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* Women's empowerment is all

about equipping and

allowing women to make life-
determining decisions through
the different problems in society.

* Women's sense of self-worth.

* Their right to have and to determine choices.
* Their right to have access to opportunities and resources.
* Their right to have the power to control their own lives,
both within and outside the home.
* And their ability to influence the direction of Social change
to create a more just social and economic order, nationally
and internationally.
* About 66% of the female population in rural
area is unutilized. This is mainly due to
existing social customs.
* In agriculture & animal care the women
contribute 90% of the total work force.
Women constitute almost half of the
population, perform nearly 2/3rd of its work
hours, receive 1/10th of the world’s income &
own less than 1/100th of the world property.
* Among the world’s 900 million illiterate
people, women out number men two to one.
70% of people living in poverty are women.
* Gender discrimination.
* Woman education.
* Female infanticide.
* Marriage in same caste Early age(still existing).
* Rape, kicked out, killed, subdued & humiliated almost daily.
*The Constitution of Islamic republic of Pakistan (1973) ensures
fundamental rights to all citizens with out any discrimination of
caste, creed, sex & religion.
The Pakistan National Policy for Development
and Empowerment 2002 provides strength to
ensure women equal access to all development benefits
and social services. ... Out of 342 seats in
the National Assembly, 60 are reserved
for women nominated from provinces (Punjab 35, Sindh 14,
KPK 8, and Balochistan 3).
Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM)
Economic activity
Decision making capability
Pakistan is 82 ranked out of 93 countries
Gender Development Index (GDI)
Pakistan is ranked 125th out of 157 countries
* “And for women are rights over men similar to those of men over
women” (Noble Quran 2:228)
* "O mankind! Verily we have created you from a single (pair) of a
male and female, and made you into nations and tribes that you
may know each other." (Al-Hujraat 49:13)

* Equal rights and respect

* Equal responsibilities
* Area of action for women
* Lack of education and employment.
* Dispossessed of their inheritance.
* Lost individual identity.
* Heavy house load.
* No involvement in making decision.
* Un-necessary restrictions.
* Wrong use of social media.
* Sexual harassment.
* Also relations nowadays.

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