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Job Description

Job Title : Assistant Chief Engineer

Department : Engineering

Responsible To : Chief Engineer

Responsible For : Supervisor, Engineering Staff, Out sourcing, Gardener

Job Objective : In absence of Chief Engineer the Assistant Chief

Engineer fully responsible for the engineering department
operational, administration, maintenance, fire others safety and security of the
hotel facilities, Building, mechanical and electrical plants, appurtenances and
Dengan tidak adanya Chief Engineer, Asisten Chief Engineer bertanggung jawab penuh atas
operasional departemen teknik, administrasi, pemeliharaan, pemadam kebakaran,
keselamatan dan keamanan fasilitas hotel lainnya, Bangunan, pekerja mekanik dan listrik,
perlengkapan dan instalasi.

Our people
Invest in individuality
1. Follow the CE to leading the team, supporting
them to follow the Aman ambition, purpose and
Mengikuti CE untuk memimpin tim, mendukung
mereka untuk mengikuti ambisi Aman, tujuan dan
2. Ensure the team member to be competent within
technical competencies
Pastikan anggota tim menjadi kompeten dalam
kompetensi teknis
3. Analyze team education need, deliver training
Analisis kebutuhan pendidikan tim, berikan pelatihan
4. Do yearly appraisal for each team member and
meet each of them personally during the
performance appraisal
Lakukan penilaian tahunan untuk setiap anggota tim
dan temui masing-masing secara pribadi selama
penilaian kinerja
5. Support main, body, soul activities
Mendukung kegiatan utama, tubuh, jiwa
6. Schedule team member to ensure smooth
running of operation
Jadwalkan anggota tim untuk memastikan kelancaran
7. Support occupational health, security & safety
Mendukung kesehatan, keamanan & keselamatan
Guest experience/Operation
Nurture pathfinder spirit
1. Provide the guest facilities as standard of Aman
Menyediakan fasilitas tamu sesuai standar Aman
2. Check and ensure all of the guest facilities be
ready and good condition
Periksa dan pastikan semua fasilitas tamu siap dan
kondisinya baik
3. Preventive maintenance all of the guest facilities
for keep it long life time
Perawatan preventif semua fasilitas tamu agar tetap
awet seumur hidup
4. Preventive maintenance all the asset company
for supporting hotel operation running well
Pemeliharaan preventif semua perusahaan aset untuk
mendukung operasi hotel berjalan dengan baik
5. Support CE Maintenance program
Mendukung program Pemeliharaan CE

Celebrate communities
1. Recording all of the job activity in the log book
Mencatat semua aktivitas pekerjaan di buku
2. Make schedule preventive maintenance
Membuat jadwal pemeliharaan preventif
3. Ensure in and out material recorded in the bin
Pastikan bahan yang masuk dan keluar dicatat dalam
kartu bin
4. Recorded room check list before the guest arrival
Mencatat dalam room cek lis sebelum kedatangan
5. Documented all of the certificate in the folder
Mendokumentasikan semua sertifikat dalam folder
6. To driving the daily job plan, three months job
Untuk mengarahkan rencana kerja harian, rencana
kerja tiga bulan

Act like owners
1. Support CE for saving the material
Mendukung CE untuk menghemat material
2. Support saving energy program, saving water
Mendukung program hemat energi hemat air
3. Commitment program preventive maintenance
for reduced cost repair
Komitment terhadap program perawatan untuk
memperkecil biaya perbaikan
Other Duties
1. Supervise out sourced member team
Pengawasan terhadap anggota tim outsourcing
2. Supervised out sourced landscaper team
Pengawasan terhadap tim outsourcing lanskap
3. Supervised Pest Control team
Pengawasan terhadap tim pest control
4. Controlling:
o Monitoring the job
Pemantauan pekerjaan
o Monitoring Quality of work
Pemantauan kualitas kerja
o Monitoring all of the system should be running
Pemantauan semua system harus berjalan dengan
o Monitoring schedule preventive maintenance
Pemantauan jadwal perawatan preventive
o Monitoring disciplinary staff schedule
Pemantauan kedisiplinan jadwal staf

Signed by, Acknowledged by,

Hendri Purboyo Mursih

_______________________________ _______________________________
Employee Department Head
Date: 25 November 2019 Date: 25 November

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