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: - Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems

control the temperature, humidity and air quality in buildings, according to a set of chosen conditions. They do this
by transferring heat and moisture in and out of the air and by controlling the level of air pollutants by directly
removing them or by diluting them to acceptable levels.

2. : - Sustainable Lighting is lighting designed with energy efficient light sources. "There
are simple design strategies and some materials that can facilitate the energy saving advantages of natural light.
Light colored interiors and open floor plans are good choices. This approach also augments artificial light efficiency.
Energy efficient lighting is not simply finding the most light for the least wattage or the longest lasting light bulb.
Proper sizing of the light to the needs of the location and the tasks that will be performed, called task lighting, is an
energy saving strategy."
1. Recycled materials: - Sustainable architecture often incorporates the use of recycled or second hand materials, such
as reclaimed lumber and recycled copper. The reduction in use of new materials creates a corresponding reduction
in embodied energy (energy used in the production of materials).

2. Vernacular Material will be used in my design for the walling, roofing and other like for roofing we can use Redland
clay tiles etc.

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