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I have an exam tomorrow and I don't know some topics, can we

go over it?
The main difference between the simple present and present
continuous is in its use, the continuous present indicates actions
that happen as we speak, while the simple present is used to
express usual actions or permanent situations.
Another difference is the formation of both verbal times: for the simple
present we use the verb in the present, whereas for present continuous
we use the auxiliary verb to be more the gerundio of the corresponding

Simple Present
Susan lives in London.

Present Continuos
I am going to the cinema.

The present continuous indicates actions that pass as you speak,

the simple present indicates usual or permanent actions.
Peter goes to the supermarket on Saturdays.
(Peter va al supermercado los sábados).
Peter is driving to his office now.
(Peter está conduciendo hacia su oficina ahora)

Jorge, do you know how to use when and while?

Yes, we use while with that action that is in progress and use when
with those actions that interrupt the action that was in progress
While I was watching TV someone knocked the door.

(Mientras yo estaba viendo la televisión alguién tocó la puerta)

I was walking home when I saw Steve.

(Iba caminando a casa cuando vi a Steve)

Tag Questions
Use the same auxiliary or verb and in a contrary way, and if these
are negative the tag question goes positive and vice versa.
Jorge, can you help me with some examples?

Yes, of course.
You will not go? Will you?
She is beuatiful, isn´t she?
He is not going to the party, is he?
We are eating at 7, aren´t we?

Thank you very much for the help jorge, I think I understood the
topics, I'll see you later

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