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Mª Victoria Montero First

On the whole, we can read in the headlines of newspapers and magazines that it is a

positive idea to spend time in our own country or even close to her, enjoying the

weather and the magnificent places to visit in our homeland. In my opinion, it´s an

huge mistake.

Firstly, it is cheaper to go abroad than to stay near home. If you browse the Internet,

you´ll find excellent travel offers. It is quite likely that you spend more money if you

stay around place of residence than you go far.

Secondly, the pollution will be less when people use means of transport with high

capacity of travelers in their long journeys. Planes, trains and cruise ships take about

five hundred of tourists from average. It supposes a great environmental measure.

Lastly, when we travel, we assimilate customs and habits the other people. In my

opinion, is an amazing experience explore other cultures which aren´t similar to our


To sum up, I completely convinced that holidays abroad are positive for routine

getting away as like too we would care the environment and would not waste our


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