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The Right to Eat Whole Grains Make You Become Young

In recent years, forced health needs, people come to realize the importance of
human demand for coarse grains, people began to know that life is good, but can not
always eat whole grains. But according to nutrition experts say: good light can not
know whole grains, eat whole grains, due to age and to know how to row.

Whole grains rich in fiber

Because whole grains contain a lot of cellulose, cellulose itself will produce
mechanical colorectal stimulation, promote bowel movements, stool soft flow, which
for the prevention of colon cancer and high blood lipids due to the result of
cardiovascular disease is very favorable of.

25 to 35 years age group

25 to 35 years of age this man, long-term excessive consumption of high fiber foods
will make people blocked the protein supplement, a substantial reduction in fat
intake, micronutrient deficiencies, as well as causing the bones, heart, blood and
other organ functions damage, reduce the body's immunity. Therefore, the number of
days a week to eat whole grains do not eat more than three days, or drink some
coarse grains secret agents of drinks is also more appropriate.

35 to 45 years old age group

This age group 35 to 45 years old, began to slow metabolic rate, you should eat
less high sweetness foods fit to eat a variety of dried fruits, coarse grains,
beans, fresh fruit. People in this age group recommends eating less than equal to
twenty grams a day medlar, medlar nourishing effect, eat health benefit.

45 to 60 years age group

45 to 60 years old is particularly concerned to understand and adjust to the body
important nutrition supplement. Hypertensive patients to eat less salt, eat foods
rich in potassium, such as dry apricots, beans and dried fruit. People in this age,
should avoid getting one kind of coarse grains - rice. Sticky rice genus, the
elderly should not eat. However, you can eat oats.

60 years old age group

People over 60 years of age prone to cancer, heart disease and stroke. The oats and
other whole grains are rich in cellulose can be combined with the body of heavy
metals and food harmful metabolites to be excreted. Moderate consumption of high
fiber foods is beneficial to the human body, it is worth promoting. This age should
eat vegetables leek, celery, wild rice, pumpkin, bitter gourd, beans, spinach,
soybeans, mung beans, and so on.

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