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Functions of the Campus Paper

As I was reading again our ballpoint November-March 2018 issue, I have noticed that
“Opinion function” of this particular issue is not really emphasized. There some write-
ups or part of our school paper that convey opinions but not to the extent that could
make the reader realized something. Like, The World Owes You Nothing is an article
located in the Opinions section. Yet, I can’t see if which part of it tells about the
author’s opinion on given topics. The article has 3 topics in total, but the author only
explains really well things that suited on the title on each paragraph and not actually
giving its stand that explain and will tell that it’s his opinion. He was just plainly gave
some scenarios and options that one might do relating to the topic itself. It defeats the
function of the school paper this article, however the writer gave a good explanation
on things important in life and how things run. The same thing happened in the article
God Created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve! The author only told the reader how
Christianity should work and how disgusting it would look to marry somebody having
the same sex. Also the causes and some factors that really influence Filipinos in doing
such things. We live in a free country and that might be one of the reason why same-
sex marriage is a trend today, Filipinos are great imitators, same-sex marriage is okay
in other countries and it fuels the fire. Churches preached that a man should only
marry a woman. Those things I’ve mention are really in what in the text, and they do
not make an opinion to me. It only explains why we should not marry a person having
the same sex ours. It would look more opinionated if the authors on both articles
would emphasized what is their stand about the issue or their thoughts about it.

Geneiva Anne C. Casas

BSED III English

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