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the technology can seem overwhelming and unwieldy for those

unaccustomed to it. However, most devices such as phones, computers and

tablets have simplified their operation more and more thanks to advances in
the area, so it is very easy for anyone, regardless of age or physical condition,
to have access to the many advantages of integrating them into your life.

Connecting through social networks can help you enrich your social life, share
interests and even keep in touch with family members who live far away. You
can also use it for safety as it can help you immediately contact someone in
case of an emergency at the push of a button and even use calendar
applications to control your medications. Some video game consoles can
allow you to do some exercise without leaving home and practicing sports

The brain needs to be in constant training to maintain its functions and

games can help you. Although it seems a simple pastime, the University of
Iowa has verified that those games that represent challenges prevent
problems related to memory and cognition. Winning in a game and keeping in
touch with friends and family, coupled with the process of learning something
new, has a positive impact on your emotions and self-perception, which will
help you avoid depression and anxiety.

The technology can also be used to protect the environment and preventthe needs cause an
exhaustion or degradation of the material and energy resources of the planet or increase social

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