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Name: Andrés Morales Date: 27/01/2020

Today the software has a double role. It is a product, but simultaneously it is the vehicle to
deliver a product. As a product, it allows the use of hardware, for example, a personal computer
or a mobile phone. As a vehicle used to deliver the product, it acts as a control base, for example
an operating system, or a network management system. The software delivers what is
considered the most important product of the twenty-first century, information. The software
transforms personal data to be more useful in a local environment, business information
management to improve competitiveness, provides access to networks worldwide, and offers
the means of acquiring information in all its forms. Currently there is a demand for highly
qualified professionals, it happens mainly in large industries, such as Google, Facebook, Twitter
and other large companies that more than compete, fight each other to capture the valuable
graduates of the main universities. This situation makes the patent reality of the change in the
system and the labor trends of the new cycle more evident, mainly in the North American
market, since it is the one with the highest concentration and origin of technological actors,
although it is easily extrapolated to other areas. with similar level of development.

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