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Seminar on Language and Literature course


In semester 3 I took the Seminar on Language and Literature course, I was very

curious about this course because last year I attended this seminar, I became a presenter and I

felt very happy, it was only as a presenter, especially this year I will be the committee as well

as the presenter at this seminar, I feel very excited. Because I will be the presenter of this

seminar, from the beginning of the lecture I have started to think about what topics I will

discuss later. At first I chose a topic related to the title of my thesis, but mom Chuzai

suggested changing the topic because she was afraid of being plagiarized, so I decided to

change the topic.

After searching for topics for days I am interested in discussing topics about

Multicultural education, I am interested in these topics because the country Indonesia itself is

a multicultural country with a variety of religions, cultures, ethnicities and languages, means

that multicultural education is very important. Therefore, I decided to choose this topic other

than that because in Indonesia there are so many incidents such as fight and conflicts between

tribes that the cause is that these people cannot appreciate the differences.

Then in this seminar I became part of the event committee where later I would

handle a number of things related to the event, one of which is to make sure that all the

preparations for the seminar are prepared thoroughly. I am very happy that this semester I got

this course, this seminar is also attended by great speakers, and also by attending this seminar

I know how to write articles properly and correctly, and of course this will be useful for me in

the future. One more thing that makes me very happy to be part of this TEFLIN seminar is

that not all universities in this city hold seminars like this. That is my reflection during the

Seminar on Language and Literature course.

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