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Different words with same New England: Clicker In the South: Kernel

Everywhere else: Remote Out West: Pit
1. Carbonated beverages control
Everywhere except the
In the South: Coke 7. Ice cream toppings Northeast: Seed

In the Midwest: Pop New England and the Mid- 14. Candy pops
Atlantic: Jimmies
In the Northeast: Soda In the South: Sucker
Everywhere else: Sprinkles
Out West: Pop and Soda In the Northeast: Lollipop
8. Water taps
2. Submarine sandwich In the Midwest: Sucker
In the South: Spigot
Pennsylvania: Hoagie 15. Rubber-soled athletic
Everywhere else: Faucet shoes
New England: Grinder
9. Milk and ice cream The Northeast: Sneakers
New York City: Hero blended drinks
South Florida: Sneakers
New Orleans: Po' Boy Boston: Frappe
Everywhere Else: Tennis
Everywhere else: Sub Everywhere else: Milkshake shoes

3. Eggs made in boiling 10. Bell peppers 16. Bugs that light up
In the Midwest: Mangoes East Coast: Lightning bugs
New England: Dropped
Everywhere else: Green bell West Coast: Firefly
Everywhere else: Poached peppers

4. Flat cakes 11. Sofas

North Carolina: Flapjack Midwest: Davenport or couch

Everywhere else: Pancake Upstate New York:

5. Drinking fountains
New England: Sofa
In Wisconsin, Rhode Island
and eastern Massachusetts: 12. Fold-over wallet
In the Northeast: Wallet
In the North and West:
Drinking fountain In the South: Billfold

Everywhere else: Water 13. Peach seed

In the Northeast: Pit
6. TV channel changer

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