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Sky catch

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Sky catch, it’s an leading industrial data collection and
analytics company, focused on indexing and extracting critical information from
this physical world. This product SKYCATCH uses the combination of hardware,
software, and artificial intelligence to deliver high precision data at its
unprecedented speed and ease of use.

It creates the industrial strength products, services, and solutions to power the
most complex projects on the planet. Its target is to capture the world’s data and
create visual intelligence to help people operate faster, safer, and smarter than
ever before.


 IN-APP GUIDANCE: In sky catch, flight apps takes care of each and
every task needed to produce map. But sometimes the app may
ask your input on a few items.
 LOCATION SEARCH: Flight app allows you to plan for any location in
the world-you don’t have to be co-located. One can create any
shape he want, with any concave areas, and the flight app will
generate a flight route with the proper overlap that ensures the
drone will never leave that flight area.
 MULTIPLE FLIGHT SUPPORT: Sky catch app allows us to plan our
data collection area regardless of how many flights we end up using
to complete it. If our target is not market , complete one can
resume it at any point in the future (minutes, hours, days, weeks)
and the app will send the drone back to exactly where it left off,
with no gaps in data coverage.

REVIEWS: As the reviews of skycatch are high, as this app offers the
highest resolution data across all of our plans so is the ideal solution
if the customers care about having the highest resolution data.

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