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Critical controversy: Do antidepressants increase suicide risk in children?

Have antidepressants helped anyone you know? If so were you aware of the negative side

effects? Positive side effects? What was the nature of those effects?

My cousin’s parents passed away and my cousin got depressed. Their family doctor prescribed

antidepressant drugs. Nobody was so keen on the negative effects because we wanted her to get

better. After taking the drugs, there was a great change in her. She would talk more, come out

with us for walks and occasionally laugh at our jokes. Although she was still sad, she started to

make an effort to continue living her life.

What other events might explain the changes in academic and other outcomes from depressed

youth after the black box warning took effect?

The depressed teenagers might have given up on life. The revelation that the drug that was

supposed to discourage suicide as one of its positive effects, was the one that could cause the

suicidal thoughts was not very encouraging. So they might have decided to live life to the fullest

by engaging in notorious behavior and absconding on their academics.

What do you think of the common practice of treating depression with medication first?

Treating depression with medication first is not right. Depressed people should seek counselling

and any other alternative treatments. Taking antidepressants should come as a last resort when

every other avenue has been exhausted.

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