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EXCEL 2010


Prepared By
EXCEL 2010

INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 4

Fluent ....................................................................................................................................................................4
Ribbon ...................................................................................................................................................................4
Number and Date Value Formatting.....................................................................................................................5
Charts ....................................................................................................................................................................5
Specialized Data Formatting .................................................................................................................................5

INFORMATION ABOUT – SOME IMPORTANT DETAILS IN EXCEL ........................................................................... 5

CUSTOMIZING EXCEL ............................................................................................................................................. 6

A. CUSTOMIZING THE EXCEL OPTIONS ...........................................................................................................................6

Advanced ..............................................................................................................................................................6
B. CUSTOMIZING THE RIBBON ......................................................................................................................................6
C. QUICK ACCESS TOOLBAR .........................................................................................................................................7

NAMING RANGES .................................................................................................................................................. 8

A. CONCEPT & PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................8

Using Names to Work with Ranges.......................................................................................................................8
B. CREATING RANGE NAMES IN YOUR WORKBOOKS ........................................................................................................8
Using the New Name Dialog Box ..........................................................................................................................9
Using the Name Box ............................................................................................................................................10
Using the Create Names from Selection Dialog Box ...........................................................................................10
C. MANAGING NAMES USING NAME MANAGER............................................................................................................11
D. A RANGE NAME IS REALLY A RANGE FORMULA ..........................................................................................................13
E. DYNAMIC RANGES ...............................................................................................................................................14
Using Data Tables ...............................................................................................................................................14
Using OFFSET Function........................................................................................................................................15

USING EXCEL FORM FEATURES ............................................................................................................................ 17

How to find Data Form? ......................................................................................................................................18

ADVANCED LIST MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................................... 19

A. SORTING ............................................................................................................................................................19
Learn about Sorting ............................................................................................................................................19
Sort Text ..............................................................................................................................................................20
Sort Numbers ......................................................................................................................................................20
Sort Dates or Times .............................................................................................................................................21
Sort by Cell color, Font color, or Icon...................................................................................................................21
Sort by a Custom List ...........................................................................................................................................23
General issues with sorting .................................................................................................................................24
Multi-level Sorting ...............................................................................................................................................25
B. FILTERING DATA IN EXCEL .....................................................................................................................................27
C. ADVANCED FILTERS ..............................................................................................................................................30

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CONDITIONAL FORMATTING ............................................................................................................................... 31

A. HIGHLIGHTING DATA USING ...................................................................................................................................31

Conditional formatting presets ...........................................................................................................................31
To use preset conditional formatting: .................................................................................................................32
B. HIGHLIGHTING DATA USING RULES ..........................................................................................................................33
To create a conditional formatting rule: .............................................................................................................33
C. USING NEW RULE DIALOG BOX ..............................................................................................................................35
Rule Types: ..........................................................................................................................................................35
D. CONDITIONAL FORMATTING USING FORMULAS .........................................................................................................36
Note: ..................................................................................................................................................................36
For example ........................................................................................................................................................36
To create the first rule: ........................................................................................................................................36
To create the second rule: ...................................................................................................................................37
E. MANAGING RULES – USING THE RULE MANAGER .......................................................................................................37
F. TO REMOVE CONDITIONAL FORMATTING RULES: ........................................................................................................38
G. FIND CELLS THAT HAVE CONDITIONAL FORMATS .........................................................................................................39

CHARTS, SPARKLINES, TRENDLINES...................................................................................................................... 40

A. INTRODUCTION TO CHARTS .................................................................................................................................... 40

What is a Chart in Excel?.....................................................................................................................................41
How Excel handles Charts ...................................................................................................................................41
Parts of the Chart ................................................................................................................................................42
Understanding Chart Types.................................................................................................................................43
Printing Charts ....................................................................................................................................................43
B. SPARKLINES ........................................................................................................................................................43
What is a sparkline? ............................................................................................................................................44
How to create sparklines in Excel 2010? .............................................................................................................44
Types of Sparklines in Excel 2010: .......................................................................................................................44
Sparkline Formatting and Options – Explored ....................................................................................................45
Sparklines & Missing Data – How does it work? .................................................................................................45
Sparklines in Tables & Pivot Tables .....................................................................................................................46
Sparkline Tips & Tricks ........................................................................................................................................46
C. TRENDLINES ........................................................................................................................................................47

PIVOT TABLES AND CHARTS ................................................................................................................................. 49

A. MEANING OF THE WORD PIVOT & THE USE OF PIVOT TABLE..........................................................................................49

DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PIVOTCHART REPORTS AND STANDARD CHARTS ...........................................................49

CONSOLIDATION OF DATA ................................................................................................................................... 50

SUBTOTALING [OUTLINE – GROUP/UNGROUP] ................................................................................................... 53

DATA VALIDATION ............................................................................................................................................... 57

A. WHAT IS DATA VALIDATION? .................................................................................................................................57

B. WHEN IS DATA VALIDATION USEFUL? .......................................................................................................................59
C. DATA VALIDATION MESSAGES .................................................................................................................................60
D. TIPS FOR WORKING WITH DATA VALIDATION..............................................................................................................62

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PASTE SPECIAL & PASTE LINK ............................................................................................................................. 63

A. ORDER OF OPERATION – ‘BODMAS’ ........................................................................................................................65
Order of Operations ............................................................................................................................................66
B. PARTS OF THE FORMULAS ......................................................................................................................................67
C. SYNTAX ...........................................................................................................................................................70
D. ARGUMENTS ...................................................................................................................................................71
DATABASE FUNTIONS ........................................................................................................................................................ 71

FORMULA AUDITING ........................................................................................................................................... 73

WORKSHEET MANAGEMENT & LINKING ................................................................................................................................ 73

A. PROTECTING WORKSHEET & WORKBOOK .................................................................................................................. 73
B. PROTECTING SELECTED RANGE OF CELLS.................................................................................................................... 75
C. PROTECTING A SHARED WORKBOOK ......................................................................................................................... 77
D. LINKING SHEETS IN THE SAME FILE ........................................................................................................................... 78
E. LINKING WORKBOOKS ........................................................................................................................................... 80
Opening Linked Files ...........................................................................................................................................80
Handling Broken Links .........................................................................................................................................81
F. EDIT LINKS ..........................................................................................................................................................82
G. SELECTING MULTIPLE WORKSHEETS..........................................................................................................................83
Range of Worksheets ..........................................................................................................................................83
Selecting Specific Worksheets .............................................................................................................................83
Unselecting Worksheets......................................................................................................................................84
With multiple worksheets selected you can: .......................................................................................................84
H. VIEWING EXCEL DIFFERENTLY ..................................................................................................................................84
Arrange Windows In excel Workbooks ...............................................................................................................84
View Different Sheets at Once ............................................................................................................................88
Switching Among Windows ................................................................................................................................88
Split Window .......................................................................................................................................................89
Freeze Panes .......................................................................................................................................................89
Watch Window ...................................................................................................................................................90
Saving a Workspace ............................................................................................................................................90
HYPERLINKING ................................................................................................................................................................. 91
PROTECTING & SHARING FILES ...........................................................................................................................................91
A. SHARING A FILE ...................................................................................................................................................91

TRACKING CHANGES ............................................................................................................................................ 92

How to turn on Track Changes in Excel 2010 ......................................................................................................93

Why is this useful? ..............................................................................................................................................94
A. ACCEPTING OR REJECTING CHANGES ........................................................................................................................95

EXCEL 2010


Spreadsheet programs — which provide formulas and functions that make it easy to
calculate numerical data — made a critical technology leap in business computing.
Business people no longer need to rely on adding machines, scientific calculators, or
accountants to perform detailed sales or financial calculations. Even a beginning
salesperson could insert numbers into a spreadsheet, type a few formulas, and have
the data automatically calculated. Even better, spreadsheet programs give you the
ability to represent data graphically, which communicates the impact of the data
more effectively.

Excel enables you to build a calculation by creating a formula that specifies the
values to calculate and which mathematical operators to use to perform the
calculation. Excel also offers functions — predesigned formulas that perform more
complex calculations, such as calculating accrued interest. Many of Excel 2010‘s
functions have been updated for increased accuracy and renamed for consistency with
the terminology used in the scientific community. Excel not only provides tools to
assist you in building and error-checking spreadsheet formulas, but it also gives you
many easy choices for formatting the data to make it more readable and professional.

The Office 2010 version has all new look as compared to the earlier versions. Fluent is
the common UI (User Interface) present in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access. The
fluent has many components but the most important one is the Ribbon. The File
button on the top left corner is the replacement for the Office button of previous
version (2007). It contains the options like New, Open, Save, Print etc.

The Ribbon is the replacement for all the other menus and toolbars. It is the banner
that occupies the top of the window. It‘s designed in tab based, and the
corresponding icons are displayed whenever a tab is selected by default the Ribbon
has seven tabs namely Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formulas, Data, Review and View.
The icons are grouped logically under each tab.

Each file is called a Workbook. Inside each workbook there are worksheets where you
can divide and organize a large volume of data across multiple worksheets or pages of
information in the file.

EXCEL 2010

You can assign a name to a contiguous area on a worksheet so that you can later
select that area by name, or use the name in a formula to save time.

Number and Date Value Formatting

You can apply a number format that defines how Excel should display a cell‘s
contents, indicating details such as how many decimal points should appear and
whether a percentage or dollar sign should be included. You can also apply a date
format to determine how the date appears.

Translate your data into a meaningful image by creating a chart in Excel. Excel offers
dozens of chart types, layouts, and formats to help you present your results in the
clearest way.

Specialized Data Formatting

Sometimes it‘s more expedient to use cell formatting to help data have more visual
impact rather than creating a separate chart. Excel offers conditional formatting, a
tool that enables it to apply specialized formatting for selected cells based on the
results of the formulas in those cells or the contents of the cells. For example, if you
have a spreadsheet calculating grade averages, you can set up the cells to be
formatted in one color for a passing average and another for a failing average. The
conditional formats include data bars, color scales, icon scales, and more. Excel 2010
offers a new spark lines feature that enables you to create a small chart within a cell.


There are 17 Billion Cells in one Worksheet.

Rows: 1 - 1048576
Columns: A – XFD – 16384
To move around the worksheet you can use arrow keys page up and page down can be
used to move a screen full of cells. Pressing function F5 displays the GOTO dialog box.
By which we can navigate in any desired cell.

One can enter 32000 characters in one cell [Text]

Excel Numeric Limitations – 15 digits [Credit card no: is 16 digits]

EXCEL 2010

Cell Addresses The label for a cell is called a cell address. The first cell is A1 and the
last cell is XFD1048576.

An Excel Workbook can contain up to 255 Worksheets. By default a ‗New Workbook‘

has Three Worksheets




The Font type, Font size can be specified & the Number of Worksheets to be included
in the workbook by default can be changed from 3 to 1 – 255.

Other Options for Formulas, Proofing, Saving, Language can be changed according to
one requirement and need.


Editing Option – After pressing Enter, move the cursor which direction can be
mentioned. Prefer Down

Under Display – Show the no. of recent documents can be increased, up to No. 50


 Enable the Developer Tab – Which is required to access your macros & VBE

 One can even add NEW TAB and NEW GROUPS under the New Tabs.
Note: New Groups can be added to existing MAIN TABS also

 Add the required commands from the ALL COMMANDS or COMMANDS NOT IN
THE RIBBON into whichever New Groups you want and rename them.

o Select the Command you want on the Left side under Choose
Commands then select the group under which you want the
command be placed then click Add you will notice the command
being inserted into the new group  click OK

o One has to add the Pivot Table & Pivot Chart Wizard into the Main Tab

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o The Forms Command also needs to be added


The Quick Access Toolbar can be found on the Top Left Hand Corner of the Workbook.

There are some standard toolbars already made available for use, but if required one
can add tools that one uses frequently.

Go to File Menu options Quick Access Toolbar and choose the tools from
ALL COMMANDS or COMMANDS NOT IN THE RIBBON Add them to the Quick access
Toolbar list Click Ok

EXCEL 2010



Using Names to Work with Ranges

Dealing with cryptic cell and range addresses can sometimes be confusing. (This
confusion becomes even more apparent when you deal with formulas)

Fortunately, Excel allows you to assign descriptive names to cells and ranges.
For example, you can give a cell a name such as Interest_Rate, or you can name a
range JulySales. Working with these names (rather than cell or range addresses) has
several advantages:

1) A meaningful range name (such as Total_Income) is much easier to remember

than a cell address (such as AC21).
2) Entering a name is less error-prone than entering a cell or range address.
3) You can quickly move to areas of your worksheet either by using the Name box,
located at the left side of the Formula bar (click on the arrow to drop down a
list of defined names) or by choosing Home ➜ Editing ➜ Find & Select ➜ Go
To (or F5) and specifying the range name.
4) Creating formulas is easier. You can paste a cell or range name into a formula
by using Formula AutoComplete.
5) Names make your formulas more understandable and easier to use. A formula
such as =Income-Taxes is more intuitive than =D20-D40.

Example Example with no name Example with a name

Reference =SUM(C20:C30) =SUM(FirstQuarterSales)
Constant =PRODUCT(A5,8.3) =PRODUCT(Price,WASalesTax)
Formula =SUM(VLOOKUP(A1,B1:F20,5,FALSE), - =SUM(Inventory_Level,-
G5) Order_Amt)
Table C4:G36 =TopSales06


Excel provides several different methods that you can use to create range names.

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Before you begin, however, you should be aware of some important rules about what
is acceptable:

1) Names can’t contain any spaces. You may want to use an underscore character
to simulate a space (such as Annual_Total).
2) You can use any combination of letters and numbers, but the name must begin
with a letter. A name can’t begin with a number (such as 3rdQuarter) or look
like a cell reference (such as QTR3). If these are desirable names, though, you
can precede the name with an underscore, for example, _3rd Quarter and
3) Symbols (except for underscores and periods) aren’t allowed.
4) Names are limited to 255 characters, but it’s a good practice to keep names as
short as possible yet still meaningful and understandable.

Caution: Excel also uses a few names internally for its own use. Although you can
create names that override Excel‘s internal names, you should avoid doing so. To be
on the safe side, avoid using the following for names: Print_Area, Print_Titles,
Consolidate_Area, and Sheet_Title. To delete a range name or rename a range, see
―Managing Names,‖ later in this chapter.

Using the New Name Dialog Box

To create a range name, start by selecting the cell or range that you want to name.
Then, choose Formulas ➜ Defined Names ➜ Define Name.

Excel displays the New Name dialog box, as shown in the below Figure. Note that this
is a resizable dialog box. Drag a border to change the dimensions.

Type a name in the Name text field (or use the name that Excel proposes, if any). The
selected cell or range address appears in the Refers to text field. Use the Scope
drop-down list to indicate the scope for the name. The scope indicates where the
name will be valid, and it‘s either the entire workbook or a particular sheet. If you

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like, you can add a comment that describes the named range or cell. Click OK to add
the name to your workbook and close the dialog box.

Create names for cells or ranges by using the New Name dialog box.

Using the Name Box

A faster way to create a name is to use the Name box (to the left of the Formula bar).
Select the cell or range to name, click the Name box, and type the name. Press Enter
to create the name. (You must press Enter to actually record the name; if you type a
name and then click in the worksheet, Excel doesn‘t create the name.)

The Name box is a drop-down list and shows all names in the workbook. To choose a
named cell or range, click the Name box and choose the name. The name appears in
the Name box, and

Excel selects the named cell or range in the worksheet.

Using the Create Names from Selection Dialog Box

You may have a worksheet that contains text that you want to use for names for
adjacent cells or ranges. For example, you may want to use the text in column A to
create names for the corresponding values in column B. Excel makes this task easy to

To create names by using adjacent text, start by selecting the name text and the cells
that you want to name. (These items can be individual cells or ranges of cells.) The
names must be adjacent to the cells that you‘re naming. (A multiple selection is
allowed.) Then, choose Formulas ➜ Defined Names ➜ Create from Selection. Excel
displays the Create Names from Selection dialog box, as shown in Figure.

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The check marks in this dialog box are based on Excel‘s analysis of the selected
range. For example, if Excel finds text in the first row of the selection, it proposes
that you create names based on the top row. If Excel didn‘t guess correctly, you can
change the checkboxes. Click OK, and Excel creates the names.

Note: If the text contained in a cell would result in an invalid name, Excel modifies
the name to make it valid. For example, if a cell contains the text Net Income (which
is invalid for a name because it contains a space), Excel converts the space to an
underscore character. If Excel encounters a value or a numeric formula where text
Should be, however, it doesn‘t convert it to a valid name. It simply doesn‘t create a
name — and does not inform you of that fact.

Caution: If the upper-left cell of the selection contains text and you choose the
Top Row and Left Column options, Excel uses that text for the name of the entire
data, excluding the top row and left column. So, after Excel creates the names, take
a minute to make sure that they refer to the correct ranges. If Excel creates a name
that is incorrect, you can delete or modify it by using the Name Manager (described
next).FIGURE 14-22


A workbook can have any number of names. If you have many names, you should know
about the Name Manager, shown in Figure 14-23. The Name Manager appears when
you choose Formulas ➜ Defined Names ➜ Name Manager (or press Ctrl+F3). The
Name Manager has the following features:

1) Displays information about each name in the workbook. You can resize the
Name You can resize the Name Manager dialog box and widen the columns to
show more information. You can also click on a column heading to sort the
information by the column.

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2) Allows you to filter the displayed names. Clicking the Filter button lets you show
only those names that meet a certain criterion. For example, you can view only
the worksheet level names.
3) Provides quick access to the New Name dialog box. Click the New button to
create a new name without closing the Name Manager.
4) Let’s you edit names. To edit a name, select it in the list and then click the Edit
button. You can change the name itself, modify the Refers To range, or edit the
5) Let’s you quickly delete unneeded names. To delete a name, select it in the list
and click Delete.


Be extra careful when deleting names. If the name is used in a formula, deleting the
name causes the formula to become invalid. (#NAME? is displayed.) However, deleting
a name can be undone, so if you find that formulas return #NAME? After you delete a
name, choose Undo from the Quick Access toolbar (or press Ctrl+Z) to get the name

If you delete the rows or columns that contain named cells or ranges, the names
contain an invalid reference. For example, if cell A1 on Sheet1 is named Interest and
you delete row 1 or column A, the name Interest then refers to =Sheet1!#REF! (i.e.,

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to an erroneous reference). If you use Interest in a formula, the formula displays



The Name Manager is useful, but it has a shortcoming: it doesn‘t let you display the
list of names in a worksheet range so you can view or print them. Such a feat is
possible, but you need to look beyond the Name Manager.

To create a list of names in a worksheet, first move the cell pointer to an empty area
with two empty columns on the worksheet (the list will contain two columns, one for
the name and one for a description of the name) of your worksheet — the list is
created at the active cell position and overwrites any information at that location.
Press F3 to display the Paste Name dialog box or on the Formulas tab, in the
Defined Names group, click Use in Formula, and then click Paste Names which lists
all the defined names. Then click the Paste List button. Excel creates a list of all
names in the workbook and their corresponding addresses.


Excel users often refer to named ranges and named cells. This terminology is not
quite accurate. When you create a name, you are actually creating a named formula -
- a formula that doesn't exist in a cell. Rather these named formulas exist in Excel's

When you work with the Define Name dialog box, the Refers to field contains the
formula, and the Name In workbook field contains the formula's name. You'll find that
the contents of the Refers to field always begin with an equal sign -- a sure indication
that it's a formula.

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As you can see in the figure below, the workbook contains a name (InterestRate) for
the cell B3 on Sheet3. Whenever you use the name InterestRate in a formula, Excel
actually evaluate the formula with that name and returns the result.

If you understand this concept, you'll realize that you can create more complex (and
useful) names. For example, you can create a name called ThisMonth (see below)
which doesn't refer to any cells.

After this name is defined, entering the following formula will display the name of the
current month:



Using Data Tables

6) Select the Range of Cells/Data

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7) Click Ctrl + T – Keyboard shortcut to Create a Table

8) The Table is named as Table1 or Table2 by default.
Note: Leaving the Headers - the data is selected & named
You can rename it if Required… going to the Name Manager
9) Now select the 1st column of Data leaving the Header and give it a name.
10) Then click the Name Manager – you will see that a name is created with a
combination of Table Name & the First Column. Ex: Table1[Employee_ID]
11) Now this range is Dynamic…..and any additional data added to the table will be
automatically updated….whether be it the chart or the Pivot Table

Using OFFSET Function

Are the new rows added in the chart source, is the named range dynamic, if not you
need to add an offset formula to it.

1) Choose Formulas tab ➜ Defined names Group➜ Define name

2) Type a name for the range, e.g. NameList…..Dynamic_Name_list

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3) In the Refers To box, enter an Offset formula that defines the range size, based
on the number of items in the column, e.g.:


In this example, the list is on Sheet1, starting in cell A1. The arguments used in
this Offset function are:
a) Reference cell: Sheet1!$A$1

b) Rows to offset: 0

c) Columns to offset: 0

d) Number of Rows: COUNTA(Sheet1!$A:$A)

e) Number of Columns: 1
Note: for a dynamic number of columns, replace the 1 with:

4) Click OK

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A data form is a simply a dialog box with separate fields for each record. The form
field labels are taken from your data table‘s column headers. The data form floats
above the worksheet and you can have a maximum of 32 columns.

Example of a Data Form

Look closely at the screenshot above, and you‘ll find 3 features on the data entry

5) You only see one record at a time (one record here = one row on your
6) The data fields are arranged vertically (on your worksheet they are horizontal)
7) You can use shortcut keys to move between different parts of the form, including
to some or all of the fields. Just find the underlined characters – for instance to
go to “Sales Date” you can see the ‘S‘ is underlined so the shortcut key is ALT + S,
and to go to “Kg Sold:” you can see the ‘K‘ is underlined so the shortcut key is
ALT + K.

It‘s possible to navigate and search through the records using the controls on the
right side.

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Unfortunately, the Excel data entry form doesn‘t support AutoComplete (tip 5 above).

The good thing is that the data entry form respects data validation settings so you can
set up data validation on your data table and use it within the form.

Many users find a data entry form easier to use than entering data directly into a
worksheet. It provides a clearly defined space onscreen that‘s a better-defined target
for the eyes than a sometimes dizzying array of rows and columns.

How to find Data Form?

1) Use the Keyboard Shortcut ALT ➜ D ➜ O (this is the old Excel 2003 shortcut
which still works in Excel 2007 / 2010)
2) Add a button to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT).

Customize the Quick Access Toolbar to show the data form "Commands Not in the
Ribbon" ➜ "Form" ➜ then add it to the QAT list ➜ and click OK

3) One can add the Form Command to the Data Tab by Customizing the Ribbon.

To use the button, first select a cell inside the data table then click on the ―Form…‖
button. Excel uses the width of the widest column to set the width of the data form

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Sorting allows you to put things in order, like alphabetical order for text, numerical
order for numbers or date order to dates etc. You can sort in ascending, which is
lowest to highest, or descending, highest to lowest, orders. Sorting data helps you
quickly visualize and understand your data better, organize and find the data that you
want, and ultimately make more effective decisions.

You can do a sort using the sort icons on the toolbar, or using the sort option in the
Data menu.

Learn about Sorting

You can sort data by text (A to Z or Z to A), numbers (smallest to largest or largest to
smallest), and dates and times (oldest to newest and newest to oldest) in one or more
columns. You can also sort by a custom list (such as Large, Medium, and Small) or by
format, including cell color, font color, or icon set. Most sort operations are column
sorts, but you can also sort by rows.

Sort criteria are saved with the workbook so that you can reapply the sort each time
that you open the workbook for an Excel table, but not for a range of cells. If you
want to save sort criteria so that you can periodically reapply a sort when you open a
workbook, then it's a good idea to use a table. This is especially important for
multicolumn sorts or for sorts that take a long time to create.

When you reapply a sort, different results appear for the following reasons:

1) Data has been added, modified, or deleted to the range of cells or table column.
2) Values returned by a formula have changed and the worksheet has been

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Sort Text

1) Select a column of alphanumeric data in a range of cells, or make sure that the
active cell is in a table column containing alphanumeric data.
2) On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, do one of the following:

a) To sort in ascending alphanumeric order, click Sort A to Z.

b) To sort in descending alphanumeric order, click Sort Z to A.

3) Optionally, you can do a case-sensitive sort.

4) To reapply a sort after you change the data, click a cell in the range or table,
and then on the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Reapply.
Issue: Check that all data is stored as text: If the column that you want to sort
contains numbers stored as numbers and numbers stored as text, then you need to
format them all as text. If you do not, the numbers stored as numbers are sorted
before the numbers stored as text. To format all of the selected data as text, on the
Home tab, in the Font group, click the Format Cell Font button, click the Number
tab, and then under Category, click Text.

Issue: Remove any leading spaces: In some cases, data imported from another
application might have leading spaces inserted before data. Remove the leading
spaces before sorting the data.

Sort Numbers

1) Select a column of numeric data in a range of cells, or make sure that the active
cell is in a table column containing numeric data.
2) On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, do one of the following:

a) To sort from low numbers to high numbers, click Sort Smallest to


b) To sort from high numbers to low numbers, click Sort Largest to


Issue: Check that all numbers are stored as numbers - If the results are not what
you expected, the column might contain numbers stored as text and not as numbers.

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For example, negative numbers imported from some accounting systems or a number
entered with a leading ' (apostrophe) are stored as text.

Sort Dates or Times

1) Select a column of dates or times in a range of cells, or make sure that the active
cell is in a table column containing dates or times.
2) Select a column of dates or times in a range of cells or table.
3) On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, do one of the following:

a) To sort from an earlier to a later date or time, click Sort Oldest to


b) To sort from a later to an earlier date or time, click Sort Newest to


4) To reapply a sort after you change the data, click a cell in the range or table,
and then on the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Reapply.

Issue: Check that dates and times are stored as dates or times - If the results are
not what you expected, the column might contain dates or times stored as text and
not as dates or times. For Excel to sort dates and times correctly, all dates and times
in a column must be stored as a date or time serial number. If Excel cannot recognize
a value as a date or time, the date or time is stored as text.

Note: If you want to sort by days of the week, format the cells to show the day of the
week. If you want to sort by the day of the week regardless of the date, convert them
to text by using the TEXT function. However, the TEXT function returns a text value,
and so the sort operation would be based on alphanumeric data.

Sort by Cell color, Font color, or Icon

If you have manually or conditionally formatted a range of cells or table column, by

cell color or font color, you can also sort by these colors. You can also sort by an icon
set created through a conditional format.

1) Select a column of data in a range of cells, or make sure that the active cell is in
a table column.
2) On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Sort.

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The Sort dialog box is displayed.

3) Under Column, in the Sort by box, select the column that you want to sort.
4) Under Sort On, select the type of sort. Do one of the following:
a) To sort by cell color, select Cell Color.

b) To sort by font color, select Font Color.

c) To sort by an icon set, select Cell Icon.

5) Under Order, click the arrow next to the button, and then, depending on the
type of format, select a cell color, font color, or cell icon.
6) Under Order, select how you want to sort. Do one of the following:
a) To move the cell color, font color, or icon to the top or left, select On
Top for a column sort, and On Left for a row sort.

b) To move the cell color, font color, or icon to the bottom or right, select
On Bottom for a column sort, and On Right for a row sort.

Note: There is no default cell color, font color, or icon sort order. You must define
the order that you want for each sort operation.

7) To specify the next cell color, font color, or icon to sort by, click Add Level, and
then repeat steps three through five.

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Make sure that you select the same column in the Then by box and that you make the
same selection under Order.

Keep repeating for each additional cell color, font color, or icon that you want
included in the sort.

8) To reapply a sort after you change the data, click a cell in the range or table,
and then on the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Reapply.

Sort by a Custom List

You can use a custom list to sort in a user-defined order. Excel provides built-in, day-
of-the-week and month-of-the year custom lists, and you can also create your own
custom list.

1) Optionally, create the custom list.

2) Select a column of data in a range of cells, or make sure that the active cell is in
a table column.
3) On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Sort.

The Sort dialog box is displayed.

4) Under Column, in the Sort by or Then by box, select the column that you want
to sort by a custom list.
5) Under Order, select Custom List.

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6) In the Custom Lists dialog box, select the list that you want.

7) Click OK.

To reapply a sort after you change the data, click a cell in the range or table, and
then on the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Reapply.

General issues with sorting

If you get unexpected results when sorting your data, do the following:

1) Check to see if the values returned by a formula have changed - If the data
that you have sorted contains one or more formulas, the return values of those
formulas can change when the worksheet is recalculated. In this case, make sure
that you reapply the sort or do the sort again to get up-to-date results.
2) Unhide rows and columns before you sort - Hidden columns are not moved
when you sort columns, and hidden rows are not moved when you sort rows.
Before you sort data, it's a good idea to unhide the hidden columns and rows.
3) Check the locale setting - Sort orders vary by locale setting. Make sure that
you have the proper locale setting in Regional Settings or Regional and
Language Options in Control Panel on your computer. For information about
changing the locale setting, see the Windows help system.

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4) Enter column headings in only one row - If you need multiple line labels,
wrap the text within the cell.
5) Turn on or off the heading row - It's usually best to have a heading row when
you sort a column to make it easier to understand the meaning of the data. By
default, the value in the heading is not included in the sort operation.
Occasionally, you may need to turn on or off the heading so that the value in the
heading is or is not included in the sort operation. Do one of the following:
a) To exclude the first row of data from the sort because it is a column
heading, on the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Sort & Filter, click
Custom Sort, and then select My data has headers.

b) To include the first row of data in the sort because it is not a column
heading, on the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Sort & Filter, click
Custom Sort, and then clear My data has headers.

Multi-level Sorting

Using the Sort dialog box to sort on multiple columns can make it easier to find the
data you need. The Sort dialog box lets you tell Excel what column to sort on next if
two cells in the main sort column contain the same value or data.

Although the most common sort is by rows, you can also sort by columns. In the Sort
dialog box, click the Options button, choose Sort Left to Right, and click OK.

1) Select or click in the list of data you want to sort.

You can select only a single column of data if you want to sort that column
independently of the rest of the data. However, in most cases you are likely to sort
the entire list.

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2) Click the Sort button in the Sort & Filter group on the Data tab.

The Sort dialog box appears. If your data includes column headings, make sure the My
Data Has Headers option is checked. Excel usually detects the correct setting

3) From the Sort By drop-down list, select the column by which you want to sort.

This drop-down list includes the column headings for each column in the list.

4) From the Sort On drop-down list, choose Values.

Notice that you also can perform the sort on Cell Color, Font Color, or Cell Icon.
Typically, you will perform a sort based on values (rather than formatting).

5) From the Order drop-down list, select how you want to sort the data.

The options that appear in this list change based on the contents of the sort column.
Choose A to Z or Z to A to sort text values, Smallest to Largest or Largest to Smallest
to sort numeric data, or Oldest to Newest or Newest to Oldest to sort by dates.

6) Click the Add Level button.

Additional drop-down list boxes appear for the secondary sort column. This is the
column Excel will sort by if two or more items are identical in the first Sort By option.

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7) Repeat steps 3 through 5 for the new sorting level.

After you specify the options for the secondary sort column, you can add more sort
columns as needed. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons if you decide to change
the order of the sort columns.

8) Click OK.

The dialog box closes and Excel performs the sort process.


Filter your Excel data if you only want to display records that meet certain criteria.

1) Click any single cell inside a data set.

2) On the Data tab, click Filter.

3) Arrows in the column headers appear.

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4) Click the arrow next to Country.

5) Click on Select All to clear all the check boxes, and click the check box next to

6) Click OK.
7) Result. Excel only displays the sales in the USA.

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8) Click the arrow next to Quarter.

9) Click on Select All to clear all the check boxes, and click the check box next to
Qtr 4.

10) Click OK.

11) Result. Excel only displays the sales in the USA in Qtr 4.

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12) To remove the filter, on the Data tab, click Clear. To remove the filter and the
arrows, click Filter.


Advanced Filter used for filtering the data based on more than one criterion and
we can extract Unique records from selected data

Extracting unique records using Advanced Filter

1) Keep cursor in blank area and click on Data tab Sort & Filter Panel
(Group) Advanced this will popup the dialog box as shown below

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2) Click inside List range: box and select the source data from which unique
records are to be extracted
3) Choose Copy to another location option
4) Check the box Unique records only
5) Click inside the Criteria Range box: and select the criteria range which will help
in filtering the data and extracting the right data required.
6) Click inside Copy to: box and specify the location in a blank cell in the
worksheet and finally click on OK button


Imagine you have a spreadsheet with thousands of rows of data. It would be

extremely difficult to see patterns and trends just from examining the raw data.
Excel gives us several tools that will make this task easier. One of these tools is called
conditional formatting. With conditional formatting, you can apply formatting to one
or more cells based on the value of the cell. You can highlight interesting or unusual
cell values, and visualize the data using formatting such as colors, icons, and data

Let‘s see how to apply, modify, and remove conditional formatting rules.


Conditional formatting presets

Excel has a number of presets you can use to quickly apply conditional formatting to
your cells. They are grouped into three categories:

 Data Bars are horizontal bars added to each cell, much like a bar graph. A data
bar helps you see the value of a cell relative to other cells. The length of the
data bar represents the value in the cell. A longer bar represents a higher
value, and a shorter bar represents a lower value. Data bars are useful in
spotting higher and lower numbers, especially with large amounts of data.

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 Color Scales are visual guides that help you understand data distribution and
variation. Color scales change the color of each cell based on its value. Each
color scale uses a two- or three-color gradient A two-color scale helps you
compare a range of cells by using a gradation of two colors. The shade of the
color represents higher or lower values. For example, in a green and red color
scale, you can specify that higher value cells have a more green color and
lower value cells have a more red color. In a three color gradient scale for
example, Green - Yellow - Red color scale, the highest values are green, the
average values are yellow, and the lowest values are red.

 Icon Sets add a specific icon to each cell based on its value. Use an icon set to
annotate/interpret and classify data into three to five categories separated by
a threshold value. Each icon represents a range of values. For example, in the 3
Arrows icon set, the green up arrow represents higher values, the yellow
sideways arrow represents middle values, and the red down arrow represents
lower values.

To use preset conditional formatting:

1) Select the cells you want to add the formatting to.

2) In the Home tab, click the Conditional Formatting command. A drop-down
menu will appear.
3) Select Data Bars, Color Scales, or Icon Sets (Data Bars, for example). Then
select the desired preset.

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4) The conditional formatting will be applied to the selected cells.


Conditional formatting applies one or more rules to any cells you want. An example of
a rule might be "If the value is greater than 5000, color the cell yellow." By
applying this rule to the cells in a worksheet, you'll be able to see at a glance which
cells are over 5000. There are also rules that can mark the top 10 items, all cells that
are below the average, cells that are within a certain date range, and many more.

To create a conditional formatting rule:

1) Select the cells you want to add formatting to.

2) In the Home tab, click the Conditional Formatting command. A drop-down
menu will appear.
3) Select Highlight Cells Rules or Top/Bottom Rules. We will choose Highlight
Cells Rules for this example. A menu will appear with several rules.
4) Select the desired rule (Greater Than, for example).

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5) From the dialog box, enter a value in the space provided, if applicable. In this
example, we want to format cells that are greater than $5000, so we'll enter
5000 as our value. If you want, you can enter a cell reference instead of a
6) Select a formatting style from the drop-down menu.

7) The formatting will be applied to the selected cells.

If you want, you can apply more than one rule to your cells.

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Rule Types:

1) Format All Cells based on their Values: Use this rule type to create rules that
display Data bars, Color scales or Icon sets. (The above discussed preset rules)
Note – this is an exception rule, which doesn’t have a Format Button… uses
graphics rather than the cell formatting.
2) Format Only Cells that Contain: Use this rule type to create rules that format
cells based on mathematical comparison (greater than, lesser than, greater
than or equal to, lesser than or equal too, equal to, not equal to, between, not
between). You can also create rules based on specific text, dates, blanks, non-
blanks, errors, no errors.
3) Format Only Top or Bottom Ranked Values: Use this rule type to create rules
that involve identifying cells in the top n, top n percent, bottom n, bottom n
4) Format Only values that are above or below Average: Use this rule type to
create rules that identify cells that are above average, below average, or within
a specified std.deviation from the Average.
5) Format Only Unique or Duplicate Values: Use this type to create rules that
format unique or Duplicate values in a range.

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6) Use a Formula to Determine which cells to Format: Use this rule type to
create rules based on a logical formula.

Sometimes you need more flexibility than a few simple conditions. That is when
formulas come handy. Conditional Formatting Formulas are slightly complicated and
can be difficult to learn or use if you are new to excel. But they are very useful and
intuitive and if you use them once you get a hang of it.

Note: The Formula must be logical formula that returns either TRUE/FALSE. If the
formula evaluates to be True, the Condition is satisfied, and the Conditional
Formatting is applied. If the Formula evaluates to be False, the Conditional
Formatting if not applied.
For example, you want to track your client‘s birthdays to see whose is coming up and
then mark them as having received a Happy Birthday greeting from you.

In this worksheet, we see the information we want by using conditional formatting,

driven by two rules that each contain a formula. The first rule, in column A, formats
future birthdays, and the rule in column C formats cells as soon as ―Y‖ is entered,
indicating that the birthday greeting has been sent.

To create the first rule:

1) Select cells A2 through A7. Do this by dragging from A2 to A7.

2) Then, click Home > Conditional Formatting > New Rule.
3) In the New Formatting Rule dialog box, click Use a formula to determine
which cells to format.

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4) Under Format values where this formula is true, type the formula:

The formula uses the TODAY function to see if the dates in column A are greater than
today (in the future). If so, the cells are formatted.

5) Click Format.
6) In the Color box, select Red. In the Font Style box, select Bold.
7) Click OK until the dialog boxes are closed.

The formatting is applied to column A.

To create the second rule:

1) Select cells C2 through C7.

2) Repeat steps 2 through 4 above, and enter this formula: =C2="Y"

The formula tests to see if the cells in column C contain ―Y‖ (the quotation marks
around the Y tell Excel that this is text). If so, the cells are formatted.

3) In the Color box, select White. In the Font Style box, select Bold.
4) Click the Fill tab and select Green.

The formatting is applied to column C.


The Rule Manager can be used to create New Conditional Formatting Rules, to edit
the existing rules, or to delete the rules.

One can Arrange the order of precedence of the rules using the Rule manager.

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1) Select the cells that have conditional formatting.

2) In the Home tab, click the Conditional Formatting command. A drop-down
menu will appear.
3) Select Clear Rules.
4) A menu will appear. You can choose to clear rules from the Selected Cells,
Entire Sheet, This Table, or This PivotTable. In this example, we will clear
rules from the entire sheet.

You can edit or delete individual rules by clicking on the Conditional Formatting
command and selecting Manage Rules. This is especially useful if you have applied
multiple rules to the cells.

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If your worksheet has one or more cells with a conditional format, you can quickly
locate them so that you can copy, change, or delete the conditional formats. You can
use the Go To Special command to either find only cells with a specific conditional
format or find all cells with conditional formats.

1) Click the cell that has the conditional format that you want to find.
2) On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the arrow next to Find & Select,
and then click Go To Special.

3) Click Conditional formats.

4) Click Same under Data validation.
5) Click Ok.

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At first glance, it may seem that you are left with just a bunch of chart type buttons
on the Insert tab of the ribbon. Not true. These buttons are just the starting point.

It‘s a bit of a shift, but once you get used to the ribbon, it‘s really quite simple. You
may actually appreciate the fact that you‘ll have many more options available at your
When you click anywhere in your chart, you‘ll notice that the Chart Tools are added
to the ribbon. You‘ll get three additional tabs that provide an assortment of chart
design, layout and formatting options.

You may want to take a few moments to explore the available options. In the Data
group on the Design tab, for example, you‘ll see that you can still switch data series
over the axis the same way you could on step 2 of the Chart Wizard.

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What is a Chart in Excel?

A Chart is a visual representation of numerical values, displaying data in a well-

conceived chart can make your numbers more understandable. Charts are particularly
useful for summarizing a series of numbers and their inter-relationship.

How Excel handles Charts

You must have some numbers – sometimes known as DATA. The data of course is
stored in the cells in a worksheet. Normally the data that a chart uses resides in a
single worksheet, but that‘s not a strict requirement. A chart can use data that‘s
stored in a different worksheet or even in a different workbook.

A chart is essentially an object that Excel creates upon request. The object consists of
one or more data series displayed graphically. The appearance of the data series
depends on the selected chart type. For example: if you create a line chart that uses
two data series, the chart contains two lines, each representing on data series.

 A key point to keep in mind is that charts are DYNAMIC. If the data changes the
chart is automatically updated to reflect the changes.

 And if the Data range is Dynamic…then when new data is added…..even that
starts reflecting in the chart. After you create a chart, you can always change

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its type, the formatting, add new data series to it, or change an existing data
series, so that it uses data in a different range.

 A Chart is either Embedded in a worksheet or displayed on a separate Chart

sheet. It is very easy to move an embedded chart to a chart sheet and vice
versa. An Embedded chart basically floats on top of a worksheet on the
worksheets drawing layer. Press Alt + F1 = Embedded chart
and F11 for chart on a chart sheet.

Parts of the Chart

1) Horizontal Axis – known as the category axis – ‘X’ Axis. This axis represents
the category for each data point.
2) Vertical Axis – Primary – on the left – ‘Y’Axis
Secondary – on the right – ‘Y’ Axis
Vertical Axis known as value axis, each one has a different scale. The axis on
the left is for the column (in the column chart) and the axis on the right is for
the Line in the (line Chart)
The value axis also displays scale values
3) Chart Title
4) Axis Title – Primary Horizontal, Primary Vertical
Secondary Horizontal, Secondary Vertical
5) Legend – Is often used to identify the various series in a chart.
6) Data Labels – Is to identify specific data points
7) Data table –
8) Horizontal Gridlines –correspond to the left value axis. Gridlines are basically
extensions of the value axis scales which makes it easier for the viewer to
determine the magnitude of the data points.
All charts have a Chart area (the entire background area of the chart) and a
Plot area (the area which shows the actual chart).

Note: Charts can have additional parts or fewer parts depending on the chart types
that we choose. For ex: (1) Pie chart –has slices and no Axis; (2) 3D charts – have walls
and a floor. After creating a chart one can add many other parts, for ex: Trendlines,
Error Bars, etc.,

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Understanding Chart Types

People who create charts usually do so to make a point to communicate a specific

message. In almost every case the underlying message in a chart is some type of

 Comparing Items to other items

 Compare Data over time

 Make Relative comparisons – For Ex: Pie charts in terms of slices

 Compare Data Relationships – For Ex: ‗XY‘ Chart.

 Frequency comparison - For Ex: Histogram, Bar Charts

 Identify ‗Outliers‘ or ‗Unusual situations‘ – If you have thousands of

data points, creating a chart may help identify data that is not representative.

Printing Charts

Excel displays a chart in a chart sheet in WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get)
mode. The printed chart looks just like the image on the chart sheet.

Printing embedded chart is nothing special – as long as you include the embedded
chart in the range that you want to print. But it‘s always a good idea to preview first
before printing.

In case you don‘t want a particular embedded chart to appear on your printout, use
properties tab on the Format Chart Area Dialog box – and uncheck the print object


As part of Excel 2010, Microsoft has introduced an exciting and new charting feature
called as ―Sparklines‖. Edward Tufte coined the term sparkline and defined it as,

“intense, simple, word-sized graphics”

I think adding sparklines to Excel‘s pack of visualizations is a huge step in the right
direction. Sparklines (often called as micro-charts) add rich visualization capability
to tabular data without taking too much space. While MS‘ implementation of
Sparklines in Excel 2010 leaves a lot to be desired, it provides a solid platform and
introduces this powerful charting idea to masses.

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What is a sparkline?

A Sparkline is a small chart that is aligned with rows of some tabular data and usually
shows trend information.

Here is an example of sparklines in a project team status report.

How to create sparklines in Excel 2010?

Creating sparklines in excel 2010 is very easy. You follow 3 very simple steps to get
beautiful sparklines in an instant.

1) Select the data from which you want to make a sparkline.

2) Go to Insert ➜ Sparkline and select the type of sparkline (you have 3 options –
line, column and win-loss chart)
3) Specify a target cell where you want the sparkline to be placed
4) Optional: Format the sparkline if you want.

Types of Sparklines in Excel 2010:

There are 3 basic types of sparklines in Excel 2010. They


1) Line chart
2) Column chart
3) Win-loss chart (useful for showing a bunch of wins
& losses denoted by 1s and -1s)

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Sparkline Formatting and Options – Explored

In excel 2010, you will find a new ribbon or contextual tab called as ―Sparklines –
Design‖ as any feature in excel. This is where all the formatting options for sparklines
are included. Some of the key formatting / customizations you can do are,

1) Change the sparkline type

2) Change the source data / target cells of sparkline
3) Set different colors for first point, last point, highest & lowest points (applicable
for column and line chart types)
4) Set axis options (show / hide axis, set min and max value for vertical axis, set
axis type to date axis etc.)
5) Group / un-group a bunch of sparklines (you can change formatting options,
axis settings en-masse when you group sparklines)
6) Remove sparklines

Sparklines & Missing Data – How does it


1) If the sparkline source data contains

non-numeric data, they are neglected
while plotting the sparklines.
2) If data has some #NA values, they are
3) If data has blanks, sparkline shows
blanks too

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4) If data has zeros, zero value is plotted

5) If data has some hidden rows / columns, the values are neglected (unless you
enable “Show data in hidden cells” option)

Sparklines in Tables & Pivot Tables

You can add sparklines to tables and pivot tables too. Adding them to pivot tables is a
bit tricky, but adding sparklines to tables is fairly straightforward and scales nicely.

Sparkline Tips & Tricks

Here is a bunch of quick tips & tricks for those of you starting on sparklines.

1) You can auto-fill sparklines. Select the first set of values and add a sparkline.
Now copy and paste sparklines to auto-fill them based on data in adjacent cells.
2) When you adjust row-height or column-width of the cell containing
sparkline, the size of sparkline changes too.
3) Juxtapose (Contrast/compare) sparklines with conditional formatting
icons to create stunning charts and dashboards.
4) If you want to copy a sparkline over to a ppt or document, you can use “copy
as picture” option.
5) The sparklines feature is disabled whenever you open a workbook in
“compatibility mode”….i.e., older version format of Excel.

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To show data trends or moving averages in a chart you created, you can add a
trendline. You can also extend a trendline beyond your actual data to help predict
future values. For example, the following linear trendline forecasts two quarters
ahead and clearly shows an upward trend that looks promising for future sales.

You can add a trendline to a 2-D chart that isn‘t stacked (area, bar, column, line,
stock, scatter, or bubble). You can‘t add it to a stacked or 3 D chart. Radar, pie,
surface, and doughnut charts also don‘t support trendlines.

1) On your chart, click the data series to which you want to add a trendline or
moving average. The trendline will start on the first data point of the data series
you choose.
2) Click the Chart Elements button next to the upper-right corner of the chart.
3) Check the Trendline box.
4) To choose a different type of trendline, click the arrow next to Trendline, and
then click Exponential, Linear Forecast, or Two Period Moving Average. For
additional trendlines, click More Options.
5) If you choose More Options, click the option you want in the Format Trendline
pane under Trendline Options.1

Please refer to your Reading Material Folder in the E X C E L Training Kit

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6) If you select Polynomial, enter the highest power for the independent variable
in the Order box.
7) If you select Moving Average, enter the number of periods to use to calculate
the moving average in the Period box.

Tip: A trendline is most accurate when its R-squared value (a number from 0 to 1 that
reveals how closely the estimated values for the trendline correspond to your actual
data) is at or near 1. When you add a trendline to your data, Excel automatically
calculates its R-squared value. You can display this value on your chart by checking
the Display R-squared value on chart box (Format Trendline pane, Trendline

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Pivot means - the Central point, pin or shaft, on which a mechanism turns or
oscillates. A person or thing that plays a central part in a situation or enterprise –
Ex: the pivot of community life was the chapel.

In a nutshell PIVOT – means turning, spinning, revolving, rotating, etc.,

PIVOT Table in Excel is a versatile reporting tool that makes it easy to extract
information from large tables of data without the use of formula. Pivot tables are
extremely user friendly in that by moving or pivoting, fields of data from one location
to another using drag & drop we look at the same data in a number of different ways.

In simple terms PIVOT TABLE helps to organize filter & summarize and make sense of
the enormous amount of data with relative ease & technical skill.


If you are familiar with standard charts, you will find that most operations are the
same in PivotChart reports. However, there are some differences:

Row/Column orientation: Unlike a standard chart, you cannot switch the row/column
orientation of a PivotChart report by using the Select Data Source dialog box.
However, you can pivot the Row and Column labels of the associated PivotTable
report to achieve the same effect.

Chart types: You can change a PivotChart report to any chart type except an xy
(scatter), stock, or bubble chart.

Source data: Standard charts are linked directly to worksheet cells. PivotChart
reports are based on the data source of the associated PivotTable report. Unlike a
standard chart, you cannot change the chart data range in the Select Data Source
dialog box of a PivotChart report.

Formatting: Most formatting — including, chart elements that you add; Layout, and
Style — are preserved when you refresh a PivotChart report. However, trend lines,

Please refer to the Reading Material Folder in E X C E L Training Kit

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data labels, error bars, and other changes to data sets are not preserved. Standard
charts do not lose this formatting once it is applied.

Although you cannot directly resize the data labels in a PivotChart report, you can
increase the font size of the text to effectively resize the labels.


You can use Excel's Consolidate feature to consolidate your worksheets (located in
one workbook or multiple workbooks) into one worksheet. Below you can find the
workbooks of three districts.

Before you start: If your worksheets are identical it's probably easier; to create 3D-
references (if you have one workbook) or External References (if you have multiple
workbooks) to consolidate your data.

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As you can see, the worksheets are not identical. However, the beauty of the
Consolidate feature is that it can easily sum, count, average, etc this data by looking
at the labels. This is a lot easier than creating formulas.

1) Open all three workbooks.

2) Open a blank workbook. On the Data tab, click Consolidate.

3) Choose the Sum function to sum the data.

4) Click in the Reference box, select the range A1:E4 in the district1 workbook, and
click Add.
5) Repeat step 4 for the district2 and district3 workbook.

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6) Check Top row, Left column and Create links to source data.

Note: If you don't check Top row and Left column, Excel sums all cells that have the
same position. For example, cell B2 (in distric1.xls) + cell B2 (in district2.xls) + cell B2
(in district3.xls). Because our worksheets are not identical, we want Excel to sum
cells that have the same labels. If you check Create links to source data, Excel
creates a link to your source data (your consolidated data will be updated if your
source data changes) and creates an Outline.

7) Click OK.

The Figure below shows the ‘Consolidated Result’.

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Excel's Subtotal feature can save you tons of time, especially if you know a few
efficiency tricks. Excel's Subtotal feature is geared for efficiency. You can get the
same results manually, but Subtotal is quicker.

While the Subtotal feature is active, Excel displays a pane to the left that shows three
viewing levels:

 1 displays grand totals

 2 displays subtotal rows
 3 displays everything

To temporarily hide (and unhide) this pane, press [Ctrl]+8. You can hide the pane
without removing the subtotaling rows.

1) First, sort the data on the Company column.

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2) On the data tab, click Subtotal.

3) Select the Company column, the column we use to outline our worksheet.
4) Use the Count function.
5) Check the Company check box.
6) Click OK.

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7) To collapse a group of cells, click a minus sign. You can use the numbers to
collapse or expand groups by level. For example, click the 2 to only show the

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To collapse a group of columns, execute the following steps.

8) For example, select column A and B.

9) On the data tab, click Group.

10) Click the minus sign (it will change to a plus sign).

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11) To remove the outline, click any cell inside the data set and on the Data Tab,
click Subtotal, Remove all.



Data validation is an Excel feature that you can use to define restrictions on what
data can or should be entered in a cell. You can configure data validation to prevent
users from entering data that is not valid. If you prefer, you can allow users to enter
invalid data but warn them when they try to type it in the cell. You can also provide
messages to define what input you expect for the cell, and instructions to help users
correct any errors.

For example, in a marketing workbook, you can set up a cell to allow only account
numbers that are exactly three characters long. When users select the cell, you can
show them a message such as this one:

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If users ignore this message and type invalid data in the cell, such as a two-digit or
five-digit number, you can show them an actual error message.

In a slightly more advanced scenario, you might use data validation to calculate the
maximum allowed value in a cell based on a value elsewhere in the workbook. In the
following example, the user has typed $4,000 in cell E7, which exceeds the maximum
limit specified for commissions and bonuses.

If the payroll budget were to increase or decrease, the allowed maximum in E7 would
automatically increase or decrease with it.

Data validation options are located on the Data tab, in the Data Tools group.

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You configure data validation in the Data Validation dialog box.


Data validation is invaluable when you want to share a workbook with others in your
organization, and you want the data entered in the workbook to be accurate and

Among other things, you can use data validation to do the following:

1) Restrict data to predefined items in a list For example, you can limit types
of departments to Sales, Finance, R&D, and IT. Similarly, you can create a list of
values from a range of cells elsewhere in the worksheet.

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2) Restrict numbers outside a specified range For example, you can specify a
minimum limit of deductions to two times the number of children in a particular
3) Restrict dates outside a certain time frame For example, you can specify a
time frame between today's date and 3 days from today's date.
4) Restrict times outside a certain time frame For example, you can specify a
time frame for serving breakfast between the time when the restaurant opens
and 5 hours after the restaurant opens.
5) Limit the number of text characters For example, you can limit the allowed
text in a cell to 10 or fewer characters. Similarly, you can set the specific length
for a full name field (C1) to be the current length of a first name field (A1) and a
last name field (B1), plus 10 characters.
6) Validate data based on formulas or values in other cells For example, you
can use data validation to set a maximum limit for commissions and bonuses of
$3,600, based on the overall projected payroll value. If users enter more than
$3,600 in the cell, they see a validation message.


What users see when they enter invalid data into a cell depends on how you have
configured the data validation. You can choose to show an input message when the
user selects the cell. Input messages are generally used to offer users guidance about
the type of data that you want entered in the cell. This type of message appears near
the cell. You can move this message, if you want to, and it remains until you move to
another cell or press ESC.

You can also choose to show an error alert that appears only after users enter
invalid data.

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You can choose from three types of error alerts:

Icon Type Use to

Stop Prevent users from entering invalid data in a cell. A Stop alert
message has two options: Retry or Cancel.

WARNING Warn users that the data they entered is invalid, without preventing
them from entering it. When a Warning alert message appears,
users can click Yes to accept the invalid entry, No to edit the
invalid entry, or Cancel to remove the invalid entry.

Information Inform users that the data they entered is invalid, without
preventing them from entering it. This type of error alert is the
most flexible. When an Information alert message appears, users
can click OK to accept the invalid value or Cancel to reject it.

You can customize the text that users see in an error alert message. If you choose not
to do so, users see a default message.

Input messages and error alerts appear only when data is typed directly into the cells.
They do not appear under the following conditions:

1) A user enters data in the cell by copying or filling.

2) A formula in the cell calculates a result that is not valid.
3) A macro enters invalid data in the cell.

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In the following list, you will find tips and tricks for working with data validation in

1) If you plan to protect the worksheet or workbook, protect it after you have
finished specifying any validation settings. Make sure that you unlock any
validated cells before you protect the worksheet. Otherwise, users will not be
able to type any data in the cells.
2) If you plan to share the workbook, share it only after you have finished
specifying data validation and protection settings. After you share a workbook,
you won't be able to change the validation settings unless you stop sharing.
However, Excel will continue to validate the cells that you have designated
while the workbook is being shared.
3) You can apply data validation to cells that already have data entered in them.
However, Excel does not automatically notify you that the existing cells contain
invalid data. In this scenario, you can highlight invalid data by instructing
Excel to circle it on the worksheet. Once you have identified the invalid data,
you can hide the circles again. If you correct an invalid entry, the circle
disappears automatically.

Example of Circle Invalid Data

4) To quickly remove data validation for a cell, select it, and then open the Data
Validation dialog box (Data tab, Data Tools group). On the Settings tab, click
Clear All.
5) To find the cells on the worksheet that have, data validation, on the Home tab,
in the Editing group, click Find & Select, and then click Data Validation. After
you have found the cells that have data validation, you can change, copy, or
remove validation settings.
6) When creating a drop-down list, you can use the Define Name command
(Formulas tab, Defined Names group) to define a name for the range that
contains the list. After you create the list on another worksheet, you can hide the
worksheet that contains the list and then protect the workbook so that users
won't have access to the list.

If data validation isn't working, make sure that:

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Users are not copying or filling data: Data validation is designed to show messages
and prevent invalid entries only when users type data directly in a cell. When data is
copied or filled, the messages do not appear. To prevent users from copying and
filling data by dragging and dropping cells, clear the Enable fill handle and cell drag-
and-drop check box in the Advanced category of the Excel Options dialog box (File
tab, Options command), and then protect the worksheet.

Manual recalculation is turned off: If manual recalculation is turned on, uncalculated

cells can prevent data from being validated correctly. To turn off manual
recalculation, on the Formulas tab, in the Calculation group, click Calculation
Options, and then click Automatic.

Formulas are error free: Make sure that formulas in validated cells do not cause
errors, such as #REF! or #DIV/0!. Excel ignores the data validation until you correct
the error.

Cells referenced in formulas are correct: If a referenced cell changes so that a

formula in a validated cell calculates an invalid result, the validation message for the
cell won't appear.


Microsoft Excel 2010 normally copies all the information in the range of cells you
select when you paste the data. Use Excel's Paste Special command, to specify other
options, such as pasting only the cell contents (without the formatting) or only the
formatting (without the cell contents).

To paste particular parts of a cell selection, click the Paste button arrow on the
Home tab. Then, click Paste Special on its drop-down menu to open the Paste
Special dialog box.

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Paste only some of a copied or cut cell's properties with Paste Special.

You can specify which parts of the current cell selection to use by selecting the
appropriate Paste Special options:

 All to paste all the stuff in the cell selection (formulas, formatting, you name
it). This is what happens when you paste normally.
 Formulas to paste all the text, numbers, and formulas in the current cell
selection without their formatting.
 Values to convert formulas in the current cell selection to their calculated
 Formats to paste only the formatting from the current cell selection, without
the cell entries.
 Comments to paste only the notes that you attach to their cells (like electronic
self-stick notes).
 Validation to paste only the data validation rules into the cell range that you
set up with the Data Validation command.
 All Using Source Theme to paste all the information plus the cell styles
applied to the cells.
 All Except Borders to paste all the stuff in the cell selection without copying
any borders you use there.
 Column Widths to apply the column widths of the cells copied to the Clipboard
to the columns where the cells are pasted.
 Formulas and Number Formats to include the number formats assigned to the
pasted values and formulas.

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 Values and Number Formats to convert formulas to their calculated values and
include the number format you assigned to all the copied or cut values.
 All Merging Conditional Formats to paste conditional formatting into the cell

When you paste, you can also perform some simple math calculations based on the
value(s) in the copied or cut cell(s) and the value in the target cell(s):

 None: Excel performs no operation between the data entries you cut or copy to
the Clipboard and the data entries in the cell range where you paste. This is
the default setting.
 Add: Excel adds the values you cut or copy to the Clipboard to the values in the
cell range where you paste.
 Subtract: Excel subtracts the values you cut or copy to the Clipboard from the
values in the cell range where you paste.
 Multiply: Excel multiplies the values you cut or copy to the Clipboard by the
values in the cell range where you paste.
 Divide: Excel divides the values you cut or copy to the Clipboard by the values
in the cell range where you paste.

Finally, at the bottom of the Paste Special dialog box, you have a few other options:

 Skip Blanks: Select this check box when you want Excel to paste only from the
cells that aren't empty.
 Transpose: Select this check box when you want Excel to change the
orientation of the pasted entries. For example, if the original cells' entries run
down the rows of a single column of the worksheet, the transposed pasted
entries will run across the columns of a single row.
 Paste Link: Click this button when you want to establish a link between the
copies you're pasting and the original entries. That way, changes to the original
cells automatically update in the pasted copies.
Paste link is useful in Linking Sheets & Linking Workbooks


"Operations" mean things like add, subtract, multiply, divide, squaring, etc. If it isn't
a number it is probably an operation.

But, when you see something like...

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7 + (6 × 52 + 3) ... what part should you calculate first?

Start at the left and go to the right?

Or go from right to left?

Calculate them in the wrong order, and you will get a wrong answer!

So, long ago people agreed to follow rules when doing calculations, and they are:

Order of Operations


B Brackets first
O Orders (i.e., Powers and Square Roots, etc.)
DM Division and Multiplication (left-to-right)
AS Addition and Subtraction (left-to-right)

When solving equations or constructing formulas in a

spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel, you need to ensure that
the equation or formula is solved in the correct order. If
the formula or equation is not solved in the correct order,
you may find the result you get, is not the result you were B Brackets
looking for. O Of
D Division
Worse still this can result in a miscalculation that may even M Multiplication
cost you money, something that no business can afford in A Addition
the competitive market our modern companies trade in. S Subtraction

I have found during the years I have taught Microsoft Excel B Brackets
that a large percentage of people do not understand how E Exponent
to solve long mathematical equations correctly. M Multiplication & Division
A Addition & Subtraction
This page is dedicated to helping people to learn the skills
required to create and test formulas in a spreadsheet like B Brackets
Excel. E Exponent
D Division
The rules are as follows. Note: you can test these out in M Multiplication
Excel by, SELECTING a blank cell, then PRESS = (equals) on A Addition
the keyboard followed by the equation. PRESS the Enter S Subtraction
key on the keyboard or CLICK the OK button in Excel to
accept your calculation (formula).

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1. Parts of an equation enclosed in 'Brackets' must be solved first. There are no

exceptions to this rule. For Example; (5 + 3) * 7 = 56, whereas 5 + 3 * 7 = 26.

2. Any mathematical 'Of' or 'Exponent' as indicated by the acronym BEMA must be

solved next. There are no exceptions to this rule. Most computer programs
like Microsoft Excel do not have a mathematical 'Of', so you can ignore the

3. Next, the parts of the equation that contain 'Division' and 'Multiplication' are
For example; 3 + 9 - 2 * 4 + 5 = 3 + 9 - 8 + 5

Where division and multiplication follow one another, then regardless of their
order that part of the equation is solved left to right.
For example; 3 + 9 - 2 * 6 / 4 + 5 = 3 + 9 - 3 + 5
The correct order is 2 * 6 = 12 then 12 / 4 = 3 even though 6 / 4 = 1.5 and 1.5 *
2 = 3. You will find it very important to get this order correct when doing
addition and subtraction.

4. Last but not least, the parts of the equation that contain 'Addition' and
'Subtraction' should be calculated.

As with division and multiplication, where addition and subtraction follow one
and other, then regardless of their order that part of the equation is solved left
to right.
For example; 3 + 9 - 8 + 5 = 12 - 8 + 5, not 12 - 13.

Note the difference as: 12 - 8 = 4, and 4 + 5 = 9, but 12 - 13 = -1

A totally different answer.

Obey these simple rules, and your formulas in Excel will always calculate the correct
answer, and you will be able check that your formulas are correct.


Formulas are equations that perform calculations on values in your worksheet. A

formula starts with an equal sign (=). For example, the following formula multiplies 2
by 3 and then adds 5 to the result.


Parts of a FORMULA:

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Functions: The PI() function returns the value of pi: 3.142...

References: A2 returns the value in cell A2.

Constants: Numbers or text values entered directly into a formula, such as 2.

Operators: The ^ (caret) operator raises a number to a power, and the * (asterisk)
operator multiplies.

1) Function A prewritten formula that takes a value or values, performs an

operation, and returns a value or values. Use functions to simplify and shorten
formulas on a worksheet, especially those that perform lengthy or complex
2) Reference identifies a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and tells Microsoft
Excel where to look for the values or data you want to use in a formula. With
references, you can use data contained in different parts of a worksheet in one
formula or use the value from one cell in several formulas. You can also refer to
cells on other sheets in the same workbook, and to other workbooks. References
to cells in other workbooks are called links.

Reference to another worksheet In the following example, the AVERAGE worksheet

function calculates the average value for the range B1:B10 on the worksheet named
Marketing in the same workbook.

A1 reference style

By default, Excel uses the A1 reference style, which refers to columns with letters (A
through IV, for a total of 256 columns) and refers to rows with numbers (1 through
65536). These letters and numbers are called row and column headings. To refer to a
cell, enter the column letter followed by the row number. For example, B2 refers to
the cell at the intersection of column B and row 2.

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To refer to Use
The cell in column A and row 10 A10
The range of cells in column A and rows 10 through 20 A10:A20
The range of cells in row 15 and columns B through E B15:E15

The difference between RELATIVE and ABSOLUTE references

Relative references A relative cell reference in a formula, such as A1, is based on

the relative position of the cell that contains the formula and the cell the reference
refers to. If the position of the cell that contains the formula changes, the reference
is changed. If you copy the formula across rows or down columns, the reference
automatically adjusts. By default, new formulas use relative references. For example,
if you copy a relative reference in cell B2 to cell B3, it automatically adjusts from =A1
to =A2.

Copied formula with relative reference

Absolute references An absolute cell reference in a formula, such as $A$1, always

refer to a cell in a specific location. If the position of the cell that contains the
formula changes, the absolute reference remains the same. If you copy the formula
across rows or down columns, the absolute reference does not adjust. By default, new
formulas use relative references, and you need to switch them to absolute
references. For example, if you copy a absolute reference in cell B2 to cell B3, it
stays the same in both cells =$A$1.

Copied formula with absolute reference

Mixed references A mixed reference has either an absolute column and relative
row, or absolute row and relative column. An absolute column reference takes the
form $A1, $B1, and so on. An absolute row reference takes the form A$1, B$1, and so
on. If the position of the cell that contains the formula changes, the relative
reference is changed, and the absolute reference does not change. If you copy the
formula across rows or down columns, the relative reference automatically adjusts,

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and the absolute reference does not adjust. For example, if you copy a mixed
reference from cell A2 to B3, it adjusts from =A$1 to =B$1.

Copied formula with mixed reference

3D reference

If you want to analyze data in the same cell or range of cells on multiple worksheets
within the workbook, use a 3-D reference. A 3-D reference includes the cell or range
reference, preceded by a range of worksheet names. Excel uses any worksheets
stored between the starting and ending names of the reference. For example,
=SUM(Sheet2:Sheet13!B5) adds all the values contained in cell B5 on all the
worksheets between and including Sheet 2 and Sheet 13.

The R1C1 reference style

You can also use a reference style where both the rows and the columns on the
worksheet are numbered. The R1C1 reference style is useful for computing row and
column positions in macros. In the R1C1 style, Excel indicates the location of a cell
with an "R" followed by a row number and a "C" followed by a column number.

3) Constant A value that is not calculated and, therefore, does not change. For
example, the number 210, and the text "Quarterly Earnings" are constants. An
expression, or a value resulting from an expression, is not a constant.
4) Operator A sign or symbol that specifies the type of calculation to perform
within an expression. There are mathematical, comparison, logical, and
reference operators.


Syntax" is the order in which words are used or combined to create a sentence.

Specifically, in programming it refers to the order in which instructions can be used to

create a logical construct.

Each instruction with all the required parameters, etc, must be entered in the correct
order for the instruction to work properly.

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Programmers communicate with computers through the correctly structured syntax,

semantics and grammar of a programming language.

Syntax describes how language variables and characters may be combined into strings

Example of Syntax: =IF(logic test, value if true, value if false)


Definition: Most Excel functions are designed to accept data that it then uses in its
calculations. This data is referred to as arguments and go between the round brackets
that follow the functions name.

The IF function, for example, has three distinct arguments:

 the logic test

 the value if true

 the value if false

This function is written in the form:

=IF(logic test, value if true, value if false)

For the IF function, the logic test must be a comparison of some sort, while the value
if true and value if false arguments can be numbers, text, or even other IF functions.

Other functions, such as the SUM function, will accept values or cell references as
arguments, while others accept text.

There are also functions, such as the TODAY() function, that do not require the user
to input arguments.


You can use Excel 2010's database functions to calculate statistics, such as the total,
average, maximum, minimum, and count in a particular database field when the
criteria that you specify are met. For example, you could use the DSUM function in an
Employee database to compute the sum of all the salaries for employees who were
hired after January 1, 2000, or you could use the DCOUNT function to compute the
number of records in the database for the Human Resources department.

The database functions all take the same three arguments as illustrated by the
DAVERAGE function:

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The arguments for the database functions require the following information:

 Database specifies the range containing the database. It must include the field
names in the top row.
 Field is the argument that specifies the field whose values are to be calculated
by the database function (averaged in the case of the DAVERAGE function). You
can specify this argument by enclosing the name of the field in double quotes
(as in "Salary" or "Date Hired"), or you can do this by entering the number of
the column in the database (counting from left to right with the first field
counted as 1).
 Criteria is the argument that specifies the address of the range that contains
the criteria that you're using to determine which values are calculated. This
range must include at least one field name that indicates the field whose
values are to be evaluated and one cell with the values or expression to be
used in the evaluation.

The following table lists the database functions available in Excel along with an
explanation of what each one calculates.

The Database Functions in Excel 2010

Database What It Calculates
DAVERAGE Averages all the values in a field of the database that match the criteria you
DCOUNT Counts the number of cells with numeric entries in a field of the database
that match the criteria you specify.
DCOUNTA Counts the number of nonblank cells in a field of the database that match the
criteria you specify.
DGET Extracts a single value from a record in the database that matches the
criteria you specify. If no record matches, the function returns the #VALUE!
error value. If multiple records match, the function returns the #NUM! error
DMAX Returns the highest value in a field of the database that matches the criteria
you specify.
DMIN Returns the lowest value in a field of the database that matches the criteria
you specify.
DPRODUCT Multiplies all the values in a field of the database that match the criteria you
DSTDEV Estimates the standard deviation based on the sample of values in a field of
the database that match the criteria you specify.
DSTDEVP Calculates the standard deviation based on the population of values in a field
of the database that match the criteria you specify.
DSUM Sums all the values in a field of the database that match the criteria you

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DVAR Estimates the variance based on the sample of values in a field of the
database that match the criteria you specify.
DVARP Calculates the variance based on the population of values in a field of the
database that match the criteria you specify.

The Database functions are too rarely used to rate their own command button on the
Ribbon's Formulas tab. As a result, to use them in a worksheet, you must click the
Function Wizard (fx) button on the Formula bar, click Database in the Select a
Category drop-down list box, and then click the function to use — or you can type the
Database function directly into the cell.


To display all the locations involved in a formula or to come to know what are the
precedents and dependents in the formula, click on Formulas tab choose the
required option under the Formula Auditing category.

Trace Precedents: Displays what comes from where

Trace Dependents: Displays what is dependent on what

Remove Arrows: Removes trace precedents and dependents arrows

Show Formulas: Displays formulae

Evaluate Formula: Used for step by step evaluation of formulae

Error Checking: Circular Reference (used for checking circular reference in the



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It is easy to lock & protect the whole workbook or worksheet with clicking the
Protect Sheet button or Protect Workbook button under the Review Tab.

Depending on whether you wish to password protect at the workbook level or

Worksheet level, you can use the following methods:

Method 1:

1) Go to File ➜ Info ➜ Protect Workbook button ➜in the Permissions group

2) Select Encrypt with Password to prevent the user from accessing the workbook
without entering the password. Enter a Password.

Method 2:

1) Go to Review tab ➜ Changes Group ➜ Protect Workbook

2) Protect Structure or Windows Dialog box will open where one can enter the
password and later confirm the password.

3) Protect workbook structure prevents unwanted changes to the structure and

the workbook, such as adding sheets, rows, & columns….
4) If you want to protect the workbook window that you have set up, select he
windows option check box.

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5) This setting keeps the windows in the same size & position each time you open
the workbook.

Unprotecting a workbook

To remove protection from the current workbook, follow these steps:

1) Click the highlighted Protect Workbook command button in the Changes group
on the Review tab. (Note: When one uses the Protect Worksheet and assigns
password…..the command changes to Unprotect Sheet).
The Unprotect Workbook dialog box appears.

2) If you assigned a password when protecting the workbook, type the password in
the Password text box and click OK.

NOTE: Protect Sheet – Procedure is similar to Protect Workbook


Sometimes you may need to lock and protect only specific cells or selections in a

Steps to Do the Same:-

1) Select all cells in the current worksheet by pressing Ctrl + A together

2) Go to Format Cells Context menu
Right Click & select in the shortcut menu or Click Ctrl + 1 – to format cells

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3) In the Format cells dialog bog, uncheck the LOCKED option, under Protection
tab, and click OK button
4) Select cells & ranges that you want to lock
5) Right click selected ranges
Format cells ➜ Protection tab ➜ Check Lock Option ➜ Click Ok
6) Click Protect Sheet button ➜ in the changes group ➜ under Review Tab

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7) In the Protect sheet dialog box, enter a password in the place given

8) Confirm password by reentering the password again

9) Click OK

This locks & protects only selected cells and ranges in the current worksheet, while
unselect ranges are editable.


If you create a workbook with contents to be updated by several different users on

your network, one can use the ―Protect & Share Workbook‖ command. To ensure that
Excel tracks all the changes made and that no user can intentionally or inadvertently
remove Excel‘s tracking of changes:

1) Click Protect & Share Workbook ➜ Change Group ➜ Review Tab

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2) Dialog Box opens

3) Select the sharing with Track changes, check box

4) To assign password that each user must supply before he/she can open the
workbook to make any changes, type a password in the Password (optional)
text box and click Ok.

Linking cells is one of the operations in Excel that is so simple it's scary. When you
create the Link, Excel will enter the path and keep track of the moments of the
original cell.

Create a Link

Click inside the cell where we want the answer, press the Equal ( = ) key on the
keyboard, as if we were going to build an equation, and then click on the cell we
want to link to, putting Excel into a "Point" mode. From here you can click on any cell
on the sheet, on another sheet, and even in another book.

Link to cell A1

Press the equal button on the keyboard. Click in cell A1. Press Enter on the keyboard.

Link to Cell A1 in Sheet2

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Press the equal button on the keyboard. Click on Sheet 2, click in cell A1. Press Enter
on the keyboard.

Link to Cell A1 in Sheet1 of Book2

Press the equal button on the keyboard. Click on Book2, Sheet1, cell A1. Press Enter
on the keyboard.

Using the Clipboard

Another way to create a link is to copy the original data, move to where you would
like the linked value to appear and choose "Paste Link". Paste Link can be found on
the Paste drop‐down list, the right‐click menu, and as an option in the Paste Special
window. The icon looks like a small chain link.

Remove a Link

To break the link, delete the contents of the cell. To remove all the links, see the
Edit Link Window section of this handout.

Absolute vs. Relative

When you link to a cell in the same workbook Excel creates a "relative" link. When the
link is to another workbook it creates an "absolute" link. You can see this by the dollar
signs ($) around the cell address.

You can type in or remove the dollar signs to change between the two options:
F4 is the keyboard shortcut to toggle between the absolute/relative options. This is
important to our formulas and if we are going to copy or fill the cells, but the
addition or lack of the $ will not change our links.

Excel will follow the address of the original data whether we are set to Relative or
Absolute. However, if we are using different workbooks, Excel can only follow the
data while the other book is still open. If data moves in another book, and the linked
file is not open, the cell links will not follow.

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The Absolute and Relative settings will only matter when you try to copy or fill the
link. With the Absolute ($), the copy/fill will contain the same cell addresses; with
the Relative (no $), the copy/fill will

contain the series (i.e. A1‐A2‐A3…)


As stated in the previous page linking workbooks is just as simple as linking

worksheets. There is just the added step of choosing the file first. Click in the cell
where you want the result to be, press the equal sign (=) on the keyboard and then
use your mouse to select the workbook, click on the worksheet, click on the cell you
want to link to and press Enter to accept.

The formula bar will show the full path of the linked cell. If the file is open you will
see just the file name, worksheet name and cell address.

If the linked file is not open you will see the location of the file as well:

Opening Linked Files

The safest way to play with linked files is to have the original data and the linked files
open when you move things around. However, that's not always feasible.

Case 1: Open the original file and then Linked file

Result – Excel sees the links and updates all changes and will continue to
update you go.

Case 2: Open Linked file by itself (or before the original)

Result – Excel prompts for permission to update links. Depending on your

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security settings you may see the subtle yellow security message between the
ribbon and the formula bar, or the warning message box forcing you to

If you ignore the message you can continue to work in Excel with the 'old' data.

If you click Enable Content Excel will update the links if it can find the original file.

If you click Don't Update you can continue to work in Excel with the 'old' data.

If you click Update Excel will update the links if it can find the original file.

Handling Broken Links

Excel does a wonderful job updating the links, IF it can find the file ‐‐ the sheet ‐‐ the
cell you are referring to in your dataset. If the filename or sheet name has changed
while the linked file is open, the links will be able to follow along, however, if they
are changed while the linked file is closed Excel will lose its way.

When you ask Excel to update the link, if it has a problem it will prompt you:

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If you Continue, you can work with the "old" data.


Go to Data Tab ➜ Connections Group ➜ Edit Links

If you click on Edit link Command ➜ Edit Link Window opens. One can change the
Source, Break links, etc., using it.

Click the Change Source button to find the Original File. If the worksheet names have
changed, it will then prompt to find the sheet name.

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If the original files or sheets have been deleted you may need to use the Break Links
option. This will convert all the linked cells to values. This option if choosen………the
task cannot be undone.


The Shift and Ctrl keys on the keyboard allow you to work with multiple selections.
You can use them to select multiple shapes, multiple cells, and multiple worksheets.

Range of Worksheets

To select a range of worksheets use the Shift key.

1) Click on the first worksheet you would like

2) Hold down the Shift key on the keyboard and click on the last worksheet

If we click on 1st Qtr and Shift‐click on 3rd Qtr, we will have all three sheets

Selecting Specific Worksheets

To select specific worksheets use the control key.

1) Click on the first worksheet

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2) Hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard, and click on the second worksheet
3) Keeping the Ctrl key pressed, click on each worksheet you would like to select

If we click on 1st Qtr and Ctrl‐click on 3rd Qtr, we will have only those two sheets

Unselecting Worksheets

To drop the selection, click on a worksheet that is not part of the current selection. If
all the worksheets are selected, click on any worksheet name except the current
sheet. The current worksheet name is bold, and does not have a line above it.

With multiple worksheets selected you can:

1) Enter data on the current sheet and it will be entered on the selected
2) Enter Formulas on the current sheet and it will be entered on the selected
3) Change formats on the current sheet and it will change on the selected
4) Insert multiple worksheets
5) Delete selected worksheets
6) Color selected worksheets
7) Move selected worksheets
8) Change the Page Setup for selected worksheets
9) Print selected worksheets


Arrange Windows In excel Workbooks

You can Open multiple workbook Windows in Excel, and arrange them into windows of

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varying displays, so that you can view different parts of the worksheet from each
workbook on the screen at one time:

Steps to Follow:-

1) Open the Workbook that you want to arrange.

2) Click the Arrange All button in the window group on the View Tab.
3) The Arrange Window Dialog Box appears

4) Select the desired Arrange Settings in the window

Tiled: Select this option button to have Excel arrange and size the windows so that
they all fit side by side on the screen in the order in which you opened them.

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Horizontal: Select this option button to have Excel size the windows equally and
place them one above the other.

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Vertical: Select this option button to have Excel size the windows equally and place
them side by side.

Cascade: Select this option button to have Excel arrange and size the windows so that
they overlap one another with only their title bars showing.

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5) Check Windows of the Active workbook

6) Click OK

View Different Sheets at Once

Steps to Follow:-

1) Open the Desired File

2) Select all the Sheets
3) Change Zoom to 100%
4) Drop Group of sheets and turn to Sheet1!
5) From View Tab ➜ Choose New Window
6) From View Tab ➜ then Choose Arrange All “Tiled”
7) Enter Something in one of the Sheets & Watch it copied in the other windows
8) Move to Sheet2! are now viewing 2 worksheets of the same workbook
(This can also help to compare sheets Side by Side)
9) Say you have Four sheets in the Workbook
Create Two more “New Windows”
*Arrange all ‘Tiled’
10) Rename Each Sheet to a different Quarter for example. So you see all the Four
Quarters at once
11) One can choose other Arrange Options

Switching Among Windows

Go to View Tab ➜ Switch Windows ➜ Click the Fie name in the task list (in the drop
down menu) or Press Ctrl + Tab

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Split Window

Go to View Tab ➜ Windows Group ➜ Split Option/Command

This helps in viewing multiple parts of the Sheet at the same time
For Ex: The Total is in the 1000th Row …….and the reference table is in AAA Column.
By Splitting the window one can watch them simultaneously

Freeze Panes

Go to the View Tab ➜ Windows Group ➜ Freeze Panes

If you set up a worksheet with row or column headings, these headings will not be
visible when you scroll down or to the right of the worksheet.

Freezing Panes keeps the headings visible while you are scrolling through the

To freeze panes start by moving the cell pointer to the cell before the row that you
want to remain visible while you scroll vertically, and to the right of the column that
you want to remain visible while you scroll horizontally.

Excel inserts dark lines to indicate the frozen rows & columns.

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Watch Window

A ―Watch Window‖ displays the value of any number of cells in a handy window that‘s
always visible.

In some situations, you may want to monitor the value in a particular cell as you
work. As you scroll through, that cell may disappear from view. A feature known as
Watch Window can help

Go to Formulas Tab ➜ Formula Auditing ➜ Watch Window

To add a cell to the Watch Window, click Add Watch and specify the cell that you
want to watch.

The Watch Window displays the value in that cell.

Saving a Workspace

Excel 2010 allows users to save workbook workspace to restore the layout of Excel
window anytime in future.

If you wish to compare either multiple workbook; or the same workbook over & over
again, and you have set up a custom view to do this, Excel has the facility to save a
custom view as what is known as a workspace. This is extremely useful when you
Arrange Workbooks via Window Group ➜ Arrange or you are Comparing the same
workbook or Comparing Different Workbooks using the Compare Side by side

A Workspace is just a FILE that contains display information about your workbooks,
and not the actual workbooks themselves.

To do this Go to View Tab ➜ Windows Group ➜ and Save Workspace

This will open Save Workspace Dialog Box (It will be similar to Save As Dialog Box)
Specify workspace name and click save. This will save your Workspace as an .xlw and
not a standard .xls file. Now when you open it again it will restore the worksheet
window layout (i.e., all workbooks will be opened & displayed in you custom view.

Any changes you make to the Workbooks in the *.xlw file will automatically be saved
as you close either the Workspace as a whole, or all Workbooks individually.

Workspaces are timesavers because they enable users to immediately resume work
the next day on whatever workbooks you had open the day before. All you have to do

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is open the workspace file, and Excel does all the heavy lifting: opening the individual
workbooks and arranging their windows and setting up the screen attributes so
they‘re in the same condition you left them in.


Hyperlinks are references in a document to the location (address) of other


Creating a Hyperlink

Select the cell to be linked click on Insert tab next click on Hyperlink button
Choose the file/web page /Bookmark to link lastly click on Ok.



Share workbook, allow multiple people to work in a workbook at the same time. Note
you can allow changes by more than one user at the same time. This also allows
workbook merging. The workbook should be saved to a network location where
multiple people can open it. You can also watch who has the current workbook
opened. Click the Insert tab then click Share Workbook. Check Allow changes then
click OK. Click Save. The result: your workbook mark as Shared.

Step 1: Click Review tab then click Share Workbook button.

Step 2: Check Allow changes then click OK.

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Step 3: Name the file then click Save.

Result: Your workbook mark as shared.


Microsoft‘s Track Changes function allows revisions to be made to a document and

keeps a complete record of all changes made. While Track Changes is most often used
in Microsoft Word, Excel also contains this useful feature, which can be valuable if
you have created a business document, such as a business plan, that you would like a
co-worker to revise and proof-read. All your co-worker needs to do is turn on
the Track Changes function and all changes will be recorded. Once the document has
been returned to you, you can easily accept or reject each change as you see fit.

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The following is a step-by-step guide to tracking changes in Microsoft Excel 2010.

How to turn on Track Changes in Excel 2010

1) Open an Excel document and click on the Review tab.

2) Click the Track Changes button (located on the far right).

3) A small drop-down menu will appear. Click on Highlight Changes.

4) In the dialogue box that opens, check the box next to Track changes while
editing. This also enables file sharing.

Note: after you’ve customized the options and clicked on OK, Excel will warn
that doing so will Save the Workbook. It will allow you to continue or Cancel.
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Click on Continue, and the workbook will become Shared. All changes will be
tracked. the Changes in your File Name.

5) You now have the following parameters:

a) When: Select which conditions trigger Excel to track changes.
Select All to track every change. You also have the option to highlight
changes since the last time you saved, since a particular date, or since
changes were made that have not yet been reviewed.

b) Who: Configure which user’s changes should be tracked. You have the
option of choosing Everyone or Everyone but Me.

c) Where: Specify the range of cells in which changes will be tracked.

d) Highlight changes on screen: Click this if you want others to know you
are tracking changes.

e) List changes in a new sheet: You can view all changes made to the
document in a printable list on a separate worksheet, making it very
simple to quickly survey a large amount of information. Note: This
option only becomes available after you start tracking changes and
save the workbook at least once.

f) Click OK once you have made your selections and then OK again to
save your workbook.

Why is this useful?

Tracking changes in Excel 2010 is less about editing and more about keeping track of
the work done on a document by one or more users. For example, if you have an Excel
document that needs to be modified by a number of people, create the document,
follow the instructions above, and uncheck the Highlight changes on screen option.

Next, send the business document to everyone assigned to work on it. All their
changes will be recorded, although they won‘t see this on the screen (remember, you
unchecked the Highlight changes on screen option). When the document is returned

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to you, it will simply be a matter of turning the Highlight changes on screen option
back on and reviewing the work that was done.


If you hover over or click on a cell that has been changed (indicated by a triangle at
the top-left corner of the cell), a pop-up window will show the changes, the author of
the changes, and the time the changes were made. To accept or reject the changes,
click on the Review tab again and select Track Changes, then Accept/Reject Changes.

After clicking Accept/Reject Changes, click OK. Another pop-up will appear,
prompting you to select the changes that should be accepted or rejected (you are
then given the option of selecting the changes based on the aforementioned three
options: When, Who, and Where). Excel will display every change that was made in
the document based on which option you have selected, prompting you to accept or
reject each one. After you have gone through each change and accepted or rejected
it, click on the Track Changes drop-down menu again and select the Highlight
Changes option.

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There are several important points you should remember when tracking changes in
Excel 2010:

1) If you have a document with tracked cells, turning Track Changes off will
automatically accept the changes that were made; they will not appear as
tracked changes in subsequent versions of the document. This means that if you
want to keep a record of the changes made to the document, be sure to save it
before turning Track Changes off.’s business document editors
recommend the following process:
a) Before turning Track Changes off, click Save As, and save a version of
the document with the suffix “TRACKED_REVISED.”

b) Next, without turning off Track Changes or modifying the document,

click Save As, and save another copy with the new suffix

c) Turn off Track Changes and then click Save (as opposed to Save As). At
this point, you will have the TRACKED_REVISED version showing the
tracked changes and the CLEAN_REVISED version with the changes

d) When you open a tracked Excel document, be aware that you may not
be seeing all the changes made to the document. This is because the
default setting in Excel shows only the tracked changes made since the
last time the document was saved. To see all changes in the document,
simply choose All in the When section of the Track Changes dialogue

There you have it! Tracking changes in Excel 2010 is easy once you know the steps.

Return to Table of Contents

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