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Physical Therapy in Sport 7 (2006) 93–100

Original research

Effects of gastrocnemius stretching on ankle dorsiflexion and time-to

heel-off during the stance phase of gait
Marie A. Johansona,, Michael Woodena,b, Pamela A. Catlina, Leanne Hemarda,
Kristina Lotta, Robert Romalinoa, Tamara Stillmana
Division of Physical Therapy, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, USA
Physiotherapy Associates, Tucker, GA, USA
Received 9 August 2005; received in revised form 26 January 2006; accepted 22 February 2006


Objectives: The purpose was to determine the effects of a gastrocnemius stretching program on passive ankle dorsiflexion range of
motion and ankle dorsiflexion and time-to-heel-off during the stance phase of gait.
Design: This study was a randomized-control trial design.
Setting: The study was conducted in a biomechanical laboratory setting.
Participants: Nineteen volunteers (17 women and 2 men, mean age ¼ 30.3 years; SD ¼ 9.8 years), with less than 81 of passive ankle
dorsiflexion range of motion bilaterally and a history of lower extremity overuse injury were randomly assigned to the experimental
(n ¼ 11) or control group (n ¼ 8).
Intervention: The experimental group participated in a static gastrocnemius stretching program of five repetitions held for 30-s, two
times daily, for 3 weeks. The control group received no intervention.
Main outcome measures: Passive ankle dorsiflexion range of motion and ankle dorsiflexion and time-to-heel-off during the stance
phase of gait were measured before and after the intervention.
Results: The experimental group had significantly greater passive dorsiflexion range of motion at post-test than the control group
on both the right (p ¼ 0.000) and left (p ¼ 0.002) sides. Ankle dorsiflexion and time-to-heel-off during the stance phase of gait were
not different among group, time, or foot (p40.05).
Conclusions: A gastrocnemius stretch performed two times daily, for 3 weeks increased passive ankle dorsiflexion, but did not alter
ankle dorsiflexion or time-to-heel-off during the stance phase of gait. Thus, when an increase in ankle dorsiflexion or time-to-heel-off
during the stance phase of ambulation is a clinical goal, it is unlikely to result from the stretching regimen used in this study.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Gastrocnemius muscle stretching; Ankle dorsiflexion; Gait analysis

1. Introduction contributes to forward body movement (Norkin &

Levangie, 2001; Subotnick, 1971). Limited ankle joint
The ankle joint dorsiflexes 8–101 beyond neutral dorsiflexion has been associated with many overuse
during the stance phase of ambulation (Murray, Kory, injuries of the lower extremity including plantar fasciitis
Clarkson, & Sepic, 1966; Norkin & Levangie, 2001; (Kibler, Goldberg, & Chandler, 1991; Riddle, Pulisic,
Wright, Desai, & Henderson, 1964). Normal gait Pidcoe, & Johnson, 2003; Warren & Davis, 1988), achilles
requires tibial advancement over the foot, which tendonopathy (Kaufman, Brodine, Shaffer, Johnson, &
Cullison, 1999; Kvist, 1991; Paavola et al., 2002; Warren
Corresponding author. 1441 Clifton Rd, Suite #170, Atlanta, GA & Davis, 1988; Wilder & Sethi, 2004), shin splints
30322, USA, Tel.: +1 404 727 6581; fax: +1 404 712 4130. (Lilletvedt, Kreigheaum, & Phillips, 1979; Messier &
E-mail address: (M.A. Johanson). Pittala, 1988), iliotibial band syndrome (Messier &

1466-853X/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
94 M.A. Johanson et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 7 (2006) 93–100

Pittala, 1988), and patellofemoral pain syndrome (Lun, dorsiflexion and time-to-heel-off during the stance phase
Meeuwisse, Stergiou, & Stefanyshyn, 2004). of gait were taken before and after a 3-week, gastro-
Limited ankle dorsiflexion may decrease the amount of cnemius stretching program. The subjects were ran-
ankle dorsiflexion before heel-off and decrease time-to- domly assigned to a control group (n ¼ 8) or an
heel-off during gait (Cornwall & McPoil, 1999; Donatelli experimental group (n ¼ 11). The order of measure-
& Wooden, 1996; Selby-Silverstein, Farrett, Maurer, & ments were randomly sequenced, first by order of static
Hillstrom, 1997; Subotnick, 1971; Tiberio, 1987). Gastro- and dynamic measurements, then within static measure-
cnemius muscle tightness limits ankle dorsiflexion range of ments, and finally, by foot. The same random sequence
motion (Kibler et al., 1991; Riemann, DeMont, Ryu, & of measurements was used at both pre- and post-test
Lephart, 2001; Wooden, 1996). Therefore, when clinicians sessions per subject.
determine that the gastrocnemius muscle is tight they
commonly prescribe gastrocnemius stretching exercises to
2.2. Subjects
prevent or treat overuse injuries (Cornwall & McPoil,
1999; Davis, Cooper, & Garbalosa, 1996; Kibler et al.,
Convenience sampling was used to recruit two men
1991; Riemann et al., 2001). Gastrocnemius stretching to
and 17 women (mean age ¼ 30.3 years; SD ¼ 9.8 years).
increase passive ankle dorsiflexion range of motion
The study was approved by the Institutional Review
theoretically increases ankle dorsiflexion range of motion
Board of Emory University and all subjects signed an
before heel-off and increases time-to-heel-off during the
informed consent form prior to participation. Eligibility
stance phase of gait (Cornwall & McPoil, 1999; Donatelli
criteria included: history of one or more diagnosed
& Wooden, 1996; Selby-Silverstein et al., 1997). However,
lower extremity overuse syndrome(s) within the past 2
evidence as to the mechanism by which gastrocnemius
years (Table 1); aged 18–50 years; less than 81 of passive
muscle stretching to increase ankle dorsiflexion may
ankle dorsiflexion range of motion bilaterally when
prevent or treat lower extremity overuse injuries is lacking.
measured non-weight bearing in the subtalar neutral
Knowledge of gait parameters affected by gastrocnemius
position (Wooden, 1996); a neutral or varus forefoot
stretching to increase ankle dorsiflexion may assist
position bilaterally; greater than 41 valgus standing calf-
clinicians in identifying which patients may most benefit
to-calcaneal angle bilaterally; leg length discrepancy of
from this intervention.
less than 1 cm; no pain in the lower extremities during
Increasing ankle dorsiflexion and time-to-heel-off
walking; no history of neurological dysfunction or
during the stance phase of gait reduces the time of
disease, systemic disease affecting the lower extremities
weight bearing solely on the forefoot (Donatelli &
or ambulation, macrotrauma involving bone or nerve
Wooden, 1996; Selby-Silverstein et al., 1997), which
injury to the lower extremity, or musculoskeletal soft
hypothetically eases stress to tissues involved in some
tissue injury to the lower extremity within 6 months of
patients’ lower extremity overuse conditions. In theory,
participation in the study. Passive ankle joint dorsiflex-
increasing ankle dorsiflexion may also reduce the
ion range of motion measured in non-weight bearing of
dorsiflexion that is a component of compensatory
less than 81 was chosen as an eligibility criteria because
pronation at the subtalar and midtarsal joints related
most of the normative data on normal ankle dorsiflexion
to restricted dorsiflexion at the talo-crural joint (Dona-
range of motion has been reported using a non-weight
telli & Wooden, 1996; Karas & Hoy, 2002). Subtalar
bearing position and less than 81 is below that reported
joint pronation unlocks the midtarsal joint, resulting in
as normal.
dorsiflexion at that joint (Subotnick, 1971), as well as
plantarflexion of the talus (Norkin & Levangie, 2001).
Midtarsal joint dorsiflexion and increased talar plantar-
flexion both allow increased anterior tibial progession
relative to the foot during stance. The purpose of this Table 1
study was to ascertain the effects of gastrocnemius Number and type of subjects’ diagnosed lower extremity overuse
stretching on passive ankle dorsiflexion and ankle
dorsiflexion and time-to-heel-off during the stance phase Lower extremity overuse injury Frequency Percentagea
of gait in subjects with limited dorsiflexion.
Plantar fasciitis 7 37
Achillis tendonopathy 5 26
Shin splints 4 21
2. Methods Patellofemoral syndrome 3 16
Iliotibial band friction syndrome 3 16
2.1. Design Metatarsalgia 1 5
Total percentage greater than 100% as some subjects with a history
This study was a randomized-control trial design. of more than one diagnosed lower extremity overuse injury within 2
Passive ankle dorsiflexion range of motion and ankle years of participation in study.
M.A. Johanson et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 7 (2006) 93–100 95

2.3. Measurements and instrumentation

Active ankle dorsiflexion range of motion, passive

ankle dorsiflexion range of motion with the subtalar
joint positioned in neutral and the knee joint extended,
and forefoot position in non-weight bearing were
measured three times each using standard goniometric
procedures with the subject in the prone position
(Diamond, Mueller, Delitto, & Sinacore, 1989; Smith-
Orichio & Harris, 1990; Wooden, 1996), averaged, and
recorded in degrees. The above measures were taken
bilaterally in random order, at both the pre- and post-
test sessions. The passive ankle joint dorsiflexion
measurement was taken with the subject positioned in
prone and the knee extended in the method described by
Wooden (1996). The axis of a standard 8-inch plastic
goniometer (Benchmark Medical, Inc., Malvern, PA,
USA) was placed over the lateral calcaneus, the
stationary arm was aligned with the fibular head and
the moving arm was aligned over the fifth metatarsal.
Passive force was applied through the plantar aspect of
the midfoot and forefoot while maintaining the subtalar
joint in approximate neutral until firm resistance to
further movement was encountered. For the passive
ankle dorsiflexion measurement the anatomical position
of the ankle joint was considered 01. Fig. 1. Placement of reflective markers.
Leg length was determined during the pre-test session
by measuring the distance in centimeters from the Velcro straps to the lateral aspect of the calf (Fig. 1).
anterior superior iliac spine to the ipsilateral lateral The center of the Velcro strap on the calf was placed at a
malleolus with a tape measure with the subject supine point midway along a line connecting the fibular head
(Woerman & Binder-Macleod, 1984). and the lateral malleolus.
Calf-to-calcaneal angle was measured (in degrees) Prior to data collection sessions, the Qualisys motion
with the subject in relaxed standing on an elevated analysis system was calibrated using known distances
walkway (Jonson & Gross, 1997). Sliding calipers between reflective markers on a wand and L-shaped bar
(Innovation Sports, Inc., Foothill Ranch, CA, USA) to establish a 3-D coordinate system for three cameras
were used to identify midpoints on the posterior calf and (Qualisys, Incorporated, 2000). The calibration was
calcaneus, and lines were drawn longitudinally bisecting accepted if the range of the wand length was less than
the posterior calf and calcaneus (Selby-Silverstein et al., 5.0 mm and standard deviation of the wand length was
1997). Calf-to-calcaneal angle was measured with a less than 2.0 mm. All walking trials were recorded with
goniometer as the angle between the vertical midline of the three cameras set at a frequency of 100 Hz.
the calf and the vertical midline of the calcaneus. Ankle dorsiflexion and time-to-heel-off measurements
Ankle dorsiflexion and time-to-heel-off during the were taken as the subject walked across an elevated
stance phase of gait were measured using the Qualisis walkway in bare feet at a self-selected speed. First, the
motion analysis system (Qualisys, Incorporated, 2000) subject walked until the subject reported feeling
and custom software. The Qualisis motion analysis comfortable and appeared comfortable to the research-
system was used to establish a 3-D coordinate system, ers. The subject then walked the length of the walkway
track markers, and calculate time-to-heel-off. Custom until eight trials per leg were successfully recorded. A
software in Labview (National Instruments Corpora- successful recording was defined as a trial in which all
tion, Austin, TX, USA) and Matlab (The Mathworks, three cameras recorded all markers from 10 frames prior
Natick, MA, USA) was then used to smooth and plot to heel-strike through 10 frames following toe-off. Heel-
the data and calculate 2-D ankle angles. strike was defined as the first frame in which the lateral
Reflective markers were placed on the dorsum of the calcaneus marker ceased to move forward. Toe-off was
first metatarsal head, on the lateral aspect of the fifth defined as the first frame in which the marker on the first
metatarsal just proximal to the metatarsal head, on the metatarsal head began to move upward. The marker
lateral malleolus, and on the inferior aspect of the lateral paths were tracked in PCReflex software (Qualisys,
calcaneus (Fig. 1). Three markers were attached with Incorporated, 2000).
96 M.A. Johanson et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 7 (2006) 93–100

Fig. 2. Gastrocnemius muscle stretching exercise.

Time-to-heel-off was calculated (in milliseconds) in intervention consisted of five repetitions of a 30-s,
PCReflex software by determining frame time at heel-off passive gastrocnemius stretch with a 5-s rest period
and at heel-strike and then subtracting the second value between each of the five repetitions (Fig. 2), performed
from the first. Heel-off was defined as the first frame in two times daily. The subject sat on the floor with their
which the lateral calcaneus marker began to move back against the wall, and with the knee extended on the
upward. Time-to-heel-off was then divided by stance floor and the contralateral leg bent in a comfortable
time to measure time-to-heel-off as a percentage of position. The subject held each end of a towel and
stance time. The tracked data then were exported and placed it around the ball of the foot. The subject then
custom software in Labview smoothed the marker paths pulled the towel toward their trunk until slight
retaining 97% of the signal energy. Custom software in discomfort was noted in the posterior calf, for 30 s,
Matlab was then used to plot sagittal plane ankle angles while maintaining the subtalar joint in approximate
and calculate the greatest dorsiflexion angle, using the neutral by keeping the foot centered between pronation
distal marker on the calf, the marker on the lateral and supination. The procedure was performed five times
malleolus, and the marker on the fifth metatarsal head on each leg. We chose this position to allow the subject
(Fig. 1). The marker on the lateral malleolus (rather to observe their foot to more easily maintain the
than the marker on the lateral calcaneus) was used for subtalar joint in approximate neutral. The subject
this calculation because of expected greater consistency received instruction until independently demonstrating
of marker placement. The custom software in Matlab the stretch. Next, the subject was instructed to record
identified a right angle formed between the markers on stretching sessions on a log sheet for the following 3-
the lateral calf, lateral malleolus, and fifth metatarsal as week period to document compliance. Compliance was
901; greater motion in the direction of dorsiflexion defined as participation in a minimum of 36 stretching
would be indicated by lesser degrees. The first four trials sessions. We chose the parameters and duration of the
of each side that were successfully tracked in PCReflex stretching exercise based on previous research on
software from 10 frames prior to heel-strike through 10 stretching of the gastrocnemius and hamstring muscle
frames following toe-off were used in the data analysis. groups (Bandy & Irion, 1994; Worrell, McCullough, &
Ankle dorsiflexion from these four trials were averaged Pfeiffer, 1994). Subjects in the control group were
and the angle recorded in degrees. A second examiner instructed to continue all of their usual activities but
took passive gomiometric and time-to-heel-off measure- to refrain from beginning new activities until after the
ments on every fourth subject to assess interrater second testing session.
reliability. At the completion of the first session, all subjects were
Subjects assigned to the experimental group were scheduled for the post-test data collection session 3
instructed in the gastrocnemius stretching program. The weeks later. Experimental subjects were called after 3
M.A. Johanson et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 7 (2006) 93–100 97

days, and weekly thereafter, to address any difficulties comparisons using a Bonferroni procedure (the alpha
with the stretching program, and to encourage com- level of .05 was divided by the number of t-tests
pliance. conducted per dependent variable) to control for Type
At the post-test session, the log sheets of experimental I error across multiple tests.
subjects were assessed for compliance and activity level
was reassessed for any changes since the pre-test. The
sequence of measurements during the post-test was
3. Results
identical to that determined at the pre-test.
Descriptive analysis of passive dorsiflexion range of
2.4. Data analysis motion and ankle dorsiflexion and time-to-heel-off
during the stance phase of gait are summarized in
Passive goniometric measurements and measurements Table 2. ICC were as follows: intrarater ICC (3,3)
during gait were summarized across subjects with goniometric measurements 40.81; interrater ICC (3,3)
means, standard deviations, and minimum and max- goniometric measurments 40.76 except for ankle
imum values at pre- and post-test per group. Normality dorsiflexion active range of motion which was 40.51;
of distribution and homogeneity of variance of the static intrarater ICC (3,4) for ankle dorsiflexion during the
and dynamic variables were assured using the Shapiro– stance phase of gait 40.84; intrarater ICC (3,4) for
Wilk test and Bartlett’s test, respectively. An alpha level time-to-heel-off 40.72; and interrater ICC (3,4) for
of 0.05 was set for all statistical tests. Intraclass time-to-heel-off 40.70. Due to low reliability, active
correlation coefficients (ICC) were used to assess ankle dorsiflexion range of motion was omitted from
intrarater and interrater reliability (Portney & Watkins, further data analysis.
2000). Three of the subjects in the experimental group did
Passive ankle dorsiflexion range of motion and ankle not meet the definition of compliance (completion of at
dorsiflexion and time-to-heel-off during the stance phase least 36 of 42 stretching sessions). These three subjects
of gait were compared among group (experimental and completed 24, 33, and 35 of the 42 stretching sessions.
control), time (pre- and post-test), and foot (right and The percent change in static dorsiflexion was compared
left) using a three-way, repeated measures, analysis of between the compliant subjects and the three non-
variance (ANOVA). Time and foot were the repeated compliant subjects using a two-tailed, independent t-test
factors. Independent t-tests were used for all post hoc for each lower extremity. The percent change in passive

Table 2
Mean, standard deviation (SD), minimum and maximum (Min–Max) values of dependent variables for the control group and experimental group at
pre- and post-test

Variable Pre-test Post-test

Mean SD Min–Max Mean SD Min–Max

Passive ankle dorsiflexion (deg)

Left 3.42 1.27 2.00–5.67 2.96 1.05 2.0–4.67
Right 3.54 1.77 1.33–5.67 4.38 1.72 1.33–7.0
Left 3.67 2.00 1.00–8.00 6.88 2.17 3.33–10.33
Right 3.08 2.53 2.00–8.33 8.65 2.70 3.00–13.67
Ankle dorsiflexion during stance (deg)
Left 104.95 8.92 91.83–119.66 105.77 5.60 93.78–110.26
Right 101.63 6.59 92.80–113.58 101.87 4.57 96.35–109.29
Left 107.76 5.28 100.95–121.06 108.01 5.00 99.53–119.06
Right 103.46 4.57 96.25–110.51 105.45 7.99 94.18–119.29

Time-to-heel-off (percentage of stance)

Left 0.68 0.04 0.63–0.74 0.68 0.04 0.63–0.77
Right 0.66 0.07 0.54–0.77 0.68 0.07 0.53–0.77
Left 0.66 0.08 0.47–0.79 0.65 0.07 0.58–0.76
Right 0.65 0.05 0.56–0.71 0.64 0.08 0.44–0.73
98 M.A. Johanson et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 7 (2006) 93–100

dorsiflexion was calculated by subtracting the pre-test Increased flexibility of the gastrocnemius muscle
value from the post-test value and dividing the residual theoretically allows increased dorsiflexion at the talo-
by the pre-test value. The percent change in static crural joint (Donatelli, 1996; Karas & Hoy, 2002;
dorsiflexion was not different (p40.05) between the Tiberio, 1987). However, pronation of the subtalar joint
compliant and non-compliant exercise groups; therefore, allows dorsiflexion to occur at the midtarsal joint
the compliant and non-compliant subjects were combined (Donatelli, 1996; Karas & Hoy, 2002; Selby-Silverstein
in subsequent analyzes. One subject in the experimental et al., 1997). Our measurement techniques controlled
group and one in the control group had increased subtalar pronation, and therefore dorsiflexion, at the
running mileage since the pre-test; all other subjects had midtarsal joint during the measurement of passive ankle
not changed any of their usual exercise activities. dorsiflexion range of motion (Tiberio, 1987), but not
Passive ankle dorsiflexion range of motion in the during ankle dorsiflexion during the stance phase of
experimental group was significantly different than the gait. Because the location of the foot marker on the head
control group (F ¼ 24.10, df ¼ 1,17, p ¼ 0.000) and of the fifth metatarsal is distal to the midtarsal joint, the
significantly greater at post-test than pre-test (F ¼ 24.87, Qualisys motion analysis system could not distinguish
df ¼ 1,17, p ¼ 0.000). There was no significant differ- talocrural joint dorsiflexion from midtarsal joint dorsi-
ence between the experimental and control groups at flexion. Stretching the gastrocnemius could have re-
pre-test for either foot (p40.0125) but the experimental sulted in more dorsiflexion at the talocrural joint and
group had significantly greater passive dorsiflexion at less at the midtarsal joint, without altering the absolute
post-test for both the right and left feet (t ¼ 6.106, values of ankle dorsiflexion during gait.
df ¼ 17, p ¼ 0.000) and (t ¼ 6.971, df ¼ 17, p ¼ 0.000, The measurement of ankle dorsiflexion during stance
respectively). Ankle dorsiflexion and time-to-heel-off used in this study differs from that often used in gait
during the stance phase of gait were not different among analysis. We used an angle of reference that was formed
group, time, or foot (p40.05). by the distal calf, lateral malleolus, and fifth metatarsal
markers, and consequently values of dorsiflexion during
gait (for which smaller values represent greater degrees
4. Discussion of dorsiflexion) and passive ankle dorsiflexion values
were not similar. We chose the marker on the lateral
A gastrocnemius muscle stretching program for 3 malleolus because we believed we could obtain more
weeks was effective in increasing passive ankle dorsi- consistent placement of this marker between pre- and
flexion range of motion, but the increase in passive post-test sessions than if we had used a marker on the
dorsiflexion was not related to an increase in ankle lateral calcaneus. The marker placement used to
dorsiflexion or time-to-heel-off during gait. The increase calculate the ankle angle in the sagittal plane in many
in passive dorsiflexion is consistent with findings of previous studies is similar to the sagittal ankle angle
Selby-Silverstein et al. (1997), Wessling, DeVane, and measured with a goniometer. The present method
Hylton (1987), and Worrell et al. (1994) for which allowed us to determine whether a change occurred,
passive, gastrocnemius stretching, of 20-, 1-min, and 20- but it is difficult to compare the absolute ankle
s durations, respectively, increased dorsiflexion range of dorsiflexion values during gait with the absolute values
motion. The increase is also consistent with the studies obtained from the goniometric measurement of passive
on hamstring stretching, which suggest that a 30-s ankle dorsiflexion.
stretch duration is effective in increasing muscle Both the experimental and control subjects exhibited
extensibility (Bandy & Irion, 1994). time-to-heel-off of about two-thirds of stance time
Lack of increase in ankle dorsiflexion during gait fail which is consistent with that of normal individuals
to support Selby-Silverstein et al.’s (1997) single-case (Oatis, 2004). In a previous study, restricted passive
study, which demonstrated concomitant increases in ankle dorsiflexion range of motion was associated with
passive ankle dorsiflexion range of motion and ankle earlier heel-off during gait (Cornwall & McPoil, 1999).
dorsiflexion during stance. However, Selby-Silverstein Cornwall and McPoil (1999) reported subjects with
et al.’s subject exhibited 20.01 of passive dorsiflexion, passive ankle dorsiflexion of greater than 151 had longer
which increased to 5.01 following stretching. The time-to-heel-off than subjects with less than 101 of
experimental group in this study initially exhibited an passive dorsiflexion, yet dorsiflexion during the stance
average of 3.51 of passive dorsiflexion, which increased phase of gait relative to relaxed standing was no
to 6.91 on the left and 8.71 on the right following different. Since theoretically, ankle dorsiflexion and
stretching. The experimental subjects’ passive ankle time-to-heel-off would be expected to be associated, this
dorsiflexion range of motion may have been adequate finding was surprising. Cornwall and McPoil used self-
for anterior tibial progression during the stance phase of selected speed of gait so it is possible that the subjects
gait (Cornwall & McPoil, 1999; Jordan, Cooper, & with passive ankle dorsiflexion of greater than
Schuster, 1979). 151 ambulated more slowly overall, than those with
M.A. Johanson et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 7 (2006) 93–100 99

dorsiflexion less than 101. Our subjects also ambulated Cornwall, M. W., & McPoil, T. G. (1999). Effect of ankle dorsiflexion
at a self-selected speed, so this could have affected our range of motion on rearfoot motion during walking. Journal of the
results as well. However, we compared stance time American Podiatric Medical Association, 89, 272–277.
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nificant difference (p40.05) so walking speed was Diamond, J. E., Mueller, M. J., Delitto, A., & Sinacore, D. R. (1989).
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Future research on a sample of subjects with greater 802.
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dorsiflexion range of motion than walking, such as Jonson, S. R., & Gross, M. T. (1997). Intraexaminer reliability,
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running or walking uphill, would be useful. skeletal measures in healthy naval midshipmen. Journal of
Limitations of this study include the method of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 25, 253–263.
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the findings of this study. The investigators performing 82–93.
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experimental group on the post-test compared to the Kibler, W. B., Goldberg, C., & Chandler, J. T. (1991). Functional
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5. Conclusions Lilletvedt, J., Kreigheaum, E., & Phillips, R. L. (1979). Analysis of
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over 3 weeks increased passive ankle dorsiflexion range
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