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Smile with Confidence

Pearly white teeth are extremely appealing to look at. But the truth is, a very minor
portion of the population is able to have their teeth in the perfect white shade. Often
there is a wide variety of reasons for teeth to get stained or discolored. But worry not,
with today’s dental advancements; it is possible to make teeth brighter and whiter
safely. You can choose from several options, be it treatment by a professional dentist
for Teeth Whitening South East London or with at-home whitening products.
And, contrary to the popular belief, teeth whitening is completely safe when the
procedure is done by experts. Even over the counter procedures would not have any
side effects if the product’s prescribed directions are followed judiciously.

Teeth whitening options

When looking out for options for Teeth Whitening South East London, you are
bound to come across many options, leaving you confused when trying to make a
choice.Such options can broadly be categorized into three types

• Administered in the clinic by a dentist

• Prescribed by a dental expert but used at home
• Obtained from drug stores over-the-counter

There are several factors to consider for deciding the type of treatment you should
opt for. Some of them include-
• Extent of discoloration
• Cost of treatment
• Age- adult or a child
• Dental history of previous treatments if any like fillings/ crowns

However, a dentist is the best person you should consider when you wish to discuss
the type of method that is best for you. Tooth whitening involves the use of chemicals
and could leave you with lifelong troubles if not done with care and caution.

Professional teeth whitening

A dentist has at his disposal several methods in which teeth can be whitened. The
most common and the preferred amongst them are bleaching with carbamide
peroxide (also known as Urea Hydrogen Peroxide). This breaks down to hydrogen
peroxide and urea. These chemicals target the tooth’s color in a chemical reaction.
Though it involves the use of chemicals, it is considered a safe way to whiten teeth.

What happens in an ‘In-Office’ treatment?

The best thing about an in-office whitening treatment is that it works very quickly.
Also, the whitening effect lasts longer than any other treatment procedures. Such
treatment generally only requires an hour’s visitto a professional dentist. But if your
teeth are extremely discolored, it may require a more visit over a few days. Since it is
done completely under the guidance of a certified professional, the concentration of
hydrogen peroxide used is quite higher than in any do-at-home products. After
applying the desired concentration of the bleaching agent, the dentist may also use
laser light on the teeth. This helps to speed up the whitening process. This is the most
recommended type of teeth whitening option. An in-office treatment is absolutely
recommended when the patient has other dental complications like receding gums or

What is ‘At-home’ treatment through a dentist?

You can even whiten your teeth at home, under the guidance of a dentist. In such a
method, the dentist provides you with custom-fit trays that fit inside your mouth.
You are required to add a special gel to the tray and insert it inside your mouth for 30
minutes to 1 hour a day. The dentist would give you details on how much gel to add,
how long to keep the tray inserted in the mouth and how many days such a thing
needs to be done. Usually, such treatment lasts for a couple of weeks.

Over the counter options

The market today offers a huge number of over-the-counter (OTC) products that
promise to whiten stained teeth. Such products usually do not have carbamide
peroxide. But, OTC products do not work effectively on intrinsically discolored teeth.
Also, such products show a slow and lesser effective outcome.

Whitening toothpaste- Whitening toothpaste does not contain carbamide peroxide.

They usually contain abrasives and chemical blue covarine. It is recommended to use
such toothpaste for brushing over a couple of weeks to see visible results.

Whitening strips- Whitening strip are available in a wide variety of options, each
with varying concentrations of the bleaching agent- hydrogen peroxide. Such strips
can be applied on the teeth one or two times a day for a set duration, details of which
would be provided by the manufacturer.

The Mindful Dentist

The Mindful Dentist is the best Emergency Dentist South East London. They
also offer all possible dental services under a single roof. Be it cosmetic procedures
like teeth whitening of complex surgeries. The dental team of Kushel Morjaria and
Chetan Morjaria not only provide top-notch dental services but are also available
round the clock proving to be the best emergency dentist South East London has. If
you have made up your mind to go in for a teeth whitening process, just call 0208 771
7888 or email at and book an appointment today.

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