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Fourth article:

After reading the fourth article entitled "How did the era of disruption affect sports science
and physical education?" I concluded that the era of disruption included: technological leaps,
industrial revolution 4.0, and digital automatic, Al, IOT, AT, VT, etc. This is an opportunity as
well as a challenge for all sectors of education including sports. However, in practice there are
still many of our educators who have not been able to enter this era of disruption. The industrial
era 4.0 itself is an era of digital transformation in many fields of manufacturing, agriculture,
services, education, and others. Examples of manufacturing digitalization apply digital
technologies such as intelligent robots, drones, sensor technology, artificial intelligence, nano
technology and 3D printing. The era of digital transformation resulting in changes in the
structure of the labor market will threaten the low skill of the Workforce and 40% of the current
work. The job market transformation requires tertiary education graduates accompanied by
changes in the structure of work positions. The implications of the digital age threaten the social
level. In the future science and technology is very much needed especially in the education
sector. Future teacher profiles must achieve graduate learning or CPL and PPG curriculum
where teachers must master teaching material, character and Indonesian personality, inspire
and be role models, have a charming, authoritative, resolute, sincere, and disciplined
appearance that is able to educate, teach, guide , directing, training, evaluating, and evaluating
students in accordance with the demands of the latest and future developments in information
and communication technology. With the teacher in the form of a facilitator it is expected that
in the future the ability of students in the 4.0 era will be in line with expectations. Where the
mapping of curriculum structure with the mandate of the Law and future competencies includes
4 large points that can only be done by students and teachers with sufficient competence. That
includes: creator (making), collaborator (collaboration), commincator (communication), and
critical thinker (critical thinking). By doing the things that have been explained in undergoing
an era of disruption of education in various sectors, sports is no exception being able to progress
and be better.

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