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Name/class____________________________________________ _ Date__________________

Progress Test

+2p granted

1) Add a verb to make free-time activities. ( 6 x 0.1p= 0.6p)

a) ______________ models
b) ______________ cartoons
c) ______________ online
d) ______________ to a youth group
e) ______________ tennis
f) _______________ a language

2) Match adjectives 1–8 with their opposites a–h. (6 x 0.1p= 0.6p)

1 unsociable a) cautious 1____
2 dishonest b) shy 2____
3 confident c) quiet 3____
4 generous d) friendly 4____
5 lazy e) serious 5____
6 adventurous f) selfish 6____
7 talkative g) energetic 7____
8 funny h) honest 8____

3) Complete the sentences with the adverbs of frequency and the correct form of the verbs in
brackets. (6 x 0.3p =1.8p)
1 We ______________ to the cinema. (go / often)
2 My sister ______________ tired. (be / often)
3 She ______________ shopping. (go / never)
4 They ______________ to work. (drive / always)
5 We ______________ late for school. (be / sometimes)
6 They ______________ basketball after school. (play / usually)

4) Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous. (10 x 0.1p= 1p)

Dear Steve,

I 1)………………………………….(write) to you from Canada. I 2)……………………………………..(be)

on holiday with my brother. We 3)…………………….....(visit) my parents in beautiful Montreal. It
usually 4)……………………………..(snow) here this time of the year, but the weather is lovely and
the sun 5)………………………………….(shine) today. My brother and I
6)………………………………(be) very busy this week. This is a big family dinner on Tuesday and
we 7)……………………………………(try) very hard to have everything ready. My brother
8)…………………………..(sleep)now and I 9)……………………………..(listen) to music.

We 10)…………………………….(have) a really goodtime.

See you soon!


5) Read the text and choose the correct answers. ( 5 x 0.4p =2p)

Katie and Alice Brown are twins. They live in the north of England, about 50 kilometres from
Manchester. They were born on the same day and, of course, they have the same birthday –
14th April. They are 15 years old now. Although they are twin sisters, they don’t look the same.
Katie has long, dark hair but Alice has short, fair hair. They both have blue eyes. The interesting
thing about Katie and Alice is that they are interested in different things and good at different
things. Katie enjoys doing different sports. She’s really good at playing tennis and volleyball and
she’s a good swimmer. Alice hates doing sports. She enjoys listening to music and she also
plays an instrument. She’s very good at playing the guitar. Katie is very sociable and enjoys
going out for a meal with her friends or going to a disco. Alice is a bit shy. She isn’t keen on
going out and she enjoys staying at home, watching films on TV or surfing the internet. At
school, Katie likes learning languages. She’s good at speaking French and Spanish. She hates
studying maths and science though because she thinks these subjects are too difficult. She
would like to travel round the world when she finishes her studies. Alice enjoys studying but she
isn’t good at learning languages. She can speak a little Spanish but she doesn’t like learning
French. Her favourite subjects are maths and biology. Alice wants to study medicine when she
finishes school.

1. Where do Katie and Alice live?

a) near Manchester b) near London

2. How old are they?

a) 14 b) 15

3. Who has short, fair hair?

a) Alice b) Katie

4. What does Alice enjoy?

a) listening to music b) going out for a meal

5. What does Katie like doing at school?

a) studying maths b) learning languages

6) Write a short letter to a friend of yours telling him/her about a city/country you have visited
recently. You should include information about the places you visited, the weather, the activities,
the location, food and people you met. Do not use more than 100 words. Start and end your letter
in an appropriate way. Use the letter from exercise 4 as an example. ( 2p)


● Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor exerciţiilor se acordă 8 puncte. Din oficiu se

acordă 2 puncte.
● Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 minute.

1) ( 6 x 0.1p= 0.6p)

a) make ; b) watch ; c) chat ; d) go; e) play; f) learn.

2) (6 x 0.1p= 0.6p)

1)d ; 2) h ; 3) b ; 4) f ; 5) g; 6) a: 7) c ; 8) e ;

3) (6 x 0.3p =1.8p)
1. often go; 2. is often; 3. never goes; 4. always drive; 5. are sometimes; 6. usually play

4) (10 x 0.1p= 1p)

1) 'm /am writing ; 2) 'm / am ; 3) 're /are visiting ;4) snows ; 5) ‘s/ is shining ; 6) are ;

7) 're /are trying; 8) 's / is sleeping; 9) 'm / am listening; 10) 're / are having.

5) (5 x 0.4p =2p)

1. a); 2. b) ; 3. a) ; 4. a) ; 5. b)

6) (2p)

- 0.1 points for appropriately beginning and ending the letter:

- 0.1 points the beginning: Dear + the friend’s name
- 0.1 points the ending: Best wishes / Love / Lots of love /Yours + the sender’s name

- 0.4 points for correct grammar structures and connectors

-0.5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary
- 0.5 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task
- 0.2 points for a balanced structure (greeting/introduction, content, conclusion)
- 0.1 points for the general impression
Competente C1: Identificarea C2: Extragerea C3: Identificarea
corespunzătoare informaţiilor necesare informaţiilor dintr-un informaţiilor esenţiale
taxonomice din liste sau din texte text clar structurat din fragmente scurte
Teme/ funcţionale simple înregistrate,
Conţinuturi/ referitoare la aspecte
Concepte-cheie/ cotidiene previzibile
Unităţi tematice

Present Simple Ex.4

Simple and Present (1p)
Continuous Tense
Vocabulary Ex.1
Present Simple and Ex.3
adverbs of frequency (1.8p)
Opposites Ex.2

Read the text and Ex.5

answer the questions (2p)
Write a letter to a
friend and describea Ex.6 (2p)
place you’ve visited
TOTAL 4p 2p 2p


CLASA: a VII-a S(L1)

Greşeli frecvente aparute în test:

 S-au remarcat greşeli de folosire ale timpurilor Present Simple si Present Continuous
 S-au remarcat greşeli de folosire a adverbelor de frecventa (frequency adverbs)
 S-au remarcat folosirea incorecta a persoanei a III a singular, la timpul Present Simple
 S-au identificat greşeli de ortografie
 S-au remarcat greşeli de înţelegere a textului
 S-a remarcat lipsa unui vocabular bogat.

Măsuri ameliorative:
- rezolvarea unor fişe de lucru cu timpul Present Simple;
- rezolvarea unor fişe de lucru cu timpul Present Continuous;

- rezolvarea unor fise recapitulative ale verbelor “TO BE”, “ TO HAVE “;

- recapitularea si rezolvarea unor fise de lucru cu antonime;

- rezolvarea unor exerciţii de înţelegere a unor fraze scrise;

- rezolvarea unor fise de lucru diferenţiate, conform nivelului de pregătire al elevilor ;

- observarea sistematică a elevilor ;





DATA TESTULUI: 15.10.2019

Nr. Numele si prenumele elevului Nota


1. Aron Ana 4

2. Bucur Eva 6.3

3. Bologa Denisa 9.6

4. Călin Andrei 4

5. Cosoianu Antonio Absent

6. Florea Andreea 8.5

7. Ivan Livia 7.5

8. Livciuc Cezar 8.8

9 Micu Maia 4.5

10. Nistoras Elena 8.1

11 Nita Ioana 6.1

12 Petrovici Cezar 7.8

13. Radantu Andreea 6.6

14. Saia Matei 9.7

15. State Nicholas 5.55

16 Stroescu Ruxandra 6.5

17 Tuinea David 4.5

18 Veliciu Alexandra 3.3

19. Zbughin Alexandru 9.5


Şcoala Gimnazială nr.190

Clasa a VII a S

Profesor: Drîmbăreanu Mihaela

Data testului:15.10.2019



I. Competente generale vizate:

 Receptarea mesajelor scrise in diferite situatii de comunicare;

 Producerea mesajelor scrise adecvate unor anumite contexte de comunicare.

II. Competente specifice vizate:

 Recunoasterea unor informatii esentiale dintr-un text citit in gand;

 Rescrierea unor cuvinte conform unori structuri studiate

• Identificarea unor detalii din texte simple care conțin informații uzuale;
• Redactarea de mesaje simple despre sine/ despre alții


Elevul trebuie sa fie capabil :

• O1. Sa foloseasca verbele la timpurile Present Simple si Present Continuous la

formele afirmativ, negativ si interogativ;

• O2. Sa inteleaga un text citit in gand si sa foloseasca formele corecte ale verbelor
si ale adverbelor de frecventa la Present Simple

 O3. Sa inteleaga si sa recunoasca adjectivele date si folosirea corecta a sensului

acestora intr-un text citit in gand;

• O4. Sa scrie o scrisoare in care isi descriu vacant petrecuta si ceea ce au

• O5. Sa inteleaga un text citit in gand si sa raspunda la intrebarile date

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