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Introduction and Purpose of Research ‘Theme: Education Problem Statement An assessment into the impact of emerging technology on the teaching and learning process at deCarteret College Research Questions 1, How has the implementation of emerging technology been advantageous in the teaching and leaning process at deCarteret College? 2. How has the implementation of emerging technology been disadvantageous in the teaching and learning process at deCarteret College? 3. What are the recommendations/strategies/solutions to reduce the drawbacks of the emerging technologies in deCarteret College? Purpose of research Hundreds of students attending primary schools in East Kingston and Port Royal are to receive tablet computers in the new school year under the Government's Tablets in Schools programme. In recent times there has been a rapid increase in the use of technology devices in schools. In deCarteret College, it is no different, as senior students are allowed to bring tablets and laptop devices to school. Also, teachers are looking to incorporate these devices as well as other multimedia tools to help them in the teaching and learning process. Teachers are aiming to incorporate these devices into teaching lessons which can be very advantageous to the students, However, there are many drawbacks with the implementation of the new technology into the teaching and learning process, which can be a significant impediment to the leaming process. This study thus seeks to expand the researcher's knowledge of the positive and negative impacts of emerging technology on the teaching and learning process within deCarteret College. Also this research will be aimed at developing possible strategies that can aid in resolving the drawbacks of the emerging technology in schools. Background of the problem deCarteret College is a co-ed secondary intuition located in the outskirts of Mandeville, Manchester, that is well renowned for its great academics performances. The school, founded in 1919, has a current population of approximately 1200 students. The school hours are from 7:55a.m. to 3:00p.m. except on Wednesdays when school ends at 2:30p.m. Students are not allowed to take radios, video games, tape recorders, CD players, jewellery and cellular phones to school. However, along with four full equipped computer labs, students from fourth form onwards are allowed to take their computer tablets and laptop devices to school. With this recent rapid increase in the usage of technological device within the institution, the researcher is seeking to find out how this emerging technology usage influences the teaching and learning processes at deCarteret College. Educational Value ‘The findings of this research on the impacts of emerging technology in deCarteret College will be useful in expanding the existing knowledge of the Ministry of Education, who could now be able to apply this extended knowledge to future references and based on the strategies deduced, use them to reduce the drawbacks and increase the advantages of the usage and development of emerging technology in schools. Delimitation The study will be conducted on the campus of deCarteret College in Mandeville with students and teachers being the subjects of study. The research will be limited to students of ages between 15-19 years old. ‘Technical Terms Adaptive Learning: this is an educational practice which uses computers as interactive instructional devices Curriculum: the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college Digital Literacy: the ability to effectively and critically navigate, evaluate, and create information using a range of digital technologies EBook: an electronic version of a printed book which can be read on a personal computer or special hand-held device Education: the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university ‘Technology: machinery and devices developed from scientific knowledge Literature Review With the rapid growth in technology usage, itis no surprise that the use of technology has flowed over into the teaching and learning process in schools. This study focuses on how emerging technology affects the teaching and learning process at deCarteret College. Thaffe (2012) made mention of the head of special educator at The Mico University College CARE Centre, Salomie Evering, speaking at a Gleaner Editors’ Forum, said that she believed that should the Government better incorporate technology in the learning process for students, Jamaica could see a significant turnaround in the performance of many students deemed poor performers, Patterson (2015) stated that Minister of Education, Rev. Hon. Ronald Thwaites, said that steps were being taken to revolutionise the country’s education sector through the incorporation of technology. The Minister noted that the introduction and use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the classroom, coupled with traditional ways of imparting knowledge, will only redound to the benefit of the country. He also stated that the Ministry in discussion with book publishers to provide access to electronic textbooks via the tablets. The Minister lauded the conceptualisers of the innovation of the mYLocker® e-learning platform which will allow students to take all their high school courses on mobile des 8, tablets etc. Prensky (2011) purport for the ban of traditional books in higher education institutions. He proposed this step as a sign of “moving education into the future”. He said that institutions should ban non-electronic books to improve the way faculties teach and students learn. He went on to say that the e-books would liberate ideas as faculty can augment texts with additional multimedia materials that enhance content. Based on information gathered from (Boundless, 2016) it also purport that not only has technology in schools enables the use of more interactive educational tools, such as electronic textbooks via the tablets but also using technology in the classroom is its flexibility and adaptability to differentiated learning. Kurzweil Blog Team (2015) added saying that not only can tablets, apps, video and interactive whiteboards be learning tools for students, but they ean bbe additional teaching tools for educators. Many students are more stimulated and are apt to learn when they can interact with hands-on learning tools, which various forms of educational technology provide including portable technologies and interactive activities. Studies conducted by Arlington, VA. (2013) provides supportive evidence through her analysis of surveys that teachers are using technology as an additional teaching tool. Three- quarters of teachers surveyed link educational technology to a growing list of benefits, saying technology enables them to reinforce and expand on content (74%), to motivate students to leam (74%), and to respond to a variety of learning styles (73%). Seven in 10 teachers (69%) surveyed said educational technology allows them to “do much more than ever before” for their students, A study conducted by Adams Becker et al (2016) focused on identifying the significant challenges and trends facing educational institution. The study showed that key among all challenges is the lack of adequate, ongoing professional development for teachers who are required to integrate new technologies into their classrooms. Also, tutorial use of technology can be particularly practical for lower attaining pupils, those with special educational needs or those from disadvantaged backgrounds in providing intensive support to enable them to catch up with their peers, According to Johnson, L., Adams Becker, S., Estrada, V., and Freeman, A. (2015), despites the significant challenges faced, there are methods that are recommended to exploit the benefits of technology in schools, while diminishing the downsides. The study shows the strategies to tackling the downsides of emerging technologies in schools. Firstly, the rationale for the impact of digital technology on teaching and learning needs to be clear: Will the technology help them to learn more depth, more productively? Secondly, teachers and/or learners should be supported in developing their use of tal technology to ensure it improves learning. Finally, identify carefully what the technology will replace or how the technology activities will be additional to what learners would normally experience. This study in the institution of deCarteret College will adhere forces with the previous researchers, reports and studies of the impacts of emerging technology both positive and negative in the named school stated above. I strongly agree with Adams Becker et al that emerging technology can have both positive and negative impacts on both the teachers and the students of the institution. My research will mainly focus on the impacts of advancements in technology on the teaching and leaming process in deCarteret College. Thus I will join forces with and compare my study with Patterson, Prensky, Kurzweil Blog Team and Arlington. I will also take into consideration Johnson, L. Et al study, as there recommended solutions to minimize the drawbacks of emerging technology in schools seems promising.

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