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By Teacher Na3im

Part I §§ 1, 2 and 3.

1-Are the following statements true or false in the text?

a-NASA missed its target. b-The crater in the comet will keep its secrets.
c-Some people think NASA shouldn’t have shot at the comet.
d-Others think the shooting is harmless.

2-Answer the following questions according to the text. ( A and B 1p158 )

3-What or who do the words in bold refer to in the text.

 They say ... §2 You would... §3

4-Find in the text words that are closet in meaning to: -crater §1 -saluting §2 -demolished §3.

Part II §§ 4, 5 and 6.

1-Copy the letter that best completes the sentence.

A-The ‘Deep Impact’ mission will: a-collect comets. b-study comets. c-draw comets.
B-Dinosaurs disappeared because: a-they chose to. b-they lost a fight. c-failed to escape.

2-Answer the following questions according to the text. ( C and D 1p158 )

3-In which paragraph is the age of the solar system mentioned?

4-What or who do the words in bold refer to in the text.

 alter its course... §4 like those that ...§5

5-Find in the text words that are closet in meaning to: -change §4 -explain §5 -vanished §6.

Activities about the whole text.

1-act1 p156.

2-Fill in the following table with information from the text.

Mission’s name. Agency’s name. Date? Goals.

3-Reorder the following ideas according to their occurrence in the text.

a-Deep Impact is not approved by everyone.
b-Technology and science will save us.
c-Deep Impact might enlighten us about our past.
d-NASA’s motives.

4-Copy the right answer. The text is mostly: a-Argumentative. b-Narrative. c-Descriptive.
By Teacher Na3im
February 2020

Some people think that the budget devoted to space exploration is just wasted money. Others,
however, believe it’s a vital necessity for man to explore the universe.
Using the following notes, write a newspaper article of about 70 words in which you expose the two
views and then give your opinion about this subject.

 Arguments against space research.

Huge sums of money gone in smoke,
Enough problems on Earth,
Medical research: a priority.

 Arguments in favour of space exploration.

Predicting weather, catastrophes …
Predicting dangers from hevenly bodies
Scientific discoveries.

Remember !

 Include a headline.
 Include a By-line / use a false or fake name.
 Split the page.

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