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ASSIGNMENT CASE: Financial Performance of Dell Computer:

For session 2
The leader team makes a presentation to the directors, that includes:

1. The financial ratios for Dell Computer Corporation and IBM to complement exhibit
2. A comparison of the financial performance for all companies.
3. A Discussion of Dell’s competitive advantages based on ratio analysis, highlighting
what has enabled the company to compete and outperform its competitors.

For session 3
All teams will analyze the case and additional information in order to present a short report
(no more than 2 pages) including the following points:

 From a Du Pont decomposition analysis, what can you observe and infer about the
strategy, strengthness and possible weaknesses of Dell’s business model.

 Are the financial statements 2000-2003 for Dell Computer dynamically consistent
with the perception of Anya Grant in her March 2001 analysis? Is the relative strength
of this corporation still evident?

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