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Egg Retrieval ( Best IVF Treatment in Chhattisgarh )

Egg retrieval process in India

The egg retrieval starts with the preparation stage when the ovaries are stimulated to produce eggs
and then monitored. Once the eggs reached the correct size, a dose of hCG(human chorionic
gonadotropin) hormone is administered to trigger final maturation. 36 hours after this the eggs are
retrieved. Normally the eggs retrieval is performed under moderate sedation and the donor sleeps
right through the process.

The actual process of egg collection is known as ultrasound-guided transvaginal aspiration. An

ultrasound probe projects the images of the ovary and other organs while a fine needle is inserted
into the ovary. Viewing the magnified image via the ultrasound probe, the physician locates each
individual follicle and gently sucks in the egg via the needle. This process is known as aspiration. The
fluid and the egg are collected from each ovary and are taken to the lab for preparation before
fertilization. The process takes up to 15 minutes. The donor is kept under observation for a couple of
hours and can then go home.

The donor might experience little uneasiness, soreness or cramps after the process. Rest is advised.
The patients are examined for signs and advised on a one to one basis. The medicines and sedatives
might cause dizziness for some time. Hence it is advisable that the patient does not involve in any
driving or any other strenuous activity.

The egg transfer happens three to five days after the egg retrieval process.

Egg retrieval Treatment in India

The egg retrieval process at Raipur IVF happens under the supervision of highly experienced
physicians and gynecologists. The doctors have experience of success in several cases and thus have
the confidence and vision to guide you through the process. Each donor is individually examined with
respect to all past history and then carefully

selected for the process. During the process, optimal care is provided to ensure that the eggs are of
excellent quality. The nurses and doctors make sure that the patient is comfortable throughout the

The entire procedure happens in the observation of highly trained staff and under the most stringent

Once the eggs are retrieved they are prepared clinically and then transferred back after 3-5 days.
During this process, doctors will ensure that you receive good care and required medication so that
your uterus is prepared for receiving the egg. After transferring the egg, pregnancy tests will be done
to monitor the growth of the embryo and ensure that the pregnancy is proceeding normally.

Success rate at Raipur IVF

At Raipur IVF we ensure that the highest standards of medicine are upheld and all guidelines are
followed. It is very difficult to predict the success rate for the egg retrieval process as the outcome
depends on several factors like an individual patient medical characteristics, treatment approaches
etc. Hence it would be unhealthy to give an exact success rate or compare with other clinics.

However, we will be definitely proud to discuss with you several cases that we have successfully
assisted in this line of treatment.

The one golden rule that is applicable here is that success rate is most dependent on the age of the
woman. So whereas a woman at 35 has a 50 % chance of becoming pregnant after the procedure for
a woman aged 42 and above the rates are as low as 17-18%.

Egg retrieval Treatment cost

Our package includes the complete cost for the TVOR procedure including doctor’s fees, room
charges, and the procedure costs. Medicines charges are extra as they will be prescribed based on
the physical health of the patient.

The Raipur IVF advantage

Raipur IVF has been the pioneers in introducing assisted reproduction and has been one of the first
clinics in India specializing in various forms of infertility treatments using assisted means of

At the Raipur IVF Centre, we diagnose and treat infertility with the latest methods in technology and
training. We offer a gamut of medical and surgical options ranging from simple treatment to the
latest and most complicated methods in treating infertility
Treatment available at the Raipur IVF is comparable to the latest and most sophisticated standards
set anywhere in the world. The hospital aims to provide its patients with world-class treatment at a
fraction of the cost available anywhere else.

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