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The Problem and Its Background

Background of the study

The things people deem enjoyable are those under the area of entertainment or
pleasure that unfortunately when abused may cause imminent danger to its user. DOTA
2 is one of this so called entertainment or pleasures of the flesh and the question lies to
what the consequences may be from the ecstasy of playing such online game.

With the kaleidoscope layers of realities human minds create, one of the best is
the realm of computer gaming, for instance, DOTA (Defense of the Ancient) and the latest,
DOTA 2 for which a salad of different races go crazy for- the game that shamed Special
Force in 2004. Defense of the Ancients (DOTA) is a custom scenario for Warcraft III,
based on the “Aeon of Strife” map for StarCraft .The objective of the scenario is to destroy
the opponents’ ”Ancient.” The two team’s ancients are heavily guarded structures at
opposing corners of the map. Players use powerful units known as heroes, and are
assisted by allied heroes and AI-controlled fighters called “creeps”. As in role-playing
games, players level up their hero and use gold to buy equipment during the mission. The
scenario was developed with the “World Editor” of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, and was
updated upon the release of the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. DOTA offers a variety
of game modes, selected by the game host at the beginning of the match. The game
modes dictate the difficulty of the scenario, as well as whether people can choose their
hero or are assigned one randomly. Many game modes can be combined, allowing more
flexible options. (Mugot, 2016)

There have been many variations of the original concept; currently, the most
popular is DOTA All-stars, which has been maintained by several authors during
development. Since its release, All stars has become a feature at several worldwide
tournaments, including Blizzard Entertainment’s Blizz Con and the Asian World Cyber
Games, as well as the Cyber athlete Amateur and Cyber Evolution leagues; Gama sutra
declared that DOTA was perhaps the most popular “free, non-supported game mod in the

It is the most popular realm where players escape reality and be characters or
personalities they wish to be. This is perhaps the main reason why many people,
especially those inexpressive of themselves are so engrossed with this online game. It
has replaced the humble TV as the most famous babysitter, parents and guardians need
not worry about a child’s location or what he/she does and will be doing- the child may be
left alone in front of the screen for hours and if undisturbed, for days. Likewise, because
of the intense and real-like feature of the game, gamers apparently feel more alive,
confident, stronger, and even so, popular because of the game’s massive number of
players. It inculcates gamers of a feeling of acceptance every time they play as part of a
team; transcends their feeling of rigor because they could escape the burdens of the true
realm. The game also masks their identities from embarrassment in failure compared to
the shaming moment in real life. It also provides the players a feeling of comfort where
they are able to release their stresses into something they believe is productive especially
that the game requires supreme mental sweating.

According to Guinsoo, the creator and the first head developer of Ice frog, he and
his men created DOTA in 2003 as a customized game in Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos
created by Blizzard Entertainment. DOTA is popular not only here in the Philippines but
also in other countries like Germany, United States of America, Canada, Slovenia and
England. From elementary, high school, college, out of school youth and even adults,
DOTA dominates the gaming life of most gamers.

As DOTA arises, many issues also arise. It may be about on relationships, peers,
foes, and most especially, education. Responsible gaming is an attitude necessary when
engaging into computer games. Developing this attitude is not a personal choice alone, it
requires the participation of society (parents, school, game developer and government).
Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this study is to know the repercussions of DOTA 2

culture in the psychological well-being of students in the Rosario Community. It aims to
answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?

1.1 Age
1.2 Year Level
1.3 GWA
2. How does playing DOTA 2 affect a student’s overall psychological state?

3. Does DOTA 2 have a significant effect on a student’s performance and behavior

in studying?

4. How does playing DOTA 2 affect a student’s psychological state with concern to
her/his social relations?
5. How does playing DOTA 2 affect a student’s psychological state with concern to
her/his emotional well-being?

6. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of the student respondents

and the effects of playing DOTA 2?

7. What possible aid can be brought in the psychological area from its current
processes and regulations in the learning & teaching areas?


This study is an attempt to determine the effects of DOTA 2 culture in the academic
performance of students. Moreover, the objective of this study are:

1. To know the demographic profile of the respondents

2. To know the effects of DOTA 2 in a student’s overall psychological state
3. To determine the effects in a student’s performance and behavior in studying
4. To comprehend whether DOTA 2 affects a student’s social life
5. To determine whether DOTA 2 affects a student’s emotional state
6. To know the relationship between the profile of the student respondents and the
effects of DOTA 2
7. To distinguish the possible aid that can be brought in the academic and
psychological area from its current processes and regulations in the learning &
teaching areas

Significance of the Study

To the Players. Through this study, players or gamers will learn the consequences of
effects of playing DOTA2 in the factors such as their behavior or mental well-being that
has direct connection with their academic performance. The study would help them
identify what to avoid or maintain in playing DOTA 2 while studying or doing tasks deemed
more significant by standards. This would also inform the gamers of what possible
situations in the future they might encounter in their academic and psychological

To the Parents. The study encourages the parents to continue supervising their children
along the learning process while being aware that their children are DOTA 2 players,
updating them on their children’s academic performance. Additionally, parents will have
more background on the effects of playing DOTA 2 and will help them to understand their
children more.

To the Prefect of Discipline. The study will be able to explain and inform what a school’s
disciplinary head of how to understand the committed offenses brought by a student who
is over-exposed to the culture of DOTA 2. This study will provide a basis of formulating
processes or disciplinary actions to take should an issue concerning such student arise.

To the Guidance Counselor. This research will be able to aid a guidance counselor in
what psychological process to take in counseling a student engrossed in the culture of
DOTA 2. This study will help the counselor in understanding the behavior of such students
and for what reasons a student has leading to comprehension and a more suitable
approach to take.
To the Teachers. The research will provide necessary insights on regulations and
techniques concerned with processes in teaching and taking actions that will develop
teaching in the learning set-up of a DOTA 2-engrosse student. It will also inform them of
required knowledge and skills needed to further improve teaching processes. Likewise,
in such manner teachers will be able to further hone their competencies, especially
psychologically, in the field while practicing it on real life situations.

To Academic Institutions. Having known the effects of playing DOTA 2 in the learning
set-up, schools will be informed of the effects or consequences. They will be able to
improve current running regulations, should there be any and occurring teaching practices
involving teaching DOTA 2-engrosse students. Schools will have proper background of
understanding or being aware of what actions to take in the light of an issue concerning
a student’s overall behavior and attitude in academics. Furthermore, schools may be
given suggestions that its mentors be given proper and effective training with managing
students’ discipline and learning processes thereby increasing competency in teachers
and improving its overall academic reputation.

To the Non-Gamers. These usually negates the notion that there are also possible good
effects in playing DOTA 2. This study will help them see the other side of the issue, if
there are any, and will make them understand why people play this game.

Scope and Delimitations

The study will focus on the repercussions of DOTA 2 Culture in the psychological
well-being of students in the Rosario community. The study will cover the impact of the
online computer game, DOTA 2, in the mental, emotional, and social well-being of
students that affect their academic performance. Likewise, this research endeavors to
know what possible improvements can be made in the present disciplinary regulations
and school counseling processes thereby developing an integrated psychological
approach with academic bearing. The research also emphasizes the awareness and what
benefits a respondent has and may acquire in the study.
The study will be limited only to the 15 high school students randomly selected
around the Rosario community for the survey questionnaire whereas the interview will
need 5 students. These methodologies do not include other high school students in other
places. The research is also bounded within the borders of Rosario and not any other
vicinity. This research will be conducted from November to March 2018.

Operational Definitions

DOTA 2- a multiplayer online battle arena video game as the prime factor in identifying a
student’s psychological effects

Online Game- games that are played over some form of computer network, most often
the Internet that categorizes the formally mentioned game

Realm- a field or domain of activity or interest that describes the certain situation an
individual is immersed

Responsible Gaming- a concept that gaming and gambling operators, software

suppliers and associated service providers need to uphold to ensure their offerings uphold
the highest standards to ensure a fair and safe gaming experience that protects players
from the adverse consequences of gaming and gambling that will be a possible
suggestion for students’ psychological improvement or development

Special Force- a first-person shooter video game developed and published by the
Lebanese political group Hezbollah used in the study as prime comparison to the
popularity rate of DOTA 2

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