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n in Sim Timeline: Exception running Element (RuntimeError: ASM ::
CupcakeFactory_Actions (HANDLE :: 71888)&gt;: Attempt to traverse between two
states (Use -&gt; exit) where no valid path exists! Actors {'x': (&lt;weakref at
0x00007FF4A14F76D8; to 'object_sim' at 0x00007FF4A1948990&gt;, None,
&lt;AnimationParticipant.ACTOR = 101&gt;), 'CupcakeFactory': (&lt;weakref at
0x00007FF4B0908998; to 'object_cupcakeMachine' at 0x00007FF4A46C83D0&gt;, None,
&lt;AnimationParticipant.TARGET = 103&gt;)} (debug context: (None, ASM ::
StandExclusive_Posture (HANDLE :: 71887)&gt;)))&#13;&#10;Traceback (most recent
call last):&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\", line
212, in simulate&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\",
line 376, in _run&#13;&#10; File
"T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\postures\", line 269, in
do_auto_exit&#13;&#10; File
"T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\", line 619, in
get_auto_exit&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\",
line 995, in request&#13;&#10;RuntimeError: ASM :: CupcakeFactory_Actions
(HANDLE :: 71888)&gt;: Attempt to traverse between two states (Use -&gt; exit)
where no valid path exists! Actors {'x': (&lt;weakref at 0x00007FF4A14F76D8; to
'object_sim' at 0x00007FF4A1948990&gt;, None, &lt;AnimationParticipant.ACTOR =
101&gt;), 'CupcakeFactory': (&lt;weakref at 0x00007FF4B0908998; to
'object_cupcakeMachine' at 0x00007FF4A46C83D0&gt;, None,
&lt;AnimationParticipant.TARGET = 103&gt;)} (debug context: (None, ASM ::
StandExclusive_Posture (HANDLE :: 71887)&gt;))&#13;&#10;</desyncdata></report>

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