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Submitted by: Patricia Mae Vitto


There was a girl who is charming like the flowers. Her name was Talia. She only watch the people around her.
She didn’t have any friends because of her disorder. She was nearly blind. Only her one eye is working. Until
one day, she met a friend. His name was Miguel. He was not an ordinary friend. Although he was so good
looking there’s a mystery behind his looks. Talia know that her friend is a human in the morning and a wild cat
at the evening. Other people call him the cat womanizer. They said that he is only finding his wife to be and
went down from the forest to find the one. Talia who was lonely, didn’t listen on the murmurs. He wants to
gain some love and affection. This is her first time having a friend in her entire life. She doesn’t want to ruin
their friendship. Will she be safe around him? Will she fall in love with the cat womanizer?

Chapter 1
One sunny morning in the mountains of Myeongdong . There live a sweet young girl. Sadly, only one eye of
her was working. Inspite of her disorder, she still like to go outside with her playmates. Suddenly, she and
friends met a boy named Miguel. He lived far away from Talia’s house. He said that he lived in the mountain of
Jeju and decided to go down just to play.
Talia: Really? How can you went down that fast? The mountains of Jeju was a day to travel before you can go
here in our mountain.
Miguel: It’s so easy to go down. I just rode on my magic carpet.
Other Friends: Wooooow! (All are amazed)
Talia: I also want to ride in your carpet! Come on show us!
Miguel: You really wanted to go with me?
So all of them decided to go with Miguel. They go to the home of him in the mountains of Jeju.
When they are all landed there, Talia was surprised. She saw a beautiful garden full of flowers and a tree with
so much fruits in each of its branches.
Talia: Can I get some fruits?
Other friends: Yes, we are all hungry after the long travel.
Miguel: My friends, we don’t really travel that long. We rode on my magic carpet right? It’s still morning.
The children look at the sky and saw how bright the sun is.
Talia: How can you do that? It’s still really morning! You’re amazing!

Miguel: Yes, I am. (He proudly spoke) Oh! I forgot to mention that all you can see here is made of candies,
chocolates and chewing gums. All of it can be eaten.
Other friends: Really? What are you? Are you a fairy?
Miguel: No, I’m just a cat who likes to eat candies.
Talia: A cat? But you’re a child aren’t you?
Miguel: Yes I am. But at the midnight I’m becoming a wild cat that eats everything!
The children were all frightened.
Talia: I don’t mind if you are a cat. Can I ask if I can get some berries in your garden? The purple leaf there it’s
so beautiful. Can I also eat it?
Miguel: Oh, Sure. That leaf is called the Kamio leaf.. Get all you want. It’s all free!
The other children was all afraid and wanted to go back in their homes.
Talia: Miguel, can you bring us back our homes?
Miguel: Oh, I can. Let’s go! I bring you all back. Don’t be afraid, I’m your friend right?
Talia: Yes you are. Thank you for all the sweets!
All of the children’s parents was all worried about what happened to them. They are missing for about a week.
They don’t know where to go, they already find even to the city. Still they find nothing. They all go home to
rest. They are all tired because of the long searching.
Talia’s parents had already arrived. They are all surprised on what they saw. It was Talia who was soundly
sleeping at the sofa.
Her mother: My goodness, you’re here my child!
She quickly go near the sofa and embrace her daughter.
Her father burst with anger and panicking.
Father: Talia, where did you go tell me!
Talia: Uhmm father… I…. went to….
Father: Where? Tell me!
Talia: I go with my friends?
Father: Where the hell did all of you go? You are all missing for about a week. We didn’t know what to do. We
are all worried. Don’t you know that huh?!
Talia and her friends tell the whole story about what really happened. Each of their parents was all scared
when they heard all of it.
After that, Talia’s parents didn’t let her play outside again with her friends. She never see their not so ordinary
friend Miguel again.
Chapter 2
Years passed, Talia was already a teen. Her parents became weak due to their age. Until one day her father got
sick and unluckily he didn’t survive. Sadly, she and her mother are the only two left who will conquer the
challenges that life may bring.
Talia, inspite of her young age decided to get a part time job to help her mother. She was studying at the city.
After her school she decided to apply for a part time job.
She go first to a salon.
Talia: Good day madam, do you need a worker? I can clean your place.
Madam: Can’t you see your face? We don’t accept something like that.
Talia: Ma’am, I still can do many things. Don’t mind my eye.
Madam: Sorry, we still can’t accept you.
Sadly, Talia went home. It’s becoming dark, it’s already evening.
Her mother asked her where she went. She always go home late.
Talia didn’t say what she’s actually doing. She don’t want her mother became worried.
The next day, she go to school again. After school, she decided to apply for work again.
She go to a Korean restaurant.
Talia: Excuse me sir, do you need a dishwasher?
Mister: Sorry we don’t hire students.
Talia: I can manage working here. I went out from school early. Please sir, I really need a job.
Mister: Okay, I will hire you as a dishwasher if you guess what leaf is this. The mister gave her the purple leaf.
Talia didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know what that leaf is called. Unexpectedly, he remembered the
purple leaf that she saw at Miguel’s garden.
Talia: Oh, I know what is called. It’s the Kamio leaf.
Mister: Amazing! How can you know it?
Talia: Oh, I just really know it.
Mister: Because of that, you can start working tomorrow.
Talia: Really? Thank you mister!

She went home with joy because after a long time finally she got hired. After her school, she quickly go there
for work. He assure that he can manage the school and her work. Her mother didn’t know was she was doing.
She keep it as a secret because she knows that her mother will not allow her to do such thing. One day, when
she was on her work. She saw the mister talking to a very familiar looking boy. She think of the time she met a
boy looks like him. She remembered his face but she can’t remember where they met and who he is. After
washing the dishes, it’s finally time to go home. It’s her pay day so she waits for the mister. Suddenly the boy
announced that the mister was far way. He is the one who will give their salaries. So Talia receive her money
and immediately go home.
Early in the morning, Talia go to the restaurant to see the mister. The mister was there sitting while having his
Talia: Mister, who is the boy yesterday? Is he your relative?
Mister: Why are you asking? Did his looks attracted you? He’s very good looking. Isn’t he?
Talia: Mister, yes he is really good looking but I don’t get attracted that much. I just wanted to know who he is.
Mister: Absolutely, his looks are from me. He is my only son.
Talia: Oh, really? What’s his name?
Mister: He is Miguel. Actually he
Talia: Miguel? I knew it! That’s why he is so familiar.
Mister: Knew what?
Talia: Nothing!

Another morning, Talia quickly go to school. When she is at her room she saw a boy passed outside their
room’s door. It was Miguel! She said. She immediately go outside to see if what she saw was true. Surprisingly,
he saw Miguel at the cafeteria. All his foods are floating in the air. It is all sweets. It compose of chocolates and
Miguel! Talia shouted.
Miguel look back to see who was calling his name. She don’t mind it and continue eating his sweets.
Talia was afraid to go near him. She don’t know what to do.
Days had passed, she continue seeing Miguel at school. She is still thinking that he is Miguel the magic boy. She
always follow Miguel and sneak wherever he go. One day, she saw Miguel with her classmates. Talia saw him
having a one big bar of chocolates. The only one big bar turn into hundreds of chocolates bars. She also saw
Miguel’s chewing gums coming from his pockets. It so many like it has no ending. It’s true that Miguel is the
master of sweets. He have this extra ordinary capabilities. Talia was so amazed on what she had saw.

After school, she returned home. She cannot rid of thinking about the mister’s son Miguel. She always think
that he is Miguel from her childhood. The boy that carry her and her friends to the magic land. The land full of
garden and all you can see was eatable. Until now, Talia still remember it.
Chapter 3
Years have passed, amazingly Talia became a cook of the restaurant that she was working before as
dishwasher. She didn’t know that she was able to make it. It’s late when she knew that she have a talent in
cooking. The mister, have trusted her. She and Miguel are the one managing the restaurant. Talia didn’t
became afraid of him anymore. He trusted Miguel because he saw how good he was. Inspite of his extra
ordinary capabilities, Talia didn’t mind it. Miguel is not a monster but a great hero who is always there to help
others specially Talia. He is the one that decided to promote Talia as his co cook and manager.
When the mister die, his only words is that he wanted to take Talia as Miguel’s wife. He wanted Miguel to take
care of Talia until the rest of their lives. Talia can’t promise to do so because he treats Miguel only as a friend.
Miguel understand Talia, so he didn’t force him to be his wife. Miguel was always there for Talia. He love her
more than a friend.
Talia and Miguel continue to manage their restaurant. Her mother also help them in doing deliveries and you
can see that they love what they doing. They giving love not only to themselves but also to their customers.
That’s why their restaurant became known in their town. The people love their service and of course their
specialties. Their best specialty was Talia’s very own salmon. Surely no one cannot get rid of its taste. Their
secret recipe was its sauce. It is made by the juice of the special leaves that is only found in the mountain of
Jeju. Miguel was the one supplying the leaves. He is always supporting Talia in their business. He didn’t want
Talia to get tired. Talia was so lucky on having a boy like him.

Months have passed, Miguel continue on suiting Talia. He wants to get the girls heart. He love Talia so much
and wants to be with her. Sadly, Talia didn’t want to be with him. Talia had a relationship with Basti. He is an
owner of a large company. He got the girl heart for a short period of time. Miguel didn’t know what did that
boy did to make Talia fall in love with him.
“Talia who is that boy, Basti?” Miguel asked.
“He is only a friend”. Talia replies.
“Only a friend? Why he is saying that you’re a in a relationship with him?” Miguel said.
“What relationship? I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Said Talia.
Okay I believe you. Let’s not talk about this okay? Miguel said.

One morning, Basti go to their restaurant to eat. Talia welcome him and prepare her specialty. Miguel saw
what Talia is doing. His heart aches and became more jealous about Talia’s relationship with Basti.
Talia: Basti, This is our specialty. The salmon.
Basti: Oh really? Can I get more?
Talia: Of course you can.
Basti: How about, Can I get you also?
Talia: What’s with you?
Basti grab Talia and try to kiss her.
Suddenly, Miguel appear. He eagerly punch Basti.
“What are you trying to do?” Miguel said.
“Nothing I just want a kiss from Talia. What’s wrong with that?” Basti replies.
When Miguel heard that he try to punch Basti again but Talia don’t let him to do so.
Talia: Stop! The two of you. Don’t be like this. “Miguel I’m sorry” she said.
“Why are you sorry? Talia what are you talking about?” Miguel replies.
“You’re true. I’m in a relationship with Basti. I can’t hide it anymore.” Talia said.
Why him? Why not me? You know how much I love you! Miguel replies.
“Yes, you love me but did you ask me if I feel the same way. Sorry Miguel I can’t give back the love you gave. I
only love you as a friend. “Talia replies.
Basti: It’s because you’re a monster! You’re not a human! Talia cannot have a good life with you!
Miguel’s anger burst. He grab Basti’s clothes and punch him again. Basti’s blood overflow!
Talia: Stop it Miguel. Can’t you understand me? I don’t love you more than a friend!
Miguel: Why? Please tell me the true reason? Talia please!
Talia: Basti was true. You’re not one of us. You’re a monster!
The words Miguel heard from Talia went inside her heart. He was so
Miguel: Talia, how can you say that to me? I thought you’re not like them. I’m wrong!
Talia: Basti wait!
After that, Basti disappeared!

Chapter 4
Months have passed, Miguel decided to fires Talia in the restaurant. He don’t expect that Talia can say those
words to him. He just can’t believe that the girl he only love see him as a monster and love another man.
Miguel: Talia, you can leave now.
Talia: Miguel, how can you let me go?
Miguel: Don’t ask me? Ask yourself! Talia, stop pretending!
Talia: Miguel, I don’t know it would come to this!
Miguel: You are the one that cause me to do this.
So Talia and her mom go away. They are starting to find they journey. A life far from wealth and luxuries.
Talia and Basti live together. Time passed, Basti was becoming harsh to Talia.
One day Basti go home from his company. He was so tired and hungry.
Basti: Talia what are you doing? Where are the food? I’m hungry go and serve me!
Talia: I’m sorry, I cannot able to cook. I the do first our laundry.
Basti go to the leaving room.” What laundry? What’s all this mess? Clean this up!” Basti exclaimed.
Talia: Can’t you understand me? Your busy working but I’m busy too. You know my left eye is not working.
Basti: You always have your excuses! Okay, I leave!
Talia: Where are you going?
It’s none of your business! Basti said.
Talia didn’t know that Basti always go to clubs and easily get drank.
One night, Talia went home late because she visit her mom at the hospital. Due to her age she easily get sick.
Talia was the only one who will take care of her mom. So she decided to go there. She said to Basti that she will
sleep at the hospital. She can’t live her mom. Unfortunately, she forgot to bring her mom’s other medicines at
her room. So she decided to go back home.
Talia: Miguel! Miguel! Open the door, I forgot something.
But he don’t hear any response.
Basti: Oh, Talia you’re here. Why are you here?
Talia: Are you insane? This is our house so I can go here. Did I told you that I’m going to take care of mother at
the hospital? I just forgot to bring some of her medicine!
Basti: Okay, where it is? I’ll get it.
Talia: Oh come on Basti. I’ll get it. Why are you not letting me get in?
So Talia force Basti, for her to go inside their house. She don’t know what to do. She saw a half-naked woman
lying in their bed while Basti was shirtless.
Talia: How can you do this to me? I give you almost everything.
Miguel: I’m sorry but I think let’s just get separated!
Talia: How dare you! I’m the one who should say that!
After that, Talia and Basti got separated. Talia left alone, taking care of her old mother.

Chapter 5
Years passed, Talia get over about what happened between her and Basti. She knew that Basti didn’t truly
love her. That Basti can replace her anytime to another woman. He think of the time when Miguel was always
by her side and never let her suffer. She was regretful that he didn’t let her feelings for Miguel arise because
fear head his thoughts.
Talia loves nature. She loves planting in their small backyard. She have many plants including herbal, medicinal,
spices, flowering, non-flowering and many more. Their neighbourhood always go to their house to get some
plants especially medicinal. She was called the “Queen of gardens”. Until one day she thought of a plan. She
wants to build her own store, “Talia’s garden”. So she started her business with the help of her mom and their
other neighbourhood. Her store became known because of the fresh plants and spices that you can get there.
One day, a car stopped by in front of their store. Suddenly, there was a boy come out and he’s very good
looking. That seems to be rich.
Talia’s mother was the one selling goods.
Miguel: Oh, hello ma’am! Can I get some fresh kamio leaf ?
Talia’s mother: Oh sure, this cost 50 pesos.
Miguel: Thank you! Your leaves are always fresh. Can I ask where are you get this from?
Talia’s mother: My daughter was the one planting it. She’s really amazing! Other people said that she’s the
queen of gardens.
Miguel: Oh, really? Where is she?
Talia’s mother: She’s here! Taliaaaa! (She shouted)
Talia: Yes, mom? Why? I’m busy here.
Talia go outside the store, handling some fresh plants from the backyard.
Miguel saw her. He was speechless.
Miguel: Omg! It’s Talia!
Talia’s mother: He’s asking where we are getting our plants. I said that you are the one planting it. You so good
my child.
Talia: Who is it?
Talia glance and saw Miguel inside the car. She also don’t know what to say.
Quickly, Miguel’s car leave.
Talia’s mother: Oh, why? I thought he wanted to meet you.
Talia: I think he don’t want to know me anymore.
After that day, Miguel continue to go to Talia’s store to buy goods. Talia have Miguel’s restaurant secret
ingredient. The leaf of Kamio. Aside from the leaves, he also wants to see Talia working there. His feelings for
the girl never lost.
One day, Talia’s mother was outside.
Miguel: Ma’am can I get?
Talia’s mother: Fresh kamio leaf?
Miguel: Uhm no, I wanted to get some flowers.
Talia’s mother: Oh, what flowers?
Miguel: Can I get some daisies and tulips?
Talia’s mother: Oh sure! Here it is.
Miguel: No madam, I will not get it. I wanted to give to you.
Talia’s mother: Really? How sweet!
Miguel: Yes! The daisies are for you.
Talia’s mother: What about the tulips?
Miguel: It’s for your daughter, Talia.
Talia’s mother: Oh, wait. Are you his suitor? What’s your name? I thought she’s not seeing someone after what
happened between her and her husband.
Miguel: Oh, she’s married?
Talia’s mother: They get separated. Her husband replace her to another woman.
Miguel: Aha! So that what’s happened? By the way I’m Miguel, a childhood friend that will win her heart again.
Talia’s mother: Oh, this boy!
Then he immediately left.

Years passed, Miguel continue on getting Talia’s heart. All of the flowers, was receive by Talia. That flowers are
not the ordinary, once you take a bite it becomes chocolate. Miguel wanted Talia to remember their
childhood. All the candies, chewing gums and chocolates that they have eaten. The magic land and all.
Miguel asked Talia, What happened between you and Basti?
Talia said everything about what happened. Miguel easily understand and comfort her. Truly, he is the one that
always understand Talia. That’s why Talia also wants to give back the love that Miguel always gave to her since
then. Talia accept Miguel. His magic and powers, his cat transformation and everything about him. Talia
accepted it all.
Until Talia, finally said yes. She and Miguel are officially together. Miguel was the happiest person alive. He
didn’t expect that Talia was also having an intimate feelings for him. They both grew their business. Talia
became a cook at Miguel’s restaurant and Miguel also help her in her store. They both help each other in
pursuing their dreams. Miguel and Talia finally got married. Finally, Miguel have his wife. It’s now the time that
he will go back to the magic land. So they decided, to go there. Talia, his mother and his children rode on the
same magic carpet Talia rode before when they were children. They flew together and landed on the
mountains of Jeju. Where the magic land is. Miguel explained that in the magic land, they will not become old
or die. They will become immortals. As same as before, all the things there are eatable. Talia have 3 children.
One boy, one girl and one who was just like his father a half human and half cat. Talia find his happiness and
continue to love Miguel. Even though his not 100% human. He is possess the good characteristics and abilities
that other humans don’t have.
And they live happily ever after in the magic land of gardens…..

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