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Your cousin recently has moved to a new place and will be starting in a new school.

She wants to know

how to make friends in her new school. Write a letter to advise her on how to approach people to
make friends. Use the notes given to write your letter.

 Do not worry too much  Do something nice

- Relax and take a deep breath - It doesn’t have to be a big thing
 Be sincere  After school activities
- Don’t fake a different personality - Save the chance and avenue to meet
new people
 Smile  Other suggestions
- Make you seem more
 Start a conversation
- With simple questions

When writing the letter, you should remember to:

 Lay out the letter correctly (address, greeting, closing)

 Give your own ideas when needed
 Remember that your letter is to your friend


Content point Elaboration Example
Do not worry too much

Be sincere


Start a conversation

Do something nice

After school activities



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