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Influence of information technology on daily lives

It is evident that information technology has advanced tremendously in the last

decade and we witness its many advantages and disadvantages. Though people usually
emphasize its negative impact on our daily lives, I am closer to the oppinion that it makes
the world a better place to live.
Undoubtedly, it is obvious that society has been becoming more and more
dependant on technological advances, especially concerning communication and
entertainment integrated in leisure time activities. Smartphones are no longer used only for
texting and calling, they also contain all our lives and peple feel lost without them. What is
more, constant ringing, buzzing and texting became extremely annoying and time
consuming. Furthermore, spending too much time using social media can cause
degeneration of social skills.
From the other side, it is apparent that information technology enormously
contributed to the possibility of people to connect, even if they live on the opposite sides of
planet. Obviously, internet has become the most precious source of information, so it can
also be utilized educationally as a learning tool. In the present time, classroom, theacher and
students can not be imagined without modern presentation tools.
In conclusion, although we can not deny its negative affects, information technology
benefits to our daily lives to be more pleasant and comfortable, allowing us to be more
efficient. One can always choose what will prevail, in particular in what extent he wants to
use information technology possibilities minimizing its negative effects. It is not fair to
accuse technology of our weaknesses.

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