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What is your biggest concern for the future?

Real wealth is never measured in money, what do you think about it?

Conservation is survival, do you agree with this statement?

What’s real love for you?

Should Chinese government change the teaching system in China?

How do you see the killing of animals that keep happening all over the world by people to
produce the food or other leather materials?

What makes people “COOL” do you think?

Do you believe in fate/ destiny?

Is it possible for us people to fix everything that we’ve done to the world?

What do you want to be in the future?

What is the most useless invention do you think?

If you got a chance to choose between born as a boy or a girl, which one do you prefer?

How do you see the popular phenomenon of doing the plastic surgeries in Korea?

Is it necessary to make plans before doing something?

Why do you think the Chinese parents sign their children up to a lot of courses, is it just their
own obsessions that had not come true, or they really think about their kids’ future?

If you could turn back the time and change something that you’ve done, what would it be?

If you look back, what is the most embarrassing moment that you have been through?

Do you trust in destiny?

After you graduate from the college one day, which one do you think is better: looking for a job
in a short period, let’s say for 1-2 years and then continuing to study the masters or continuing
to the masters first then looking for a job to live for the rest of the life?
Which one is more important do you think: skills or educations?

What do you think “being educated” actually means?

Nowadays, people are seemed like to be the boss of the earth, have you ever imagined how the
earth would be if it turns out like any other animals being the boss?

Some people said, there is no such a thing like a real friendship, they say if friends do not
expect anything back from each other, then they will not be best friends, do you agree with that?

If you notice, people send a lot of messages and talk a lot on the social apps, but when it turns
out to see each other face to face, they barely talk to each other. How do you see this

Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, do you agree with it?

How important a communication is?

If you have a million dollars, what would you do with it?

Whom you admire most?

What goes around comes around, how do you explain it?

If you were a president, what would you do?

So what came first, chicken or the egg?

If you could have one wish in your life, what would it be?

What is your idea about a perfect job?

If one day you are playing around the beach with your mom, dad and your best friend, and there
is an accident happened, which is drawn all of you into the sea, if you are the only one who
could swim and you could only safe one of them, who would you choose, yourself, your mom,
your dad or your best friend?

Do you think funny people are smart or dumb?

Is it really great being young?

A lot of people save their money for the future and thinking of using them later when they get
old, why is it so? Because I think, when people get old they would not be able to enjoy a lot of
things because we have less power when we get older. How do you see it?
Poor health begins in the mind, really?

Why do people care too much about what other people think about them?

Would you like to be unique, let’s say like Lady Gaga?

Nowadays, in some countries a lot of students are forced to study hard in order to get a better
job in the future, but what is the point of acing every subjects without any skills?

If I were a boy/ girl....

How would you think about the phenomenon that a lot of people respect their phones more than
the people around them?

Uniforms smother individuality, do you agree?

Cities are for people, not cars.

What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?

If you had a choice to live alone or die, which one would you choose?

Should smoking be allowed in public spaces?

Mention three things that you hate about the world!

You are a piece of paper. Describe how we should use you before you got recycled.

How do you see a white lie?

Share some unusual thing about yourself!

If you have your own house, how would you want it to be?

If your life were a movie, what title would you give?

What is your biggest fear?

Is it important to have a sense of humor?

If you were a parent, what kind of parent would you be?

When I imagine my life 10 years from now, i will see...

Do you think human are powerful?

All the glitters is not gold, explain it!

Actions speak louder than words, how do you see it?

People change from time to time, people used to be like monkey in the past, imagine how the
people would look like in 1000 years?

When kids ask to the older ones about some problems, sometimes the older ones would say,
“Stay away, you are just kids, you know nothing about it.” Do you think what the older ones say
are always right, do they really know everything?

What should older people know about the thoughts of the children/ teens in your age?

If you had a chance to invent something useful, what would it be?

If you could choose the way you die, how would you want it to be?

If you knew you only had 24 hours left to live, what will you do?

Mention three things that you hate from yourself!

What does a family really mean for you?

What is your idea about having a perfect day?

If you are alone in a lonely island, what would you do there?

If you see someone is stealing things in a supermarket, what will you do?

Is it a good idea to be a vegetarian?

Do you want to live in a kingdom? Why?

If you could choose a country to live, what country would it be?

Do you want to stay in the Philippines for the rest of your life?

If you had no food to eat and you had no money to buy anything to eat, what would you do?

What is your favorite family tradition?

Which one do you prefer, pen or pencil? Explain!

What is the biggest thing you’ve done that you’re really proud of?

Prefer to live on mountains or near the beach?

How technology affect our lives?

What kind of thing that has impressed you?

Can you imagine if there’s only good people in this world?

Can you imagine if there’s only bad people in this world?

What is a healthy life style do you think?

Why the things that makes us good usually tend to be boring?

Can we reach our goals without work hard?

What is being “fair” for you?

Describe the happiest moment in your life!

Isn’t it great if we can live without rules?

When you go for a shopping, which one is more important for you, price or quality?

If you were an animal, what kind of animal do you want to be?

What is the dumbest thing you’ve done in your life?

What could we do to save the earth?

How do we save the using of papers?

If I give you a ton of bottles, how would you recycle it?

How do you manage your time?

If you could live on other worlds, what kind of world does it going to be?

People say the biggest challenge in life is discovering who you are, do you think so?
The world is full of nice people, in your own opinion, are you one of them?

If you are in a room full of people, do you mostly feel happy or lonely?

You are what you do, not what you say you will do, is it true?

How can habits or routines lead to boredom?

If you could take a year off from school, what would you do?

In your life, who inspires you most?

What do your dreams really mean to you?

If the world had to be painted in one color, which one would you choose and why?

Explain the meaning of life for you!

Explain the meaning of love for you!

Do you think people are all selfish?

Why do women gossip?

Convince us that the “junk food” is healthy!

Give the recipe for a perfect friendship, include all your friends as the ingredients.

If your mom is sick, and you don’t have money or anything but an English book, what would you
do to help your mom in order to get money to pay for the hospital as a kid?

How could a society affect your character?

Zoos are bad/ good for preservation of animals?

What are the benefits of homework?

Why do a lot of rich people do not get a high education, so do you think it’s important?

Why is it important to learn a second language?

In Korea, people mostly do plastic surgeries, do you think there should be an age limit to do the
plastic surgeries?
Could final testing in senior high schools really reflect your effort for the past few years?

Do you wish to be an adopted child?

Should hunting be made illegal?

Is it right to ban fur clothing?

What is the most effective punishment to handle naughty kids do you think?

How do you see the phenomenon of teen pregnancy?

Should exams be replaced by other forms of testing performance?

How do you see about internet dating?

Do you think famous brands always have good qualities?

Is it necessary to have a career development class in the school?

UFOs are a hoax or real?

How to reduce the homelessness?

Should a couple live together before the marriage?

Are teenage mothers capable?

When you die, do you want to donate your organs to the other people?

Should the death penalty be reenacted?

Do you think being a leader is easy?

Tell us what can we do to increase our patient?

What do you think your life purpose is?

How the world peace can be achieved?

Do you think it’s possible to make the world become peaceful without any wars in 10 years?

Do you believe in fortune-telling?

Do you believe that some of people has the gift to see other people’s past life?

Do you believe in ghost? If you don’t, then why do people from the southern east of Asia say
they see ghost?

How old do you think is suitable to get married?

Should we or should not we drink soda?

How do you start a conversation with a stranger?

If you have a kid, would you ask a baby sitter to take care of your kid?

Do you want to have brothers or sisters, why?

People say that one’s character depends on where they live, do you agree with that?

In what situation is lying a good idea?

What human quality do we need more of and why?

Money is not everything, but without money you can do nothing, what’s your opinion about it?

What would you rather be-----wise or intelligent?

Kind people do not think about their own advantages, so they more likely are stupid, do you
agree with this statement?

What do you miss from your childhood?

If people say that everything will come in the right time, then why should we study/work hard to
get something which does not always end up well?

Education should start at home, explain it!

Do you think is it important to have a religion?

What is your belief?

Every changes should start from the man in the mirror, do you agree with it?

What is the worst distance between two people?

Can people still live without electricity in a month?

What is the meaning of live in the moment for you?

In your opinion, if you don’t forgive someone, who do you hurt most?

Internet are harmful for children, explain!

How old do you think is best to have a boyfriend or girlfriend?

Will life in the next century be better?

Do you think doomsday is real?

Many years ago people used to look like monkeys, in your fertile imagination, what people will
look like in 10 years?

Should junk food be banned?

What is the true meaning of a perfect family for you?

What will you do if someone give you something expensive but you don’t really like it?

If your friend cooked a meal for you, but it tastes terrible, what will you say to your friend?

If your friend tells something bad about you behind your back, what will you do?

If I give you one box of leaves, what would you make with it?

Should notebook computers replace the traditional textbooks for students?

Should downloading music and movies be illegal

Should it be legal for students to bring their cell phones to class?

Which is more important, English or Filipino language?

Do you think beggars on the streets couldn’t do anything to help themselves or they are just
being lazy so they beg money from people?

If someone wears branded clothes does it mean he/she is rich?

Should we cherish what we have?

Should mother stay at home to raise their own children?

Tell us about the greatest thing that people trust you to do!

What should people change in their minds in order to save the earth environment?

In some religions, we believe that we (human) could not control the nature, do you think so?

Which is more important do you think, being smart or beautiful?

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