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Sanela Sakic



Eportfolio part 3

Peer discussions

The class goals and SLCC goals of student learning outcomes are similar. I spoke with

two classmates. All three of us wanted to use/learn in this class for our future careers. Jessica

wanted to go into education, Anita in Social work and me with Nursing. The courses we taken

are similar. Mostly General education and some prerequisites. We all agreed that our future

careers are mainly related to communication with all ages and we would like to learn in this class

how to increase our knowledge to do so. Anita worked seasonal jobs, while Jessica works in a

restaurant and I work in a clinic. In our current jobs we all agreed on that communication is the

number one thing we want to learn more about in this class. Especially in age group, gender,

culture, brain development and etc. What was especially funny and interesting to me is that no

one really had that much of a life outside of school and work. Just school to work and work to

school, which was funny. What we expect how the class will help us learn or achieve our goal is

to learn the class itself. The development of human life so we can understand peoples mindset.

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