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Asexual reproduction is reproduction without sex.

In this form of reproduction, a

single organism or cell makes a copy of itself. The genes of the original and its copy will
be the same, except for rare mutations. They are clones.
The main process of asexual reproduction is mitosis. This type of reproduction is
common among some single-cell organisms, for example, amoeba. Many plants also
reproduce asexually.
Types of Asexual Reproduction
1. Binary fission
Some organisms like bacteria reproduce using binary fission. They split in two, so one
bacterium becomes two bacteria. This always leads to daughter cells, and the offspring
will be identical to the parent.
2. Budding
Budding is similar to binary fission, but it is used by plants and some animals, which
cannot simply split in half as bacteria can. It is when a small part of a plant or animal
breaks off and then, while they are separated from their "mother", they start to grow until
both the "parent" and the "offspring" are the same size and both are capable of budding
again. This may happen many more times.
3. Parthenogenesis
Parthenogenesis is found in both plants and animals. Eggs develop without fertilization.
Examples occur in water fleas, rotifers, aphids, stick insects,
some ants, bees and parasitic wasps.
4.Vegetative propagation
Vegetable propagation is very common in some types of plants
using rhizomes or stolons (for example in strawberry). Other plants form bulbs
or tubers (for example tulip bulbs and dahlia tubers). Some plants may form a clonal
colony, where all the individuals are clones, and the clones may cover a large area.
Fungi (for example, mushrooms) produce spores, which may be asexual or sexual. The
asexual spores have the genetic material inside, which allows them to make a whole new
organism identical to its parent. They are produced by mitosis. Different fungi make
different kinds of asexual spores, conidia, oidia, and pycniospores. The shape and colour
of the spores can be helpful to identify the species of fungus.

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