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Binary compatible C++ Interfaces

Chad Austin, 2002.02.15


Clarified some of my comments thanks to feedback and suggestions from Razvan

Surdulescu. For actual COM compatibility, I added __stdcall to the method
declarations as well. (Apparently, if you follow the guidelines of this article, it's easy
to add bindings from your DLL to Delphi and VB!)

Somebody (unfortunately, I lost his e-mail address and name before I could write it
down. if you're reading this or you know who sent it, please drop me a line) sent me
another guideline. The gist of it is that you shouldn't use overloaded methods in your
interfaces. Different compilers will order them in the vtable differently.

Ben Scott (bscott at iastate dot edu) submitted some excellent classes that simplify
usage of the concepts presented in this article. Simply derive your interface classes
from DLLInterface and your implementations from DLLImpl! Download the source
file here.


This article explains how to create C++ DLL APIs that will work across several
compilers and configuration settings (Release, Debug, etc.).


Many platforms have an ABI for their preferred programming language. For example,
BeOS's primary language is C++, so the C++ compiler must be able to generate code
that remains binary compatible with the operating system's C++ system calls (and
classes, etc.).
The Windows API and ABI were defined for C, so C++ compiler writers had free
reign to implement the C++ ABI however they felt. Eventually, however, Microsoft
created an object-oriented ABI for Windows called COM. To simplify COM usage,
they made the vtables of their C++ ABI match the vtables required in COM interface.
Since a Windows compiler that can't use COM is pretty limited, other compiler
vendors enforced the mapping between COM vtables and C++ vtables.

There are several aspects to an ABI. This article only discusses the issues with using
C++ in Windows. Other platforms have different requirements. (Fortunately, since
most other platforms aren't as popular as Windows, they have only one or two
compilers, and thus there isn't much of a problem.)


 ABI - Application Binary Interface. The binary interface between systems. If a

binary interface changes, both sides of the interface (the user and the
implementation) must be recompiled.
 API - Application Program Interface. The source interface between systems. If
a source interface changes, code that uses that interface must be modified. API
changes usually imply ABI changes.
 Interface - A class where every method is pure virtual, and thus has no
inherent implementation. An interface is merely a protocol for communication
between objects.
 Factory - Something that creates objects. In this article, we'll use a single
global function as our factory.
 DLL Boundary - The line between code instantiated in a DLL and code in a
calling process is called the DLL boundary. In some cases, code can be on both
sides of the boundary: Consider an inline function in a header file that gets used
in the DLL and the executable. The function is actually instantiated on both
sides of the boundary. Therefore, if the inline function has a static variable, two
variables will be created, one in the executable and one in the DLL, and which
is used depends on whether the code in the DLL or the executable is calling the

Initial Attempt

Let's say you want to create a portable windowing API and you want to stick the
implementation in a DLL. I'm going to create a class called Window which can
represent a window in several different windowing systems: Win32, MFC,
wxWindows, Qt, Gtk, Aqua, X11, Swing (*gasp*), etc... We'll walk through several
attempts at creating an interface until it works across different implementations,
compilers, and compiler settings.
// Window.h

#include <string>

#ifdef WIN32
#define DLLIMPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define DLLIMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#define CALL __stdcall
#define CALL

class DLLIMPORT Window {

Window(std::string title);

void setTitle(std::string title);

std::string getTitle();

// ...

HWND m_window;

I'm not going to show the implementation, as I'm assuming you already know how to
do that. There is one glaring problem with this interface: It assumes you're using the
basic Win32 API. That is, it holds an HWND as a private member, which introduces a
dependency between our Window class and the Win32 SDK. One possible solution is
to use the pImpl idiom to remove the class's private members from the class
definition. You can read more about that elsewhere [1], [2], [3], and [4]. Also, you
cannot add new members to the class without breaking binary compatibility, as the
size of the class changes.

Perhaps the most important problem with this approach is that the methods are non-
virtual. Thus, they are implemented as specially named functions that take the 'this'
pointer as their first argument. Unfortunately, I don't know of any two compilers that
mangle method names in the same way. So don't think your DLL work with an
executable compiled with another compiler!

Attempt #2

For those of you experienced in object oriented programming, you know that every
class can be broken into two concepts: an interface and a factory. A factory is a
mechanism for creating objects, and an interface allows you to communicate with
them. The next version of Window.h will separate these concepts. Notice that you no
longer need to export the class (you have to export the factory function though!), as it
is abstract: all method calls go through the object's vtable, not through a direct linking
to the DLL. Only the call to the factory function calls directly into the DLL.
// Window.h

#include <string>

class Window {
virtual ~Window() { }
virtual void setTitle(std::string title) = 0;
virtual std::string getTitle() = 0;

Window* DLLIMPORT CreateWindow(std::string title);

This is much better. The code that uses window objects doesn't care what actual type
the window object is, just that it implements the Window interface. However, there is
still a problem: Different compilers mangle symbol names differently, so
the CreateWindow function in DLLs generated by different compilers will have a
different names. This means that if you compile the windowing DLL with Visual C++
6, you won't be able to use it in Borland C++, and vice versa. Fortunately, the C++
standard lets us disable symbol mangling on specified names, via extern "C".

Some of you may have noticed another problem with this code. Different compilers
implement the standard C++ library differently. In the less obvious case, some people
replace their compiler's implementation of the library with another (such as STLPort).
Since you can't depend on STL objects being binary compatible across compilers, you
cannot safely use them in your DLL interfaces.

If a C++ ABI is ever created for Windows, it will need to specify exactly how to
interface with every class in the standard library, but I don't see this happening
anytime soon.

The final problem here is a minor one. By convention, COM methods and DLL
functions use the __stdcall calling convention. We can fix this with the CALL macro I
defined above. (You'll want to rename it in your project.)

Revision 3
// Window.h

class Window {
virtual ~Window() { }
virtual void CALL setTitle(const char* title) = 0;
virtual const char* CALL getTitle() = 0;

extern "C" Window* CALL CreateWindow(const char* title);

We're almost there! This particular interface will probably work in a lot of situations.
However, the virtual destructor makes things a little interesting... Since COM doesn't
use virtual destructors, you can't depend on different compilers to use them
identically. However, you can replace the virtual destructor with a virtual method
which, in the implementation class, is implemented by delete this; This way, both
construction and destruction are implemented on the same side of the DLL boundary.
For example, if you try to use a VC++ 6 debug DLL alongside a release executable,
you'll either crash or run into warnings like "Value of ESP not saved across function
call". This error occurs because the debug version of the VC++ runtime library has a
different allocator than the release version. Since the two allocators are not
compatible, we cannot allocate memory on one side of the DLL boundary and delete
it on the other.

"But how is a virtual destructor different from another virtual method?" Virtual
destructors are not responsible for deallocating the memory used by the object: They
are simply called to perform necessary cleanup before the object is deallocated. The
executable that uses your DLL will try to free the object's memory itself. On the other
hand, the destroy() method is responsible for deallocating memory, so all new and
delete calls stay on the same side of the DLL boundary.

It's also a good idea to make the interface's destructor protected so that users of the
interface can't inadvertently use delete on it.

Revision 4
// Window.h

class Window {
~Window() { } // use destroy()

virtual void CALL destroy() = 0;
virtual void CALL setTitle(const char* title) = 0;
virtual const char* CALL getTitle() = 0;

extern "C" Window* CreateWindow(const char* title);

Since this code doesn't use any semantics not defined by COM, it should work
flawlessly across compilers and configuration settings. Unfortunately, it's not ideal.
You have to remember to delete objects with object->destroy();, which isn't nearly
as intuitive as delete object;. Perhaps more importantly, you can no longer
use std::auto_ptr on objects of this type. auto_ptr wants to delete the object it owns
with delete object;. Is there a way to make the syntax delete object; actually
call object->destroy();? Yes. Here's where things get a little weird... You can
overload operator delete for the interface and have it call destroy(). Since operator
delete takes a void pointer, you'll have to assume you never call Window::operator
delete on anything that isn't a Window. This is a pretty safe assumption. Here's the
operator implementation:

void operator delete(void* p) {

if (p) {
Window* w = static_cast<Window*>(p);


Looks pretty good... You can now use auto_ptr again, and you still have a stable
binary interface. When you recompile and test your new code (you are testing,
right??), you'll notice that there is a stack overflow in WindowImpl::destroy! What's
going on? If you remember how the destroy method is implemented, you'll see that it
simply executes delete this;. Since the interface overloads operator
delete, WindowImpl::destroy calls Window::operator delete which
calls WindowImpl::destroy... ad infinitum. The solution to this particular problem is to
overload operator delete in the implementation class to call the global operator delete:

void operator delete(void* p) {

::operator delete(p);


Finishing Touches

If your system has a lot of interfaces and implementations, you'll find that you'll want
some way to automate undefining operator delete. Fortunately, this is possible too.
Simply create a templated class called DefaultDelete and instead of deriving your
implementation class from interface I, derive from class DefaultDelete<I>. Here's
DefaultDelete's definition:
template<typename T>
class DefaultDelete : public T {
void operator delete(void* p) {
::operator delete(p);

Final Implementation

Here is the final version of the code.

// Window.h

class Window {
virtual void CALL destroy() = 0;
virtual void CALL setTitle(const char* title) = 0;
virtual const char* CALL getTitle() = 0;

void operator delete(void* p) {

if (p) {
Window* w = static_cast<Window*>(p);

extern "C" Window* CALL CreateWindow(const char* title);

// Window.cpp
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
#include "DefaultDelete.h"

class WindowImpl : public DefaultDelete<Window> {

WindowImpl(HWND window) {
m_window = window;

~WindowImpl() {

void CALL destroy() {

delete this;

void CALL setTitle(const char* title) {

SetWindowText(m_window, title);
const char* CALL getTitle() {
char title[512];
GetWindowText(m_window, title, 512);
m_title = title; // save the title past the call
return m_title.c_str();

HWND window;
std::string m_title;

Window* CALL CreateWindow(const char* title) {

// create the Win32 window object
HWND window = ::CreateWindow(..., title, ...);
return (window ? new WindowImpl(window) : 0);
// DefaultDelete.h

template<typename T>
class DefaultDelete : public T {
void operator delete(void* p) {
::operator delete(p);


That's about it. In closure, I'll enumerate guidelines to keep in mind when creating
C++ interface. You can look back on this as a reference or use it to help solidify your

 All interface classes should be completely abstract. Every method should be

pure virtual. (Or inline... you could safely write inline convenience methods
that call other methods.)
 All global functions should be extern "C" to prevent incompatible name
mangling. Also, exported functions and methods should use
the __stdcall calling convention, as DLL functions and COM traditionally use
that calling convention. This way, if a user of the library is compiling
with __cdecl by default, the calls into the DLL will still use the correct
 Don't use the standard C++ library.
 Don't use exception handling.
 Don't use virtual destructors. Instead, create a destroy() method and an
overloaded operator delete that calls destroy().
 Don't allocate memory on one side of the DLL boundary and free it on the
other. Different DLLs and executables can be built with different heaps, and
using different heaps to allocate and free chunks of memory is a sure recipe for
a crash. For example, don't inline your memory allocation functions so that
they could be built differently in the executable and DLL.
 Don't use overloaded methods in your interface. Different compilers order them
within the vtable differently.


 STLPort is an alternate implementation of the STL.

 SGI has another standard C++ library implementation.
 The Corona image I/O library uses the techniques introduced in this article.


I would really like feedback on this article. Was any part unclear? Do you want more
details about a particular situation? Is any of the code wrong? Send e-mail

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