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hello, good morning, I will tell you about the importance of sports

The sport is an activity that the human being mainly realizes with recreational
objectives although in some cases can become the profession of a person if the
same is dedicated of intensive way to her and perfects its technique and its results
of permanent way. Sport is basically a physical activity that makes the body enter
into operation and that takes it out of its state of rest in front of which it is normally
found. The importance of sport is that it allows the person to exercise his body to
maintain a good physical level as well as allows him to relax, relax, take care of the
routine, release tension and also have fun.

Sports have a very positive impact on the lives of children, youth and adults, as they
allow them to exercise and spend time with family or friends in a healthy

According to the Organization World Health Organization , 6% of all deaths

worldwide are due to lack of physical activity, which also causes diseases such as
breast cancer and colon cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Regular exercise helps prevent diseases and control overweight and body fat
percentage. It also strengthens bones, increasing bone density and improves the
ability to make efforts without fatigue. In addition, it encourages maturation of the
motor nervous system and increases motor skills.

Psychologically, it improves the mood and reduces the levels of stress, anxiety and
depression. It makes us feel good emotionally, because in exercising we release
endorphins, better known as the hormones of happiness.

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