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Şcoala: Şcoala Gimnazială „Traian”, Târnăveni Profesor: Hegheş Adela-Maria

Disciplina: Limba engleza Nr. de ore/săptămână: 2

Planificare calendaristică
An şcolar 2019 – 2020
Clasa I

Nr. Unităţi de învăţare Conţinuturi Competenţe specifice Nr. Observaţii

crt. ore
1.1. Respond appropriately (in basic
Greetings communication situations) to short,
Introduce themselves and greet simple questions in a clear and 4 Semestrul I
1. Module 1 others concise way.
Vocabulary 1.2. Recognize the basic location
Hello!  Hi, hello, good bye (left, right, here, there) of objects in
Structures the surrounding environment.
 How are you? 1.3. Develop interest and general
I’m fine, thank you! comprehension of films and songs in
Colours the English language.
Vocabulary 2.3. Participate in communication
 Red, blue, orange, pink, games and reproduce or create
black, white, yellow rhymes/ short messages.
Structure 2.4. Express a simple request to
 What colour is this? obtain an object from the immediate
 It’s ... environment.
4.1. Participate in group/ class
projects and create and write short

My schoolbag 2.1. Reproduce short and simple 4

School objects songs/ poems
Vocabulary 2.3. Participate in communication
 Schoolbag, pencil, book, games and reproduce or create
pun, rubber, pencil case rhymes/ short messages.
Structure 2.4. Express a simple request to
 What’s this? obtain an object from the immediate
 It’s a... environment.
Numbers 1-5 3.1. Understand short, simple written
Vocabulary texts used in everyday situations.
 One, two, three, four,
 What number is this?
 This is...

1.3. Develop interest and general

comprehension of films and songs in
Module 2 the English language.
2.3. Participate in communication 4
My home Parts of a house games and reproduce or create
Vocabulary rhymes/ short messages.
2.  House, roof, window, 2.4. Express a simple request to
floor, wall, door obtain an object from the immediate
Structure environment.
 What’s this? 3.1. Understand short, simple written
 It’s a... texts used in everyday situations.
Furniture 1.3. Develop interest and general
Vocabulary comprehension of films and songs in
 Table, chair, bed, the English language.
cupboard 2.3. Participate in communication
Structure games and reproduce or create
 What is it? rhymes/ short messages.
 It’s a... 4.1. Participate in group/ class

projects and create and write short
My toys Toys 5 -
 Doll, ball, car, train,
plane, teddy
 What’s this?
 This is a..
 Here’s a ..
 I’ve got a..
Numbers 6-10
 Six, seven, eight, nine,
 What number is this?
 This is...
 Five and three is eight.
Count from 1-1o
Size (big-small)
1.1. Respond appropriately (in basic
3. Module 3 communication situations) to short, Semestrul
simple questions in a clear and al II-lea
My face Parts of the face concise way. 5
Vocabulary 1.2. Recognize the basic location
 Nose, hair, mouth, (left, right, here, there) of objects in
tongue the surrounding environment.
Structure 1.3. Develop interest and general
 Touch your nose! comprehension of films and songs in

 I’ve got blonde hair the English language.
 Wash your hair! 1.3. Develop interest and general
comprehension of films and songs in
the English language.
My food Food and food preferences 2.2. Create short texts to express 4
Vocabulary personal information (hobbies,
 Bananas, eggs, milk, address).
sandwiches, biscuits, 2.4. Express a simple request to
cheese, tea, pizza, obtain an object from the immediate
apples, popcorn, ice environment.
cream cola 3.1. Understand short, simple written
Structure texts used in everyday situations.
 I like bananas. 4.1. Participate in group/ class
 Give me some…, please. projects and create and write short
 I don’t like popcorn. texts.
Make a lunchbox

Mother’s Day
2.1. Reproduce short and simple
4. Module 4 songs/ poems
2.3. Participate in communication 3
My animals Animals games and reproduce or create
Vocabulary rhymes/ short messages.
 Cat, cow, hen, dog, 4.1. Participate in group/ class
sheep, horse projects and create and write short
Structure texts.
 The dog goes woof! 1.2. Recognize the basic location
 Two yellow cows! (left, right, here, there) of objects in
the surrounding environment.
Abilities 3.1. Understand short, simple written
Actions: jump, climb, swim, texts used in everyday situations.

fly, run

The five senses 3

My senses Vocabulary
 See, smell, hear, taste,
 Touch your...
 I can see a...

 Sun, moon, day, night,
 It’s day.
 This is the...

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