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Reflective paper
During the summer holidays in April and May, my group started deciding on
what topic we were going to choose. We decided on raising awareness about
poverty in villages. When we came back to school in June we discussed it
together and with our teacher and realised that it would be very hard to do
primary research on this topic and what would raising awareness do? because
a lot of people know about this problem and billionaires and governments are
working on solutions. We then sat together and tried to decide on another
aim. We decided on one but we again realised that it was not a good aim and it
was not what we wanted to do. Finally, in the first week of July, we chose our
aim-” To raise awareness about gender inequality in sports.”
My group members and I play a lot of sports and when we thought about it we
realised that when we played any sport it was always guys playing never the
girls, whether it was basketball, football, badminton or even hockey. On a
national and international level, there are definitely a lot of females
participating in a variety of sports. But not on a local level and thus we could
definitely raise awareness about a problem that affected people around us and
a problem that can be fixed with people around us working together.
Even on a national and international level, we found a huge pay gap between
males and females, with an increase in the number of female athletes an equal
distribution of money needs to take place.
Once we chose our aim we started working on a questionnaire to ask students
of different ages, genders and with different cultural backgrounds about what
they knew and what they felt about gender inequality in sports. We started
working on a questionnaire during the second week of July but had to stop due
to our examinations.
Our exams got over on the second week of August and after which we finished
the questionnaire and started distributing it. It took a lot of time as we had to
ask for permission to interrupt classes and give the questionnaire and we
needed permission from our principle to do that. We also made a survey for
people of different backgrounds, ages and genders to answer which we shared
on social media. Finally, towards the end of August, we collected all the
responses and started working on the explanation, as we had planned out
what we wanted to do. It was a difficult process as we were not sure how to go
about the process. After various inputs from our teacher, we finished writing
the introduction of the explanation during the first week of September. During
this time Rishabh and I had also started working on our outcome to raise
awareness in the form of a website. Finding relevant data from our
questionnaire and analysing it was a challenge for both of us. We then had to
stop working on this to focus on our exams. After our exams in October, we sat
together with the rest of our group and we completed analysing the data
following which we took out pictures and started adding the data to the
website. During October we finished the editing of our website and then
focused on finishing our explanation.
After we finished working on the website we sort of slowed down. Maybe
because we were overconfident because we had finished a lot of work really
fast, then we got distracted and started making excuses about why not to do
work. Our teammate also had to leave for a competition and in the time that
he was gone, we did not do any work. This really annoyed our teacher. We
now had to rework on our explanation and we had our pre-boards coming up.
It was a last-minute job that is really stressful and after rushing it we finished
this is not something I would like to do again.
By December we published our website and gave the final submission of our
I feel that we could have done a better job if we had not rushed our project at
the end. Publishing it and sharing it to get responses could have been done
earlier and we could have gotten more responses if we had focused and done
that. This really was a learning experience for me, teaching me how to actually
do a project, not just copy off the web and submit it to my teacher also
teaching me how to work towards deadlines rather than on a deadline.

Word Count-769

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