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Saturday 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Mylyn D. Duran, MBA - FM Dr. Zyril Ramos

What are the subsectors of the four pillar of industrial relation that has an impact in a
given economy?

4 Pillars and subsectors of Industrial Relation

1. Open Communication.
Communication is important to any relationship, including a business
relationship. Employees will typically spend a very large chunk of their days at
work and so it is important that they feel perfectly comfortable with their manager
and satisfied with the kind of work that they do.
 Trust is key. What is needed to nurture an environment of open
communication? All high-performing teams, whether in the sports arena or
in the business world, are built on a solid foundation of trust. Trust grows
over time and is based on individual members of a team making and
keeping commitments, as well as being vulnerable with one another.
These honored commitments are noticed by other team members, making
them feel less vulnerable, which in turn opens the door to stronger
relationships. Relationships are then built upon through continued open,
honest communication.
 Engagement enhances performance. Nurturing any staff members to a
higher level of performance involves leading them to this place of strong
relationships and trust. Another key element in creating this type of
environment, and a natural result of trust, is employee engagement. High
engagement means that employees care deeply about their work, feel like
they’re part of the team, are bought into the greater vision, and bring their
unique strengths to their work. None of this is possible unless those
employees feel like the company they work for cares about them, values
their work, has their best interests in mind, and accepts them as part of an
integral team. If an employee believes these things to be true, they will
bring their best work to the company every day. Again, communication is
key to reaching this level of engagement. A culture of open
communication where employees are encouraged to share their ideas and
concerns, both positive and negative, gives employees the sense that they
are valued. This feeling of value in turn leads to a greater sense, for the
employee, of ownership in the company’s success. It can mean the vital
difference between an employee who shows up and offers a minimum of
effort to receive his paycheck and an employee who comes to the office
ready to give his all for the success of the team and the business as a
whole. In short, a sense of progress, felt both personally and overall, leads
to happy employees. And happy employees tend to be the most
productive employees.
 Communicate a common goal. While an open, trusting, and highly
engaged employee will perform at a high level and boost productivity, not
just for himself but for all around him, these hard-working employees do
no good if there is no common goal to unite them. When employees
operate at cross purposes, communication is critical in setting things
straight. Management must be clear in openly stating the objectives of the
company, both overall and at the departmental level. Establishing and
communicating clear objectives is the way company management creates
alignment among disparate disciplines within an organization. The more
open a leadership team is in sharing their vision for the company—which
should include their goals, strategies, and values—the more likely each
employee will understand their role in the greater mission and engage to
make success happen as part of the team.
 Snowball effect of bad communication. In the absence of open
communication, a snowball effect of negative actions can envelop the
energy of an organization. If communication is tentative and secretive,
trust—what there is of it—tends to erode. When trust erodes, employees
tend to disengage and hold back their thoughts for fear of retribution. They
may also begin to feel that management no longer has their best interests
in mind, and they may be wary of offering anything over and above the
minimal contribution. At the same time, management begins to note the
less-than-stellar efforts on the part of employees. Managers then begin to
no longer believe that employees have the best interests of the business
in mind, and doubt they are performing to the best of their abilities. Worst
of all, poor communication and the resulting erosion of trust leads to a
reluctance to share ideas. Good ideas that stem from the individuals who
know an organization most intimately—the employees—are the lifeblood
of any business. To lose the steady flow of insights and innovations
unique to your business is a sure path to static, or worse, arrested growth.

2. Show recognition
Sometimes something as simple as saying some kind words to your employees
can go a long way. In fact, most employees feel starved of recognition at their
places of work. When you show them gratitude and appreciation it will mean a lot
to them. It also a kind of reinforcement strategy, where you reinforce the good
work that they do by recognizing them for it. That inspires them to want to do
more of it.

3. Constant Feedback
Offering frequent feedback to your employees on their great work and
constructive criticism on where they can improve is essential in nurturing a
positive relationship with your team. Employees want feedback, they want to
learn and grow and improve. Providing them with the tips and guidance they
need to get there by holding frequent feedback sessions like monthly one-on-
ones, will be highly appreciated.

4. Invest in your employees

Show your employees that you care. You shouldn’t care about them as your
employees, but also as people. They need to know that you take their fulfillment
seriously, both personally and professionally. When you want your employees to
succeed, they will respect you more and will be more engaged in their work and
in the company generally.
When an employee is happy and feels fulfilled in his personal life, his productivity
at work is likely to improve. So, if you want to see your employees do better,
make a grand gesture of investing in their personal lives and you will see
massive improvements.
 Up employee satisfaction
 Increase employee retention.
 Create employee loyalty
 Boost company's reputation.
 Build skill sets.
 Increase engagement in the workplace.
 Boost the bottom line.
 Ensure future growth and long term success.

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