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English and tourism in Dominican

Republic goes by hands.

[Welcome to D.R.]

English and tourism in Dominican Republic 1

Dominican Republic is the second largest and most diverse Caribbean country,
situated just two hours south of Miami, less than four hours from New York and
eight hours from most European cities. Known for its warm and hospitable people,
Dominican Republic is a destination like no other, featuring astounding nature,
intriguing history and rich culture.

English and tourism in Dominican Republic 2


English and tourism in Dominican Republic 3

[Spanish is the official language in Dominican
Republic ]

Spanish is the official language in Dominican Republic, is similar to other Caribbean

Spanish or Coastal Caribbean Spanish dialects, as well as Canarian Spanish (Canary
Islands of Spain) and Andalusian Spanish (Andalucia, southern Spain).
Dominican Spanish is based on the Andalusian and Canarian Spanish dialects of
southern Spain, and has borrowed vocabularies from the Taíno language. Cibaenian
Spanish, is a mixture between the dialect spoken by 16th and 17th century
Portuguese colonists in the Cibao valley, with the dialect spoken by the 18th century
Canarian settlers

[Why need to speak a second language?]

The tourism in Dominican Republic is the most important economic activity, which
is the reason why thousands of Dominican people, have to learn English year after

Dominican people need to learn more than one language actually, to be update with
the exigency of the increasing tourism, like the most important economic activity in
the country, even to in all the Caribbean area included Cuba, Haiti, and Jamaica.

English and tourism in Dominican Republic 4

[Family composition]

Commonly we can find four different type of family in the mixture of Dominican
society like Nuclear family, Extended family, Mono-parental family, and
Polygamous family.

The father commonly is the family support, and the women are increasing hers
contributions going out to work and kipping the children save in the house,
sometimes even having to take the two roles (Mother and father) this is that
become her in the family support on the latest times.
A normal family in Dominican Republic has 2 to 8 member) include father, mother
and children. The minimum salary to support a family in this increasing
economy is almost always RD$ 8,000 to RD$ 12,000. As you can see, isn’t easy
keeping a big family without enough money. Sometimes father and mother are
obligated go out to work both.

English and tourism in Dominican Republic 5

[Importance of the English language and other
Now a day become most important than other times learn English, reason why in
early times the country was supported by agriculture, mining, cattle raising in major
times by construction like offhand sector. Now and day the tourism is increasing day
by day, it becomes on the economic support of the country.
Therefore, speaking English opens the doors to the Dominican population to obtain
decent work.

English and tourism in Dominican Republic 6

With economic changes, the way of getting money, for support the family becomes
almost always impossible.
When the poor people learn English or other languages like profession, get a litter
solution to the big social problem. Joblessness is a social problem in Dominican
Republic, but study and learn a second language give to the young people a new
opportunity to achieve the objective of a good job, to solve theirs big social problem,
and give to the family a new way to solve they economic problem.

[Why learn English]

To learn English as profession or second language is almost always the best solution
to improve the life level. Study can give you a good work, in this globalized world
and will provide a short career in fewer two years.
Now day a people that know speak more than one language like
English, French and Russian have the door opens to the future, and this becomes him
in the best candidate to get a good work opportunity, on the different economic
activity of the country.

[Traveling to Santo Domingo D.R.]

Traveling Dominican Republic, is a big dream for all foreign people that had listened
about our warn beach, friendly people, and the biggest Hotel located on the
Caribbean sea , especially in the Punta Cana Bávaro village, with the most biggest
offers and enjoyable, to pass a good weekend , a holiday or an inexpensive retire of
a long work life. The foreign that have established in Santo Domingo said that
Dominican Republic is a Caribbean paradise located in the sun way, onto an earth

English and tourism in Dominican Republic 7

blessed for god. Like said our national poet Pedro Mir ("There is a country
established in the same way of sun").

[Dominican Republic like touristic destination]

Dominican republic its beautiful and natural landscape like no other one; whose
extraordinary beauty attracts millions of visitant by year from countries like United
States, Russian, Europe and much other countries in the world.

The last year 2015 Dominican Republic raised the number of visitant received of
8,000,000 of tourist to 10,000,000. Being the Punta Cana Airport the number one of
tourist received, reaching the number of 4,000,000 of guest including Dominican
People. Become the tourism in the first economic area of R.D, and being the Punta
Cana airport the most important of the Caribbean area.

[Strategic to keep growing the tourism]

When the visitant or guest arrives at first time to Dominican Republic, we suppose
that they don’t know arriving by their self. We prefer to take care about the guest,
and give them the better solution from arrival to departure.

Hotel Punta Cana: has a new idea to protect the tourism, and the good experience left
on tourist: Not all you can see in them. The faces of the tourist do not say it at all.
Even you can see on to the web feedback left for the guest, the most important
characteristic of our services, and how we had been treated the tourist and the people
that will be a future owner in our luxury touristic complex.

English and tourism in Dominican Republic 8

Web pages, are an important tool, to know what customers think about us. And we
encourage all leaving a satisfaction smile in the face of our guest. Our treatment
ensures that you will return in your next holyday.

We design our tour thinking in the guest, we took an old adage to represent our
process “Client is first" We try to keep the tourist in a safe place, offering the most
luxury service and shutter in the touristic area; compose by luxury car of renown
brand like, Audi, Mercedes Benz, BMW and Suburban.

This project started by the hands of an employee called Pedro Torres; when we had
been touch about the security in the country.

The first idea become reality when we made a suggestion for a new guest arriving
“Said Pedro", whom is member of the Hotel Westin Punta Cana staff”
Do the tourist know the ways to travel onto Dominican Republic?
Does the guest know about walking in street by himself?
Even if the tourist it is the first once traveling to the country, wouldn’t have to know
the way to make a local travel in Dominican Republic. We decided take care of, and
take them to our facilities with the most luxurious cars, getting a good feedback of de

If you are in the Punta Cana airport, one of the best way to travel to the hotel
accommodation and other ones, is using our internal shuttle, but if the transportation
isn't include on the invoice payment; we had supposed you should know the most
important ways, and the nearest way you might spend less. For that reason we have
designed a map that includes all tourist areas in the country, with the most important
way of access.

English and tourism in Dominican Republic 9

If you have been planning your holidays, and your airplane arrived five minutes
later, don’t worry about!
We have three deferent ways near the airport facilities, and you will be able to select
the best one by the location.
To follow driving the guest until your destination, Santo Domingo has deferent ways
of moving on Dominican street, and the first one is:

You will make a local call! To a taxi company number 809-876-8902, the
local company taxy will send the car of your preference and luxury exigency in five
minutes. They can take you at wherever place charging the cost of trip on
dependence of whom longer or short will be.

The price is on dependence if you select a local, neighborhood and facility to get
there, even if it an internal province of the Dominican country.

English and tourism in Dominican Republic

The second way: is rent a car, normally won’t be difficult get a local rent car
near, in one of the better hotels, near of its facility.

The thirst way: the most difficult and enjoyable is getting a local bus, the local
bus may a travel near to the neighborhood and province to province lending the
tourist know new people, and the different way life of the Dominican country.

There are different bus stop arrange in strategies and accessible places for all the
people, even if are you foreign; bus stop are located in facility of center city

English and tourism in Dominican Republic

[Importance of touristic activity]

Dominican Republic has a wide range of hotels that comprising its options of hosting
touristic. Exist a high concentration of tourism representative that pointing the
needed of opens new touristic destination between the now established.

For build the most important attraction in the Caribbean, that will give to the foreign
a wide range of possibility of our most luxury touristic complex.

Our politician and social should be able to solve a few social problems like the
increasing drug use, the prostitution on its deferent ways, and the big criminal rate
because in the major of case it come straight on by hands of the touristic activity; but
this is the challenge to our authority: keep increasing the touristic activity over all
the country, saving and taking care of our country, keeping under control the
pollution, child care and supporting the longer life of our land scape, cleaning river
and sea. For support the society and the touristic activity, Reason why today we are
working to give to our next generation a healthy country, to life in the new economic
changes being proud, and taking care of our piece of sky onto the earth "Dominican

English and tourism in Dominican Republic


CETHI institute, is the most important technical instate, located in the HigÜey
valley, where each year more than 1,000 young people graduate in different
techniques areas like massage, computer science, mechanic, electrician, languages
and other ones technical areas.

I feel so blessed for being part of: “CETHI INSTITUTE”

English and tourism in Dominican Republic

English and tourism in Dominican Republic

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