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Kelsey Posatiere

EDU 201
November 20, 2018


(1) Name of lesson : Our Solar System

(2) Grade Level: 3rd grade

(3) Suggested group size: Instruction as a whole group. Then students work individually on
projects and classwork.
(4) Subject : Science (Solar System)
(5) Standard:
E5B Students understand that there are many components in the Solar System including Earth.
E8B Students understand characteristics of our Solar System that is part of the Milky Way
CCSD Elementary Curriculum (CEF)-Grade 3 Doc# CPD.LIT/MST-P002 Page VIII-34

(6) Objective
The students will understand the difference between each planet. The students will also be able
to identify the planets based on color, size, facts, and how many rings they might have around
them. They will be able to make a 3D model of the planets in order. The students will also be
able to understand how the Solar System and the Milky Way relate to each other.
(7) Materials:
For presentation: computer, Power Point, projector, Solar System model
Homework assignment: computer, Microsoft Word, printer paper, printer, ink
Weekly project: Microsoft word, printer paper, printer, ink, construction paper, glue, scissors,
Markers, plastic foam balls (different sizes), Solar System model

(8) Procedures:
Start by assessing student’s knowledge on the subject and asking these three questions:
-How many planets are in our Solar System?
-What are the names of these planets?
-What galaxy contains our Solar System?
Once the class has given their answers and we have discussed some of the possibilities start the
power point.
The power point provides 12 slides containing information based on our Solar System, the Milky
Way, the 8 planets, the Sun, and Earths Moon.
Our talk and the Power Point will be focused on what our Solar System is made up of. As well as
basic facts on the Milky Way, such as age, what it is, and how big it is. We will also go over all 8
planets. This information will consist of the size of the planet, how far it is away from the Sun,
how old it is, how long a year and day is, if the plant has its own moon(s), or ring(s) surrounding
it, and what kind of terrain it is. We will also learn basic facts about the Sun, and Earth’s Moon.
While going over each planet, I will pass around a Solar System model of the individual planet.
This will allow students to see what planets have rings around it, as well as the planets color, and
Once the Power Point is over, I will ask the students if they have any questions.
Once there are no more questions, I will begin by going over their homework assignment about
the Solar System and their weekly project.
Begin handing out their homework sheet. Explain how to complete the homework properly.
Homework assignment: There are a list of random facts on one side of the paper, and the names
of all 8 planets, the Sun, the Moon, the Milky Way, and the Solar System on the other side. The
students must match the name to the correct fact. There are enough facts listed for every planet,
the Moon, the Sun, the Milky Way, and the Solar System to have an answer. Then on the back of
that same paper the students must put the planets in order, starting with the planet closest to the
sun. They need to complete this part of the homework by just simply writing the name of the
planets (in order).
See if students have questions about the homework.
After going over homework and answering any questions, go over their weekly project. Provide
the students with 2 copies of the printed instructions, rubric, and due date. One copy if for them
to keep in their backpack and the other copy is for the students to give to their parents.
Weekly Project: Students will be able to start their project today, Monday, and have until Friday
to complete it. They will have 30 minutes a day to work on their project in class. They can also
take it home to work on, and whenever they have free time in the classroom. I will provide the
materials for the students that are needed to complete the project. However, if they choose, they
can provide any extra supplies they might want. The students will be building a 3D model of the
Sun and the 8 planets (in order). They will need to make sure that the planets are sized
appropriately, and they are the correct color. Students also need to make sure that if a planet has
a ring around it, they included it in the model. Students need to make sure that the planets and
the sun are correctly labeled and have at least one fact that they learned listed under it. I have
provided plastic foam balls, construction paper, markers, glue, and scissors. The plastic foam
balls come in a variety of sizes in order to make sure that the students planets are properly sized.
At minimum the tools provided should help the students be able to complete this project.
Ask students if they have any questions about the weekly project. Once questions are answered
give students 15 minutes to collect their plastic foam balls and whatever other supplies they
might need.

(9) Assessment
I will use embedded assessments. Embedded assessments are used to provide feed-back based on
how the students are understanding the information being provided in the lesson. The students
will complete weekly projects, homework assignments, and quizzes. By having students
complete these three things it will allow me to assess how well the students are grasping the
information given to them.

Homework: I will grade homework based on how accurate the student’s answers are.

Participation grade: I will grade participation on how much the students are interacting with the
teacher and the students and whether or not they seem engaged in the lesson.

Weekly project: I will grade the weekly project on accuracy, organization, creativity, grammar,
punctuation, and how well the student followed directions.

Quizzes: I will grade quizzes based on the accuracy of the student’s answers.

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