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Chapter 1: Birth of King Ace’s children

A collection of stars, planets, and other celestial bodies light up the night sky on a distant planet. A planet inhabited by demons and dragons and ruled by a
powerful king, his dark sorcerer’s and spiritual noblemen sits on the outer reaches of space. The planet is called Planet Ace where a king has ruled for over 2000
years. This night is special from others. The king; King Ace, has decided the night is right to create his sons. He decides it is fit to bring forth eleven entities from
his being. His sorcerer’s surround him and chant an ancient spell that puts the king in a trance. The king, tired, stagers to his knees, but manages to bring
himself up and spew eleven eggs from his bowls. The unborn children are carefully carried off by his servants and placed in the Sanctuary of Demons. King Ace is
weak and unable to stand on his two feet without stumbling. He waits. His close servant and master of the dark arts confide to him that he will make sure the
eggs are safe and are well guarded. This servant, however, has a dark energy flowing through him. King Ace senses this and orders the others to keep a close eye
on the beast. The servant is a dragon like no other. The creature is grotesque in appearance. It is equipped with razor sharp claws and fangs with unimaginable
cutting force. Its’ wings are most impressive and makes even the highest ranking dragon warriors envy it. He has demon like horns, but no demon blood runs
through its’ veins. Its’ eyes glow red in the night time and some say you can see the underworld if you gaze into its ruby colored eyes. He is robust and a skilled
warrior. A killing machine built to rein destruction on all those who oppose making him the perfect servant for the king, but the dragon known as Mahna, has a
hidden agenda. “It’s time now. I grow tired of serving this wretched king. No longer will I serve him. No longer will dragons ever serve demons! I will become king
and take over this miserable universe! I will be the strongest ever known. Not even the Gods shall stop me. First I have to take care of his wretched children, but
I cannot do that now, as his dogs watch out for that pitiful demon. How can I sway Ace to send his precious children to a planet that I know they will have no
hope of ever seeing their home again?” Mahna is devious and plots how to get rid of the eggs. He contemplates where the eggs should be sent off to. On the
planet Ace, it was an honor for unborn children to be sent to another planet to prosper and mate with other species. Mahna sets his eyes on Earth because
Earthlings posses no threatening powers and the children will grow up to be weak. Mahna exits the chamber and has a brief conversation with King Ace. “Sire, I
have a planet in mind where your eggs may be sent to.’’ King Ace senses treachery in his voice, but discards that idea thinking that not even Mahna would stoop
so low and ruin such a celebration. He replies “What planet do you have in mind?” Mahna smiles and quickly responds “The planet Earth sire”. King Ace stands
up slowly and gazes at the sky. For a moment, he closes his eyes and then reopens them. He responds to Mahna’s suggestion. “Earth is a really interesting choice
Mahna. Mine is the choosing and I think Earth [In a stern voice] is not the proper place for my children. They must be closer to home and Earth is such a far
journey”. Mahna interjects “But it’s-” he is cut off by King Ace “Have the servants prepare to send them to Cydron.” King Ace reveals to Mahna a startling
revelation. “I have a son on Cydron. He was sent there and he is now fourteen years old. He has been training with the warriors there and I want him to train my
new children. Kin of such high blood belongs on Cydron. The Cydronians have been gracious to us and they posses’ skills not even I have learnt. That is why I
want my sons to be sent there.” Mahna immediately began to plot a new strategy. King Ace told one of the noblemen to check on the eggs and prepare a ship to
go to Cydron. Mahna knew he couldn’t wait and had to make a move now. He followed the noblemen into the sanctuary and explained to him “The king has
ordered me to look after the eggs.” The noblemen responded “I have strict orders from the king to-” Before he could finish his sentence, Mahna had shoved his
entire arm through the noblemen’s stomach. He said to him “Sorry, but I have other plans.” He left the noblemen dead and picked up one of the eggs. He began
to chant a spell. Before he could complete the process guards entered and saw what Mahna had done and ordered the he immediately surrendered. Mahna
proclaimed “I’m not going to surrender to you fools! I’m going to destroy you all!” The guards attacked, but to no avail. Mahna was simply stronger than them
and easily over powered them. He used a special technique called “Dark Fire” to incinerate the guards quickly. King Ace was immediately alerted and came
rushing into the sanctuary. There he spoke with Mahna about what he did. Mahna said. “I’m done serving you your highness [sarcastically]. You’re no longer my
king! I shall kill you and then your precious babies! “King Ace angrily replied “Mahna! You are a disgrace to this entire world! You will pay for your sins! I will
make sure of that! The two gathered energy and in a brilliant flash of light clashed in a battle. At first, King Ace had the upper hand, but the tables were quickly
turned and Mahna grasped the King’s white cape and punched him through a wall. King Ace got back up and ordered the remaining guards to get the eggs to the
ship and to evacuate as many people as they could of the planet. Mahna asked King Ace “What do you hope to accomplish by doing this?” He laughs and
continues to talk with a grin on his face “I’ll let your eggs go! I want your kids to grow up so it’ll make it all the better when I crush them!” He laughs harder after
seeing King Ace’s anger elevate. King Ace exclaims to Mahna “You’re finished!” He blitz in for an attack, but Mahna powers up and knocks him down again. King
Ace’s demeanor changed as he got back up. He notices blood rushing from his mouth and he spits it out. He laughs and he goes to his thoughts. “I know I am too
weak now to beat this monster, but I still got one trick left. If you can hear me Gods, lend me your power so I can defeat this evil!” Ace also asks the Gods to send
the names to his sons that he has in mind as he never even got to name them. King Ace summons power from all around him and becomes shrouded in a bluish
veil. He takes a stance to grip to the floor more effectively. Mahna is watching carefully and asks “What are you doing!? Where is this power coming from?” King
Ace responds in a happy manner “You picked a great time to attack Mahna, but I’m prepared to take you out at all cost, even if it means I have to make the
ultimate sacrifice! I will not allow you to get to my sons nor will I allow such an evil to exist!!” Mahna exclaims ineffectively “You fool!! You’ll destroy the entire
planet! Stop!!” His outcry has no effect on King Ace as he draws in more power. He asks Mahna “Are you ready Mahna!? I am.” Mahna exclaims no at the top of
his lungs. King Ace releases a final surge of raw power that obliterates him, Mahna and the entire planet. The impact rocks the solar system. The ship with his
eggs and others escape just in time to escape the blast. The commander aboard the ship looks out the window and cringes with pain. He looks back at the eggs.
He notices the eggs have something written on them. He realizes they’re the names of Ace’s sons. He’s baffled at how the names got there as he didn’t see it
before, but he knows one thing is certain. He has to get the eggs to Cydron at all costs.

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