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According to Karen Cross as cited by Kathleen Davis (2018)

sleep deprivation occurs when an individual gets less sleep than
they need to feel awake and alert. Children and young adults are
most vulnerable to the negative effects of sleep deprivation.
The loss of sleep is a common problem in modern society,
affecting many individuals at some point in their lives (Alex
Moore, 2017)Occasional poor night sleep can have a profound
impact on both emotional function and normal thinking abilities
in healthy individuals resulting in: reduced tendency to think
positively, bad moods, a decreased willingness to solve
problems, a greater tendency towards superstitious and magical
thinking, intolerance and less empathy toward others, poor
impulse control and inability to delay gratification. If staying
up too late is caused by unimportant doings like too much use of
gadgets, it can harm your eyes due to too much radiation. You
will not see the effect now, but soon. Are you going to wait for
it to get worse before you take action? As soon as possible stop
the things that will only harm you. Statement of the Problem The
purpose of the study is to determine what effects, if any, sleep
deprivation has on productivity, which in turn affects the
workplace. The researcher is specifically interested in the
number of nocturnal awakenings and self-perception of mood in
the morning and it’s correlation to productivity levels and
answers the following questions: How does lack of sleep affects
the academics of an individual? What are the possible health

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