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Proposed as one of the requirements to complete the assessment of Public Policy Analysis

Inten Suseno (27.0164)


EBC Government Management Study Program
September 201 9

Public service is an activity or series of activities in the framework of fulfilling

service needs in accordance with statutory regulations for every citizen and resident of
goods, services, or administrative services provided by the government. Various
administrative services, such as ID card services, birth certificates, land certification,
and licensing, are services that are held to guarantee the basic rights and needs of
citizens. KTP services and birth certificates are vital in the lives of citizens because they
guarantee the existence, identity of citizens and other civil rights. Such services are
certainly very important and become part of public services that must be carried out by
the state

The theory used in this Journal is the theory of Ripley and Franklin, Carl Frederic,
Van Meter and Van Horn that can be used as a benchmark in this journal is a theory
from Kotler which states that service is every profitable activity in a collection and offers
satisfaction even though the results not physically attached to a product. " Furthermore
Sampara cited by Sinambela (2006:5): "Service is a sequence of activities that occur in
direct interaction between someone with another person or machine, and provides
customer satisfaction."
Public services can be interpreted as any activity carried out by the government
to a number of people who have every beneficial activity in a collection or a unit, and
offer satisfaction even though the results are not physically bound to a product. Public
services can also be interpreted as providing services to the needs of people or the
community both in the form of services and in the form of goods have an interest in the
organization in the manner specified. Thus public service is the fulfillment of the
activities and needs of the community by the state administrator. The need in this case
is not an individual need but a variety of needs that are actually expected by the
community, namely the service needs that are the rights of the community as citizens.
Dwiyanto (2010, p.2) states that public services actually have a very wide range,
which includes services to meet the needs of public goods, basic rights, government
obligations, and national commitments.
Public services are generally divided into two categories according to the level of
importance of citizens' needs, namely primary public services and secondary public
services. Primary public services refer to all types of services from an institution both
government and private to meet the absolute needs of a citizen. KTP is absolute for
every citizen who has fulfilled the requirements, especially in terms of age (18 years and
Secondary public services refer to services that are not absolutely necessary for
citizens, such as cosmetology, entertainment, and the like. For all primary services, the
state and its apparatus are obliged to provide quality services that are easily available.
the scope of population administration includes three components, namely: Activities of
structuring and controlling in the issuance of population documents and data through
population registration, civil registration, and management of population administration

The Organizers Section, namely the Regional Government, has the obligation
and responsibility to carry out population administration matters which include:
a. Coordination of population administration
b. Technical arrangements for the implementation of population administration in
accordance with applicable regulations
c. Guidance and socialization of population management
d. Management and presentation of population data
e. Coordination of supervision of population administration processes.

The Implementing Agency Section has obligations, namely:

a. Register population events and record important events
b. Providing equal and professional services to every citizen for reporting
population events
c. Publish population documents
d. Documenting the results of population registrations and civil registration
e. Ensuring harmony and data security for population events
f. Perform data verification and validation of data and information submitted by
residents in the service of registering residents and civil registers .

The Implementing Agency Section carries out population administration affairs

with authority including:
a. Obtain correct information and data about population events and important
events reported by residents
b. Obtain data on important events experienced by residents on the basis of a
court decision or decision
c. Providing information on reports on population events and important events for
the purpose of investigation, investigation and verification of justice institutions
d. Managing data and utilizing information on the results of population
registration and civil registration for development purposes.

In this Journal after careful examination, there are inhibiting and driving factors in
government services such as:
a. Alertness in Human Resources (PNS)
b. Good Supporting Equipment
While the inhibiting factors are:
c. Location is not centralized from the city
d. Limited number of service counters
e. Lack of Socialization to the Community

On This paper discusses the policy of centralization management of identity

cards is a step forward Municipal Government , especially in the field of public services
to spruce up the administrative system of residence in the one-stop-shop to facilitate the
City Government in mapping the community so that in making other policies have data
that is concrete and valid and utilization of the results for public services and
development of other sectors. There are still many shortcomings such as the number of
counters that are leveled even though the population in each district is not the same so
that if the old system was made the same as the current one, the area with a large
population such as the Sub-district will have longer service time. Public Administration is
a system of cooperation between individuals who are in public organizations so that the
relationship between Public Administration and Public Policy is very close because
Public Policy is the foundation for individuals in public organizations to achieve the
State's objectives, and in this perspective community satisfaction is something which is
so absolute that it is hoped that in the future things that are hampering a policy can be
Journal Title: Analysis of the Application of Good Governance Principles in the
Context of Public Services in the One Stop Licensing Services Board in
Samarinda City.


The concept of "government" refers to a management organization based on the

highest authority (state and government). The concept of "government" involves not
only the government and the state but also the role of various sectors outside the
government and the state, so that the parties involved are also very broad (Ganie-
Rochman, 2000: 141).

The paradigm of "good governance", in the administration of government, development

and public services is not solely based on the government (government) or the state
(state) , but must involve an element, both inside (internal) bureaucracy and outside the
public bureaucracy (society ).

If related to governance, good governance is an idea and value that regulates the
pattern of relations between the government, the private business world, and the
community so that a clean, democratic, and effective government is organized in
accordance with the basis or foundation of the 1945 Constitution to form a society that
prosperous, prosperous and independent.

Basic Theory Framework

Good governance

Good governance comes from the main language of Europe, namely governance and is
adopted by English to be Govern which means steer (driving or controlling). In the
discipline or profession of public management this concept is seen from an aspect of
the new paradigm of public administration that emphasizes the role of public managers
to provide quality services to the community, encourages increasing managerial
autonomy, especially reducing control interference by the central government,
transparency, public accountability, and create management that is free of corruption.
Good Governance Principles

The main key to understanding Good governance is understanding of the principles in it.
UNDP (United Nations Development Program) proposed 10 principles of Good
governance namely "characteristics or principles that must be adhered to and
developed in the practice of good governance including participation ( Participation ),
rule of law , transparency ( transparency) ), responsiveness ( responsiveness ),
consensus oriented ( consensus orientation ), fairness (equity ), effectiveness and
efficiency ( effectiveness and efficiency ), accountability ( accountability ), strategic
vision ( strategic vision ) and mutual openness ( interrelated ) ".

The Concept of Good Governance

The state, as an element of governance, includes political institutions and public sector
institutions. The private sector includes private companies engaged in various other
informal sectors in the market. There is an assumption that the private sector is part of
the community. However, the private sector can be distinguished from the public
because the private sector has an influence on social, political and economic obligations
which can create a more conducive environment for the market and the company itself.
While society (society) consists of individuals and groups (both organized and not) that
interact socially, politically and economically with formal and informal rules. Society
includes non-governmental organizations, professional organizations and others.
(Sedarmayanti 2003: 6).

Application of Good Governance Principles

The application of the principle of Good Governance is the process of administrative

activities in a government agency by managing and utilizing existing resources by
involving government officials as executors of government through its formulation,
namely through the principles of effective and efficiency, participation, rule of law,
capture power and accountability.
Implementation of good governance can be realized if the government apparatus and
public institutions as a whole can be open to new ideas and responsive to the interests
of society.

Public service

Public service according to Sinambela (2005: 5) in Pasolog (2010: 128) is every activity
carried out by the government to a number of people who have every activity that is
beneficial in a collection or unity and offers satisfaction even though the results are not
bound to a physical product. Services offer satisfaction that is not related to having
activities in a collection.

Quality of Public Services

According to Goest and Darviz (in Tjiptono, 2004: 51) "Quality is a dynamic condition
associated with products, services, people and the environment that meets or exceeds
expectations". This means that quality always changes according to changing views of
community satisfaction. The dynamic condition of the community results in a society
that tends to be critical and even able to provide an assessment of the quality of the
service it receives. Services are intended to meet the expectations / needs of service

One Door Integrated Services Implementation

One Door Integrated Service Operation is the activity of licensing and non-licensing
activities whose management process starts from the application stage to the
publication stage of documents carried out in one place (Permendagri No. 24 of 2006
Guidelines for Implementing One Door Integrated Services).
Research methods

This article uses data from field research conducted by the author in the office of the
One Stop Licensing Services Agency in Samarinda City with the data source
determined using Accidental sampling or convenience sampling techniques and the use
of procedures for collecting data in the form of Library Research and Field Research (
Field Work Research ) consisting of Observation, Interview and Document Research.
The data collected was analyzed using qualitative research methods to describe /
explain and analyze a situation based on the facts in obtaining a complete picture of the
application of good governance principles in the framework of public service in the One
Stop Licensing Services Board in Samarinda City.

Analysis of the Implementation of Good Governance Principles in the One Stop

Integrated Licensing Services Board in Samarinda City Participation

Active community participation in decision-making relating to government administration

is needed so that government administrators can get to know their citizens and their
ways of thinking and habits, problems they face, ways or solutions they suggest, what
they can contribute to solving the problems they face and so on. The higher level of
community participation means that the policies produced are purely the wants and
needs of the community so that there will be a harmonious relationship between the

Law enforcement

The existence of legal guarantees for the community, namely efforts to provide a sense
of security and to be free from the presence of danger, risk and doubt. Assurance of
trust that we need to provide in the form of physical security, financial and confidence in
yourself. Rule of law can be judged on the basis of: firstly, the existence of complete law
enforcement in various aspects of regional government, secondly, the existence of clear
and firm laws and regulations that bind all regional government officials without
exception, and finally the existence of credible and judicial and legal institutions that are
KKN free. It can be argued that the application of the principle of rule of law in the One
Stop Licensing Services Board in Samarinda City has reached an average level or is
quite good.


To measure the level of transparency of public services can be seen from three
aspects. The first is to measure the level of openness in the process of providing public
services. Second, it refers to how easily service rules and procedures can be
understood by service users. Then the third is the ease of obtaining information about
various aspects of public service delivery.

The principle of transparency applied in Samarinda's One Stop Integrated Licensing

Services Agency has been well implemented. However, the lack of an explanation of
the follow-up of incomplete documents to the community caused misunderstanding to
the community.


With accountability, the public service process at the One Stop Integrated Licensing
Services Board in Samarinda City must proceed according to the existing rules. Good
accountability will lead to quality service. In this way accountability becomes a
prerequisite for the realization of good governance .

Accountability is especially closely related to accountability for the effectiveness of

activities in achieving the stated goals or targets of policies or programs. With the
existence of responsibility to the government for the performance of employees of the
One-Stop Integrated Licensing Services Agency in Samarinda City, it can become a
function of government control so that it is expected that trust will arise from the
Effectiveness and Efficiency

Effectiveness and efficiency can be interpreted as the best comparison between input
and outout. The effectiveness and efficiency of services can be measured by the time,
cost and energy used to complete a form of public service. Samarinda City One Door
Integrated Licensing Service Agency as a technical agency of the Samarinda City
Government in the implementation of services to the community the procedures and
procedures for services have been regulated and determined so that the
implementation of services can be measured, so that the service procedures are made
as simple as possible. The speed of time and the simplicity of the procedure makes it
possible for the community to save time, money and effort in the document processing
process. That way, the quality of service expected by the community is not impossible
to be realized.


Responsiveness is the ability of the government to recognize community needs, set

priority agendas, and develop them into programs that are in accordance with the
aspirations and needs of the community. Responsiveness refers to the compatibility
between existing programs and activities with the aspirations or needs of the
community. Responsiveness can also be measured by the extent of responsiveness of
service personnel in responding to community needs or complaints. The
responsiveness of the officers of the One Door Integrated Licensing Services Agency in
Samarinda City to the community is quite good but needs to be increased again.
Officers as control and facilitator in providing licensing services are expected to be more
sensitive in listening to and responding to requests and complaints from the community.

Supporting Factors of the Implementation of Good Governance Principles in the

One Stop Integrated Licensing Services Board in Samarinda City

1. Human Resources (HR).

2. Facilities and infrastructure

3. Participation

4. Law enforcement

5. Transparency

6. Accountability

7. Effectiveness & Efficiency

Inhibiting Factors of the Implementation of Good Governance Principles in the

One Stop Licensing Services Board in Samarinda City

1. There are still many people who are not aware of the importance of permit

2. Printing is unavoidable

3. There are still many people who are less actively involved in decision
making due to their busy schedule.

4. Lack of explanation regarding follow-up to incomplete files to the public


Based on the discussion that the author has done at the One-Stop Integrated Licensing
Services Board in Samarinda, the writer draws a conclusion that is reformulated with a
more complete sentence in accordance with the results of the discussion, which are as

1. The public is involved in assessing and evaluating the quality of public

services. By providing public communication channels such as criticism
and suggestion boxes, official websites, and providing community
communication channels so that they can express their opinions

2. The rule of law has been fully enforced in various aspects and is
supported by legal regulations and legislation that bind government
officials without exception. With the provision of appropriate sanctions
against the public and individuals who violate the licensing rules.
3. The application of the principle of transparency has been going well.
Information disclosure regarding time, cost, terms and procedure of
services can be easily accessed by the public.

4. The application of the principle of accountability, regarding accountability

for time and costs in public services has been going well. Standard
Operating Procedures that have been implemented as it should. The form
of accountability to ensure the speed of service to the community to take
care of licensing until completion has been well realized.

5. The application of the principle of effectiveness and efficiency can be seen

from the speed of time and the simplicity of procedures in the handling of
documents. The community can save time, money and energy in the
process of managing documents.

6. The application of the principle of responsiveness, can be seen from the

commitment of the apparatus to continue serving with heart regardless of
the conditions, it can be seen from the rapid response of the service in
terms of providing and answering public questions in terms of obtaining
permits as evidence of the implementation of good governance in the
principle of responsiveness or responsiveness.


1. There needs to be further clarification regarding the requirements for

completeness of the documents to the public.

2. It is further enhanced in the effort to mobilize and approach the

community to participate in making permits and provide advice and input
for better services at the One Stop Integrated Licensing Services Board
in Samarinda City.

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