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Iwade Parish Council

Monthly Parish Council Meeting

Held on Tuesday 13th December 2005 at 7.30pm

Present: Cllr Peter Wilks 2 members of the public

Cllr Phil Fearn Mrs Sarah George, Parish Clerk
Cllr Brian Groves Borough Councillor Roger Truelove
Cllr Sue Dowling Janet Gregory (Iwade KM Representative)
Cllr Lisa Marie Older
Cllr John White
Cllr Malcolm Hutchings
Cllr Derek White
Cllr Phil Hyde


Borough Councillor Brenda Simpson

Borough Councillor Ben Stokes

2. Confirmation of the Minutes

The minutes of the 8th November 2005 were signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate

3. Matters Arising from the Minutes

The Chairman opened the meeting by introducing representatives from Ballast Phoenix,
who specialise in recycling Incinerator Bottom Ash.

The Parish Council were advised that Ballast Phoenix already operated 3 sites in England
all of which took bottom ash.

Ballast Phoenix gave a 30 minute presentation, stating that they had been in operation since
1998 and to date had no environmental problems and always had approval from Local
Authorities. They claimed that recycled waste into products, created local employment,
produce no noise, no dust and there was no danger to the local environment. All noise was
contained inside the operating buildings.

Concerns from the Parish Council were raised about dust and Ballast Phoenix explained the
extensive programme on site to keep the dust down, by spraying plant, stock and lorry
wheel washes and they also installed windbreaks. They conducted regular checks on
employees and periodic check on dust and all were always well within the national dust
level standards.

Ballast Phoenix explained that they wished to commence on site in January 2006 and
commission the plant in May 2006 in order to meet with Allington Incinerator deadlines.

The Parish Council advised Ballast Phoenix that these deadlines were not realistic and
would not be met.

The Chair asked if there were further questions and thanked Ballast Phoenix for their time.

3.2 Swale Borough Local Plan Inquiry

Clerk received a copy of the contract and quote from Rosemary Lansdown. A resolution
was passed that the Parish Council were prepared to release funds up to £3,000 for her
representation at the Local Plan meeting. The Chairman was due to meet with Ms
Landsdown on 14th December 2006 to discuss strategy and paperwork. Will report back at
the next Parish Council meeting in January.

Chairman Wilks to action

3.3 Raspberry Hill and Plantation Lodge Appeals

All members of the Parish Council received draft copies of response letter to the above
applications and all were in agreement that Parish Council would support the Borough
Council at the Public Inquiry.

Parish Clerk to action


4.1 Iwade Youth Club Minibus

Lesley Hunt from Kent Police wrote to the Parish Council requesting a donation of £500 to
go towards the cost of purchasing a mini bus to be used for the youth club. Members of the
Parish Council agreed to the sum in principal and it was agreed that the Clerk would
contact Mrs Hunt and advise her that the sum of £500 had been earmarked for this project
on the condition that the target of £20,000 was reached

Parish Clerk to action

4.2 Consultation of Local Plan First Review

All Parish Councillors received area maps to consider the 5 omission to be considered at
the sites Swale Borough Council Local Plan First Review Inquiry.

It was agreed that all 5 proposals are on Greenfield sites on mainly prime agricultural land

Councillors considered that these sites could not be supported for inclusion in the Local
Plan because of the following additional reasons and that objections against their inlcuson
should be lodged:

 124/001/RD, 124/004RD Crest Nicholson (SE) Ltd, Land South East of

This land is outside strategic boundary of the village and it is not clear what proposed by
Crest Nicolson they have put forward proposals for Housing, Commercial and Holiday

 316/044/RD Ward Homes, Land to the North and East of Iwade

Ward Homes want additional land released and the building limit raised by 400/500
dwellings. The Iwade Parish Council request that the Plan confirms the upper limit at 1200
dwellings and support Policy AAP9.

 360/001/RD Mr L Shaw, Pond Farm, Grovehurst Road, Iwade

This land was rejected at last Local Plan Inquirey. Part of it is in Crest Nicholson poproal
and is not acceptable

 461/024, 029/005/RD, Hillreed Homes Ltd, Land South/ South West of Iwade

The Iwade Parish Council object to the release of more land for additional house building
and are particularly concerned that Hillreed wish to build on the recreation ground.

 504/001, 110/001/RD, D Murphy Esq, Land at Culnells Farm, School Lane, Nr


Culnells Farm is detached from the village envelope and unacceptable development in the

4.3 Planning Policy Statement 9

All members confirmed that they had received a copy of this report for their information.


5.1 Clerks Progress Report

 Have chased again with Ward Homes about the light in Woodpecker Drive outside
number 11. Response received from Ward Homes they are to chase Kent County
Council for permission for any changes to this light
 Spring bulbs have now been planted around the village
 Advised Swale Highways about pathways now completed around the village centre
and the bollards are to be put in at the New Year.

5.2 Boundary dispute

Parish Council received a letter from residents of Turnstone Close and Helen Thompson
regarding Constantine Construction building houses on their land. It was agreed that
although the Parish Council had no authority in this problem. The Clerk and Chairman

would speak to residents to offer their support. Chairman to speak to Swale Borough
Council about this in support of this complaint.

Parish Clerk to action

5.3 Church Sign

Clerk received a letter from Baptie advising that the Church did not fall into the category of
historic interest to warrant a tourism sign, and did not meet with their criteria.

Clerk to contact Kent County Council, Highways to see if directional sign could be
installed instead.

Clerk to action

5.4 Residents Letter regarding Village Hall

Chair to respond


SW/05/1452 SER Conservatory at 13 Dunlin Walk, Iwade

No Objection

SW/05/1442 AJJ Change of use of redundant agricultural building to class B1 at

Culnells Farm, School Lane, Iwade

No Objection

SW/05/TEMP/0070 Application to develop waste recovery facility including a

vessel composting and continued used for secondary recycling aggregate production

Application received 11th December from KCC. Members agreed to defer consideration to
planning meeting 12th January 2006

The following cheques were raised

Office Technical Solutions Printing £62.53

Sarah George Clerk fees for November £644.67
Graham Chambers Handyman fees for £144.00

TOTAL £851.20

The Parish Council were advised that the Tax Rate for 2006/07 for Iwade was 885.97 and
the budget for the precept for 2006/07 would be discussed and agreed in the January Parish
Council meeting

Clerk received grounds maintenance quote from Landscape Services for 2006 this was
increase of £25.03 to £651.32. It was proposed by Vice Chair Phil Fearn to continue with
this contract and the grass and maintenance at the recreation ground was to a high standard,
this was seconded by Cllr Susan Dowling, all Parish Councillors present were in

Clerk has received the invoice from Bus Shelter Ltd to the value of £3,959.81 for the
repairs. Clerk to action and pass it to the Insurance Company for payment.

Meeting Closed 9.45pm

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 10 th January 2006 at 7.30pm
in the Village Hall

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