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In the begining the were only two regions; in the north were Niflheim, the frozen land.

And at the
south were Muspelheim; the land of fire and heat. Between them the great emptiness is there;
Ginnungagap. From the north an icy river bornt and met with the south´s heat, from the melting
ice rised the giant Ymir, after him came from the melting ice Audumbla, a cow that fed Ymir with
her milk, she licked the salty stones and frome it came Buri, the first god, his grandsons were Vili,
Odin and Ve, they created the first human couple, Ask and Embla. Then, they killed Ymir and
ended with the giants rule. With the parts of Ymirs body they created the world of humans, they
called this world Midgard (or middle world)

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