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Name: ________________________ Div: ________

Conductors & Insulators Lab

Purpose: To build an understanding of current electricity in circuits and to test different materials
to see if they are conductors or insulators. Define both terms below in your own words.

Conductors - ___________________________________________________________________

Insulators - ____________________________________________________________________

Materials & Procedure: Follow the PowerPoint tutorial carefully and read through each slide.

Test the following objects and complete the table below. Use the blank boxes to
test objects of your choice.
Material Observations/Results
(Conductor or Insulator)
e.g. Steel Nail I think it will be a conductor The light turned on, so it is a
because it is made of metal. conductor

Wooden Pencil


Desk Leg



Conclusion: From the data you have collected, what can you say about the types of materials
that are generally conductors? What else can you summarize about this lab?

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