrive in time for her sister’s birthday.
Damien is practicing the guitar so that he can play for the dance.
I am learning German so that I will be able to speak it when I go to Austria next summer.
Susan drove to Miami instead of flying so that she could save money.


The following constructions are used to indicate a cause and effect (result) relationship.

subject + verb + so + + that + subject + verb

NOTE: Do NOT use a noun after so. See constructions below.

The soprano sang so well that she received a standing ovation.

Terry ran so fast that he broke the previous speed record.
Judy worked so diligently that she received an increase in salary.
The soup tastes so good that everyone will ask for more.
The little boy looks so unhappy that we all feel sorry for him.

The rules for clauses including the intensive modifiers are:

subject + verb + so + + that + subject + verb
The Smiths had so many children that they formed their own baseball team.

I had so few job offers that it wasn’t difficult to select one.

subject + verb + so + + non-count + that + subject + verb
He has invested so much money in the project that he cannot abandon it now.

The grass received so little water that it turned brown in the heat.

subject + verb + such + a + adjective + singular count noun + that ........


subject + verb + so + adjective + a + singular count noun + that ........

NOTE: Such + a + adjective is the more common of the two.

It was such a hot day that we decided to stay indoors.

It was such so hot a day that we decided to stay indoors.
It was such an interesting book that he couldn’t put it down.
It was so interesting a book that he couldn’t put it down.

plural count noun

subject + verb + such + adjective + + that + subject + verb
non-count noun
She has such exceptional abilities that everyone is jealous of her.
plural count noun

They are such beautiful pictures that everybody will want one.
plural count noun

Perry has had such bad luck that he’s decided not to gamble.
non-count noun

This is such difficult homework that I will never finish it.

non-count noun

NOTE: It is NOT possible to use so in the above rule.


It has been such a long time since I’ve seen him that I’m not sure if I will remember him.
(I’m not sure if I will remember him because it has been a long time.)
Cause: It has been a long time.
Effect: I’m not sure if I will remember him.
He has so heavy a work load that it is difficult for him to travel.
(It is difficult for him to travel because he has a heavy work load.)
Cause: He has a very heavy work load.
Effect: It is difficult for him to travel.

Exercise 34: So / Such

Following the formulas, use either so or such in these sentences as appropriate.

1. The sun shone brightly that Maria had to put on her sunglasses.
2. Dean was a powerful swimmer that he always won the races.
3. There were few students registered that the class was cancelled.
4. We had wonderful memories of that place that we decided to return.
5. We had good a time at the party that we hated to leave.
6. The benefit was great a success that the promoters decided to repeat it.
7. It was a nice day that we decided to go to the beach.
8. Jane looked sick that the nurse told her to go home.
9. Those were difficult assignments that we spent two weeks finishing them.

10. Ray called at an early hour that we weren’t awake yet.
11. The book looked interesting that it took him a long time to complete the project.
12. He worked carefully that it took him a long time to complete the project.
13. We stayed in the sun for a long time that we became sunburned.
14. There were many people on the bus that we decided to walk.
15. The program was entertaining that nobody wanted to miss it.


Each question on this mini-test consists of a sentence in which four words or phrases are
underlined. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked A, B, C, D. You are to identify the
one underlined word or phrase that would not be acceptable in standard written English. Circle the
letter of the underlined portion which is not correct.

1. Children enjoy telling and listening to ghosts stories, especially on Halloween night.
2. At the rate the clerks were processing the applications, Harry figured that it will take
for hours for his to be reviewed.
3. No one would have attended the lecture if you told the truth about the guest speaker.
4. We had better to review this chapter carefully because we will have some questions
on it on our test tomorrow.
5. The little boy’s mother bought him a five speeds racing bicycle for his birthday.
6. Despite the time of the year, yesterday’s temperature was enough hot to turn on
the air conditioning.
7. The Andersons just had an enclosed bricks patio built after fighting off the insects
for two months.

8. Danny spent such enjoyable vacation in Europe this summer that he plans to return
as soon as he saves enough money.
9. Although the quantity was small, we had supplies enough to finish the experiment.
10. Kurt had so interesting and creative plans that everyone wanted to work on
his committee.
11. If Rudy would have studied German in college, he would not have found the scientific
terminology so difficult to understand.
12. I have to depositing this money in my checking account or else the check I just wrote
will bounce.
13. We wish today was sunny so that we could spend the day in the country
communing with nature.

14. Paul did so well in his speech today that he should have rehearsed it many times
this past week.
15. Bees is used to fly after having crossed the continent many times during the past decade.

16. Our Spanish professor would like us spending more time in the laboratory
practicing our pronunciation.
17. Sam used to living in Oklahoma, but his company had him transferred to
a better position in Georgia.
18. The bolder the matador’s display in the arena became, louder the audience expressed
its approval of his presentation.
19. Hal’s new sports car costs much more than his friend Joel.
20. Max would rather to be fishing from this boat in the lake than sitting at his desk
in the office.
21. Sally must have called her sister last night, but she arrived home too late to call her.
22. If a crisis would occur, those unfamiliar with the procedures would not know
how to handle the situation.
23. Standing among so many strangers, the frightened child began to sob uncomfortable.
24. The teacher tried to make the classes enjoyable experiences for the students so they
would take a greater interest in the subject.
25. Whenever students asked for help or guidance, the counselor would advise
them or refer them to someone who will.
26. Anybody who plans to attend the meeting ought send a short note to the chairperson.

27. The teachers and the administrators are having such difficult time agreeing on contract
for the forthcoming year that the teachers may go on strike.
28. Mary usually arrives at the office at nine o’clock, but because the storm,
she was two hours late.
29. Our new television came with a ninety-days warranty on all electrical components.
30. It is difficult to get used to sleep in a tent after having a soft, comfortable bed to lie on.
31. The director felt badly about not giving Mary the position that she had sought with
his company.
32. Tom and Mark hope go skiing in the mountains this weekend if the weather permits.
33. The political candidate talked as if she has already been elected to the presidency.
34. The salad tasted so well that my brother returned to the salad bar for another helping.

35. Even though she looks very young, she is twice older than my twenty-year-old sister.
36. Despite his smiling face, the second-place contestant is more sadder than the winner.
37. I do not believe that I have ever seen as many expensive cars than were in
that shopping center.
38. The members of the orchestra had to arrived an hour prior to the performance
for a short rehearsal.
39. We thought our cameras were the same, but his is different than the one that I bought.
40. If Monique had not attended the conference, she never would meet her old friend Dan,
whom she had not seen in years.
41. Having lived here for seven years, my friend is used to speak English with all her
42. No one in our office wants to drive to work anymore because of there are always
traffic jams at rush hour.
43. That novel is definitely a dense-packed narrative, but one which requires a vast
knowledge of cultural background or an excellent encyclopedia.
44. Louise is the more capable of the three girls who have tried out for the part in the play.
45. They played so good game of tennis last night that they surprised their audience.

46. I would rather that they do not travel during the bad weather, but they insist that
they must return home today.
47. Among us students are many foreigners who attend languages classes at the south campus.

48. My books is different than yours because mine has a vocabulary section at the bottom of
each page, and yours has one in the back.
49. That product that you bought at the lower price is the more inferior to the one that we
sell at a slightly higher price.
50. After a carefully investigation, we soon discovered that the house was infested with


A sentence can be either in the active or passive voice. In an “active” sentence, the subject
performs the action. In a “passive” sentence, the subject receives the action. To make an active
sentence into a passive sentence, follow these steps.

1. Place the complement of the active sentence at the beginning of the passive

2. If there are any auxiliaries in the active sentence, place them immediately after
the new subject agreeing in number with the subject.

3. Insert the verb be after the auxiliary or auxiliaries in the same form as the main
verb in the active sentence.

4. Place the main verb from the active sentence after the auxiliaries and be in the
past participle.

5. Place the subject of the active sentence after the verb in the passive sentence
preceded by the preposition by. (This can be eliminated completely if it is not
important or is understood)
Study the following possible word orders for passive voice.


+ [verb in past participle]

Active: Hurricanes destroy a great deal of property each year.

subject present complement
Passive: A great deal of property is destroyed by hurricanes each year.
singular subject be past participle
Active: The tornado destroyed thirty houses.
subject past complement
Passive: Thirty houses were destroyed by the tornado.
plural subject be past participle


+ BEING + [verb in past participle]

Active: The committee is considering a new proposal

subject Present progressive complement
Passive: A new proposal is being considered by the committee.
singular subject Aux + Being past


HAVE + BEEN + [verb in past participle]

Active: The company has ordered some new equipment

subject Present perfect complement
Passive: some new equipment has been ordered by the company
Plural subject Aux + Been past participle

Active: The company had ordered some new equipment

subject Past perfect complement
Passive: some new equipment had been ordered by the company
plural subject Aux + been past participle


+ BE + [verb in past participle]

Active: The manager should sign these contracts today

subject Modal + V simple complement

Passive: these contracts should be signed by The manager

Plural subject Aux + Be past participle


Have + Been + [verb in past participle]

Active: Somebody should have called the president this morning

subject Modal + perfect complement
Passive: The president should have been called this morning
subject Modal + have + been past participle

Exercise 35: Passive Voice

Change the following sentences from active to passive voice.

1. Somebody calls the president every day.
2. John is calling the order members.
3. Martha was delivering the documents to the department.
4. The other members have repealed the amendment.
5. The delegates had received the information before the recess.
6. The teacher should buy the supplies for this class.
7. Somebody will call Mr. Watson tonight.
8. The fire has caused considerable damage.
9. The company was developing a new procedure before the bankruptcy hearings began.
10. John will have received the papers by tomorrow.


The causative verbs are used to indicate that one person causes a second person to do
something for the first person. One can cause somebody to do something for him or herby paying,
asking, or forcing the person. The causative verbs are, hove, get, make.

The clause following have or get may be active or passive. Study the following rules.

Subject + have + complement + [verb in simple form]…..
(any tense) (usually person)

Subject + get + complement + [verb in infinitive] ……
(get tense) (usually person)

Subject + have + complement + [verb in past participle]
(any tense) (usually thing)

(1) Mary had John wash the car. (John washed the car) active.
(2) Mary got John to wash the car. (John washed the car) active.
(3) Mary got the car washed. (The car was washed by somebody.) passive
Mary had the car washed.

Examples of active clauses in causative sentences:

The president had his advisors arrange a press conference.

George is getting his teachers to give him a make-up exam.
Mary has had a friend type all of her papers.
John is having his father contact the officials.
The editor had the contributors attend a composition workshop.


Make can followed only by a clause in the active voice. It is stronger than have or get. It means force.

Subject + make + complement + [verb in simple form] ….

(any tense)

The robber made the teller give him the money.

(The robber forced the teller to give him the money)
NOTE: force + complement + [verb in infinitive]

Examples of make:

The manager made the salesman attend the conference.

The teacher always makes the children stay in their seats.
George made his son be quiet in the theater.
The president is making his cabinet members sign this document.
The teacher had made the student’ parents sign release forms before he let the students jump on the


Let is usually added to the list of causative in grammar textbooks. It is not actually causative.
It means allow or per mint. Notice the difference in grammar.

Subject + let + complemented + [verb in simples form]….

Subject + permit +complement + [verb in infinitive]


NOTE: Let is NOT INTERCHANGEABLE WITH leave, which means to go away.


John let his daughter swim with her friends.

(John allowed his daughter to swim with her friends)
(John permitted his daughter to swim with her friends)
The teacher let the student leave class early.
The placeman let the suspect make one phone call.
Dr. Jones is letting the is letting the student hand in the papers on Monday.


Help is not actually a causative verb either, but is generally considered with causative verbs in
grammar textbooks. It is usually followed by the simple form, but can be followed by infinitive in
some cases. It means assist.

John he
Subject + help + complement + [verb in simple form ]
[ verb in infinitive]

Jorge helped the old woman with the packages (to) find a taxi.
The teacher helped Carolina find the research materials.

Exercise 36: Causative Verbs

Use the correct from of the verb in parentheses in each of the following sentences.

1. The teacher made Juan (leave) the room

2. Toshiko had her car (repair) by a mechanic.
3. Ellen got Marvin (type) her paper.
4. I made Jane (call) her friend on the telephone.
5. We got our house (paint) last week.
6. Dr. Byrd is having the students (write) a composition.
7. The policeman made the suspect (lie) on the ground.
8. Mark got his the transcripts (send) to the university.
9. Maria is getting her hair (cut) tomorrow.
10. We will have to get the Dean (sign) this form.
11. The teacher let Al (leave) the classroom.
12. Maria got Ed (wash) the pipettes.
13. She always has her car (fix) by the same mechanic.
14. Gene got his book (publish) by a subsidy publisher.
15. We have to help Janet (find) her keys.



A relative clause is used to form one sentence from two separate sentences. The relative pronoun
replaces one of two identical noun phrases and relates the clauses to each other. The relative pronoun
and their uses are listed here.


That Things
Which Things
Who People

Whom People
whose Usually people

NOTE: In speaking, that can be used for people, but NOT in informal written English.

The relative pronoun completely replaces a duplicate noun phrase. There can be no regular pronoun
along with the relative pronoun.
Incorrect: This is the book that I bought it at the bookstore.
Correct: This is the book that I bought at the bookstore.
Remember that a sentence with a relative clause can always be reduced to two separate sentences, so
each clause must contain a verb.

We bought the stereo. The stereo had been advertised at a reduced price.
Duplicate nay phrase
We bought the stereo that had been advertised at a reduced price.

John bough a boat. The boat cost thirty thousand dollars.

John bought a boat that cost thirty thousand dollars.

George is going to buy the house. We have been thinking of buying the house.
George is going to buy the house that we have been thinking of buying.
John is the man. We are going to recommend John for the job.
John is the man whom we are going to recommend John for the job.


Who is used when the noun phrase being replaced is in the subject position of the sentence.
Whom is used when it is from the complement position. NOTE: In speech, whom is rarely used, but
it should be used when appropriate in formal written English. If you have difficulty deciding whether
who or whom should be used, remember the following rule.

....who + verb….
….whom + noun ….

Consider the following sentence.

The men are angry.

The men are in this angry.

These sentences can also be considered as:

The men [the men are in this room] are angry.
The men who are in this room are angry.
The men angry. I don’t like the men.
The men [I don’t like the men] are angry.
The men whom I don’t like are angry.
We also use the form whom after a preposition. In this case, the preposition should also be moved to
the position before whom in formal written English.

The men are angry. The woman is talking to the men.

The men [the woman is talking to the men] are angry.
Complement of preposition
The men to whom the woman is talking are angry.

However, if the preposition is part of a combination such as two-word verb, meaning that the
preposition cannot reasonably be moved away from the verb, it will remain with the verb.


A relative clause can be either restrictive or nonrestrictive. A restrictive clause is one that cannot be
omitted from sentence if the sentence is to keep original meaning. A nonrestrictive clause contains

additional information which is not required to give the meaning of the sentence. A nonrestrictive
clause is set off from the other clause by commas and a restrictive or nonrestrictive clause. That can
be used only in restrictive clauses. Normally, that is the preferred word to use in a restrictive clause,
although which is acceptable. TOEFL does not test the use of which and that in restrictive clauses.
Examples of restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses:
Restrictive: Weeds that float to the surface should be removed before they decay.
(We are not speaking of all weeds, only those that float to the surface. Thus, the
sentence is restrictive; if”that float to the surface” were omitted, the sentence
would have a different meaning.)

nonrestrictive: My car, which is very large, uses too much gasoline.

(The fact that my car is very large is additional information and not important to the rest of
the sentence. Notice that is it not possible to use the pronoun that in place of which in this

Examples of relative clauses:

Dr. Jones is the only doctor whom I have seen about this problem. Hurricanes that are born off the
coast of Africa often prove to be the most deadly.
Teachers who do not spend enough time on class preparation often have difficulty explaining new
This rum, which I bought in the Virgin Islands, is very smooth.


This relative pronoun indicates possession.

The board was composed of citizens. The citizens’ dedication was evident.
The board was composed of citizens whose dedication was evident.
James, [James’s father is the president of the company] has received a promotion.
James, whose father is the president of the company has received a promotion.
John found a cat. The cat’s leg was broken.
John found a cat whose leg was broken.
Harold whose car was stolen last night is at the police station.

Exercise 37: Relative Clauses

Combine the following individual sentence into single sentence with relative clauses.

1. The last record [the record was produced by this company] became a gold record.
2. Checking accounts [the checking accounts require a minimum balance] are very common now
3. The professor [you spoke to the professor yesterday] is not her today.
4. John [John’s grades are the highest in the school] has received a scholarship.
5. Felipe bought a camera. The camera has three lenses.
6. Frank is the man. We are going to nominate Frank for the office of treasurer.
7. The doctor is with a patient. The patient’s leg was broken in an accident.
8. Jane is the woman. Jane is going to China next year.
9. Janet wants a typewriter. The typewriter self-corrects
10. This book [I found the book last week] contains some useful information.
11. Mr. Bryant [Mr. Bryant’s team has lost the game] looks very sad.
12. James wrote an article. The article indicated that he disliked the president.
13. The director of the program [the director grouted form Harvard University] is planning to retire
next year.
14. This is the book. I have been looking for this book all year.
15. William [William’s brother is a lawyer] wants to become a judge.


In restrictive relative clauses, it is possible to omit the relative pronoun and the verb be (along
with any other auxiliaries) in the following cases.

 Before relative clauses in the passive voice:
This is the Z value which was obtained from the table areas under the normal curve.
This is the Z value obtained from the table areas under the normal curve.
 Before progressive (continuous) verb structures:
The girl who is running down the street might be in trouble.
The girl running down the street might be in trouble.

It is also possible to omit the relative pronoun and the verb be in nonrestrictive clauses before noun

Mr. Jackson, who is a professor, is traveling in the Mildest this year.

Mr. Jackson, a professor, is traveling in the Mildest this year.

Exercise 38: Relative Clause Reduction

Reduce the relative clauses in the following sentences.

1. George is the man who was chosen to represent the committee at the convention.
2. All of the money that was accepted has already been released.
3. The papers that are on the table belong to Patricia.

4. the man who was brought to the police station confessed to the crime
5. the girl who is drinking coffee is Mary Allen
6. john’s wife, who is talking to the policeman is my uncle
7. the man who is talking to the policeman is my uncle\
8. the book that is on the top shelf is the one that I need
9. the number of students who have been counted is quite high
10. Leo Evans, who is a doctor, eats in this restaurant every day



The word that has several uses besides its use in relative clauses. One such use is as a conjunction.
Sometimes when than is used as conjunctions it is optional, and sometimes it is obligatory, that is
usually optional after the following verbs

Say tell think believe

John said that he was leaving next week

John said he was leaving next week
Henry told me that he had a lot of work to do
Henry told me he had a lot work to do


That is usually obligatory after the following verbs when introducing another clause.

Mention declare report state

The mayor declared that on June the first he would announce the results of the search.
George mentioned that he was going to France next year.


Some clauses, generally introduced by noun phrase, also contain that. These clauses are reversible.
It is well known that many residents of third world countries are dying.
That many residents of third world countries are dying is well known.
NOTE: If a sentence begins with a clause, be sure that both clauses contain a verb.
It surprises that John would do such a thing.
That John would do such a thing surprises me.
It wasn’t believed until the fifteenth century that the earth revolves around the sun.
That t5he earth revolves around the sun wasn’t believed until the fifteenth century.


The subjunctive in English is the simple form of the verb when used after certain verb
indicating that one person wants another person to do something. The word that must always appear
in subjunctive sentences. If it is omitted, most of the verbs are followed by the infinitive.
We urge that he leave now.
We urge him to leave now.
Study the following list of verbs.

Advice demand prefer require

Ask snits propose stipulate
Command move recommend suggest
Decree order request urge

NOTE: The verb want itself is not one of these verbs.

In the following rule, verb indicates one of the above verbs.

Subject + verb + that + subject + [verb in simple form]

(Any tense)

The judge insisted that the jury return a verdict immediately.

The university requires that all its students take this course.
The doctor suggested that his patient stop smoking.
Congress has decreed that the gasoline tax be abolished.

The simple form of the verb is also used after impersonal expressions with the same meaning as the
above verbs. The adjective that fit into this formula include the following.

Advised necessary recommended urgent

Impotent obligatory required imperative
Mandatory proposed suggested

In the following rule, adjective one of the above adjectives.

It is necessaryItthat
+ behe+ find
adjective + that + subject + [verb in simple form]…..
the books.
It was urgent that she leave at once.
It has been proposed that we change the topic.
It is important that you remember this question.

Exercise 39: Subjunctive

Correct the rears in the following sentences; if there are no errors, write correct
1. The teacher demanded that the student left the room.
2. It was urgent that he called her immediately.
3. It was very important that we delay discussion
4. the king decreed that the committee suspends discussion on this issue
5. the king decreed that the new laws took effect the following month
6. I propose that you should stop this rally
7. I advise you take thee prerequisite before registering for this course.

8. His father prefers that he attends a different university.

9. The faculty stipulated that the rule be abolished
10. she urged that we found another alternative


The expressions not only …. But also, both …… and, and as well as mean in addition to. Like
entities must be used together (noun with noun, adjective with adjective, etc) all forms must be


The correlative conjunctions not only… but also be used as a pair in joining like entities. The
word also can be omitted, but it is preferable not to omit it.
Noun adjective noun adjective
Subject + verb + not only + -as well as +
Adverb Adverb
Prepositional phrase prepositional phrase

Subject + not only + verb + but also + verb

Robert is not only talented but also handsome.
Adjective Adjective
Beth plays not only the guitar but also the violin.
Noun noun
He writes not only correctly but also neatly.
Adverb adverb

Make sure that the not only clause immediately precedes the phrase ton which it refers.
Notice the following examples.
Incorrect: He is not only famous in Italy but also in Switzerland
Correct: He is famous not only in Italy but also in Switzerland

NOTE: If there is only one adjective, it usually precedes the not only close. In the above sentence, the
adjective famous refers both to Italy and to Switzerland.


The following rules apply to this conjunction. Noun


- as well as +
Subject + verb + adjective adjective
Adverb adverb
Propositional phrase prepositional phrase

Subject + verb + as well as + verb…….

Robert is talented as well as handsome.
Adjective adjective
Beth plays the guitar as well as the violin.
Noun noun

Maria excels in mathematics as well as in science.

Prepositional phrase prepositional phrase
Paul ankh plays the piano as well as composes music.
Verb verb
NOTE: When using as well as to indicate a compound subject, the phrase should be set off by
commas. The verb will agree with the principal subject, NOT with the noun closest to it.
The teacher, as well as her students, is going to the concert.
My cousins, as well as Tim, have test tomorrow.


The correlative conjunctions appear as a pair in a sentence. They follow the same rule as the one
given for not only…….. But also.

Robert is both talented and handsome.

Adjective adjective
Beth plays both the guitar and the violin.
Noun neon
He writes both correctly and neatly.
Adverb adverb
Marta excels both in mathematics and in science.
Prepositional phrase prepositional phrase
NOTE : It is NOT CORRECT to use both and as well as in the same sentence.

Exercise 40 : Inclusive

Supply the missing connectors (not only….but also, both….. and, or as well as) in the
following sentences.
1. Julia speaks Spanish but also French.
2. She bought the yellow sweater the beige skirt.
3. The have house in the country and in the city.
4. He is not only industrious ingenious.
5. Her children have American cousins Spanish ones.
6. Their European tour includes Germany and Austria but also
7. He bandaged the arm both tightly quickly
8. Clark not only practices law teaches it
9. Tom Tryon was a playwright an actor.
10. The bride’s bouquet included roses orchids.


Study the following rules concerning the use of the verb know. Know how is usually used to
indicate that one has the skill or ability to do something. Thus, it is usually followed by a ebb, and
when it is, the verb must be in the infinitive.

Subject + know how + [verb in infinitive]…….

Know by it self on the other hand, is usually followed by a noun, a preposition phrase, or a sentence.
Subject + know + prepositional phrase
Bill knows how to play tennis well
Maggie and her sister know hoe to prepare Chinese too.
Do you know how to get to jerry’s house from here?
Jason knew the answer Roy’s accepting the new position

Exercise 41: Know/Know How

Choose the correct form of know or know how in these sentences.

1. The fourth grades to multiply
2. How many people here to skill?
3. We about Mary’s engagement to James.
4. The chemistry students the formula for salt.
5. Although he has been driving for fifteen years, he doesn’t to change a tire property.
6. Leon that his friend would react to his proposition.
7. Nobody to get to the turnpike yesterday.
8. The owner of the store was away, but she about the robbery.
9. We to type before we entered the university.
10. He doesn’t to dance, but he tries.


Clauses of concession (yielding) show a contrast between two ideas. They are introduced by
although, even though, though, despite, or in spite of.


These are prepositions which can be used interchangeably. They mean the same as although, etc;
however, the grammar is different. They can go at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence.

+ Noun phrase
In spite of

Despite his physical hand cap, he has become a successful businessman.

In spite of has physical handicap, he has become a successful businessman.

Jane will be admitted to the university despite her bad grades.

Jane will be admitted to the university in spite of her bad grades.


These are subordinate conjunctions used to connect two clauses. Notice how the grammar is
different from that of despite and in spite of

Even though + subject + verb + (complement)

Although he has a physical handicap, he has became a successful businessman.
Jane will be admitted to the university even though she has bad grades.

Additional examples of phrases and clauses of concession:

In spite of the bad weather, we are going to have a picnic

The child ate the cookie even though his mother had told him not to.
Although the weather was very bad, we had a picnic.
The committee voted to ratify the amendment despite the objections.

Exercise 42: Clauses of Concession.

Change these sentences to incorporate the expressions in parentheses.

1. Despite her dislike for coffee, she drank it to keep herself warm. ( although)
2. Mary will take a plane, even though she dislikes. Flying (in spite of)
3. in spite of Marcy’s sadness at losing at contest, she managed to smile.(although)
4. we took many pictures though the sky was cloudy. (despite)
5. Despite he poor memory, the aid woman told interesting stories to the children ( even
6. though he has been absent frequently, he has managed to pass the test. (in spite of)
7. Nancy told me the secret, despite having promised not to do so (though)
8. we plan to buy a ticket for the drawing although we know we will not win a prize (even
9. in spite of the high prices my daughters insist on going to the movies every Saturday (even
10. he ate the chocolate cake even though he is on a diet (in spite of)


The verbs lie/lay , raise/raise, and sit/set cause problems even for native English speakers. The
solution to the problem is to remember which verbs are transitive (verbs that take a complement) and
which are intransitive ( verbs that do not take’s complement)

Rise Rose Risen Rising
Lie Lay Lain Lying
sit sat sat sitting

Raise Raised Raised Raising
Lay Laid Laid Laying
Set Set Set Setting


This verb means to get up, move up under one’s own power ( without the help of someone else ),
increase. Notice that there is no complement.

The sun rises early in the summer.

When the tell rings, the students rise form their seats.
When oil and water mix, oil rises to the top.
Jim rose early so that he could play golf before the others.
It must be late; the moon has risen.


The verb means to lift or elevate an object ; or to increase something. It must have a complement.

The students raise their hands in class.


The weightlifter raises the barbells over his head.


The crane raised the car out of the lake.


After studying very hard, John raised his grades substantially.


Mr. Daniels has raised his tenants’ rent another fifteen dollars.


This verb means to rest, repose, or to be situated in a place. It is often used with the preposition
down. NOTE: This verb should not be confused with the verb lie, lied, lied, lied, which means to say
something that is not true.

The university lies in the western section of town.

If the children are tired, they should lie down for a nap.
Maria Elena lay on the beach for three hours yesterday sunbathing.
The old dog just lay on the grass watching the children at play.

This verb means to put somebody or smoothing on a surface.

Don’t lay your clothes on the bed.

The boy lays his books on the table every day.


The enemy soldiers laid down their weapons and surrendered


The children laid their toys on the floor when they had finished using them.

The students had laid their compositions on the teacher’s desk before the bell rang.

The nurse laid the baby in the crib.



This verb means to take a seat. It is also often used with the preposition down.

We are going to sit in the fifth row at the opera.

Bullfight fans sit in the shade because it is cool.
Because the weather was nice, we sat on the patio.
After swimming, Bob sat on the beach to dry off.


This verb means to put somebody or something on a surface or in a place. It is often interchangeable
with lay or put except in certain idiomatic expressions like set the table.

The little girl helps her father set the table every night.

The carpenters set their tools in the box at noon and to lunch.

The botanist set her plants in the sun so that they would grow.

After carrying her son from the car the mother set him in his crib.


The company had to lay off twenty-five employees because of a production slowdown.
Dr. Jacobs has set many broken bones in plaster casts.
John set his alarm for six o’clock.
The chef is hoping that the Jell-O will set quickly.
While playing with matches, the children set fire to the sofa.

EXERCISE 43: Problem Verbs

Circle the correct form the verb in parentheses and underline the complement if there is one.
Remember that complements do not begin with prepositions.

1. You will see on the map that Public Auditorium (lies/lays) north of the lake.
2. My dog loves to (sit/set) in the sun.
3. The delivery boy (lay/laid) the groceries on the table.
4. After the heavy rain, the water in the lake (raised/rose) another two feet.
5. The paper hangers decided to (raise/rise) the picture a few more inches.

6. He was exhausted so he decided to (lie/lay) down for a little while.
7. The workers were (lying/laying) cement for the patio when it began to rain.
8. The soldier (rose/raised) the flag when he heard the bugle blow.
9. In chemistry class, we learned that hot air (rises/raises).
10. They tried to (set/sit) the explosives carefully on the floor.



Each question on this min-test consist of a sentence in which four words of phrase are
underlined. The four underlined part of the sentences are marked A, B, C, D.
You are to identify the one underlined word or phrase that would not be acceptable in standard
written English. Circle the letter of the underlined portion which is not correct.

1. Writers like William Shakespeare and Edgar Allan Poe are not only prolific but too

2. James’s counselor recommended that he should take a foreign language in his

freshman year instead of waiting until the following year.
3. Although Mark has been cooking for many years, he still doesn’t know to prepare
French food in the traditional manner.
4. It is most important that he speaks to the dean before leaving for his vacation.

5. Visitors were not permitted entering the park after dark because of the lack of security
and lighting.
6. I need both fine brown sugar as well as powdered sugar to bake a Hawaiian cake.
7. In spite Nellie’s fear of heights, she decided to fly with a group of her classmates
to he Bahamas during the spring recess.
8. Let Nancy and her to make all the plans for the party, and you and I will provide the
refreshments and entertainments.

9. After rising the flag to commemorate the holiday, the mayor gave a long speech.
10. The general commanded the officers’ Club be off limits to the new recruits.
11. Louie got sister read his class assignment, and then asked her to write the report
for him because he did not have enough time.

12. Marcy said that she knew how the procedures for doing the experiment, but when we
began to work in the laboratory, she found that she was mistaken
13. News of Charles Lindbergh’s famous transatlantic flight in 1927 spread rapidly despite
of the lack of an international communication system.
14. It was suggested that Pedro studies the material more thoroughly before

attempting to pass the exam.
15. The piano teacher requires that her student practices at least forty-five minutes every
day in preparation for next week’s recital.
16.Marie’cousin is studied law at one of the ivy-league universities in the East.
17. If you set in that position for too long, you many get a cramp in your leg.
18. The president mentioned to the cabinet members he was going to negotiate a new
treaty with the foreign minister
19. The conquerors stole not only the gold and silver that were needed to replenish the
badly depleted treasury but also the supplies that were vista to the colonists as well.
20. Despite the roadblock, the police allowed us enter the restricted area to search
for our friends.
21. Did you know how that the actors’ strike will delay the beginning of the new
television season and cause the cancellation of many contracts?
22. We should have been informed James about the change in plans regarding our
weekend trip to the mountains.
23. When we arrived at the store to purchase the dishwashers advertise in the newspaper,
we learned that all the dishwashers had been sold.
24. That manufacturer is not only raising his prices but also decreasing the production of
his product as well.
25. The director encouraged them work in committees to plan a more effective

advertising campaign for the new product.


26. Jason’s professor had him to rewrite his thesis many times before allowing him to
present it to the committee.
27. Mr. Harris will be divided the biology class into two sections to prevent
overcrowding in his classroom.
28. Hundreds of houses and other buildings were destroying by the raging tropical storm
which later developing into a hurricane.
29. Mirabel has registered for both the afternoon anthropology class as well as
the evening sociology lecture.
30. Food forces have raised so rapidly in the past few months that some families have
been forced to alter their eating habits.

31. The man, of whom the red car is parked in from of our house, is a prominent
physician in this town.
32. although her severe pain. Pat decided to come to the meeting so that there would be a
33. The proposal has repealed after a thirty minute discussion and a number of objections
to its failure to include our district.
34. He is the only candidate who the faculty members voted not to retain on the list of
eligible replacements for Professor Katy.
35. In spite of the tenants’ objections, the apartment manager decided to rise the rent
by forty dollars per month.
36. This class, that is a prerequisite for microbiology, is so difficult that I would rather
drop it.
37. The doctor told Mr. Anderson that, because of her severe cramps, he should lay in
bed for a few days.
38. If you had sat the plant in a cooler location, the leaves would not have burned.
39. Dr. Harder, which is the professor for this class, will be absent this week because

of illness.
40. Despite of a language barrier, humans have managed to communicate with other
through sign language, in which certain motions stand for letters, word, or ideas.
41. This class has canceled because too few students had registered before registration
42. After Allan had searched for twenty minutes, he realized that his jacket had been
laying on the table the entire time.

43. The problems that discovered since the initial research had been completed caused
the committee members to table the proposal temporality.
44. The doctor suggested that he lay in bed for several days as a precaution against
father damage to the tendons.
45. Dr. Averse was displeased because the student had turned in an unacceptable report,
so he made him to rewrite it.
46. The projector director stated he believed it was necessary to study the proposals for
several more months before making a decision.
47. Although the danger that he might be injured, Boris bravely entered the burning
house in order to save the youngster.

48. That these students have improved their grades because of their participation in the
test review class.
49. Despite Martha’ students attempts to rise her test score, she did not receive a high
enough score to be accepted by the law school.
50. That Mr. Jones is not prepared to teach this course is not doubted, however, at this
late date it is not likely that we will be able finding a replacement.



When two clause make up a sentence, they show a time relationship based on certain
time words and verb tense. This relationship is called “sequence of tenses”. The verb tense of the
main clause will determine that of the dependent clause.

If the main clause is then the dependent clause will be

(1) Present progressive

Present tenses (2) will, can, or may + verb
(3) Past tenses
(4) Present perfect

 By using a present progressive whit a present tenses, we show two simultaneous

I see that Harriet is writing her composition.
Do you know who is riding the bicycle?
 These modals in the dependent clause indicate that the action takes place after that of
the main verb.(be going to is also used in this pattern)
He says that he will look for a job next week.
I know that she is going to win that prize
Mary says that she can play the piano.
 Past tenses in the dependent clause show that this action took place before that he was
here last night.
I hope he arrived safely
They think he was here last night
He tells us that he has been to the mountains before.
We know that you have spoken with Mike about the party.
If the main clause is then the dependent clause will be

Past tense (1) past progressive or simple past

(2) Would, could, or might + verb
(3) Past perfect,

NOTE NO PRESENT FORM can come after the past tense.

 Simple past or past progressive in the dependent clause indicates a simultaneous

action with the main clause.
I gave the package to my sister when she visited us last week.
I like visited the Pride Art Museum while he was studying in Madrid.
 These modals in the dependent clause indicate that the action takes place after that of
the main verb.
He said that he would look a job next week.
Mary said that she could play piano.
 Past perfect in the dependent clause shows that the action occurred before that of the
main clause.

I hoped he had arrived safely.
They thought he had been here last night.

Exercise 44: Sequence of Tenses

The following contain sentences with present tense verbs in the man clause.
Change the main clause to past and adjust the dependent clause an necessary. Example:
We hope that he will be able to attend.
We hoped that he would be able to attend.

1. He says that he will finish the project by May.

2. Mark thinks he is going to win the award.
3. I hear that Kate has accepted a new position at the East Side Clinic.
4. Stave says that he will make the dessert for the party.
5. Lou tells his friends that they are good tennis players.
6. I realize that they are older than they look.
7. Mary Ellen says that she eats three well-balanced meals every day.
8. The student is asking the professor when the class will do the next experiment.
9. The student is asking the professor when the class will do the next experiment.
10. We know that you may move to Farce next year.


These verbs have the same meaning, however. The grammar is different. If there is an
indirect object (if we mention the person to whom the word are spoken), we use tell. If there is no
indirect object, we use say. Study the following rules.

Subject + say + ( that ) + subject verb ……

Subject + tell + indirect object + (that) + subject + verbs .....

Tell can also be followed occasionally by a direct object. Always use tell before the following nouns
whether there is an indirect object or not.

A Story
A Joke
Tell A Secret

A Lie
The Truth
(The) time

John told a story last night.

John told us a story last night.

NOTE: Remember to use the appropriate sequence of tenses with say and tell.

Present: He says that he is busy today.

He says that he will be busy today.
Past: He said that he was busy today.

He said that he would be busy today.

Exercise 45: Say/Tell

Write the correct form of sat or tell in the following sentences. Be careful to observe
sequence of tense.

1. Harvey____________ he would take us on a picnic today.

2. Pet__________ the children some funny stories now.
3. Who__________ you that he was going to New York?
4. My did you___________ Mary that the party would be?
5. My sister___________ us that it had snowed in her town last week.
6. No one in the second grade class could________ time.
7. The comedian always_________ his friends funny jokes when he is at a party.
8. What time did you___________ that the lecture had begun?
9. Who____________ that we are having an exam tomorrow?
10. The judge instructed the witness to_________ the whole truth about the accident.
11. The little boy_______ a lie about not eating the cookies before lunch.
12. Hamlet_________ “To be or not to be, that is the question”
13. Our teacher________ that we would not have any homework during the vacation.
14. Because be could not_________ time, the boy arrived home very late one evening.
15. I saw my friend in the library and___________ that I had wanted to talk to him.
16. Shaun__________ that he had already seen the movie.
17. Larry___________ that his friends would be going camping next week.
18. James________ that he has already done his homework.
19. I wonder who_________ that blondes had more fun.
20. Never_________ a secret to a person who spreads gossip.


If a pronoun is used in a sentence, there must be a noun of the same person and number
before it. There must be one, and only one, antecedent to which the pronoun refers.

Example of pronouns without antecedents.

Incorrect: Henry was denied admission to graduate school because they did not believe that he

could handle the work load.

(The pronoun they does not have an antecedent in the sentence. The graduate
school is a singular unit, and the members of its faculty are not mentioned).
Correct: The members of the admissions committee denied Henry admission to graduate
school because they did not believe that he could handle the work load. (In this sentence, they refers
to members)
Henry was denied admission to graduate school because the members of the
admission committee did not believe that he could handle the work load. (Here the noun is given
instead of the pronoun.)
Incorrect: George dislikes politics because he believe that they are corrupt.
(The pronoun they does not have an antecedent in this sentence. The word politics is singular, so they
cannot refer to it.
Correct: George dislikes politics because he believes that politicians are corrupt.
George dislikes politicians because he believes that they are corrupt.

Example of pronoun with unclear antecedents:

Incorrect: Mr. Brown told Mr. Adams that he would have to work all night in order
to finish the report.
(It is not clear whether the pronoun he refers to Mr. Brown or Mr. Adams)
Incorrect: Janet visited her friend every day while she was on vacation.
(The pronoun she could refer to either Janet or her friend.)
Correct: While Janet was on vacation, she visited her friend every day.

Exercise 46: Antecedents of Pronouns.

Rewrite the following sentences so that each pronoun has a clear antecedent. If you have to
supply a noun, use any noun that will make the sentences correct.

1. The dispute between the faculty and the administration was not resolved until they go better
working conditions.
2. Ellen spotted her friend as she walked toward the Students Union.
3. Foreigners are easily impressed by the bullfighters as they march into the arena.
4. In their spare time, many great books have been written about the famous Greek and Roman
5. Dr. Byrd’ students book was accepted for publication because they though it would be
beneficial the students.
6. Bob and Helen hate flying because they make too much noise.
7. Casey was not admitted to the country club because they thought he was not socially
8. Mary loves touring the country by train because it is so interesting.
9. The colonel was decorated for bravery, having fought them off.
10. The children were frightened because they made such eerie sounds.


If one (meaning a person in general) is used in a sentence, a subsequent pronoun referring to

the same person must also be one or her. If you is used, the subsequent pronoun must also be you. He
or you can be in the possessive, complement, or reflexive case.

One + noun
One + verb …. + (verb) ….
His + noun

*NOTE: Many times it is considered more appropriate to use he or and similar expression so that the
masculine pronoun is not used exclusively. On the TOEFL however, you need not worry about this
problem. If a sentence begins with one, be sure that you to they Does Not follow.

If one takes this exam without studying, one is likely to fail.

If one takes this exam without studying, he is likely to fail.

One should always do one’s homework.

One should always do his homework.

You + verb ….+ + (verb)…..


If you take this exam without studying, you are likely to fail.
You should always do your homework.


If one takes this exam without studying, you are likely to fail
3rd person 2nd person

If one takes this exam without studying, they are likely to fail.
Singular plural

Additional examples for both forms:

One should never tell his secrets to a gossip if he wishes them to remain secret.

You should always look both ways before you cross the street.
If one wants to make a lot of money, he needs to work hard.
If one’s knowledge of English is complete, he will be able to pass TOEFL.
If you do not want your test scores reported, you must request that they be canceled.



A participial phrase (one containing a [ verb + ing ] without auxiliaries) can be used join two
sentences with a common subject. When the two phrases do not share a common subject. Actually ,
the subject of the participial phrases is understood rather than explicit. Consider the following

Incorrect: After jumping out of a boat, the shark bit the man.
(We understand that the actual subject of the verb jumping is the man; therefore,
immediately after the comma, we must mention the man)
Correct: After jumping out of boat, the man was bitten by a shark.

For clarity, introductory participial phrases must be followed immediately by the noun which is
logically responsible for the action of the participle. There is no written subject in the participial
phrases; thus no change of subject is possible. Sometimes the participial phrases is preceded by a
preposition. The following preposition commonly precede participial phrases

By upon before after while

After preparing the dinner. Michelle will read book.

By working a ten-hoot day for four days, we can have a long weekend.
While reviewing for the test, Marcia realized that she had forgotten to study the use of participial

If only the verb [ verb + ing ] appears in the participial phrases, the time of the sentence is determined
by the tense of the main clause; the tow actions generally occur simultaneously.

(preposition) + (not) + [verb + ing ]…+ noun + verb…..

Present: practicing her swing every day, Tommy hopes to get a job as a golf
Past: Having a terrible toothache, Felipe called the dentist for an appointment

The perfect form (having + [verb in past participle] is used to indicate that the action of the participial
phrases took place before that of the main verb.

(not) + having + [verb in past participle]…..+ noun + verb …..

Having finished their supper, the boys went out to play.

( After the boys had finished……)
Having written his composition, Louie handed it to his teacher.
(After Louie had written…..)
Not having read the book, she could not answer the question.
(Because she had not read……)

The participial phrases can also be used to express a idea in the passive voice, one in which the
subject was not responsible for the action.
(not) + having been + [verb in past participle]……+ noun + verb…..

Having been notified by the court, Melissa reported for jury duty.
(‘After Melissa had been notified……)
Having been delayed by the snowstorm, Jason and I missed our connecting flight.
(After we had been delayed……)
Sometimes a participial modifier in passive voice is reduced by drooping the having been and using
the past participle alone.

Illogical: Attacked by an angry mob, the gashes in the boy’ students throat were life-
(Note that attacked means the same as having been attacked. The actual subject of the verb
attacked is the boy; therefore; reference to him must appear immediately after the comma.)
Correct: Attacked by an angry mob, the boy suffered life threatening gashes in his throat.

Observe the corrected form of the following illogical participant modifiers. Remember that the noun
appearing after the comma must be the logical subject of the participial modifier.

Illogical: Having apprehended the hijacker, the were whisked off to FBI headquarters by the
security guards.
Correct: Having apprehended the hijacker, the security guards whisked them off to FBI
(After the guards had apprehended the hijackers, the guards whisked….)

Having been apprehended, the hijackers were whisked off to FBI headquarters by the security
(After the hijackers had been apprehended, they were whisked……)

Illogical: Before singing the school song, a poem was recited.

Correct : Before singing the school song, the students recited a poem.
(Before the students sang……….)

Exercise 47: Illogical Participial Modifiers.

Following the examples given above, correct these illogical participial modifiers. You may
have to reword the main clause and add a subject.

1. Being thoroughly dissatisfied with the picture, it was hidden in the closet.
2. Seeing the advancing army, all valuables were hidden under the stairwell.
3. Plunging into the water, the drowning child was r rescued.
4. Criticizing the defendant for his cruel behavior, the sentence was handed down by the judge.
5. After painting the car, it was given to the man’s wife by the man.
6. Being an early riser, it was easy for Edna to adjust to her company’s new summer schedule.
7. After winning the tennis match, the victory made Nancy jump for joy.
8. Having wandered through the mountain passes for days, an abandoned shack where they
could take shelter was discovered by the hikers.
9. Being very protective of its young, all those who approach the nest are attacked by the mother
10. Before playing ball, a two-minute period of silence was observed by the baseball players for
their recently deceased teammate.


Very often, when there is no regular adjective form for a verb, the present or past participle of
the verb can be used as an adjective. It is sometimes difficult for foreign students to decided whether
to use the present [verb + ing] or past [verb + ed] or [verb + en] participle as an adjective. The
present participle [verb + ing] is used as an adjective when the noun it modifies performs or is
responsible for an action. The verb is usually intransitive (it doesn’t take an object) and the verb form
of the sentence is the progressive (continuous) aspect.

The crying baby woke Mr. Bin ion.

(The baby was crying)

The purring kitten snuggle close to the fireplace.
(The kitten was purring)
The past participle is used as an adjective when the noun it modifies is the receiver of the action. The
sentence form which this adjective comes is generally in the passive aspect.

The stored mail was delivered to the offices before noon.

(The mail had been stored)
Frozen food is often easier to prepare than fresh food.
(The food had been frozen)
The imprisoned men were unhappy whit their living conditions.
(The men had imprisoned)

Other verb such as interest, bore, excite, and frighten are even more difficult. The rule is basically the
same as that given above. The verb [verb + ing] form is used when the noun causes the action and the

[verb + ing] form is used when it receives the action. Compare the following groups of sentence.

The boring professor put the students to sleep.

The boring lecture put the students to sleep.
The bored students went to sleep during the boring lecture.
The child saw a frightening movie.

Exercise 48: Participles as Adjective

Choose the correct form of the participles used as adjective in the following students.
1. The (breaking/broken) dishes lay on the floor.
2. The (trembling/ trembled) children were given a blanket for warmth.
3. Compassionate friends tried to console the (crying/cried) children.
4. The (interesting/interested) tannins match caused a great deal of excitement.
5. When James noticed the (burning/burnt) building, he notified the fire department
6. The (exciting/excited) passengers jumped into the life oats when notified that the ship was
7. The (smiling/smiled) Mona Lisa is on display in the Louver in Paris.
8. The wind made such (frightening/frightened) noises that the children ran to their parents’
9. The (frightening/frightened) hostages only wanted from to be left alone.
10. We saw the (advancing/frightened) army from across town.
11. Mrs. Harris’s (approving/approved) smile let us know that our speeches were well done.
12. Our representative presented the (approving/approved) plan to the public.
13. The (blowing/blown) wind of the hurricane damaged the waterfront property.
14. We were going to see the movie at the Center Theater, but out friends told us it was a
15. Mary’s (cleaning/cleaned) service comes every Wednesday .
16. The (cleaning/cleaned) shoes were placed in the sun to dry.
17. We could not open the (locking/locked) door without a key.
18. As we entered the (crowding/crowed) room, I noticed my cousins.
19. Dr. Jameson told my brother to elevate his (aching/ached) foot.
20. The police towed away the (parking/parked) cars because they were blocking the entrance


A sentence in which some information is unnecessarily repeated is called redundant.

Given here are some word combinations that are always redundant, and thus should Never be used.

Advance forward advance, proceed, and progress all mean “to

Proceed forward move in a forward direction”, thus, the word
Progress forward forward is not necessary

Return back return and revert mean “to go back or to send
Recent back back” so back is not necessary
Sufficient enough these words are identical; one or the other should be used
Compete together compete means “to take part in a contest against others’
Reason…because these word indicate the same thing; the correct pattern is reason…. that
Join together join means “to bring together”, “to put together” or “to become a part
or member of”, “to take place among”
Repeat again repeat means “to say again” ( re usually means “again”)
New innovations innovation means “a new idea”
Matinee performance matinee means “a performance in the afternoon”
Same identical these word are identical
Two twins twins means “two brother or sisters”
The time when the time and when indicate the same thing; one or the other
should be used
The place where the place and where indicate the same thing; one or the other should be

Examples of correct sentences: army advanced after the big battle

The army moved forward after the big battle.
The peace talks advanced.
The peace talks progressed.

We have sufficient money to buy the new dress.

They have enough time to eat a sandwich before going to work.
The teacher proceeded to explain the lesson.
John and his brother are competing in the running games.
The teacher asked us to join the students who were cleaning the room.
Mary repeated the question slowly so that Jim would understand.
Besides the two evening showings, there will also be a matinee.
The reason I want to take that class is that the professor is supposed to be very eloquent
That was the time I hit a home run.

Exercise 49: Redundancy

Cross out the redundant word in each of the following sentences.

The carpenter joined the two beams together with long nails.
(Together is the redundant word)

1. After Jill had shown Tim how to insert the paper once, she repeated the operation again.
2. The twins have the same identical birthmarks on their back.
3. I think we have sufficient enough information to write the report.
4. When the roads became too slippery, we decided to return back to the cabin and wait for the
storm to subside.
5. Nobody could get out of work early enough to attend the matinee performance.
6. The mountain climbers proceeded forward on their long trek up the side if the mountain.
7. Rita and her sister competed together in the musical talent show.
8. I think that we should come up with a new innovation for doing this job.
9. The minister joined the bride and groom together in holy wedlock.
10. My cousins love to play with the two twins from across the street.


When information in a sentence is given in the form of a list or series, all components must be
grammatically parallel or equal. There may be only two components or there may be many
components in a list; however, if the first is, for example, an infinitive, the rest must also be
infinitive. Consider the following correct and incorrect sentences.

Not parallel : Peter is rich handsome, and many people like him.
Adjective adjective clause

Parallel : Peter is rich, handsome, and popular.

Adjective adjective adjective

Not parallel : Mr. Henry is a lawyer, a politician, and he teaches.

Noun noun clause

Parallel : Mr. Henry is a lawyer, a politician and a teacher.

Noun noun noun

(Remember that clause standing alone would be a complete sentence, meaning it has a subject and a

Not parallel : The soldiers approached the enemy camp slowly and silent.
Adverb adjective

Parallel : The soldiers approached the enemy camp slowly and silently.
Adverb adverb

Not parallel : She likes to fish, swim, and surfing.

Infinitive simple form [verb + ing]

Parallel : She likes to fish, to swim, and to surf.

Infinitive infinitive infinitive

She likes fishing, swimming, and surfing.
[Verb + ing] [Verb + ing] [Verb + ing]

Not parallel : when teenagers finish high school, they have several choices:
Going to college, getting a job, or the army verb+
Verb + noun noun

Parallel : when teenagers finish high school, they have several choice:

Going to college, getting a job, or joining the army verb+

Noun verb + noun verb + noun

NOTE: If the sentence indicates that the different clauses definitely happened or will happen at
different times, than this ruler does not need to be followed. For example:

She is a senior, studies every day, and will graduate a semester early.
Present present future

Exercise 50: Parallel Structure

Change the following sentences so that they are parallel.

1. The puppy stood up slowly, wagged its tail, blinking its eyes, and barked.
2. Ecologists are trying to preserve our environment for future generations by protecting the
ozone layer, purifying the air, and have replanted the tress that have been cut down.
3. The chef of police demanded from his assistants an orderly investigation, a well-written
report, and that they work hard.
4. Marcia is a scholar, an athlete, and artistic.
5. Slowly and with care, the museum director removed the Ming vase from the self and placed
it on the display pedestal.
6. The farmer plows the fields, plants the seeds, and will harvest the crop.
7. Abraham Lincoln was a good president and was self-educated, hard-working, and always told
the truth.
8. Children love playing in the mud, running through puddles, and they get very dirty.
9. Collecting stamps, playing chess, and to mount beautiful butterflies are Derrick’s hobbies.
10. Despite America’s affluence, many people are without jobs, on welfare, and have a lot of


There are two ways of writing the object of many verbs without changing the meaning of the
sentence. The indirect object may occur after the direct object, preceded by a preposition, or it may
occur before the direct object without being preceded by a preposition. The prepositions that are
generally used in this structure are for and to.
NOTE: The indirect object is an animate object or object to whom or for whom something is done.
The direct can be a person or a thing and is the first receiver or the action.
I give the book to Dan
Direct object indirect object

The book is the direct object because the first action was that of taking the book in may hand, and the
second action, the indirect one, was to give it to Dan.

Not all verbs allow for this object transformation. Here are some that do.

Bring find make promise tell

Build get offer read write
Buy give owe sell
Cut hand paint send
Draw leave pass show
Feed lend pay teach

Some of these verbs can be followed by either the proposition for or to, while others must be
followed by one or the other. The transformation means exactly the same as the sentence with the
original preposition. Study the following rules.

Subject + verb + direct object + + indirect object

Subject + verb + indirect object + direct object

NOTE: In the second rule, where the indirect object precedes the direct object, NO preposition exists.

Correct: The director’s secretary sent the manuscript to them last night.
Correct: The director’s secretary sent them manuscript last night.
Incorrect: The director’s secretary sent to them the manuscripts to them last night.

NOTE: If the direct object and the indirect are both pronouns, the first rule is generally used.

Correct: They gave it to us.

Incorrect: They gave us it.

Additional examples:

John gave the essay to this teacher.

John gave his teacher the essay.

The little boy brought some flowers for his grandmother.

The little boy brought his grandmother some flowers.

NOTE: The verbs introduce and mention must use the proposition to. The transformation NOT

I introduced John to Dr. Jackson.

I introduced Dr. Jackson to John.
He mentioned the party to me.

Exercise 51: Transformation of Direct and Indirect Object.

Rewrite these sentences placing the indirect object immediately after the verb and eliminating
the preposition.

1. Mary showed the photographs to me.

2. I’ll send the books to you next week.
3. My sister sent a game to my daughter for her birthday.
4. He brought the telegram to her this morning.
5. The daughter gave an autographed copy of his book to his friend.
6. They wrote a letter to us.
7. Louie drew a lovely picture for his mother.
8. She made a bookcase for her cousin.

9. That teacher taught grammar to us last year.

10. Mary handed the tray to her brother.

Exercise 52: Transformation of direct and Indirect Object

Rewrite these sentences placing the direct object immediately after verb and supplying the
correct preposition.

1. John owes his friend the money.

2. My friends sent me a bouquet of flowers while I was in the hospital.
3. The clerk sold us the records.
4. They found him a good, inexpensive car.
5. Picasso painted he’s wife a beautiful portrait.
6. My father read us the newspaper article.
7. Pass me the salt, please.
8. She brought him a red jacket.
9. The girls couldn’t wait to show us the bicycles.
10. The construction crew built them a house in four week.


It is sometimes possible to place adverbials tat the beginning of a sentence. This indicates a
stronger emphasis on the action than when the adverbial is in its normal position. If the adverbial
appears at the beginning of a sentence, the grammar of the sentence is somewhat different.
Juan hardly remembers the accident that took his sister’s life.
Hardly does Juan remember the accident that took his sister’s life.

Seldom + auxiliary + subject verb …..
Only …

Never have so many people been unemployed as today.

Adverb auxiliary subject verb

(So many people have never been unemployed as today.)

Hardly had he fallen asleep when he began to dream of far-away lands.

Adverb auxiliary subject verb

(He had hardly fallen asleep when he began to dream….)

Rarely have we seen such as affective actor as he has proven himself to be.
Adverb auxiliary subject verb

(We have rarely seen such as affective actor….)

Only by hard work will we be able to accomplish this great task.

Adverb auxiliary subject verb

(We will be able to accomplish this great task only by hard work)
Exercise 53: Adverbials at the Beginning of a Sentence
Change each of the following sentence so that the adverbial as at the beginning of the sentence.

1. Jorge rarely forgets to do his homework.
2. Jane can finish this work only by staying up all night.
3. Henry had hardly started working when he realized that he needed to go to the library.
4. We have never heard so moving a rendition as this one.
5. Mari seldom missed a football game when she was in the United States.
6. We will be able to buy the car only with a bank loan.

7. We rarely watch television during the week.

8. He has never played a better game than he has today.
9. This professor seldom lets his students leave class early.
10. Jennifer had hardly entered the room when she felt the presence for another person.


Very often in the Structure and Written Expression section of the TOEFL, especially in part A,
Structure, you will find that the questions cannot be solved simply by applying a single grammatical
rule. In order to solve these question, you should eliminate any possible answer choices which are
incorrect until you arrive at the correct choice. Follow these steps in eliminating incorrect answers.

1) Check each answer to faulty grammar. Look for:

a) Subject/ verb agreement
b) Adjective/ adverb usage
c) Placement of modifiers
d) Sequence of tenses
e) Logical pronoun reference
f) Parallel structure

2) Eliminate answers that are verbose (wordy). The sentence should convey its meaning in the
most concise way.
a) Avoid answer containing expression like:
John read the letter in a thoughtful manner. (4 word)
There is usually a less wordy adverb such as:
John read the letter thoughtfully. (1 word)

b) Avoid answer containing two words that have the same meaning.

3) Eliminate answers which contain improper vocabulary.

a) Be sure that all word shows the meaning of the sentence.
b) Be sure that two-word verbs are connected with the proper preposition. (These are
covered in the next section, Problem Vocabulary and Prepositions)

4) Eliminate answer choice containing slang expression. Slang is nonstandard vocabulary that is
sometimes used in speech, but not considered correct in formal English. Some example are:
Really when it is used to mean “very”
Bunch when it is to mean “many”
Any noun + wise when it is used to mean “in relation to_____”


1. Before we can decide on the future uses of this drug,_____

a) Many more information’s must be reviewed
b) Is necessary to review more information.
c) We must review much more information.
d) Another information must to be reviewed

a) 2 errors in grammar: many + noun-count noun is not possible; a noun-count noun
cannot be plural (information).
b) 1 grammar error; no subject
c) Correct
d) 2 grammar errors; another + noun-count is not possible; a modal must be followed by
the simple form ( must by reviewed)


PART A: Structure

Each sentence in Part A is an incomplete sentence. Four words or phrases, marked (A),
(B), (C), (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one word or phrases that best
completes the sentence. Remember to eliminate answers that are incorrect and to choose the one that
would be correct in formal written English.

1. The defendant refused to answer the prosecutor’s question.___________

a) Because he was afraid it would incriminate him
b) For fear that they will incriminate him
c) Because he was afraid that his answer would incriminate him
d) Fearing that he will be incriminated by it

2. ___________will Mr. Forbes be able to regain control of the company.

a) With hard work
b) In spite of his hard work
c) Only if he works hardly
d) Only with hard work

3. Mrs. Walker has retuned _________

a) A wallet back to its original owner.
b) To its original owner the wallet
c) The wallet to its originally owner
d) The wallet to its original owner

4. The hospital owes__________ for the construction of new wing.

a) The government twenty million dollars

b) For the government twenty million dollars
c) To the government twenty million dollars
d) Twenty millions of dollars to the government

5. Maria __________that she could not attend classes next week.

a) Told to her professors
b) Said her professors
c) Told her professors
d) Is telling her professors

6. Having been asked to speak as the convention,__________

a) Some notes were prepared for Dr. Caserne
b) Dr. Caserne prepared some notes
c) The convention members were pleased to her Dr. Caserne
d) Some notes were prepared Dr. Caserne

7. _____________ so many people been out of work as today.

a) More than ever before
b) Never before have
c) In the past, there never have
d) Formally there never were

8. The artist was asked to show painting at the contest because__________

a) He painted very good
b) They believe he painted well
c) Of their belief that he was as good artist
d) The judges had been told of his talents

9. Having finished lunch__________

a) The detectives began to discuss the case

b) The case was discussed again by the detectives
c) They discussed the case
d) A bunch of detectives discussed the case

10. Ms. Sierra offered ____________because she had faith in his capabilities.
a) To Mr. Armstrong the position
b) Mr. Armstrong the position
c) The position Mr. Armstrong
d) Mr. Armstrong to the position
11. ______________did Jerome accept the job.
a) Only because it was interesting work
b) Because it was interesting work
c) Only because it was interesting work
d) The work was interesting
12. _____________were slowly lowered to the ground for medical attention.
a) The victims who were screaming and who were burning
b) The screaming burnt victims
c) The screamed burnt victims
d) The victims who were burning screamed

13. This car has many features including_________

a) Stereo, safety devices, air condition, and it saves gas
b) Good music, safe devices, air conditioning, and gas
c) Stereo, safety devices, air conditioned, and good gas
d) Stereo, safety devices, air conditioning, and low gas mileage

14. The proposal was tabled_____________ that it would be helpful

a) Temporarily because there was not sufficient evidence
b) Because for the time being there were not sufficient evidence
c) Because at the present time there was not sufficient evidence
d) Temporarily because there was not sufficient enough evidence

15. Adams was dismissed from his position________

a) Because his financial records were improperly
b) Because finance wise he kept poor records
c) For keeping improper financial records
d) For keep financial records that were improper

PART B: Written Expression


Each question on this mini-test consists of a sentence in which four words or phrases are
underlined. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked A, B, C, and D. You are to identify
the one underlined word or phrases that would not be acceptable is standard written English. Circle
the letter of the underlined portion which is not correct.

16. Some Italian scholars stressed the study of grammar, rhetoric, learning about history,
and poetry.
17. When the tank car carried the toxic gas derailed, the firemen tried to isolate the
village from all traffic.
18. While the boys were ice skating, they slip on the thin ice and fell into the deep water.
19. If motorist do not observe the traffic regulations, they will be stopped, ticketed, and
have to pay a fine.
20. Fred, who usually conducts the choir rehearsals, did not show up last night because
he had an accident on his way to the practice.

21. A short time before her operation last month, Mrs. Carlyle dreams of her daughters
who lives overseas.
22. The atmosphere in Andalusia is open, warm, and gives a welcome feeling to all who
have the good fortune to visit there.
23. Now that they have successfully passed the TOELF, the students were ready to begin
their classes at the university.
24. Being that he was a good swimmer, John jumped into the water and rescued the
drowning child.

25. Some of the people were standing in the street watched the parade, while other were
singing songs.
26. The carpenters tried to join together the pieces of the broken beam, but found it
impossible to do.
27. As soon as Pete had arrived, he told us that he will be leaving for London tomorrow
after the board meeting.
28. In Rome, Venice, and other cities, there developed an intellectual movement called
humanism, which is the basis of the Renaissance.
29. The teacher repeated the assignment again for the students, since they had difficulty
understanding what to do after he had explained it the first time.
30. The way we react to other people, the educational training we received, and the
knowledge we display are all part of our cultural heritage.
31. When you come after class this afternoon, we discussed the possibility of your
writing a research paper.
32. Montanan conducted the orchestra gracefully and with style to the delight of his
appreciative audience.
33. Having finished his term paper before the deadline, it was delivered to the professor
before the class
34. After learning all the details about the project, the contractor told us them at the
planning meeting


The following words are often misused by native English speakers similar that people fail
distinguish between them. Others are pronounced exactly the same, but they are spelled differently
and have different meanings. Words, part of speech (noun, verb, etc) definitions, and sample
sentence in this list.

ANGEL (noun) ----a spiritual or heavenly being. The Christmas card portrayed a choir of angels
hovering over the shepherds.

ANGEL (noun) ----a figure formed by two lines meeting at a common point. The carpenters placed
the planks at right angles.

CITE (verb) ---- quote as an examples. In her term paper, Janis had to cite many references.

SITE (noun) ----location. The corner of North Main and Mimosa Streets will be the site of the new
shopping center.

SIGHT (a) (noun) ----a device used to assist aim (of a gun or telescope). Through the sight of the
rifle, the soldier spotted the enemy. (because) (noun)----view. Watching the landing often space
capsule was a peasant sight. (c) (verb) ----see. We sighted a ship in the bay.

COSTUME (noun) ---clothing, typical style of dress. We all decided to wear colonial costumes to
the Fourth of July celebration.

CUSTOM (noun) ---a practice that is traditionally followed by a particular group of people. It is a
custom in Western Europe for little boys to wear short pants to school.

DECENT (adjective) ---respectable or suitable. When one appears in court, one must wear decent

DESCENT (noun) (a) ---downward motion. The mountain climbers found their descent more
hazardous than their ascent. (b)─lineage. Vladimir is of Russian descent.

DESSERT (noun) (desert) ---the final course of a meal, usually something sweet. We had apple pie
for dessert last night.

DESERT (noun) (desert) ─a hot, dry place. It is difficult to survive in the desert without water.

DESERT (noun) (desert) ─abandon. After deserting his post, the soldier ran away from the camp.

LATER (adverb) ─a time in the future or following a previous action. We went to the movies and
later had ice cream at Dairy Isle.

LATTER (adjective) ─last of two things mentioned. Germany and England both developed
dirigibles for use during World War II, the latter primarily for coastal reconnaissance. (latter =

LOOSE (adjective) ─opposite of tight. After dieting, Marcy found that bedclothes had become so
loose that she had to buy a new wardrobe.

LOSE (verb) (a) ─to be unable to find something. Mary lost her glasses last week.
(because)─opposite of win. If Harry practice his tennis more, he may lose the match.

PASSED (verb─ past tense of pass) (a) ─elapse. Five hours passed before the jury reached its
verdict. (b) ─go by or beyond. While we were sitting in the park, several of our friends passed us.
(c) ─succeed. The students are happy that they passed their exams.

PAST (a) (adjective) ─a time or event before the present. This past week has been very hectic for
the students returning to the university. (b) (noun) ─time before the present. In the past, he had
been a cook, a teacher, and a historian.

PEACE (noun) ─harmony or freedom form war. Peace was restored to the community after a
week of rioting.

PIECE (noun) ─part of a whole. Heidi after a piece of chocolate for dessert.

PRINCIPAL (a) (noun) ─director of an elementary or secondary school. The principal called a
faculty meeting. (b) (adjective) ─main or most important. An anthropologist, who had worked with
the indigenous tribes in Australia, was the principal speaker as Friday’ students’ luncheon.

PRINCIPLE (noun) ─fundamental rule or adherence to such a rule. Mr. Connors is a man who
believes that truthfulness is the bees’ principle.

QUIET (adjective) ─serene, without noise. The night was so quiet that you could hearth breeze

QUITE (adverb) (a) ─completely. Louise is quite capable of taking over the household chores
while her mother is away. (because) ─somewhat or rather. He was quite tired after his first day of

QUIT (verb) ─stop. Herman quit smoking on his doctor’s advice.

STATIONARY (adjective) ─no movable, having a fixed location. The weatherman said that the
warm front would be stationary for several days.

STATIONERY (noun) ─special writing paper. Lucille used only monogrammed stationery for

THAN (conjunction) ─used in unequal comparisons. Today’s weather is better than yesterday’s.

THEN (adverb) ─a time following a previously mentioned time. First, Julie filled out her schedule;
then, she paid her fees.

THEIR (adjective) ─plural possessive adjective. Their team scored the most points during the

THERE (adverb) (a) ─location away from here. Look over there between the trees. (because)
─used with the verb be to indicate existence. There is a book on the teacher’s desk.

THEY’RE (pronoun + verb) ─contraction of they + are. They’re leaving on the noon flight to
TO (preposition) ─toward, until, as far as. Go to the blackboard and write out the equation.

TWO (noun or adjective) ─number following one. Two theories have been proposed to explain
that incident.

TOO (adverb) (a) ─excessively. This morning was too cold for the children to go swimming.
(because) ─also. Jane went to the movie, and we did too.

WEATHER (noun) ─atmospheric conditions. Our flight was delayed because of bad weather.

WEATHER (conjunction) ─if, indicates a choice. Because of the gas shortage, we do not know
whether we will go away for our vacation or stay home.

WHOSE (pronoun) ─possessive relative pronoun or adjective. The person whose name is drawn
first will win the grand prize.

WHO’S (relative pronoun + verb) ─contraction of who + is or who + has. Who’s your new biology
professor? Scott is the attorney who’ students been reviewing this case.

YOUR (adjective) ─possessive of you. We are all happy about your accepting the position with the
company in Baltimore.

YOU’RE (pronoun + verb) ─contraction of you + are. You’re going to enjoy the panorama from
the top of the hill.

Exercise 54: Commonly Misused Words

Select the correct word in parentheses to complete the meaning of the sentence.

1. A beautiful (angle/angel) adorned their Christmas tree.

2. I have (your/you’re) notes here, but I cannot find mine.
3. The rescuers were a welcome (cite/sight/site) for those trapped on the snow covered mountain.
4. (Who’s/Whose) supposed to supply the refreshment for to night’s meeting ?
5. It is a (costume/custom) in the United States to eat turkey on Thanksgiving.
6. (Weather/Whether) we drive of fly depends on the length of our vacation.
7. Pasquale is of French (decent/descent), but his cousin is English.
8. Dr. Hippie will not be coming (not/two/too) the meeting because he has (to/two/too) many
papers to grade.
9. Although my mother never eats (desert/dessert), I prefer something sweet.
10. I guess (their/there/they’re) not interested because we have not heard from them.
11. Doris and Merge teach kindergarten; the (latter/later) works in Putnam.
12. Isaac Asimov’s science books are more easily understood (than/then) most scientists’.
13. The fender on Sean’s bike came (loose/lose) and had to be tightened.
14. Nobody had any (stationary/stationery), so we had to use notebook paper to write the letter.
15. The hikers had (passed/past) many hours waiting to be rescued.
16. Lisa had to (quiet/quit/quite) eating apples after the orthodontist put braces on her teeth.
17. After any war, the world desires a lasting (peace/piece).

18. Albert Einstein expressed his (principal/principle) of relativity.
19. Marcia was (quit/quiet/quiet) tired after the long walk to class.
20. You must remember to (cite/site/sight) your references when you write a paper.


These are words that cause problems when the speaker is not able to distinguish
between them. They are similar in meaning or pronunciation but CANNOT be used
interchangeably. Learn the definition of each and its use before employing it in conversation.

ACCEPT (verb) ─to take what is given. Professor Perez will accept the chairmanship of the
humanities department.

EXCEPT (preposition) ─excluding or omitting a thing or person. Everyone is going to the

convention except Bob, who has to work.

ACCESS (noun) ─availability, way of gaining entrance. The teachers had no access to the
students’ files, which were locked in the principal’s office.

EXCESS (a) (adjective) ─abundant, superfluous. We paid a surcharge on our excess baggage. (b)
(noun) ─extra amount. The demand for funds was in excess of the actual need.

ADVICE (noun) ─ opinion given to someone, counseling. If you heed the teacher’s advice, you
will do well in your studies.

ADVISE (verb) ─act of giving an opinion or counsel. The Congress advised the president against
signing the treaty at that time.

AFFECT (verb) ─to produce a change in. The doctors wanted to see how the medication would
affect the patient.

EFFECT (a) (noun) ─ end result or consequence. The chidden suffered no ill effects from their
long plane ride. (because) (verb) ─to produce as a result. To effect a change in city government we
must all vote on Tuesday.

AGAIN (adverb) ─repetition of an action, one more time. Mike wrote to the publishers again,
inquiring about his manuscript.

AGAINST (proposition) (a) ─in opposition to someone or something. The athletic director was
against our dancing in the new gym. (b) ─next to, adjacent. The boy standing against the piano is
my cousin Bill.

ALREADY (adverb) ─an action that happened at an indefinite time before the present. Jan’s plane
had already landed before we got to the airport.

ALL READY (noun + adjective) ─prepared to do something. We are all ready to go boating.

AMONG (preposition) ─shows a relationship or selection involving three or more entities. It was
difficult to select a winner from among so many contestants.

BETWEEN (propositions) shows a relationship or selection involving only two entities. Between
writing her book and teaching, Mary Ellen had little time for anything else. NOTE: When between
is followed by two nouns or noun phrases, the two nouns or noun phrase must be separated by and
never by or.

BESIDE (preposition) ─next to. There is a small table beside the bed.

BESIDES (proposition or adverb) ─in addition to. Also, moreover. I have five history books here
besides the four that I left at home.

ASIDE (adverb) ─to one side. Harry sets money aside every payday for his daughter’s education.

COMPARE (verb) ─show similarities. Sue compared her new school with the last one
CONTRAST (verb) ─show differences. In her composition, Marta chose to contrast life in a big
city with of a small town.

CONSECUTIVE (adjective) indicates an uninterrupted sequence .Today is the tenth consecutive

day of this unbearable heat wave

SUCCESSIVE (adjective) indicates a series of separate events .the united states won gold medicals
in two successive Olympic games

CONSIDERABLE (adjective) rather large amount or degree. Even though Marge ha considerable
experience in the field ,she was not hired for the job

CONSIDERATE (adjective) thoughtful ,polite . It was very cordierite of Harry to send his hostess
a bouquet of flowers.

CREDIBLE (adjective) believable. His explanation of the rescue at sea seemed credible.

CREDITABLE (adjective) worthy of praise. The fireman’s drying rescue of those trapped in the
burning building was a creditable deed

CREDULOUS (adjective) gullible. Rita is so credulous that she will accept any excuse you offer

DETRACT (verb) take away or lessen the value of a person or thing. molly’s nervousness
detracted from her singing

DISTRACT (verb) case a lack mental concentration on what one is doing or the goals one has set.
Please don’t distract you father while he is balancing the checkbook

DEVICE (noun) an invention or plan. This is a clever device for cleaning fish without getting
pinched by he scales

DEVISE (noun) invent, crate, contrive . The general devised a plan for attacking the enemy camp
at night while the soldiers were celebrating.

ELICIT (verb) draw out, evoke. The prosecutor’s barrage of questions finally elicited the truth
from the witness

ILLICIT (adjective) unlawful. The politician’s illicit dealings with organized crime caused him to
lose his government position

IMMIGRANT (noun) one who comes to a new country to settle. the united stated is a country
composed of immigrants. NOTE the verbs are emigrate and immigrate. It is possible to be both an
emigrant and an immigrant at the same time as one leaves one’s own country (emigrant) and
arrives in another country (immigrant) to settle

EMIGRANT (noun) one who leaves one’s own country to live in another. After world war Jiminy
emigrants left Europe to go to the united states.

EXAMPLE (noun) anything used to prove a point. Picasso’s Guernica is an excellent example of
expressionism in art

SAMPLE (noun) a representative part of a whole. My niece loves to go to the supermarket because
the diary logy always gives her a sample off cheese

FORMERLY (adverb) previously. He formerly worked as a professor, but now he is a physicist

FORMALLY (adverb) (a) an elegant way of dressing, usually a tuxedo for men and a long gown
women. At the resort we were required to dress formally for dinner every night. (b) properly,
officially. She has formally requested a name change
HARD (adjective) (a) difficult. The test was so hard that nobody passed (b) opposite of soft. The
stadium seats were hard, so we rented a cushion. (adverb) (c) with great effort. They worked hard
on the project.

HARDLY (adverb) barely, scarcely . He had so much work to do after the vocation that he hardly
knew where to begin

HELPESS (adjective) unable to rear eddy (an animate thing is helpless) . Because I could not
speak their language, I felt helpless trying to understand the tourists’ plight

USELESS (adjective) worthless, unserviceable. An umbrella is useless in a hurricane.

HAUSE (noun) and HOME (noun) are many times used interchangeably, but there exist a
difference in meaning. (a) house refers to the building or structure, the Chapman’s are building a
new house in Buckingham Estates. (because) home refers to the atmosphere or feeling of domestic
tranquility found in house. Home is where the heart is

IMAGINARY (adjective) something not real that exists in one students imagination. Since Ralph
has no brothers or sisters, he has created an imaginary playmate

IMAGINATIVE (adjective) showing signs of great imagination. Stars wars was created by a highly
imaginative writer.

IMMORTAL (adjective) incapable of dying. The immortal works of Shakespeare are still being red
and enjoyed three centuries after their writing

IMMORAL ( adjective) against the moral law. Bad , evil. Their immoral behavior in front of the
students cost the teachers their jobs.

IMPLICIT (adjective) understood, but not specifically stated. Our supervisor has implicit faith in
your ability to finish this project on time.

EXPLICIT (adjective) expressed in a clear and precise manner. The professor gave explicit
instructions for carrying out the research project

INDUSTRIAL (adjective) pertaining to industry. Paul had an industrial accident and was in the
hospital for there mount’s

INDUSTRIOUS (adjective) diligent, hard working. Mark was such and industrious .
Student that he received a four-years scholarship to the university

INFLICIT ( verb) impose something unwelcome. Because the prisoners had created a riot and had
assaulted several guards, the warden inflicted severe punishments on all the participants

AFFLICT (verb) cause physical or mental pain. During the middle ages, millions of people were
afflicted by the plague.

INSPIRATION (noun) stimulation to learn or discover. Thomas A. Edison inventor of the

phonograph, said that an idea was ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration

ASPIRATION (noun) (a) ambition, desire, goal. Gail’ students lifelong aspiration has been that of
becoming a doctor . (b) expulsion of breath. To pronounce certain words, proper aspiration is

INTELLIGENT (adjective) processing a great deal of mental ability. Dan was so intelligent that he
received good grades without ever having out study

INTERLLIGIBLE (adjective) clear, easily understood. The science teacher’s explanations were so
intelligible that students had no problems doing their assignments

INTELLECTUAL (a) (noun) any person who possesses a great deal of knowledge. Because
Fabians is an intellectual, he finds is difficult to associate with his classmates who are less
intelligent. (b) (adjective) Wes john was involved in an intellectual conversation with his old

INTENSE ( adjective) extreme. Last winter’s intense cold almost depleted the natural gas supply

INTENSIVE (adjective) concentrated. Before going to Mexico, Phil took an intensive course in

LATE (a) (adjective or adverb) not punctual. Professor Carmichael hates to see his students arrived
late. (b) (adjective) no longer living. Her late husband was the author of that book

LATELY ( adverb) recently. I haven’t seen Burt lately. He must be extremely busy with his

LEARN (verb) obtain knowledge. The new cashier had to learn how to program computers

LEND (verb) and LOAN (verb) give something for temporary use with the promise of returning it
(lend and loan as verse may be used interchangeably) Jill loaned (lent) me her red dress to wear to
the dance

BORROW (verb) receive something for temporary use with the promise of returning it. I brooded
Jill’s red dress to wear to the dance

LIQUIDATE (verb) eliminate, get rid of, change to cash. The foreign agents tried to liquidate the
traitor before he passed to information to his contacts

LONELY (adjective) depressed feeling as a result of abandonment or being alone after her
husband’s death, Debbie was very lonely and with drawn

ALONE (adjective) physical state of solitude, unaccompanied. After losing in the Olympic tryouts,
Phil asked to be left alone.

NEAR (preposition or adverb) used to indicate a place not too far distant, my biology class meets
near the students union

NEARLY (adverb) almost. We were nearly hit by the speeding car on turnpike.

OBSERVATION (noun) act of paying attention to or being paid attention . the ancient Egyptians
observation of the heavenly bodies helped them know when to plant and harvest

OBSERVANCE ( noun ) act of following custom or ceremony. There will be numerous parades
and displays of fireworks in observance of independence day

PERSECUTE (verb) torture, harass. Throughout history many people have been persecuted for
their religious beliefs.

PROSECUTE (verb) in legal terms, to bring suit against or enforce a law through a legal process.
Shoplifters will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law

PRECED (verb) to come before. Weather service warnings preded the hurricane

PROCEED (verb) continue an action after a rest period or interruption. After the fire drill, the
teacher proceeded to explain the experiment to the physics class

QUANTITY (noun) used with non count nouns to indicate amount, bulk A large quantity of sand
was removed before the archeologists found the prehistoric animal bones

NUMBER (noun) used with count nouns to designate individual amount. A number of artifacts
were found at the excavation site

REMEMBER (verb) to recall or think of again. I do not remember what time he asked me to call.
You don’t remember me do you ?
Remind (verb) to cause (someone) to remember, to bring into (someone’s) mind. Please remind me
to call Henry at 7 o’clock tonight. Henry remind me of my uncle.

SENSIBLE (adjective) having good judgment. When it is raining hard, sensible people stay

SENSITIVE (adjective) excitable, touchy, easily affected by outside influences. Stephen cannot be
out in the sun very long because he has very sensitive skin and burns easily.

SPECIAL (adjective) that which receives a lot of attention because of a distinct characteristic.
Mayer’s department store will have a special sale for their charge customers.

EXPECIALLY (adverb) particularly. Rita is especially talented in the fine arts. She has a special
talent for playing music by ear

USE (noun) act of putting into practice or service ,application. The salesmen said that regular use
of frizzier would ensure a greener, healthier lawn.
USAGE (noun) way in which something is used . Norm Crosby’s usage of English vocabulary in
his comedy routine is hilarious.
Exercise 55 : Confusingly Related Words

Selected the world in parentheses that completes the meaning in each sentence.
1. Betty’s insulting remark greatly (effected/affect) Kurt , who is a very sensitive person .
2. Detroit manufactures hope to develop an easily attachable (device/devise) for the carburetor to
improve gas mileage.
3. While doing the experiment, we asked the lab technician’s (advice/advise).
4. After declaring bankruptcy, the company was forced to (liquefy/liquidate) its assets.
5. Keith’s company’s headquarters were ( formerly/formally ) located in Philadelphia.
6. (Especially/Special) attention must be give to the questions at the end of each chapter.
7. George was (among/between) those students selected to participate in the debate
8. they were (already /all ready) to leave when a telegram arrived.
9. by asking many questions, the instructor Arian to (elicit/illicit) information from the students


This preposition is usually followed by a noun indicating time. It indicates of time.
Example: during our vacation, we visited many relatives across the country. During the summer,
we do not have to study

This preposition generally means the opposite of to. He came from Miami last night.

1. common usage of from : from (a time , a place ) to ( time , place )

2. common expression with from : from time to time ( occasionally) we visit the art museum from
time to time

Common expressions with by :

a. by then (before a time in the past of future). I will graduate from the university in 1983. by
then I hope to have found a job
b. by way of (via). We are driving to Atlanta by way of baton rouge.
c. by the way (incidentally). By the way, I’ve got two tickets for Saturday’s game . would you like
to go to with me ?
d. by far (considerably).this book is by far the best on the subject
e. by accident/by mistake (not intentionally, opposite of on purpose). nobody will receive a check
on Friday because the wrong cards were put into the computer by accident
f. to indicate the agent in passive sentence , Romeo and Juliet was written by William
g. by + specific time (before). We usually eat supper by six o’clock in the evening
h. by bus/plane/train/ship/car/bike (indicates mode of travel) (see on, 1.b) we traveled to Boston
by train


This preposition generally means inside a place or enclosure. It is the opposite of out (see
diagram). Dr Jones is in his office.

1. Common usage of in :
a. in a room/building/drawer/closet (inside). Your socks are in the drawer.
b. In + month/year (see on, 1.a) his birthday is in January. Peter will begin class in 1997
c. In time (not late, early enough) (see on time,2.a.) we arrived at the airport in time to eat
before the plane left
d. In the street (see on,1.c) the children were warned not to play in the street
e. In the morning/afternoon/evening (see at night, 2.b.) I have a dental appointment in the
morning, but I will be free in the afternoon
f. In the past/future. In the past, attendance at school was not compulsory, but it is today
g. In the beginning/end. Everyone seemed unfriendly in the beginning .but in the end
everyone made friends
h. In the way (obstructing) (see on the way, 2.d) he could not park his car in driveway
because another car was in the way
i. Once in a while (occasionally) once in a while, we eat dinner in a Chinese restaurant
j. In no time at all (in a very short time) George finished his assignment in no time at all
k. In the meantime (at the same time, meanwhile, we start school in several weeks, but in
the meantime, we can take a trip
l. In the middle. Grace stood in the room looking for her friend
m. In the army/air fore/navy. My brother was in the army for ten years
n. In a row. We are going to sit in the tenth row of the auditorium
o. In the event that (if) in the event that you win the prize, you will be notified by mail
p. In case (if) I will give you the key to the house so you’ll have it in case I arrive a little
q. (get) in touch with (get) in contact with its very difficult to get in touch with jenny
because she works all day

This preposition generally means a position above, but in contact with an object the records are
on the table :

1. common usage of on :
a. on a day/date (see in,1.b.) .i will call you on. Thursday his birthday is on January 28

b. on bus/plane/train/ship/bike (see by,1.c) it’s too late to see Jane’s she’s

already on the plane. I came to school this morning on the bus
c on a street (situation of a building) see in, 2.d. and at,1.a. ) George lives on 16th
i. on the floor of building. Henri lives on the fifteenth floor of that building

2. Common expressions with on :

a. on time (punctual, used for a scheduled event or appointment, more specific than in
time) (see in,2.c.) despite the bad weather, our plane left on time
b. on the corner (of two streets ) (see in,2.b.) Norman hall is on the corner of 13 th street
and 5th avenue
c. on the side walk. Don’t walk in the street. Walk on the sidewalk
d. on the way (enrooted) (see in,2.h.) we can stop at the grocery store on the way to their
e. on the right/left. Paul sits on the left side of the room and Dave sits on the right
f. on television/(the)radio. The president’s “state of union address” will be on television
and on the radio tonight
g. on the telephone. Janet will be here soon; she is on the telephone
h. on the whole (in general, all things considered) on the whole, the rescue mission was
well executed
i. on the other hand (however, nevertheless) the present aspect is never used to indicate a
specific time; on the other hand, the simple past tense is
j. on sale (offered for sale) the house will go on sale this weekend (offered at a lower than
normal price) the regular price of the radio is $39.95, but today it’s on sale for $25.
k. On foot (walking) my car would not start so I came on foot


This preposition generally is used to indicate a general location. It is used to indicate a general
location . not as specific. Jane is at the bank

1. Common usage of at :
a. at + an address (see, 1.c) George lives at 712 16th avenue
b. at + a specific time. The class begins at 3:10

2. Common expressions with at :

a. at home/school/work. Form nine to five, Charles is at work and his roommate is at
school. At night, they are usually at home.
b. at night (see in,2.e). we will have to spend at least two weeks doing the experiments
c. at least (at the minimum). We will have to spend at least two weeks doing the experiment.
d. at once (immediately ). Please come home at once.
e. at present/the moment (now). She is studying at moment.
f. at times (occasionally). At times, is difficult to understand him because he speaks too fast.
g. at first (initially). Jane was nervous at first, but later she felt more relaxed.


a. on the beach. We walked on the beach for several hours last night.
b. in place of (instead of ). Sam is going to the meeting in place of his brother, who has to
c. for the most part (mainly). The article discusses, for the most part. The possibility of
life on other planets.
d. in hopes of (hoping to). John called his brother in hopes of finding somebody to watch
his children.
e. of course (certainly). Of cause, if you study the material very thoroughly, you will l
have no trouble on the examination.
f. off and on (intermittently). If rained off and on all day yesterday.
g. all of a sudden (suddenly). We were walking through the woods when, all of a sudden,
we heard a strange sound
h. for good (forever). Helen is leaving Chicago for good.

Exercise 56: Use of Prepositions

Write the correct preposition in the following sentence. There may be several
possible answers.. Helen is leaving Chicago for good.
___(1)__the summer, we went__(2)__the beach every day. We stayed__(3)__ a lovely motel
right__(4)__the beach.__(5)__the morning we would get up __(6)__9:30.have breakfast, and than
spend four hours __(7)__the pool__(8)__all the other guests.__(9)__1:00 we would have lunch
__(10)__our room.__(11)__lunch we would eat something light like sandwiches and fruit.
__(12)__the afternoon we would return __(13)__the pool area and sit __(14)__the sun__(15)__a
while. __(16)__night we would take long walks __(17)__the beach or visit some friends who lived
__(18)__520 Volusia Avenue __(19)__ Daytona Beach.
Many people form __(20)__ __ town stayed __(22)__ that model. Like us, they had been coming__
(23)__that same motel__(24)__1975. Most __(25)__them were restaurant, __(26)__ Ohio. __(27)__
time __(28)__time we would eat out __(29)__ a nice restaurant where we did not have to wait long
__(30)__the waitress to serve us.__(31)__July it is usually very crowded, but this year __(32)__ least,
it was not as crowded as __(33)__ the past. Once __(34)__ a while we went __(35)__ the movies
__(36)__ the theater __(37)__ the corner __(38)__ last Ollas boulevard and Castillo Avenue. We
arrived. There __(39)__ no time __(40)__ all__(41)__ car. We sat __(42)__the middle __(43)__ the
theater, __(44)__ the twelfth row. The movie started __(45)__ 7:00 sharp, so we got there just
__(46)__ time o buy some popcorn and find our seat. __(47)__ first, I thought I would not enjoy it.
But __(48)__ the end, it turned __(49)__to be a very interesting movie.__(50)__ the whole, it was an
enjoyable evening. We decided to get a coke __(51)__ __(52)__ the machine, but unfortunately it

was __(53)__ __(54)__ order. So __(55)__ place __(56)__ the coke, we decided to get some ice
cream __(57)__ the Dairy Isle which was located __(58)__ the corner __(59)__ Harper Ave. and
Washington St. __(60)__ returning __(61)__ our motel, I decided to finish reading my novel. It is
__(62)__ far the most exciting book that vector Holt has ever written __(63)__the most part, her book
deals __(64)__ a group __(65)__ archeologists who went __(66)__ Egypt __(67)__hopes __(68)__
discovering some pharaoh’s tomb. __(69)__accident they uncovered a plot to smuggle the treasures
__(70)__ __(71)__ Egypt. __(72)__course the archeologists got __(73)__ touch __(74)__ the
authorities, who had heard some rumors about smuggling off and __(75)__all__(76)__a sudden, one
day the police showed up and caught them __(77)__the act and arrested them.


A verbal idiom is a group of words, containing a verb, that has a meaning different form the
meaning of nay individual word wit him it. The following list of two and there word verbal idioms
should be learned. Because they are idiomatic, you are less likely to find them in the grammar
section of the TOFEL. Many of them, however, may appear in the listening comprehensions

BREAK OFF –end. As result of the recent, unprovoked attack, the two countries broke off their
diplomatic relations.

BRING UP-raise, initiate. The country commissioner brought up the hated issue of restricting on
street parking

CALL ON (a)___ask. The teacher called on James to write the equation on the blackboard.
(Because) __visit. The new minister called on each of the families of his church in order to become
better acquainted with them.

CARE FOR (a)__like. Because Martina doesn’t care dark colors, she buys only brightly colored
colored clothes. (b)__ look after. My neighbors asked me to are for their children after school.

CHECK OUT (a)__borrow books, etc, form a library. I went to the library and checked out thirty
books last night for my research paper. (b)__investigate. This photocopy machine is not working
property. Could you check out the problem?

CHECK OUT OF__leave. We were told that we had to check out of the hotel before one o’clock,
or else we would have to pay for another day.

CHECK (UP) ON__investigan. The insurance company decided to check up on his driving record
before insuring him.

CLOSE IN ON__draw nearer, approach. In his hallucinatory state, the addict felt that the walls
were closing in on him.

COME ALONG WITH___become ill with. During the summer, many people come down with
intestinal disorders.

COUNT ON__depend on, rely on. Maria was counting on the grant money to pay her way through
graduate school.

DO AWAY WITH__eliminate. Get rid of. Because of the increasing number oh problems
Created after the football games, the doctor has decided to do away with all sports activates.

DRAW UP__write, draft (such as plans or contracts) . a new advertising contract was drawn up
after the terms had been decided.

DROP OUT OF__ cut, with draw from. This organization has done a read deal to prevent young
people form dropping out of school.

FIGURE OUT__ solve, decipher, interpret, understand. After failing to figure out his income tax
return, Hal decided to see an accountant.

GET BY__ manage to survive. Despite the high cost of living, we will get by on my salary.

GET THROUGH (a) __ finish. Jerry called for an earlier appointment because he got through
with has project sooner than he had expected. (Because) __ manage to communicate. It is difficult
to get through to someone who doesn’t understand your language.

GET UP (a)__ arise. Pete usually gets up early in the morning, but this morning he overslept.
(b)__ organize. Paul is trying to get up a group of square dancers to go to Switzerland.

GIVE UP__ stop, cease. Helen gave up working for the company because she felt that the
employees were not treated fairly

GO ALONG WITH__ agree. Mr. Robbins always goes along with anything his employer wants
to do.

HOLD ON TO__ grasp, maintain. Despite moving to the Western world, Mariko held on to her
Oriental ways.

HOLD UP (a)__ rob at gun point. The convenience store was held up last night. (b)__ endure ore
withstand pressure or use. Mrs. Jones held up very well after her husband’s death. (c)__ stop. Last
night’s accident held up rush hour traffic for two hours.

KEEP ON__ continues. I keep on urging Rita to practice the violin, but she doesn’t heed my

LOOK AFTER __ care for. After my aunt had died, her lawyer looked after my uncle’s financial

LOOK INTO__ investigates. Lynnette is looking into the possibility of opening a drugstore in
Dallas as well as in Fort Worth.

PASS OUT/HAND OUT__ distribute. The political candidate passed out campaign literature to
her coworkers.

PASS OUT__ faint. The intense heat in the garden caused Mario to pass out.

PICK OUT__ select, choose. The judges were asked to pick out the essays that showed the most

POINT OUT__ indicates. Being a professional writer, juncos helped us by pointing out problems
in style.

PUT OFF__postpone. Because Brian was a poor correspondent, he put off answering
His letters.

RUN ACROSS__discover. While rummaging through some old boxes in the attic. I ran across my
grandmother’s wedding dress.

RUN INTO__ meets by accident. When Jack was in New York, he ran into an old friend at the

SEE ABOUT__consider,attend to. My neighbor is going to see about getting tickets for next
Saturday’s football game.

TAKE OFF__leave the ground to fly. Our flight to Toronto took off on schedule.

TAKE OVER__ substitute for. Marie had a class this afternoon, so Janet took over for her.

TALK OVER __discuss. The committee is talking over the plans for the homecoming dance and

TRY OUT (a)__test. General Mills asked us to try out their new product. (b)__audition for a play.
Margarita plans to try out for the lead in the new musical.

TURN IN (a)__submit. The students turned in their tar papers on Monday. (b)__go to bed. After a
long hard day, we decided to turn in early.

WATCH OUT FOR__be cautions or alert. While driving through that development, we had to
watch out for the little children playing in the street.

Exercise 57: Verbal Idioms

Change the underlined words to incorporate two-and three-word verb. Make all necessary
tense changes. Example :

The senator raised the question of the treaty negotiations.

The senator brought up the question of the treaty negotiations.

1. Louis doesn’t like peens unless they’re mixed in with something else.
2. Because of the shortage of funds, we will have to eliminate all extracurricular activates.
3. Many teenagers quit school before graduation and regret it later.
4. Mike and Mary Ellen will be very happy when they finish writing their engagement.
5. Marsha was so upset by her finance’s disloyalty that she ended their engagement.
6. The local convenience store was robbed last night and $225 was taken.
7. Thomas Jefferson was one of the men responsible for writing the Declaration of Independence.
8. I am trying to interpret this writing, but it is not easy.
9. Continue driving at 55 miles per hour if you want to save gasoline and prevent accidents.
10. Mrs. Davis asked me to serve ass chairman of the entertainment committee.
11. Pete promised to stop smoking immediately.
12. The police are approaching the robbers’ hideout.
13. Maria Elena will take care of the neighbors’ children while they attend the school meeting.
14. Joey became ill with the measles just before his scout troop went to camp.
15. Mrs. Listener will substitute for the history teacher who is out of town.
16. The mountain climbers grasped the rope tightly to avoid falling.
17. We plan to investigate the possibility of spending a week at the seashore.
18. My mother distributed candy to the children last Halloween.
19. The manager said we had to leave the motel no later than noon.
20. Mike just discovered that his passport had expired three months previously.
21. When buying apples, remember to select only the firm, re ones.
22. We were counting on a raise in pay, but we’ll have to manage without it.
23. Rita will accompany her sister to the Skating Palace on Saturday night.
24. The tour guide indicated the historical monuments of the city.
25. I knew I could rely on them to get the job done.
26. The dance had to be postponed because of the had weather.
27. I accidentally met an old friend in the dropping center last week.
28. The manager said he would consider hiring another secretary to take care of the backlog of
29. Last night Mr. Robbins raised the issue of student parking on city stress.
30. Henry was so upset at the sight of his injured daughter that he fainted.
31. Before making a decision. On the project, the board of directors decided to discuss the matter.
32. Porter and Gamble is testing a new product and has sent everyone a sample.
33. All budget proposals had to be submitted by last Friday.
34. What time did you awaken this morning?
35. Be careful of speeding cars when you cross the street.


Many nouns, verb, and adjective are generally followed by specific propositions. However,
there are many exceptions to any rule listing certain words which must appear with and certain
prepositions. This is something that one must learn form constant contact with and attention to the
elements of a new language. Listed here are some nouns, verb, and adjectives that USUALLY appear
with the accompanying prepositions.


Equivalent of number of example of

Quality of reason for exception to
Pair of sample of possibility of

Note: These nouns can be followed by either of or for.

Fear method hatred need means

The quality of this photograph is poor.

I saw a sample of her work and was quite impressed.
They have yet to discover a new method of/method for analyzing this information.

Decide on plan on depend on
Detract from engage in approve of
Emerge form pay for succeed in
Participle in escape form mingle with
Confide in remove form rely on

NOTE: Do not confuse the to of an infinitive with to as a preposition. Some of these verbs can be
followed either by an infinitive or by a preposition + gerund. We have decided to stay in the United
States for several more weeks. We have decided on staying in the United States for several more
weeks. Attending this seminar to working in a laboratory.
There dangerous criminals escaped form prison yesterday.
You can depend on Harry if you want the job done correctly.
He is going to participate in the demonstration next week.


Satisfied with fond of amenable to

Divorced form isolated form inferior to
Guilty of afraid of similar to
Interested in accustomed different form

William is quite fond of cooking oriental food.

My employer says she is not satisfied with my performance.
Margaret is afraid of large dogs.

Keep in mind that other prepositions MAY be used with the above words in different cortexes. Watch
for prepositions when you read so that you can develop a “feel” for their use.
Some of the following exercise contains prepositions that have hot been included in this list.
See if you have acquired a native speaker’s feel them yet.


Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. Scientists are trying to (device/ devise) an inexpensive for gasoline.

2. On Halloween night, most children dress in (costumes/ customs) and go from house to
house asking for treats.
3. Mr. Miller’s prejudice (of/ toward) his neighbors caused him to be ostracized.
4. (Besides / beside) geology, Herman is studying math, French, and literature.
5. Melanie said that she would arrive (later / latter) than the rest of us.
6. Despite his sore muscle, Paul planned on participating (with / in) the Olympic skating.
7. A fear (at / of) closed-in areas is called claustrophobia.
8. After being apprehended, all hijackers are (persecuted / prosecuted)
9. Mitzi didn’t (loose/lose) any time in applying for the teaching position in math.
10. the letters were (already/all ready) for mailing when we realized that we had written the
wrong addresses on the envelopes.
11. This report is (quite/quiet) complete and needs no revision.
12. Professor Baker teaches the same number of hours per week as Professor Jones, but the
(later/latter) always looks more tired.
13. Ms. Davis asked us to help pass (out/up) some free (samples/examples).
14. Julie’ students skirt will be (to/too) (lose/loose) for her sister to wear.
15. Even though Marlon Brando had won an Oscar, he refused to (except/accept)it at the
presentation ceremonies.

In the following sentence, choose the form in parentheses that means the same as the
underline word or words.

16. Louis was depending on the Pittsburgh Steelers to win the championship. (picking out/
counting on)
17. Dr. Clements distributed the materials at the deans’ conference. (passed out/brought up)
18. Archeologists continue searching for buried Egyptian treasures. (keep on/do away with)
19. Four armed men robbed the bank last week and escaped with an undermined amount of
cash. (held up/pointed out)
20. We had to postpone the meeting because too many people had the flu. (drop out of /put
21. When Karen became ill, her colleagues had to manage without her. (get along / take off)
22. The department chairman asked his staff to help with the registration. (called on /canted
23. If we terminate our relations with that country, we’ll have to find another supplier of raw
materials. (break off/draw up)
24. After arriving at the check in counter, Dennis discovered that he was in the wrong airport.
(found out/pointed out)
25. Kevin quit the reengineering program because he found it too difficult. (checked out of/
dropped out of)
26. The gasoline fumes caused Mike to faint. (pass out/ break off)
27. The baseball game had to be postponed because of the inclement weather. (put off/put on).
28. All bids for the project had to be submitted by November 1. (turned in / drawn up)
29. Because she is so tall, Sandy doesn’t like high-heeled shoes. (care for/ pick out)
30. My adviser indicated numerous errors in my proposal and told me to rewrite it. (figured
out/pointed out)



Each question on this mini-test consist of a sentence in witch four words of phrase are
underlined. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked A, B, C, D .you are to identify the
one underlined word of phrase that would not be acceptable I standard written English. Circle the
letter of the underlined portion which is not correct.

1. Even though the girls have all ready visited St. Augustine, they want to return
To the Castillo de san Marcos.

2.As a result of his inconsistency in represent his constituents; the senator was not
reelected to the state legislature.
3. Knowing that it would be hapless to continue working for a nearly bankrupt company,
Louise decided to go away and find another type of employment.
4.Excepting for the graduate students, everyone will have to take the tests on the same


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