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Experiment no.: 15.0

Document no.: HH015.01 [E112519]
Note issued: November 24, 2019 21:03
Consolidated by: Charls Tan Ariz
Pages: 9 [MALE: 1-5 | FEMALE 6-9]

OBJECTIVE: To locate, identify and describe the histological structures comprising the male and female reproductive system.
Male reproductive system consists of the following structures viz., pair of testes, the primary sex organ found in the
scrotum concerning the spermatozoa and testosterone; genital ducts (ie., epididymis, vas deferens and ejaculatory duct)
that conducts sperms to urethra; accessory sex glands which includes a pair of seminal vesicles, prostate, and pair of
bulbourethral glands, mainly concern with seminal fluid production—serves as a medium for transport and nourishment of
sperms influenced by testosterone. Penis, the organ for copulation.
General Features:
§ Unlike ovary, testes are located
outside the body in the scrotum with
TO = 2—3OC, essential for normal
L.S. of Testis and Epididymis

§ Surrounded by serous sac (except

posterior border) called tunica
vaginalis [TV] derived from
peritoneum during descent of testis.
§ Deep to [TV] a thick white fibrous CT
capsule, the tunica albuginea [TA]
which completely encloses the testis.
§ Internal to [TA] a layer of vascular
loose CT, the tunica vasculosa which
extends into the interior as interstitial
CT that surrounding and supporting
the seminiferous tubules. This CT
contains clusters of endocrine cells,
interstitial cells of Leydig which
produce testosterone. [Box 15.1]
§ Each lobule contains 1—4 coiled
seminiferous tubule.
§ Oval in shape measuring (LxW) 5cm x 2.5cm, and weighs 10—15g.
§ The mediastinum testis contains network of irregular tubules, rete testis—which are connected to
seminiferous tubules through straight tubules—short narrow ducts lined by cuboidal or low columnar
epithelium, whereas the rete testis—wide irregular channels lined by simple squamous or cuboidal epithelium
§ Rete testis is connected to the epididymis through efferent ductules which are 10—15 in number emerging
from the upper part of testis. The efferent ductules are lined by a distinctive epithelium of cells with different
heights giving the lumen an uneven contour (groups of tall columnar cells alternate with groups of short
cuboidal cells). The tall columnar cells exhibit cilia, while the cuboidal cells exhibit microvilli.

Box 15.1: Testis

§ Note the presence of seminiferous
tubules surrounded by a matrix of
interstitial tissue;
§ Interstitial cells of Leydig suspended in
the tissue matrix; and
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§ Spermatogenic cells at various stages of


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§ Highly coiled tightly packed tubules in the testis.
§ Each tubule measures (LxD) ~50—80cm x ⌀150—250μm.
§ Sites where spermatozoa are produced through spermatogenesis.
§ Lined with a specialized stratified germinal epithelium (seminiferous epithelium)—the epithelium consists of 2
distinct population of cells, the spermatogenic cells which are involved in spermatogenesis and the Sertoli
cells which support and nourish the developing spermatozoa.
§ The specialized epithelium rests on a basement membrane beneath which lies some slender contractile smooth
muscle like cells called myoid cells.


§ Arranged in developmentally higher order from the basement membrane to the lumen, viz., spermatogonia,
spermatocytes, spermatids, and spermatozoa.
Cells of seminiferous epithelium

1st stage Spermatogenesis >> spermatocytogenesis

§ Primary spermatocytes are the largest germ cells
occupying the middle region of seminiferous
epithelium, they have the large nucleus with
coarse chromatin clumps or thin strands of
chromatin. Undergo 1st meiotic division
§ Secondary spermatocytes, smaller in size with
nuclei having less dense chromatin. Undergo 2nd
meiotic division.
§ Spermatids, smaller than spermatocytes and lie
in groups in association with Sertoli cells.
2nd stage Spermatogenesis >> spermiogenesis
§ Spermatids undergo morphological
transformation into motile spermatozoa.
Spermiogenesis (from spermatids to motile spermatozoa)
1. Formation of acrosomal cap from Golgi apparatus that covers the nucleus.
2. Condensation and elongation of nucleus.
3. Formation of flagellum from centrioles.
4. Formation of helical mitochondrial sheath, around the middle piece, from elongated mitochondria.
5. Casting off of excess cytoplasm as cytoplasmic droplets.

Spermatozoon (~60μm)
§ Head (5μm) contains dark elongated nucleus with
haploid number of chromosomes.
§ Neck, short segment containing centriole form
which the flagellum arises.
§ Tail, made of 3 pieces viz., middle piece, principal
piece, and end piece.
o Middle piece (5μm), contains mitochondrial
sheath that provides energy for sperm mobility.
o Principal piece (45μm), contains 9+2 pattern of microtubules (axoneme) in the central core surrounded by 9
coarse fibers enclosed in a fibrous sheath.
o End piece (5μm), contains 9+2 axoneme enclosed by plasma membrane.

Sertoli Cells
§ Tall columnar cells which extends from basement membrane to lumen of seminiferous tubules.
§ Exhibit many cytoplasmic processes which surround all spermatogenic cells with distinct oval nuclei and well
developed nucleoli—this feature will distinguishes them from other spermatogenic cells.
§ Adjacent Sertoli cells are joined together by tight junction through their basal lateral cytoplasmic processes
over the spermatogonia. These tight junctions form the blood testis barrier and divide the seminiferous tubules
into basal and adluminal compartments.
HH015.01 [E112519]

§ Blood testis barrier prevents the sperm related proteins (antigen) from entering circulation to set up an
autoimmune response to one’s own sperms and prevents entry of harmful substances form circulation.
§ Structure and functions of Sertoli cells are under the control of FSH.

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§ Functions:
o Support, provide structural and metabolic support to spermatogenic cells.
o Protection and nutrition, provide protection, nutrition to spermatogenic cells.
o Phagocytosis, phagocytose excess cytoplasm which is shed (as cytoplasmic droplet) form the
differentiating spermatids during spermiogenesis.
o Section, some components of testicular fluid; androgen-binding protein (ABP) which helps to concentrate
testosterone; secrete inhibin that inhibits the secretion of FSH from pituitary.


§ Delicate vascular CT that surrounds and supports the seminiferous tubules and is continuous with tunica
vasculosa of testis at the periphery.
§ Contains clusters of specialized endocrine cells called Leydig cells. These cells are large in size (15—20μm)
polyhedral in shape and have acidophilic cytoplasm.
§ Leydig cells, secrete male sex hormone, testosterone— which is necessary for the spermatogenesis and is
responsible for the development of male secondary sexual characters at puberty and growth and maintenance
of accessory sex glands.
§ Testosterone secretion is under the control of ICSH (LH)

§ Comma-shaped structure on the posterolateral aspect of testis.
§ Made of 6m long highly coiled tube, ductus epididymis supported by vascular CT and divided into a head, body,
and tail.
§ Ductus epididymis is lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium, which is made of 2 types of cells, tall
columnar principal cells and small basal cells. The tall columnar cells bear long microvilli called stereocilia.
§ Beneath the epithelium, a layer of circularly arranged smooth muscle fibers—richly innervated by sympathetic
fibers and its intense rhythmic contraction causes expulsion of sperms during ejaculation.

Box 15.2: Epididymis

§ Note the presence of ductus epididymis lined by
pseudostratified columnar epithelium with
§ Smooth muscle fibers surrounding each ductus.
§ Sperms in the lumen.
§ Functions:
o Storage and maturation of spermatozoa—
especially in the tail of epididymis & become
motile respectively.
o Absorption of testicular fluid—90% of
testicular fluid is absorbed here.


§ Thich muscular tube extending from the tail of epididymis to the prostatic urethra. Distal part is dilated to form
the ampulla which joins the duct of seminal vesicle to form ejaculatory duct.
§ The ejaculatory duct from each side pierces the prostate and opens into the prostatic urethra.
The wall is composed of 3 coats:
1. Mucosa
§ Comprises the pseudostratified columnar
Box 15.3: Vas deferens

epithelial lining (+ sterocilia) and the

underlying lamina propria.
§ Thrown into longitudinal folds—permit
expansion of the duct during ejaculation.
2. Muscle layer
§ Consists of smooth muscle fibers arranged
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into inner longitudinal, middle circular

(thickest) and outer longitudinal layers
3. Adventitia
§ Made of fibroelastic CT carrying BV & nerves.

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§ Two in number and each duct (2cm) is formed by the union of duct of seminal vesicle and ampulla of vas
deferens.—Immediately after formation, ejaculatory duct passes through the substance of prostate lateral to
prostatic utricle and opens into the prostatic urethra
§ Lined by simple columnar epithelium


§ Paired glands present at the base of the urinary bladder. Each vesicle is an elongated blind tube (12-15cm)
highly coiled upon itself to become reduced to a small size (5cm).
§ Secretes a thick yellow viscous alkaline fluid rich in fructose that nourishes the sperms. The secretion also
contains ascorbic acid and prostaglandin.
The wall is made up of 3 coats:
Box 15.4: Seminal vesicle

1. Mucosa
§ Branches and folds forming crypts & cavities,
giving a honeycomb appearance lumen.
§ Lamina propria is rich in elastic fibers and
drawn into mucosal folds
2. Muscle layer
§ Made of smooth muscle arranged into inner
circular and outer longitudinal
§ Contraction of muscle layer causes
expression of secretion into the urethra via
ejaculatory duct.
3. Adventitia
§ Made of loose CT containing blood vessels and nerves.

§ Largest accessory sex gland that surrounds the beginning of male urethra, it is the size of a chestnut weighing
20g in adult male.
§ Composed of 30—50 branched tubuloalveolar glands embedded in fibromuscular stroma. The ducts of the
glands open into prostatic urethra.
§ Surrounded by 2 capsules, true capsule and false capsule which contains rich venous plexus lies in between.
o True capsule, formed by condensation of fibromuscular stroma at the periphery.
o False capsule, formed by pelvic fascia.
§ Secretes thin milky fluid rich in citric acid, ACP, amylase, and fibrinolysin—liquifies coagulated semen after
ejaculation. Secretion constitutes ~75% of the seminal fluid. Serum PSA level is increased in patients with
prostatic carcinoma.
§ Glands of prostate are divided into three groups and are arranged concentrically around the urethra; viz.,
mucosal, submucosal and main glands.
o Mucosal glands, small tubular glands present in the inner zone and they open directly into the urethra.
o Submucosal and main glands are tubuloalveolar glands present in the intermediate zone and outer
zone respectively.
§ Prostate is made of parenchyma (tubulo-alveolar
glands) and a characteristic fibromuscular stroma.
§ The parenchyma is formed by large irregular prostatic
alveoli with wide lumen. Secretory lining epithelium of
the alveoli varies from cuboidal to columnar. The
lumen may contain spherical prostatic concretions or
corpora amylacea which are formed by condensation
of prostatic secretions.
§ Fibromuscular stroma supports the parenchyma and is
made of smooth muscle fibers mixed with CT fibers.
HH015.01 [E112519]

§ Colliculus seminalis (verumontanum) of the prostatic

urethra is a landmark near the entrance of ejaculatory

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§ Prostatic urethra present in the prostate is a crescent-shaped structure with many diverticula (outpocketings).
Lined by transitional epithelium in the upper part of stratified columnar epithelium in the lower part.
Box 15.5: Prostate gland

§ Note the presence of prostatic urethra lined by

transitional epithelium
§ Fibromuscular stroma that supports the
§ Large irregular alveoli lined by simple columnar
§ Corpora amylacea (prostatic concretions) formed
by condensation of secretions.

Gross descriptions
§ Erectile male organ of copulation, cylindrical in shape, it becomes bigger, lengthened, and turgid during
§ Made of three cylindrical bodies of spongy cavernous tissue, pair of corpora cavernosa and a single corpus
§ Corpora cavernosa, placed side by side on the dorsal aspect and is traversed by the deep artery.
§ Corpus spongiosum is placed ventrally and is traversed by the penile urethra. Distally, the corpora cavernosa
end blindly under the cover of glans penis which is the enlarged cap-like end of corpus spongiosum.
§ Glans penis forms the tip of the penis and is covered by a retractable fold of skin called prepuce. Glans penis is
traversed by fossa navicularis of urethra which opens on the external urethral meatus.
§ The erectile cylindrical bodies are covered by a fibrous sheath known as tunica albuginea.
Penis has the following coverings from superficial to deep
§ Skin—thin and delicate, devoid of hair follicle.
§ Buck’s fascia—loose CT devoid of fat. It:
o Allows free movement of skin over organ
o Rich in elastic fibers and may contain
Box 15.6: Penis

strands of smooth muscle fibers (dartos

muscle), and;
o Contains superficial and deep dorsal
veins in the midline and dorsal artery and
nerve on either side.
§ Tunica albuginea, covering the corpus
cavernosum and corpus spongiosum.
Microscopic descriptions
§ The cavernous tissue is made of endothelium-lined cavernous spaces separated by trabeculae. The trabeculae
contain collagen, elastic and smooth muscle fibers.
§ The cavernous spaces receive blood from the dorsal and deep arteries and also from bulbourethral artery.
§ During erection, blood fills the cavernous spaces because of vasodilation of arteries mediated by the
parasympathetic fibers causing engorgement of the spaces resulting in compression of peripheral veins
restricting venous outflow.
§ Penile urethra has an irregular outline due to the presence of deep outpocketings called sinuses of Morgagni.
Lined by stratified columnar epithelium. The urethra is lubricated by mucous secretion of paraurethral glands
of Littre, which open into the outpocketings of penile urethra.
§ Glans penis, external urethral meatus and the navicular fossa are lined by stratified squamous epithelium.
HH015.01 [E112519]

++ end of Male Reproductive System++

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Female reproductive system consists of a group of internal sex organs present in the pelvic cavity & external sex organs.
§ Internal sex organs are a pair of ovaries, pair of uterine or Fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina.
§ External sex organs are the external genitalia and the mammary glands (female breasts)
The reproductive life of a female starts at puberty at the age of 13 to 15 years when structural and functional changes occur
in ovaries, uterus and breasts. The onset of reproductive phase of life is marked by initiation of menstrual cycle
(menarche), which occurs regularly and is of 28-day duration. It continues till menopause when the menstrual cycle at the
age of 45—55 years. Thus the reproductive life span (fertility period) of a woman lasts for about 30—40 years.


Parts of Female Reproductive system

General features
§ Female gonads that produce
ova and hormones like
estrogen and progesterone
§ Almond-shaped structures
attached to the back of broad
ligament by a fold of
peritoneum, the mesovarium.
§ Each measures (LxWxT) ~3cm
x 1.5cm x 1cm.

§ Surface is covered by a layer
of simple cuboidal
epithelium, called germinal
Epithelium which is continuous with mesothelium of peritoneum. The term “germinal epithelium” is misnomer
because it does not give rise to germ cells (oocytes).
§ The germinal epithelium rests on a layer of dense CT called tunica albuginea.
§ In sectional view, ovary shows a peripheral cortex and a central medulla.
§ Medulla—is made of loose fibroelastic CT
containing blood vessels, lymphatics and
nerves. It is continuous with mesovarium at
the hilum. Here there are cells (hilus cells)
with characteristics similar to interstitial
L.S. of Ovary

cells of Leydig are found. May be a source of

androgen from ovary.
§ Cortex—occupies the greater part, contains
ovarian follicles at different stages of
maturation and degeneration. May also
contains corpus luteum and corpus albicans.
The follicles are embedded in a highly
cellular CT stroma, mainly made of large
spindle-shaped fibroblasts.
§ Development of Ovarian Follicle [vide infra]


General features
§ Paired muscular tubes situated in the upper free boarder of broad ligament on either side of uterus.
§ It is ~10—12cm long. The lateral end opens into the peritoneal cavity close to the ovary and its medial end
opens into the uterine cavity.
§ Nourishes and transports the ovum/zygote to the uterine cavity.
§ The cilia of the lining epithelium and the rhythmic contraction of the muscle layer are responsible for the
transport of ovum.
HH015.01 [E112519]

§ Each uterine tube is divided into four segments viz., infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus and intramural part from
lateral to medial.
o Infundibulum is a funnel-shaped structure provided with fimbria; ampulla is the dilated part where
fertilization takes place; isthmus is the narrow part preceding the intramural part.
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The uterine tube wall is made of three coats namely:
§ Mucosa—includes epithelial lining and the
thin underlying lamina propria. Lining
epithelium is simple ciliated columnar and

Box 15.7: Uterine tube

is made of two types of cells viz., ciliated
columnar cells and noncilliated peg
(secretory) cells.
§ Muscle layer—made of smooth muscle
arranged in inner circular and outer
§ Serosa—consists of mesothelium
(peritoneum of broad ligament) supported
by a connective tissue.

General features
§ Thick pear-shaped muscular organ present in the pelvic cavity that provides a suitable site and environment for
implantation of blastocyst and growth of fetus. It is divided into 3 parts viz., fundus, body and cervix.
§ Measures (LxWxT) 7.5cm x 5cm x 2.5cm.
§ During pregnancy it undergoes massive enlargement and comes to occupy the abdomen.

§ Perimetrium (serosa)
o Outer serous coat composed of mesothelial lining (s. squamous epithelium) supported by CT rich in
blood vessels and elastic fibers.
§ Myometrium
o Forms the middle muscular coat, 15mm thick. Composed of smooth muscle fibers arranged in 3 layers.
The fibers in the inner and outer layers are arranged longitudinally (parallel to the long axis of uterus).
The thick middle layers are arranged circularly with numerous BV and lymphatics. Due to vascularity
this layer is called stratum vasculare. During pregnancy the muscle fibers undergo hyperplasia and
§ Endometrium
o Mucosal lining of the uterine cavity.
o Made of lining epithelium (s. columnar—partly ciliated) and the underlying CT stroma (lamina propria)
which is highly cellular and contains large amount of ground substance and no collagen fibers.
o The lamina propria contains many BV and simple tubular uterine glands which are coiled in the deeper
o Divided into 2 types, the superficial stratum functionalis 2/3 and the deep stratum basalis 1/3
o The arteries are compose of 2 types—(i) Straight or basal arteries—supply the stratum basalis and (ii)
coiled or spiral arteries—supply the functional stratum.
§ Cyclic changes in the endometrium [vide infra]

Uterus, note the presence of:

§ Highly cellular endometrium containing
uterine glands;
§ Simple columnar epithelium lining the
Box 15.8: Uterus

uterine cavity;
§ Thick myometrium having a thick middle
circular layer of smooth muscle fibers with
many blood vessels.
HH015.01 [E112519]

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§ It is the lower narrow part of uterus which projects partly into the vagina through its anterior wall. This
intravaginal part of the cervix is surrounded by vaginal fornix and covered by strat. squamous epithelium.
§ The cavity is called cervical canal which communicates with the uterine cavity through internal os and with the
vagina through external os. At the external os, the s. columnar epithelial lining changes into strat. squamous

Box 15.9: Cervicovaginal junction

Cervicovaginal junction, note the presence of:
§ change of simple columnar epithelium
lining in the cervical canal into stratified
squamous epithelium lining in the vaginal
portion of the cervix (portio vaginalis) at the
external os.
§ Branched tubular cervical glands in the
laminal propria (endometrium)

General features
§ Fibromuscular elastic tube that permits great distention during parturition.
§ Its anterior and posterior walls are in contact with each other measuring 7.5cm and 9cm respectively.
§ The upper end of vagina surrounds the vaginal portion of the cervix of uterus forming a circular groove or recess
called fornix.
Structure (composed of 3 coats)
§ Innermost layer showing numerous
transverse folds that extend from the
longitudinal ridges on the anterior and
posterior wall.
Box 15.10: Vagina

§ Composed of thick layer (150—200μm) of

strat. squamous epithelium and the
underlying lamina propria.
§ Lamina propria is made of loose CT rich in
elastic fibers and vascular plexus and is
devoid of glands.
Muscle layer
§ Smooth muscle fibers of muscular layer are arranged in ill-defined thin inner circular and thick outer
longitudinal layers
§ Made of dense CT rich in thick elastic fibers. Contains BV, lymphatics and nerve fibers.


General features
§ Is a modified apocrine sweat glands concerned with milk production for nourishing newborns.
§ They are rudimentary in males.
§ Undergo progressive atrophy and involution after menopause.

Gross structure
§ Each gland consists of 15—20 independent units called breast lobes, separated by interlobular septate,
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composed of dense CT and adipose tissues.

§ Each lobe is formed by a compound tubuloalveolar gland whose duct, the lactiferous duct, opens on the
surface of the nipple. Thus, there are 15—20 lactiferous ducts opening the nipple.
§ Each duct presents a dilatation beneath the areola called lactiferous sinus.

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§ Areola, is the dark pigmented skin around the nipple. Its color darkens during pregnancy and lightens after
delivery, but never return to its original shade.
§ The dermis of areola contains circularly arranged smooth muscle and in the nipple they are disposed
§ Stimulation of these causes erection of nipple.
§ Tubercles of Montgomery—surface elevations formed due to the presence of many large sebaceous glands
located at the periphery of areola.
§ The alveoli are embedded in loose cellular CT (intratubular CT)—contains many lymphocytes and plasma cells.
These plasma cells are responsible for the secretion of IgA into the colostrum and gives passive immunity to the
§ Lobules are separated by moderately dense collagenous interlobular CT septae.

Histological structure
§ Varies according to the physiological status of the woman.

Box 15.11: Nonlactating mammary gland Box 15.12: Lactating mammary gland
Note the presence of Note the presence of
§ More CT and less of glandular tissue; § Less CT and more glandular tissue;
§ Underdeveloped alveoli represented by cords of § Compactly packed, well developed alveoli with
cells; distended lumen containing milk;
§ Extensive branching of duct system. § Simple cuboidal epithelium lining the alveoli.

++ end of Female Reproductive System++

++ nothing follows ++
HH015.01 [E112519]

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