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Test Phase: Real-Time Android Messaging App

Your project is all about developing an application which is capable of mobile communication
on real time basis. But for test phase, you are required to create an Android application that
allows users to maintain an Address Book for storing users’ data.

Detailed Description:

You are required to design interfaces as given below:

1. Add a new Person

2. Search a Person

1. Add a new Person:

This interface will contain following text boxes

 Name
 Cell Number
 Address

And a button

 Save button

When user enters information and clicks Save button then verify that no field is empty.
Furthermore, verify that entered cell number is unique and not available in database. If entered
cell number is already exists in database then show message that “User already exists”. After all
this verification, insert this information in database and display a message “User Added

2. Search a Person:

Search interface will contain:

 A text box named as Cell Number.

 A Search button

When user enters information (i.e. cell number) and clicks search button then search it in the
database. If this cell number exists in database then display all information against it on the
screen. Otherwise, show message that no such record exists in database.

Java Class and Database Table:

Test Phase: Real-Time Android Messaging App

For this purpose, you need to create a Java class named Person; data members and member
functions are as follows;

• id: int,
• name: String
• cellNumber: long
• address: String
• Constructors: default, parameterized and copy constructor
• Standard Setters: setName(…),setId(),
setCellNumber(…), setAddress (…)
• Standard Getters: getId(), getName(),getCellNumber(),
getAddress ()

And a database table name PersonTable; attirbutes/columns are as follows;

id, name, cellNumber and address.

(id must be used as primary key)

Tools & Technologies:

IDE: Android Studio

Database: SQLite

What and How to Submit:

 It must be completed in Android Studio project directory (which should contain complete
Source Code, Java files, XML files, Gradle files and Drawables etc.). After finalizing, compress
it with Zip or RAR format and submit at VU-LMS within due date.
 In case of two members in a project group only one member shall submit the compressed

Note: You should attempt this problem by covering the following concepts;

 Data Types and Variables

 Conditional Logic [If-else and switch statements]
 Access Modifiers
Test Phase: Real-Time Android Messaging App

 Loops/Iterations Arrays
 Functions: Body, Calling a function, Signature [Function Name, Parameters or Attributes]
 Syntax and Logical errors
 Exception Handling
 Class and Object
 OOP concepts [Inheritance, Association, Aggregation, Composition, Polymorphism]
 Collections, Multi-Dimensional Arrays
 Forms/GUIs
 Database Operations [Create, Read, Update, and Delete etc.]

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